/// <summary> /// Returns all repetitions of Reference (normal) range - ordinal and continuous observations (OM2- /// 7). /// </summary> /// /// <exception cref="Exception"> Thrown when an exception error condition occurs. </exception> /// /// <returns> An array of centimetres rfr. </returns> public CM_RFR[] GetReferenceNormalRangeOrdinalContinuousObservations() { CM_RFR[] ret = null; try { IType[] t = this.GetField(7); ret = new CM_RFR[t.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++) { ret[i] = (CM_RFR)t[i]; } } catch (HL7Exception he) { HapiLogFactory.GetHapiLog(this.GetType()).Error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value. This is a bug.", he); throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he); } catch (System.Exception cce) { HapiLogFactory.GetHapiLog(GetType()).Error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value. This is a bug.", cce); throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce); } return(ret); }
///<summary> /// Returns all repetitions of Specimen Source Site Modifier (SPM-9). ///</summary> public CWE[] GetSpecimenSourceSiteModifier() { CWE[] ret = null; try { IType[] t = this.GetField(9); ret = new CWE[t.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++) { ret[i] = (CWE)t[i]; } } catch (HL7Exception he) { HapiLogFactory.GetHapiLog(this.GetType()).Error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value. This is a bug.", he); throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he); } catch (System.Exception cce) { HapiLogFactory.GetHapiLog(GetType()).Error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value. This is a bug.", cce); throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce); } return(ret); }
/// <summary> /// initalize method for RCL_I06. This does the segment setup for the message. /// </summary> /// /// <param name="factory"> The factory. </param> private void init(IModelClassFactory factory) { try { this.add(typeof(MSH), true, false); this.add(typeof(MSA), true, false); this.add(typeof(QRD), true, false); this.add(typeof(QRF), false, false); this.add(typeof(RCL_I06_PROVIDER), true, true); this.add(typeof(PID), true, false); this.add(typeof(DG1), false, true); this.add(typeof(DRG), false, true); this.add(typeof(AL1), false, true); this.add(typeof(NTE), false, true); this.add(typeof(DSP), false, true); this.add(typeof(DSC), false, false); } catch (HL7Exception e) { HapiLogFactory.GetHapiLog(GetType()).Error("Unexpected error creating RCL_I06 - this is probably a bug in the source code generator.", e); } }
///<summary> /// Returns all repetitions of Provider Identifiers (PRD-7). ///</summary> public CM_PI[] GetProviderIdentifiers() { CM_PI[] ret = null; try { IType[] t = this.GetField(7); ret = new CM_PI[t.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++) { ret[i] = (CM_PI)t[i]; } } catch (HL7Exception he) { HapiLogFactory.GetHapiLog(this.GetType()).Error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value. This is a bug.", he); throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he); } catch (System.Exception cce) { HapiLogFactory.GetHapiLog(GetType()).Error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value. This is a bug.", cce); throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce); } return(ret); }
///<summary> /// Returns all repetitions of Entered By (ORC-10). ///</summary> public XCN[] GetEnteredBy() { XCN[] ret = null; try { IType[] t = this.GetField(10); ret = new XCN[t.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++) { ret[i] = (XCN)t[i]; } } catch (HL7Exception he) { HapiLogFactory.GetHapiLog(this.GetType()).Error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value. This is a bug.", he); throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he); } catch (System.Exception cce) { HapiLogFactory.GetHapiLog(GetType()).Error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value. This is a bug.", cce); throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce); } return(ret); }
///<summary> /// Returns all repetitions of Document Control Number (UB2-12). ///</summary> public ST[] GetDocumentControlNumber() { ST[] ret = null; try { IType[] t = this.GetField(12); ret = new ST[t.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++) { ret[i] = (ST)t[i]; } } catch (HL7Exception he) { HapiLogFactory.GetHapiLog(this.GetType()).Error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value. This is a bug.", he); throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he); } catch (System.Exception cce) { HapiLogFactory.GetHapiLog(GetType()).Error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value. This is a bug.", cce); throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce); } return(ret); }
///<summary> /// Returns all repetitions of Events Scheduled This Time Point (CM2-4). ///</summary> public CE[] GetEventsScheduledThisTimePoint() { CE[] ret = null; try { IType[] t = this.GetField(4); ret = new CE[t.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++) { ret[i] = (CE)t[i]; } } catch (HL7Exception he) { HapiLogFactory.GetHapiLog(this.GetType()).Error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value. This is a bug.", he); throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he); } catch (System.Exception cce) { HapiLogFactory.GetHapiLog(GetType()).Error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value. This is a bug.", cce); throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce); } return(ret); }
