コード例 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Kills all ExeModules.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="os">The OS.</param>
 /// <param name="shouldWrite">If set to <c>true</c> will write success to the OS.</param>
 public static void KillAllExecutableModules(this Hacknet.OS os, bool shouldWrite = false)
     for (int i = os.exes.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Kills the first ExeModules on the OS that matches the string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns><c>true</c>, if ExeModule was killed, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
        /// <param name="os">The OS.</param>
        /// <param name="input">The input string (or string representation of the integer PID) to search against.</param>
        /// <param name="searchName">If set to <c>true</c> then can search by IdentifierName.</param>
        /// <param name="shouldWrite">If set to <c>true</c> will write success and failure to the OS.</param>
        public static bool KillExecutableModule(this Hacknet.OS os, string input, bool searchName = false, bool shouldWrite = false)
            int i;

            Hacknet.ExeModule mod = null;
            input = input.Trim();
            if (int.TryParse(input, out i))
                mod = os.exes.Find((obj) => obj.PID == i);
                if (mod == null && shouldWrite)
                    os.WriteLine(Locale.Get("Invalid PID"));
            else if (searchName && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input))
                mod = os.exes.Find((obj) => obj.IdentifierName == input);
                if (mod == null && shouldWrite)
                    os.WriteLine(Locale.Get("Invalid Identifier Name"));
            else if (shouldWrite)
                os.WriteLine(Locale.Get("Error: Invalid PID or Input Format"));
            return(mod?.Kill(shouldWrite) ?? false);
コード例 #3
        public static bool TemplateModVersion(Hacknet.OS os, List <string> args)
            os.write("Template Mod version 1 !");
            if (os.thisComputer.AddModPort("Template Mod.tempPort"))
                os.write("tempPort added");
            var bin = os.thisComputer.GetFilesystem().Directory.FindDirectory("bin");

            if (Pathfinder.Executable.Handler.GetStandardFileDataBy("Template Mod.TempExe") != null)
            if (!bin.ContainsFile("derpy"))
                bin.CreateFile("derpy", "derpyderp");
            if (!bin.ContainsFile("derp.exe") && bin.CreateExecutableFile("derp.exe", "Template Mod.TempExe") != null)
                os.write("TempExe added");
            if (new Random().Next(1, 100) > 50)
                throw new System.Exception("throwing stuff");
コード例 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Kills the ExeModules on the OS.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns><c>true</c>, if ExeModule was killed, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
 /// <param name="os">The OS.</param>
 /// <param name="module">The ExeModule to kill.</param>
 /// <param name="shouldWrite">If set to <c>true</c> then success will be written to the OS.</param>
 public static bool KillExecutableModule(this Hacknet.OS os, Hacknet.ExeModule module, bool shouldWrite = false)
     if (os.exes.Contains(module))
コード例 #5
        // Hook location : OS.LoadContent()
        public static bool onLoadSession(Hacknet.OS self)
            var loadSessionEvent = new Event.LoadSessionEvent(self);

            if (loadSessionEvent.IsCancelled)
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the List of ExeModule whose Type is exactly instanceType
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="instanceType">The exact Type to search for in the Executable List</param>
        public static List <Hacknet.ExeModule> GetExesFor(this Hacknet.OS os, Type instanceType)
            var result = new List <Hacknet.ExeModule>();

            foreach (var e in os.exes)
                if (e.GetType() == instanceType)
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the List of Executable.Instance whose Type is exactly instanceType
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="interfaceType">The exact Type to search for in the Executable List</param>
        public static List <Executable.Instance> GetModExeInterfaceFor(this Hacknet.OS os, Type interfaceType)
