public void CutWithPlane(Plane plane) { float sTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; GameObject child = gameObject.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject; meshFilter = child.GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); mesh = meshFilter.mesh; InitHalfEdgeMesh(); bool[] visited = new bool[heMesh.halfEdges.Count]; List <HalfEdge> newHalfEdges = new List <HalfEdge>(); int s = heMesh.halfEdges.Count; int rightCount = 0; int leftCount = 0; Vector3 newVertCoord =; int onCount = 0; /* * Dictionary<Vector3, Vector2> uvMap = new Dictionary<Vector3, Vector2>(); * List<Vector2> uvs = new List<Vector2>(); * mesh.GetUVs(0, uvs); * for (int i = 0; i < mesh.vertices.Length; i++) * { * if (!uvMap.ContainsKey(mesh.vertices[i])) { * uvMap.Add(mesh.vertices[i], uvs[i]); * } * }*/ for (int i = 0; i < s; i++) { if (visited[i]) { continue; } // mark this and the opposite as visited HalfEdge he = heMesh.halfEdges[i]; HalfEdge heOpp = heMesh.halfEdges[he.oppositeIndex]; visited[he.index] = true; visited[heOpp.index] = true; // Check if intersection with plane Vector3 v0 = heMesh.vertices[he.verIndex].v; Vector3 v1 = heMesh.vertices[heOpp.verIndex].v; // First Set vertex plane config Vector3 c0 = v0 - plane.point; Vector3 c1 = v1 - plane.point; float c0_dot = Vector3.Dot(c0, plane.normal); float c1_dot = Vector3.Dot(c1, plane.normal); float eps = 0.0001f; if (Mathf.Abs(c0_dot) < eps) { heMesh.vertices[he.verIndex].config = PlaneConfig.On; } else if (c0_dot <= -eps) { heMesh.vertices[he.verIndex].config = PlaneConfig.Right; rightCount++; } else if (c0_dot >= eps) { heMesh.vertices[he.verIndex].config = PlaneConfig.Left; leftCount++; } if (Mathf.Abs(c1_dot) < eps) { heMesh.vertices[heOpp.verIndex].config = PlaneConfig.On; } else if (c1_dot <= -eps) { rightCount++; heMesh.vertices[heOpp.verIndex].config = PlaneConfig.Right; } else if (c1_dot >= eps) { leftCount++; heMesh.vertices[heOpp.verIndex].config = PlaneConfig.Left; } float t; Vector3 iPoint = Plane.LinePlaneIntersect(plane, v0, v1, out t); if (t > 1.0f - eps || t < 0.0f + eps) { // No intersection on line segment OR parallel with plane continue; } // Debug.Log(t); // add new intersection vertex to half-edge structure HEVertex iVert = new HEVertex(); iVert.v = iPoint; onCount += 1; newVertCoord += iPoint; iVert.heIndex = (short)heMesh.halfEdges.Count; iVert.config = PlaneConfig.On; heMesh.vertices.Add(iVert); HalfEdge[] newHEs = HalfEdge.CreateFromTwo(he, heOpp, (short)heMesh.halfEdges.Count, (short)(heMesh.vertices.Count - 1)); heMesh.halfEdges.Add(newHEs[0]); heMesh.halfEdges.Add(newHEs[1]); iPoints.Add(iPoint); } if (leftCount == 0 || rightCount == 0) { // Do nothing!!!! return; } heMesh.Triangulate(); HalfEdgeMesh rightMesh = new HalfEdgeMesh(); HalfEdgeMesh leftMesh = new HalfEdgeMesh(); heMesh.SplitInLeftAndRightMesh(leftMesh, rightMesh); GameObject copy = Instantiate(objectToCopy); GameObject childCopy = copy.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject; SliceableWithPlane copyDebug = copy.GetComponent <SliceableWithPlane>(); newVertCoord /= (float)onCount; rightMesh.CapClipPlane(plane.normal, newVertCoord); copyDebug.heMesh = rightMesh; copyDebug.meshFilter = childCopy.GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); copyDebug.meshFilter.mesh = rightMesh.GetMesh(); // MeshFilter mfCpy = copy.GetComponent<MeshFilter>(); leftMesh.CapClipPlane(-plane.normal, newVertCoord); meshFilter.mesh = leftMesh.GetMesh(); /* * List<Vector2> newUVs = new List<Vector2>(); * foreach (Vector3 v in meshFilter.mesh.vertices) * { * if (!uvMap.ContainsKey(v)) * { * newUVs.Add(; * } else * { * newUVs.Add(uvMap[v]); * } * } * meshFilter.mesh.SetUVs(0, newUVs); */ copyDebug.cutPlane = cutPlane; //heMesh.CreateStructureFromMesh(mesh); //copyDebug.heMesh.CreateStructureFromMesh(copyDebug.meshFilter.mesh); child.GetComponent <MeshCollider>().sharedMesh = null; child.GetComponent <MeshCollider>().sharedMesh = meshFilter.mesh; childCopy.GetComponent <MeshCollider>().sharedMesh = null; childCopy.GetComponent <MeshCollider>().sharedMesh = copyDebug.meshFilter.mesh; // child.GetComponent<MeshCollider>().gameObject.SetActive(true); float eTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup - sTime; Debug.Log("Time taken = " + eTime); }