///<summary> /// Returns all repetitions of Second Opinion Documentation Received (IN3-24). ///</summary> public IS[] GetSecondOpinionDocumentationReceived() { IS[] ret = null; try { IType[] t = this.GetField(24); ret = new IS[t.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++) { ret[i] = (IS)t[i]; } } catch (HL7Exception he) { HapiLogFactory.GetHapiLog(this.GetType()).Error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value. This is a bug.", he); throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he); } catch (System.Exception cce) { HapiLogFactory.GetHapiLog(GetType()).Error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value. This is a bug.", cce); throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce); } return(ret); }
/// <summary> Returns all repetitions of Study Randomization Date/time (CSR-11). </summary> /// /// <exception cref="Exception"> Thrown when an exception error condition occurs. </exception> /// /// <returns> An array of ts. </returns> public TS[] GetStudyRandomizationDateTime() { TS[] ret = null; try { IType[] t = this.GetField(11); ret = new TS[t.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++) { ret[i] = (TS)t[i]; } } catch (HL7Exception he) { HapiLogFactory.GetHapiLog(this.GetType()).Error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value. This is a bug.", he); throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he); } catch (System.Exception cce) { HapiLogFactory.GetHapiLog(GetType()).Error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value. This is a bug.", cce); throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce); } return(ret); }
///<summary> /// Returns all repetitions of Primary Key Value - MFE (MFE-4). ///</summary> public Varies[] GetPrimaryKeyValueMFE() { Varies[] ret = null; try { IType[] t = this.GetField(4); ret = new Varies[t.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++) { ret[i] = (Varies)t[i]; } } catch (HL7Exception he) { HapiLogFactory.GetHapiLog(this.GetType()).Error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value. This is a bug.", he); throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he); } catch (System.Exception cce) { HapiLogFactory.GetHapiLog(GetType()).Error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value. This is a bug.", cce); throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce); } return(ret); }
///<summary> /// initalize method for RDR_RDR. This does the segment setup for the message. ///</summary> private void init(IModelClassFactory factory) { try { this.add(typeof(MSH), true, false); this.add(typeof(MSA), true, false); this.add(typeof(ERR), false, true); this.add(typeof(SFT), false, false); this.add(typeof(SFT), false, true); this.add(typeof(UAC), false, false); this.add(typeof(RDR_RDR_DEFINITION), true, true); this.add(typeof(RXC), false, true); this.add(typeof(DSC), false, false); this.add(typeof(RXD), true, false); this.add(typeof(RXR), true, true); this.add(typeof(RXC), false, true); this.add(typeof(DSC), false, false); } catch (HL7Exception e) { HapiLogFactory.GetHapiLog(GetType()).Error("Unexpected error creating RDR_RDR - this is probably a bug in the source code generator.", e); } }
///<summary> /// initalize method for RRI_I13. This does the segment setup for the message. ///</summary> private void init(IModelClassFactory factory) { try { this.add(typeof(MSH), true, false); this.add(typeof(MSA), false, false); this.add(typeof(RF1), false, false); this.add(typeof(RRI_I13_AUTHORIZATION), false, false); this.add(typeof(RRI_I13_PROVIDER), true, true); this.add(typeof(PID), true, false); this.add(typeof(ACC), false, false); this.add(typeof(DG1), false, true); this.add(typeof(DRG), false, true); this.add(typeof(AL1), false, true); this.add(typeof(RRI_I13_PROCEDURE), false, true); this.add(typeof(RRI_I13_RESULTS), false, true); this.add(typeof(RRI_I13_VISIT), false, false); this.add(typeof(NTE), false, true); } catch(HL7Exception e) { HapiLogFactory.GetHapiLog(GetType()).Error("Unexpected error creating RRI_I13 - this is probably a bug in the source code generator.", e); } }
/** * Creates a CM0 (Clinical Study Master) segment object that belongs to the given * message. */ public CM0(IGroup parent, IModelClassFactory factory) : base(parent, factory) { IMessage message = Message; try { this.add(typeof(SI), false, 1, 4, new System.Object[] { message }, "CM0 - Set ID"); this.add(typeof(EI), true, 1, 60, new System.Object[] { message }, "Sponsor Study ID"); this.add(typeof(CE), false, 3, 60, new System.Object[] { message }, "Alternate Study ID"); this.add(typeof(ST), true, 1, 300, new System.Object[] { message }, "Title of Study"); this.add(typeof(XCN), false, 1, 60, new System.Object[] { message }, "Chairman of Study"); this.add(typeof(DT), false, 1, 8, new System.Object[] { message }, "Last IRB Approval Date"); this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 8, new System.Object[] { message }, "Total Accrual to Date"); this.add(typeof(DT), false, 1, 8, new System.Object[] { message }, "Last Accrual Date"); this.add(typeof(XCN), false, 1, 60, new System.Object[] { message }, "Contact for Study"); this.add(typeof(XTN), false, 1, 40, new System.Object[] { message }, "Contact's Tel. Number"); this.add(typeof(XAD), false, 1, 100, new System.Object[] { message }, "Contact's Address"); } catch (HL7Exception he) { HapiLogFactory.GetHapiLog(GetType()).Error("Can't instantiate " + GetType().Name, he); } }