            var result = new List <Executable.Instance>();

            foreach (var e in os.GetExesFor <Executable.Instance>())
                if (e.Interface.GetType() == interfaceType)
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the List of Executable.Instance List whose Type is or is derived from T
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">The Type or derivative of the type to search for in the Executable List</typeparam>
        public static List <Executable.Instance> GetModExeInterfaceFor <T>(this Hacknet.OS os) where T : Executable.Interface
            var result = new List <Executable.Instance>();

            foreach (var e in os.GetExesFor <Executable.Instance>())
                if (e.Interface is T)
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the List of ExeModule List whose Type is or is derived from T
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">The Type or derivative of the type to search for in the Executable List</typeparam>
        public static List <T> GetExesFor <T>(this Hacknet.OS os) where T : Hacknet.ExeModule
            var result = new List <T>();

            foreach (var e in os.exes)
                if (e is T)
                    result.Add(e as T);
コード例 #10
 public CommandSentEvent(Hacknet.OS os, string[] args) : base(os, args)
コード例 #11
 public CommandEvent(Hacknet.OS os, string[] args) : base(os)
     Input = string.Join(" ", args);
コード例 #12
        // Hook location : end of OS.LoadContent()
        public static void onPostLoadSession(Hacknet.OS self)
            var postLoadSessionEvent = new Event.PostLoadSessionEvent(self);

コード例 #13
ファイル: LongVariables.cs プロジェクト: oxygencraft/DebugMod
        public static string IRCLog(Hacknet.OS os)
            string IRCLogData = @"#11:34//D3f4ult//Man, the spindown time on TorrentStreamInjector is so damn annoying.
#11:35//D3f4ult//The port is saturated just fine after a few seconds, but it hangs around forever. Makes me want to decompile it, but I bet it|##SIQ##|s a mess in there.
#11:35//Coel//That|##SIQ##|s not really a problem though, is it?
#11:35//D3f4ult//It kinda slows me down, and is annoying, how is that not a problem?
#11:35//Coel//ps -|##RAB##| kill the process when it|##SIQ##|s done what you want, what|##SIQ##|s the problem?
#11:35//D3f4ult//I actually never even thought of that. Don|##SIQ##|t mind me.
#11:34//Channel//User |##QOT##|" + os.defaultUser.name + @"|##QOT##| added to whitelist.
#11:34//Kaguya//@channel, I|##SIQ##|d like to welcome " + os.defaultUser.name + @"to the fold.
#11:35//Kaguya//@" + os.defaultUser.name + @"- congratulations on beating the trials.
The others are out on assignments right now - there should be time for you to catch up if you want in on this round.
#11:35//Kaguya//You|##SIQ##|re on the team now, so the final contract belongs to you.
#11:35//Kaguya//Contracts are on a first come first served system here - I mostly take care of admin, recon and all that - making sure everyone has stuff to do that builds towards our goals, and everyone has all the tools and info they need to do their work.
#11:35//Kaguya//@Coel, @D3f4ult - introduce yourselves when you|##SIQ##|ve got a sec.
#11:35//Kaguya//In the meantime @" + os.defaultUser.name + @", check out the server and take a look at that last job.
#11:35//Kaguya//Welcome to the team.
#11:35//D3f4ult//Hey @" + os.defaultUser.name + @", good to have you with us.
#11:35//Channel//CONTRACT CLAIMED: @" + os.defaultUser.name + @" claimed contract |##QOT##|The Ricer|##QOT##|
#11:36//Coel//Welcome to the team @" + os.defaultUser.name + @"!
#11:39//D3f4ult//Decryption setup complete!
#11:39//D3f4ult//Unfortunately it|##SIQ##|s not that portable yet - I|##SIQ##|ll get to work building a new shareable .exe for it
#11:39//D3f4ult//But for now just run stuff past me and I|##SIQ##|ll take a look.
#11:38//Coel//I wonder how long it|##SIQ##|ll take until you|##SIQ##|ve spent more time decrypting stuff for us than it|##SIQ##|d have taken you to set this up properly.
#11:38//D3f4ult//Ok, yes I am ashamed of myself, but no I|##SIQ##|m not answering that. It works, it|##SIQ##|ll be better when I|##SIQ##|ve got time. I|##SIQ##|m sure we can all live with that for now -_-
#11:38//Coel//We have to, don|##SIQ##|t we?
