public Game(int conns) { this.ClientManager = new GameClientManager(conns); if (HabboIM.GetConfig().data[""] == "1") { this.ClientManager.method_10(); } DateTime now = DateTime.Now; Logging.Write("Verbinde mit Datenbank.. "); try { using (DatabaseClient dbClient = HabboIM.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Logging.WriteLine("Fertig!", ConsoleColor.Green); HabboIM.Game = this; this.LoadServerSettings(dbClient); this.BanManager = new ModerationBanManager(); this.RoleManager = new RoleManager(); this.HelpTool = new HelpTool(); this.Catalog = new Catalog(); this.Navigator = new Navigator(); this.ItemManager = new ItemManager(); this.RoomManager = new RoomManager(); this.AdvertisementManager = new AdvertisementManager(); this.PixelManager = new PixelManager(); this.AchievementManager = new AchievementManager(); this.ModerationTool = new ModerationTool(); this.BotManager = new BotManager(); this.Marketplace = new Marketplace(); this.QuestManager = new QuestManager(); this.HabboIMEnvironment = new HabboIMEnvironment(); this.Groups = new Groups(); HabboIMEnvironment.LoadExternalTexts(dbClient); this.BanManager.Initialise(dbClient); this.RoleManager.method_0(dbClient); this.HelpTool.method_0(dbClient); this.HelpTool.method_3(dbClient); this.ModerationTool.method_1(dbClient); this.ModerationTool.method_2(dbClient); this.ItemManager.method_0(dbClient); this.Catalog.method_0(dbClient); this.Catalog.method_1(); this.Navigator.method_0(dbClient); this.RoomManager.method_8(dbClient); this.RoomManager.method_0(); this.NavigatorCache = new NavigatorCache(); this.AdvertisementManager.method_0(dbClient); this.BotManager.method_0(dbClient); AchievementManager.smethod_0(dbClient); this.PixelManager.method_0(); ChatCommandHandler.smethod_0(dbClient); this.QuestManager.method_0(); Groups.smethod_0(dbClient); this.RestoreStatistics(dbClient, 1); } } catch (MySqlException e) { Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Logging.WriteLine("Fehler!", ConsoleColor.Red); Logging.WriteLine(e.Message + " Check the given configuration details in config.conf\r\n", ConsoleColor.Blue); HabboIM.Destroy("", true, true); return; } this.task_0 = new Task(new Action(LowPriorityWorker.Initialise)); this.task_0.Start(); this.StartGameLoop(); }
public void HandleRequest(string Request, SocketConnection socket) { //Yes, i know, that's shitty coded, but it works. At least for me.. Do it better & don't hate me :) bool f = false; if (Request.StartsWith("GET")) { string[] Splits = Request.Split(' '); if (Request.Split(' ')[1].Equals("/")) { socket.SendFile("web/index.html"); } else if (Request.Split(' ')[1].StartsWith("/emu/console")) { List <string> alreadySent = new List <string>(); if (Splits[1].Split('?')[1].StartsWith("key") && Splits[1].Split('?')[1].Split('=')[1] == HabboIM.GetConfig().data["web.key"]) { try { /*string[] asdf = "asdf"; * foreach (string line in asdf.ToList<string>()) * { * socket.SendMessage(line + "\n"); * }*/ } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } } else { this.Close(socket); } } else if (Request.Split(' ')[1].StartsWith("/emu/exceptions")) { if (Splits[1].Split('?')[1].StartsWith("key") && Splits[1].Split('?')[1].Split('=')[1] == HabboIM.GetConfig().data["web.key"]) { socket.SendFile("exceptions.err"); } else { this.Close(socket); } } else if (Request.Split(' ')[1].StartsWith("/emu/restart")) { if (Splits[1].Split('?')[1].StartsWith("key") && Splits[1].Split('?')[1].Split('=')[1] == HabboIM.GetConfig().data["web.key"]) { socket.SendMessage("Bye!"); this.Close(socket); Console.Clear(); Core.Logging.Disable(); HabboIM.Destroy("Disposing.......", false); Process.Start(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); Environment.Exit(0); } else { this.Close(socket); } } else if (Request.Split(' ')[1].StartsWith("/emu/console/clear")) { if (Splits[1].Split('?')[1].StartsWith("key") && Splits[1].Split('?')[1].Split('=')[1] == HabboIM.GetConfig().data["web.key"]) { Console.Clear(); } else { this.Close(socket); } } { socket.SendFile("web" + Request.Split(' ')[1]); } } else if (Request.StartsWith("POST")) { if (Request.Split(' ')[1].Equals("/")) { socket.SendFile("web/index.html"); } else { socket.SendFile("web" + Request.Split(' ')[1]); } } if (!f) { this.Close(socket); } }