/// <summary> Initializes a new instance of the OM2 class. </summary> /// /// <param name="parent"> The parent. </param> /// <param name="factory"> The factory. </param> public OM2(IGroup parent, IModelClassFactory factory) : base(parent, factory) { IMessage message = Message; try { this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 3, new System.Object[] { message }, "Segment Type ID"); this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 4, new System.Object[] { message }, "Sequence Number - Test/ Observation Master File"); this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 60, new System.Object[] { message }, "Units of Measure"); this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 10, new System.Object[] { message }, "Range of Decimal Precision"); this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 60, new System.Object[] { message }, "Corresponding SI Units of Measure"); this.add(typeof(TX), true, 0, 20, new System.Object[] { message }, "SI Conversion Factor"); this.add(typeof(CM_RFR), false, 0, 200, new System.Object[] { message }, "Reference (normal) range - ordinal and continuous observations"); this.add(typeof(CM_RANGE), false, 1, 200, new System.Object[] { message }, "Critical range for ordinal and continuous observations"); this.add(typeof(CM_ABS_RANGE), false, 1, 200, new System.Object[] { message }, "Absolute range for ordinal and continuous observations"); this.add(typeof(CM_DLT), false, 0, 200, new System.Object[] { message }, "Delta Check Criteria"); this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 20, new System.Object[] { message }, "Minimum Meaningful Increments"); } catch (HL7Exception he) { HapiLogFactory.GetHapiLog(GetType()).Error("Can't instantiate " + GetType().Name, he); } }
/** * Creates a TQ1 (Timing/Quantity) segment object that belongs to the given * message. */ public TQ1(IGroup parent, IModelClassFactory factory) : base(parent,factory) { IMessage message = Message; try { this.add(typeof(SI), false, 1, 4, new System.Object[]{message}, "Set ID - TQ1"); this.add(typeof(CQ), false, 1, 20, new System.Object[]{message}, "Quantity"); this.add(typeof(RPT), false, 0, 540, new System.Object[]{message}, "Repeat Pattern"); this.add(typeof(TM), false, 0, 20, new System.Object[]{message}, "Explicit Time"); this.add(typeof(CQ), false, 0, 20, new System.Object[]{message}, "Relative Time and Units"); this.add(typeof(CQ), false, 1, 20, new System.Object[]{message}, "Service Duration"); this.add(typeof(DTM), false, 1, 24, new System.Object[]{message}, "Start date/time"); this.add(typeof(DTM), false, 1, 24, new System.Object[]{message}, "End date/time"); this.add(typeof(CWE), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Priority"); this.add(typeof(TX), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Condition text"); this.add(typeof(TX), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Text instruction"); this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 10, new System.Object[]{message, 472}, "Conjunction"); this.add(typeof(CQ), false, 1, 20, new System.Object[]{message}, "Occurrence duration"); this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 10, new System.Object[]{message}, "Total occurrences"); } catch (HL7Exception he) { HapiLogFactory.GetHapiLog(GetType()).Error("Can't instantiate " + GetType().Name, he); } }
///<summary> /// Creates a new OMG_O19_ORDER Group. ///</summary> public OMG_O19_ORDER(IGroup parent, IModelClassFactory factory) : base(parent, factory) { try { this.add(typeof(ORC), true, false); this.add(typeof(PRT), false, true); this.add(typeof(OMG_O19_TIMING), false, true); this.add(typeof(OBR), true, false); this.add(typeof(NTE), false, true); this.add(typeof(PRT), false, true); this.add(typeof(CTD), false, false); this.add(typeof(DG1), false, true); this.add(typeof(OMG_O19_OBSERVATION), false, true); this.add(typeof(OMG_O19_SPECIMEN), false, true); this.add(typeof(OMG_O19_PRIOR_RESULT), false, true); this.add(typeof(FT1), false, true); this.add(typeof(CTI), false, true); this.add(typeof(BLG), false, false); } catch (HL7Exception e) { HapiLogFactory.GetHapiLog(GetType()).Error("Unexpected error creating OMG_O19_ORDER - this is probably a bug in the source code generator.", e); } }
/** * Creates a BPO (Blood product order) segment object that belongs to the given * message. */ public BPO(IGroup parent, IModelClassFactory factory) : base(parent,factory) { IMessage message = Message; try { this.add(typeof(SI), true, 1, 4, new System.Object[]{message}, "Set ID - BPO"); this.add(typeof(CWE), true, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "BP Universal Service ID"); this.add(typeof(CWE), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "BP Processing Requirements"); this.add(typeof(NM), true, 1, 5, new System.Object[]{message}, "BP Quantity"); this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 5, new System.Object[]{message}, "BP Amount"); this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "BP Units"); this.add(typeof(TS), false, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "BP Intended Use Date/Time"); this.add(typeof(PL), false, 1, 80, new System.Object[]{message}, "BP Intended Dispense From Location"); this.add(typeof(XAD), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "BP Intended Dispense From Address"); this.add(typeof(TS), false, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "BP Requested Dispense Date/Time"); this.add(typeof(PL), false, 1, 80, new System.Object[]{message}, "BP Requested Dispense To Location"); this.add(typeof(XAD), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "BP Requested Dispense To Address"); this.add(typeof(CWE), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "BP Indication for Use"); this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 136}, "BP Informed Consent Indicator"); } catch (HL7Exception he) { HapiLogFactory.GetHapiLog(GetType()).Error("Can't instantiate " + GetType().Name, he); } }