#11:39//Channel//CONTRACT COMPLETE: @" + os.defaultUser.name + @" completed contract |##QOT##|The Ricer|##QOT##|
#11:39//D3f4ult//Alright, I|##SIQ##|m looking at this SSL stuff, getting it decrypted and packed into something convenient.
#11:39//D3f4ult//It actually looks like most of this is already done for me here - i|##SIQ##|ve seen this trojan style before..
#11:39//D3f4ult//It|##SIQ##|s a bit untested, but this build is usable if you want to rush into it. I|##SIQ##|ve uploaded it to the drop server (/bin).
#11:39//D3f4ult//!ATTACHMENT:link#%#Bibliotheque DropServer#%#
#11:39//D3f4ult//!ATTACHMENT:account#%#Bibliotheque DropServer#%#
#11:39//D3f4ult//Ok, so basically this program tunnels through an already opened port to hijack the SSL one.
#11:39//D3f4ult//So you|##SIQ##|ll need to provide it not only the SSL port number, but also a flag to say which port you want to tunnel through, and *THAT* port|##SIQ##|s number.
#11:39//D3f4ult//Current flags are -s, -w and -f, for ssh, http and ftp respectively.
#11:39//D3f4ult//Use it like this
#11:40//D3f4ult//SSLTrojan |##LSB##|SSL NUMBER|##RSB##| |##LSB##|FLAG|##RSB##| |##LSB##|TUNNEL PORT NUMBER|##RSB##|
#11:40//D3f4ult//Summary guide:
#11:40//D3f4ult//!ATTACHMENT:note#%#SSL Trojan Usage#%#SSLTrojan |##LSB##|1|##RSB##| |##LSB##|2|##RSB##| |##LSB##|3|##RSB##|
1 = Port number of SSL Port
2 =
|##QOT##|-s|##QOT##| for SSH Tunnel
|##QOT##|-f|##QOT##| for FTP Tunnel
|##QOT##|-w|##QOT##| for HTTP Tunnel
3 = Port number of the other service you are tunneling through.
I.E: |##QOT##|SSLTrojan 443 -w 80|##QOT##|
#11:40//D3f4ult//Remember - SSLTrojan goes *THROUGH* another port, so that port has to be open first.
#11:40//D3f4ult//@channel - New toys! Read above.
#11:40//Kaguya//Great rundown @D3f4ult - thanks.
#11:40//Channel//CONTRACT CLAIMED: @" + os.defaultUser.name + @" claimed contract |##QOT##|DDOSer on some critical servers|##QOT##|
#11:45//Channel//CONTRACT COMPLETE: @" + os.defaultUser.name + @" completed contract |##QOT##|DDOSer on some critical servers|##QOT##|
#11:45//Kaguya//@channel ---- UPDATE --- 
#11:45//Kaguya//Excellent work on your recent tasks - It|##SIQ##|s time for a team project.
#11:45//Kaguya//I|##SIQ##|m going to have all of you looking at the same network. It|##SIQ##|s not a race or anything, but this is a complex job that I think will benefit from the group|##SIQ##|s collective attention.
#11:46//Kaguya//Missions are up, good luck all!
#11:46//Channel//CONTRACT CLAIMED: @" + os.defaultUser.name + @" claimed contract |##QOT##|The Hermetic Alchemists - " + os.defaultUser.name + @"|##QOT##|
#11:46//Coel//Looks fun
#11:46//D3f4ult//I|##SIQ##|m loving their tree logo thing
#11:46//Coel//Yeah, for such a super secret organization, they sure put a lot of time into making their servers look fancy
#11:51//D3f4ult//@channel I found an encrypted file on |##QOT##|Solve|##QOT##| that you two might be interested in.
#11:51//D3f4ult//Decrypted, it seems to say that the password to |##QOT##|Rebis|##QOT##| is |##QOT##|clarity|##QOT##|. Doesn|##SIQ##|t seem to be working for me for the admin account though?
#11:51//Coel//Thanks for the heads up @D3f4ult
#11:52//Coel//Are you all set for an eOS scanner btw?
