コード例 #1
    public override void StartActionExecution()
        // remove and destroy the card in hand
        HandVis    playerHand = p.pArea.handVisual;
        GameObject card       = IDHolder.GetGameObjectWithID(cl.UniqueCardID);

        // enable hover previews back
        HoverOnCard.PreviewsAllowed = true;

        // Move this card to the spot
        p.pArea.tableVisual.AddCreatureAtIndex(cl.ct, creatureID, tablePos);
コード例 #2
    // Once the player has dragged a card over a valid table slot, play it. Unless the player can't play that card (mana/not their turn)
    public override void OnEndDrag()
        // Store the potential mana outcome if the player were to play the current card that's getting dragged around
        manaConversion = playerOwner.CurrentMana - manager.card.manaCost;
        // Check if the drag was succesful (struck a place on the board) && mana would be valid && if it's the players turn / has control.
        if (DragSuccessful() && manaConversion >= 0 && playerOwner.CanControl)
            // determine the table pos
            int tablePos = playerOwner.pArea.tableVisual.TablePosForNewCreature(Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(
                                                                                    new Vector3(Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y, transform.position.z - Camera.main.transform.position.z)).x);

            // Play the card
            playerOwner.PlayACreatureFromHand(GetComponent <IDHolder>().UniqueID, tablePos);
        else         // Return the card to the players hand - REFACTOR / ADD: UI elements to explain why that card can't be added to the board.
            // set old sorting order
            whereIsTheCard.VisualState = tempSTate;
            // move this card back to its slot pos
            HandVis PlayerHand = playerOwner.pArea.handVisual;
            Vector3 oldCardPos = PlayerHand.slots.Slots[savedHandSlot].transform.localPosition;
            transform.DOLocalMove(oldCardPos, 1f);
            // Check why the card couldn't be played
            if (!(playerOwner.CanControl))
                playerOwner.pArea.changeErrorText("It isn't your turn");
            else if (manaConversion < 0)
                playerOwner.pArea.changeErrorText("You don't have enough mana to play this card");
            else if (!DragSuccessful())
                playerOwner.pArea.changeErrorText("Please drag the card to a valid position");