internal async Task <DataTable> get_lines_with_ship_agent_code(HandoverLineNew handover_Line_New) { SqlConnection cn = null; try { string sub_manifest_no = ""; for (int i = 0; i < handover_Line_New.sub_manifest_no.Length; i++) { if (i == handover_Line_New.sub_manifest_no.Length - 1) { sub_manifest_no = sub_manifest_no + "'" + handover_Line_New.sub_manifest_no[i] + "'"; } else { sub_manifest_no = sub_manifest_no + "'" + handover_Line_New.sub_manifest_no[i] + "',"; } } ; cn = Connection.GetConnection(); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(@"SELECT 'TRUE' as condition, '0' AS selected_item, 'No' AS cancelled, mlan.manifest_no, mlan.sub_manifest_no, mlan.[sub_manifest_line_no], mlan.ship_agent_code, mlan.awb_no, mlan.web_order_no FROM dbo.manifest_line_awb_no mlan INNER JOIN manifest_header mh ON mh.manifest_no = mlan.manifest_no WHERE mh.location_id = " + handover_Line_New.LocationId + " and mh.status = 'CREATED' AND mlan.ship_agent_code = '" + handover_Line_New.ship_agent_code + "' " + "AND mlan.sub_manifest_no IN (" + sub_manifest_no + ") AND mlan.posted = 0", cn); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); da.Fill(dt); da.Dispose(); return(dt); } catch (Exception) { throw; } finally { Connection.CloseConnection(ref cn); } }
public async Task <JsonResult> get_lines_with_ship_agent_code([FromBody] HandoverLineNew handover_Line_New) { try { DataTable dt = await _manifestLogic.get_lines_with_ship_agent_code(handover_Line_New).ConfigureAwait(false); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { return(new JsonResult(dt)); } else { return(await _manifestLogic.SendRespose("False", "No Record Found").ConfigureAwait(false)); } } catch (Exception ee) { return(await _manifestLogic.SendRespose("False", ee.Message).ConfigureAwait(false)); } }