#11:52//D3f4ult//Yeah, I|##SIQ##|m all good.. Why?
#11:52//Coel//You|##SIQ##|ll see :P
#11:57//Coel//@channel - can anyone remind me what the default eOS admin pass is?
#11:57//Kaguya//It|##SIQ##|s |##QOT##|alpine|##QOT##| by default.
#11:59//Channel//CONTRACT COMPLETE: @" + os.defaultUser.name + @" completed contract |##QOT##|The Hermetic Alchemists - " + os.defaultUser.name + @"|##QOT##|
#12:00//Coel//@" + os.defaultUser.name + @" Nice, didn|##SIQ##|t think you|##SIQ##|d beat me to it.
#12:00//D3f4ult//Honestly, I|##SIQ##|m just going to go right ahead and claim full credit with that clutch decryption effort
#12:00//Coel//@D3f4ult zero doubts in my mind that that|##SIQ##|s how everyone sees it
#12:00//Kaguya//Solid work by everyone, great job all
#12:00//Coel//Not trying to beat us to the finish line though @D3f4ult ?
#12:00//D3f4ult//Nah, that|##SIQ##|d go against my motto
#12:00//D3f4ult//|##QOT##|Aim low, and miss|##QOT##|
#12:00//D3f4ult//Besides, *someone* left some logs on Coagula, and apparently *someone else* had to make sure it got cleaned up :P
#12:00//Coel//I am a raft floating on an ocean of pure shame
#12:00//D3f4ult//Fast raft tho :P
#12:01//Channel//CONTRACT CLAIMED: @" + os.defaultUser.name + @" claimed contract |##QOT##|Memory Forensics (2/3)|##QOT##|
#12:03//D3f4ult//@channel , have you tried SignalScramble out yet? From the Alchemists servers?
#12:03//D3f4ult//This thing is crazy
#12:03//Coel//Yeah. It|##SIQ##|s very impressive. Where|##SIQ##|d you hear about this @Kaguya ?
#12:03//Kaguya//Trade secret.
#12:03//Kaguya//Glad you like though. I suspect it|##SIQ##|ll be very useful for some future tasks.
#12:11//Channel//CONTRACT COMPLETE: @" + os.defaultUser.name + @" completed contract |##QOT##|Memory Forensics (2/3)|##QOT##|
#12:12//Channel//CONTRACT CLAIMED: @" + os.defaultUser.name + @" claimed contract |##QOT##|Striker|##SIQ##|s Archives|##QOT##|
#12:15//D3f4ult//Job complete @Coel - sorry you had to deal with that. I|##SIQ##|ve done my best to take care of it cleanly.
#12:15//Coel//Thanks. It|##SIQ##|s something I would have liked to be able to take care of myself but... yeah.
#12:15//D3f4ult//Totally understand, don|##SIQ##|t worry about it. Your job go well?
#12:15//Kaguya//Thanks for dealing with this one @D3f4ult
#12:15//Channel//CONTRACT COMPLETE: @" + os.defaultUser.name + @" completed contract |##QOT##|Striker|##SIQ##|s Archives|##QOT##|
#12:15//D3f4ult//You got it boss.
#12:15//Coel//Yeah - just going over all the Hermetic Alchemist servers again and making sure we|##SIQ##|re all cleaned up. Should be as safe as we|##SIQ##|re going to be from that now.
#12:15//Coel//Someone left some disconnect logs all over the place, but don|##SIQ##|t worry, I didn|##SIQ##|t go snooping.
#12:15//D3f4ult//Ugh, yeah. @Kaguya - any chance you could find us something to deal with DC log stuff?
#12:15//Coel//You mean, other than forkbombing?
#12:16//D3f4ult//It|##SIQ##|s so crude :|##BS##|
#12:16//Coel//mmm, wont argue with that.
#12:16//Kaguya//I|##SIQ##|ll see what I can do. No promises on that one though.