public static void Initialise() { double lastDatabaseUpdate = HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp(); double lastDatabaseUpdate2 = HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp(); while (true) { try { DateTime now = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan timeSpan = now - HabboIM.ServerStarted; new PerformanceCounter("Processor", "% Processor Time", "_Total"); int Status = 1; int UsersOnline = HabboIM.GetGame().GetClientManager().ClientCount; int RoomsLoaded = HabboIM.GetGame().GetRoomManager().LoadedRoomsCount; try { if (HabboIM.GetConfig().data["shutdown-server"] != null) { DateTime shutdown_server_time = Convert.ToDateTime(HabboIM.GetConfig().data["shutdown-server"]); var time = shutdown_server_time.TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds; string s = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss"); DateTime dt2 = DateTime.ParseExact(s, "HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var time2 = dt2.TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds; try { if (HabboIM.GetConfig().data["shutdown-warning-alert"] != null) { if (time - time2 <= 60 && time - time2 >= 50) { try { if (int.Parse(HabboIM.GetConfig().data["shutdown-server-player-limit"]) < UsersOnline || int.Parse(HabboIM.GetConfig().data["shutdown-server-player-limit"]) <= 0) { string str = HabboIM.GetConfig().data["shutdown-warning-alert"]; ServerMessage Message2 = new ServerMessage(808u); Message2.AppendStringWithBreak(HabboIMEnvironment.GetExternalText("cmd_ha_title")); Message2.AppendStringWithBreak(str + "\r\n- " + "Hotel"); ServerMessage Message3 = new ServerMessage(161u); Message3.AppendStringWithBreak(str + "\r\n- " + "Hotel"); HabboIM.GetGame().GetClientManager().method_15(Message2, Message3); } } catch { } } } } catch { } if (time - time2 <= 11 && time - time2 >= 0) { try { if (int.Parse(HabboIM.GetConfig().data["shutdown-server-player-limit"]) < UsersOnline || int.Parse(HabboIM.GetConfig().data["shutdown-server-player-limit"]) <= 0) { HabboIM.Destroy("SERVER SHUTDOWN! YOU HAVE SETUP TO CONFIG.CONF FILE SHUTDOWN TIME!", true); } } catch { HabboIM.Destroy("SERVER SHUTDOWN! YOU HAVE SETUP TO CONFIG.CONF FILE SHUTDOWN TIME!", true); } } } } catch { } double timestamp = HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp() - lastDatabaseUpdate; if (timestamp >= 5) { using (DatabaseClient dbClient = HabboIM.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { dbClient.ExecuteQuery(string.Concat(new object[] { "UPDATE server_status SET stamp = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), status = '", Status, "', users_online = '", UsersOnline, "', rooms_loaded = '", RoomsLoaded, "', server_ver = '", HabboIM.Version, "' LIMIT 1" })); uint num3 = (uint)dbClient.ReadInt32("SELECT users FROM system_stats ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 1"); if ((long)UsersOnline > (long)((ulong)num3)) { dbClient.ExecuteQuery(string.Concat(new object[] { "UPDATE system_stats SET users = '", UsersOnline, "', rooms = '", RoomsLoaded, "' ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 1" })); } } lastDatabaseUpdate = HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp(); } double timestamp2 = HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp() - lastDatabaseUpdate2; if (timestamp2 >= 30.0) { using (DatabaseClient dbClient = HabboIM.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { dbClient.ExecuteQuery(string.Concat(new object[] { "INSERT INTO online_statistik (`useronline`,`rooms_loaded`,`timestamp`) VALUES ('", UsersOnline, "','", RoomsLoaded, "', '", HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp(), "');" }), 30); } lastDatabaseUpdate2 = HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp(); } HabboIM.GetGame().GetClientManager().method_23(); Console.Title = string.Concat(new object[] { "HabboIM Emulator | Spieler: ", UsersOnline, " | Räume: ", RoomsLoaded, " | Online: ", timeSpan.Days, " Tage, ", timeSpan.Hours, " Stunden und ", timeSpan.Minutes, " Minuten" }); if (HabboIM.hour_lastlotto != now.Hour) { HabboIM.hour_lastlotto = now.Hour; //ServerMessage Message2 = new ServerMessage(808u); //Message2.AppendStringWithBreak("MyHuBBa Lotterie"); //Message2.AppendStringWithBreak("Aufgepasst, nun könnt ihr an unserer Lotterie teilnehmen. Verwende hierzu den Befehl :lotto ZAHL und schon nimmst du teil. Die Zahl darf zwischen 1 & 50 liegen. Kosten für Teilnahme beträgt 3.500 Taler!\r\n- System"); ServerMessage Message3 = new ServerMessage(161u); //Message3.AppendStringWithBreak("Aufgepasst, nun könnt ihr an unserer Lotterie teilnehmen. Verwende hierzu den Befehl :lotto ZAHL und schon nimmst du teil. Die Zahl darf zwischen 1 & 50 liegen. Kosten für Teilnahme beträgt 3.500 Taler!