#12:16//Channel//CONTRACT CLAIMED: @" + os.defaultUser.name + @" claimed contract |##QOT##|It Follows|##QOT##|
#12:21//Channel//CONTRACT COMPLETE: @" + os.defaultUser.name + @" completed contract |##QOT##|It Follows|##QOT##|
#12:22//Channel//CONTRACT CLAIMED: @" + os.defaultUser.name + @" claimed contract |##QOT##|Neopals - " + os.defaultUser.name + @"|##QOT##|
#12:23//D3f4ult//You and me for this one " + os.defaultUser.name + @"!
#12:23//D3f4ult//Race you to it :P
#12:23//Coel//Your job looks way more fun than mine ._.
#12:23//D3f4ult//Yeah, good luck on your mysterious secret business too Coel -_-
#12:24//D3f4ult//Ugh, everytime I tab-complete for my FTP breaker it completes to my old one
#12:24//D3f4ult//So frustrating.
#12:24//Coel//You know you could just...
#12:25//Coel//delete the old one...
#12:25//Coel//rename it with mv even?
#12:25//D3f4ult//remember the thing earlier? With the raft?
#12:25//D3f4ult//Something about ocean of shame?
#12:26//Kaguya//Some new information for once you|##SIQ##|re into the mainframe @channel
#12:26//Kaguya//Looks like their database is a little less fancy than I thought - they store all user records in a one-per-file structure, which makes our life a lot easier.
#12:26//Kaguya//Once you have the right user file, you should be able to use the standard replace command to swap out the values for what we want.
#12:48//Channel//CONTRACT COMPLETE: @" + os.defaultUser.name + @" completed contract |##QOT##|Neopals - " + os.defaultUser.name + @"|##QOT##|
#12:48//D3f4ult//Oh damn - nice @" + os.defaultUser.name + @" . I was messing about on the Auth Server for too long.
#12:48//D3f4ult//@Coel - how|##SIQ##|s your thing going? Still super secret?
#12:48//Coel//Yep. Almost done though - triple checking for logs and such this time. Not really the sort of thing where I can afford to make mistakes.
#12:48//D3f4ult//Let us know if you need a hand... Kinda feeling in the dark here.
#12:48//Coel//Will do.
#12:49//Channel//CONTRACT CLAIMED: @" + os.defaultUser.name + @" claimed contract |##QOT##|Expo Grave|##QOT##|
#12:57//Channel//CONTRACT COMPLETE: @" + os.defaultUser.name + @" completed contract |##QOT##|Expo Grave|##QOT##|
#12:57//Kaguya//@channel Excellent work all. Everyone|##SIQ##|s marked their tasks as complete, so lets move on. 
#12:58//Kaguya//This next network is a big one. You|##SIQ##|re all on this one together. Be thorough, be patient, look carefully, and take notes.
#12:58//Kaguya//Remember - you|##SIQ##|re here because you|##SIQ##|re the best.
#12:58//Kaguya//Good luck everyone.
#12:58//Coel//Uhm, any particular reason that this is our next target @Kaguya ?
#12:58//Kaguya//DM|##SIQ##|s Coel - this regards tracking Nisei MK III.
#12:58//Channel//CONTRACT CLAIMED: @" + os.defaultUser.name + @" claimed contract |##QOT##|Take Flight - " + os.defaultUser.name + @"|##QOT##|
#12:58//Kaguya//@channel Oh, and before I forget - I|##SIQ##|ve added a new program I picked up for you all to the drop server.
#12:59//D3f4ult//Awesome! I|##SIQ##|ve been looking for a new organizer like this. Thanks @Kaguya :D
#13:01//D3f4ult//Ugh, @channel everyone else running into the brick wall of this whitelist server?
#13:01//Coel//Yeah - I think I|##SIQ##|ve got an idea, though. If you can bring it down for a minute or two I|##SIQ##|ll take care of it.
#13:01//D3f4ult//I mean, sure, I can probably sort something out, but, no idea what you|##SIQ##|re thinking :|##BS##|
#13:02//Coel//Trade secret ;). You ready? Countdown me
#13:02//D3f4ult//Sure, hold on...
#13:02//D3f4ult//Done, gogogogo
#13:02//Coel//Almost got it...
#13:02//Coel//Annnnd done! We|##SIQ##|re good to go. Check it for me D3f4ult ?
#13:02//D3f4ult//Holy shit, how?
#13:03//Coel//Oh yeah, @" + os.defaultUser.name + @" - the whitelist server is down!
#13:03//Coel//You should be able to connect to the Bookings Mainframe now
#13:13//Channel//CONTRACT COMPLETE: @" + os.defaultUser.name + @" completed contract |##QOT##|Take Flight - " + os.defaultUser.name + @"|##QOT##|
#13:13//Channel//Additional details provided:
#13:13//Coel//Nice! I|##SIQ##|ll test it now.
#13:13//Kaguya//Thanks Coel. My authenticator script approved it though, good from my end.
#13:13//Kaguya//There are a few time sensitive things to get done here.
#13:13//Kaguya//@Coel - the information you needed has come in, and it looks good. One last strike on your end should do it. You|##SIQ##|re up for that.
#13:14//Coel//Roger that. Also, the account looks good too " + os.defaultUser.name + @", nice work.
#13:14//Kaguya//@oxygencraft - You got to the pacific server first, so I|##SIQ##|m going to have you following that up. You|##SIQ##|re installing our backup plan.
#13:14//Kaguya//@D3f4ult - You|##SIQ##|re with me sorting out some connection protocols - should be your specialty.
#13:14//Kaguya//Good luck everyone.
#13:14//Channel//CONTRACT CLAIMED: @" + os.defaultUser.name + @" claimed contract |##QOT##|" + os.defaultUser.name + @" - Take_Flight Cont.|##QOT##|
#13:14//D3f4ult//I|##SIQ##|m on it. Go get em @Coel , @" + os.defaultUser.name + @"";

コード例 #14
 internal Instance(Hacknet.Computer computer, string serviceName, Hacknet.OS os, IInterface daeInterface)
     : base(computer, serviceName, os)
     Interface = daeInterface;
コード例 #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Retrieves the active network Computer according to the OS
 /// </summary>
 public static Hacknet.Computer GetCurrentComputer(this Hacknet.OS os) => Utility.GetCurrentComputer(os);
コード例 #16
 public CommandSentEvent(Hacknet.OS os, string[] args) : base(os)
     Arguments = new List <string>(args ?? Utility.Array <string> .Empty);
コード例 #17
 public ActionsLoadIntoOSEvent(string filePath, Hacknet.OS os)
     FilePath = filePath;
     OS       = os;
コード例 #18
 public virtual void OnUnload(Hacknet.OS os)
コード例 #19
 /// <summary>
 /// Executes on extension loading.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="os">The Os.</param>
 /// <param name="loadingStream">The Loading stream.</param>
 public virtual void OnLoad(Hacknet.OS os, Stream loadingStream)
コード例 #20
 /// <summary>
 /// Executes on extension construction.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="os">The Os.</param>
 public abstract void OnConstruct(Hacknet.OS os);
コード例 #21
 public CommandSentEvent(Hacknet.OS osInstance, string[] args)
     this.osInstance = osInstance;
     this.args       = args;
コード例 #22
 /// <summary>
 /// Appends the formatted string to OS terminal. Less safe then <see cref="WriteLine"/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="os">The OS.</param>
 /// <param name="write">The formatted string to write.</param>
 public static Hacknet.OS WriteAppend(this Hacknet.OS os, string write, params object[] args)
     os.writeSingle(args == null || args.Length < 1 ? write : string.Format(write, args));
コード例 #23
 public LoadSessionEvent(Hacknet.OS osInstance)
     this.osInstance = osInstance;
コード例 #24
ファイル: Commands.cs プロジェクト: luky92/Hacknet-Pathfinder
 public static bool TemplateModVersion(Hacknet.OS os, string[] args)
     os.write("Template Mod version 1 !");