\r\n- System"); //HabboIM.GetGame().GetClientManager().method_15(Message2, Message3); HabboIM.GetGame().GetClientManager().method_WHISPER("Lotto: Sende jetzt eine Zahl von 0-50 mit :lotto Zahl ein. Kosten: 3.500 Taler."); = true; Random rand = new Random(); int lottozahl = rand.Next(1, 50); // Lottozahlen definieren Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkCyan; Console.WriteLine("Lotto: Ziehung gestartet! Die Zahl lautet " + lottozahl); HabboIM.lottozahl = lottozahl; HabboIM.lottowinner = 0; HabboIM.lotto_end = HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp() + 5 * 60; //Info für den dummen Hazed: // 5 * 60 steht für 5 Minuten, da 5 Minuten 5 mal 60 Sekunden sind. HabboIM.lotto_einsatz = 3500; } if (HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp() >= HabboIM.lotto_end && == true) { Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkCyan; Console.WriteLine("Lotto: Ziehung gestoppt!"); = false; HabboIM.GetGame().GetClientManager().resetlotto(); GameClients.GameClient client; try { client = HabboIM.GetGame().GetClientManager().method_2(HabboIM.lottowinner); client.GetHabbo().Credits += HabboIM.lotto_einsatz; client.GetHabbo().UpdateCredits(true); HabboIM.GetGame().GetClientManager().method_WHISPER("" + client.GetHabbo().Username + " hat den Jackpot in Höhe von " + HabboIM.lotto_einsatz.ToString() + " Talern geknackt! (Zahl: " + HabboIM.lottozahl + ")"); HabboIM.lotto_einsatz = 3500; Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkCyan; Console.WriteLine("Lotto: " + client.GetHabbo().Username + " hat den Jackpot geknackt."); } catch { HabboIM.GetGame().GetClientManager().method_WHISPER("Lotto: Heute hat leider keiner den Jackpot geknackt!"); HabboIM.lotto_einsatz = 3500; Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkCyan; Console.WriteLine("Lotto: Keiner konnte den Jackpot knacken."); } } var minimum_users = int.Parse(HabboIM.GetConfig().data["habboim.zufallsrare_minimum_spieler"]); if (HabboIM.hour_lastrr + HabboIM.nxt_rr * 60 < HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp()) { HabboIM.hour_lastrr = HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp(); if (int.Parse(HabboIM.GetConfig().data["habboim.zufallsrare"]) == 1) { //Wenn genug Habbos Online if (UsersOnline >= minimum_users) { //Ausgabe in Konsole Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.WriteLine("____________________________________________________________________________________________________"); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGreen; Console.Write("["); string time1 = DateTime.Now.ToString(); Console.Write(time1 + "] "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.Write("Zufallsrare: Verteilt!"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGreen; Console.Write("["); string time2 = DateTime.Now.ToString(); Console.Write(time2 + "] "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.Write("Nächste Zufallsrare wird in " + HabboIM.nxt_rr + " Minuten verteilt!"); Console.WriteLine(); } else { if (UsersOnline < minimum_users) { string time3 = DateTime.Now.ToString(); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("____________________________________________________________________________________________________"); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkRed; Console.Write("["); Console.Write(time3 + "] "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.Write("Zufallsrare nicht verteilt. Grund: Nicht genug Online! Minimum: " + minimum_users + " Habbos."); Console.WriteLine(); HabboIM.zufallsrare = false; } } if (UsersOnline >= minimum_users) { //Ermittle über Websocket den Gewinner des Zufallsrare HabboIM.zufallsrare = false; string random_rare = "9307620"; HabboIM.GetWebSocketManager().SendMessageToEveryConnection(random_rare); } } //string random_rare = "5|ZUFALLSRARE|Baumstamm|15180"; //HabboIM.GetWebSocketManager().SendMessageToEveryConnection(random_rare); /* using (DatabaseClient stafflist = HabboIM.GetDatabase().GetClient()) * { * //DataTable start = stafflist.ReadDataTable("SELECT id FROM users ORDER BY desc LIMIT 1") * //DataTable Staffs = stafflist.ReadDataTable("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = '" + testst + "' LIMIT 1"); * StringBuilder StringStaff = new StringBuilder(); * DataTable Staffs = stafflist.ReadDataTable("SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY id desc"); * foreach(DataRow testRow in Staffs.Rows) * { * int dreiund = rand.Next(Staffs.Rows.Count, Staffs.Rows.Count); * Console.WriteLine("ZUFALL (MIT FOREACH) " + dreiund); * } * int testst = rand.Next(Staffs.Rows.Count, Staffs.Rows.Count); * Console.WriteLine("STAFF ROW " + Staffs.Rows.Count); * * Console.WriteLine("ZUFALL (OHNE FOREACH) " + testst); * * * //Console.WriteLine("User gefunden ID:" + testst); * foreach (DataRow baumstammRow in Staffs.Rows) * { * //Console.WriteLine("User gefunden ID:" + testst); * // Console.WriteLine((string)baumstammRow["username"]); * Console.WriteLine(testst); * } * //Console.WriteLine((string)baumstammRow["username"]); * * }*/ } } catch (Exception ex) { Program.DeleteMenu(Program.GetSystemMenu(Program.GetConsoleWindow(), true), Program.SC_CLOSE, Program.MF_BYCOMMAND); Logging.LogThreadException(ex.ToString(), "Server status update task"); } Thread.Sleep(5000); } }