Inheritance: SemWeb.Query.QueryResultSink
コード例 #1
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        System.Net.ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false;

        Opts opts = new Opts();


        if (opts.RemainingArguments.Length != 1)

        string baseuri = "query://query/#";

        QueryResultSink qs;

        if (opts.format == "simple")
            qs = new PrintQuerySink();
        else if (opts.format == "html")
            qs = new HTMLQuerySink(Console.Out);
        else if (opts.format == "xml")
            qs = new SparqlXmlQuerySink(Console.Out);
        else if (opts.format == "lubm")
            qs = new LUBMReferenceAnswerOutputQuerySink();
        else if (opts.format == "csv")
            qs = new CSVQuerySink();
            Console.Error.WriteLine("Invalid output format.");

        Query query;

        MemoryStore queryModel = null;

                #if !DOTNET2
        System.Collections.ICollection queryModelVars = null;
        System.Collections.Generic.ICollection <Variable> queryModelVars = null;

        Store model = Store.Create(opts.RemainingArguments[0]);

        if (opts.type == "rsquary")
            RdfReader queryparser = RdfReader.Create("n3", "-");
            queryparser.BaseUri = baseuri;
            queryModel          = new MemoryStore(queryparser);
            queryModelVars      = queryparser.Variables;
            query = new GraphMatch(queryModel);
        else if (opts.type == "sparql" && model.DataSources.Count == 1 && model.DataSources[0] is SemWeb.Remote.SparqlSource)
            string querystring = Console.In.ReadToEnd();
            ((SemWeb.Remote.SparqlSource)model.DataSources[0]).RunSparqlQuery(querystring, Console.Out);
        else if (opts.type == "sparql")
            string querystring = Console.In.ReadToEnd();
            query = new SparqlEngine(querystring);
            throw new Exception("Invalid query format: " + opts.type);

        if (opts.limit > 0)
            query.ReturnLimit = opts.limit;


        if (query is SparqlEngine && ((SparqlEngine)query).Type != SparqlEngine.QueryType.Select)
            SparqlEngine sparql = (SparqlEngine)query;
            sparql.Run(model, Console.Out);
        else if (model is QueryableSource && queryModel != null)
            SemWeb.Query.QueryOptions qopts = new SemWeb.Query.QueryOptions();
            qopts.DistinguishedVariables = queryModelVars;

            // Replace bnodes in the query with Variables
            int bnodectr = 0;
            foreach (Entity e in queryModel.GetEntities())
                if (e is BNode && !(e is Variable))
                    BNode b = (BNode)e;
                    queryModel.Replace(e, new Variable(b.LocalName != null ? b.LocalName : "bnodevar" + (++bnodectr)));

            model.Query(queryModel.ToArray(), qopts, qs);
            query.Run(model, qs);

        if (qs is IDisposable)
コード例 #2
ファイル: rdfquery.cs プロジェクト: JoshData/semweb-dotnet
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        System.Net.ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false;

        Opts opts = new Opts();

        if (opts.RemainingArguments.Length != 1) {

        string baseuri = "query://query/#";

        QueryResultSink qs;
        if (opts.format == "simple")
            qs = new PrintQuerySink();
        else if (opts.format == "html")
            qs = new HTMLQuerySink(Console.Out);
        else if (opts.format == "xml")
            qs = new SparqlXmlQuerySink(Console.Out);
        else if (opts.format == "lubm")
            qs = new LUBMReferenceAnswerOutputQuerySink();
        else if (opts.format == "csv")
            qs = new CSVQuerySink();
        else {
            Console.Error.WriteLine("Invalid output format.");

        Query query;

        MemoryStore queryModel = null;
        #if !DOTNET2
        System.Collections.ICollection queryModelVars = null;
        System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<Variable> queryModelVars = null;

        Store model = Store.Create(opts.RemainingArguments[0]);

        if (opts.type == "rsquary") {
            RdfReader queryparser = RdfReader.Create("n3", "-");
            queryparser.BaseUri = baseuri;
            queryModel = new MemoryStore(queryparser);
            queryModelVars = queryparser.Variables;
            query = new GraphMatch(queryModel);
        } else if (opts.type == "sparql" && model.DataSources.Count == 1 && model.DataSources[0] is SemWeb.Remote.SparqlSource) {
            string querystring = Console.In.ReadToEnd();
            ((SemWeb.Remote.SparqlSource)model.DataSources[0]).RunSparqlQuery(querystring, Console.Out);
        } else if (opts.type == "sparql") {
            string querystring = Console.In.ReadToEnd();
            query = new SparqlEngine(querystring);
        } else {
            throw new Exception("Invalid query format: " + opts.type);

        if (opts.limit > 0)
            query.ReturnLimit = opts.limit;


        if (query is SparqlEngine && ((SparqlEngine)query).Type != SparqlEngine.QueryType.Select) {
            SparqlEngine sparql = (SparqlEngine)query;
            sparql.Run(model, Console.Out);
        } else if (model is QueryableSource && queryModel != null) {
            SemWeb.Query.QueryOptions qopts = new SemWeb.Query.QueryOptions();
            qopts.DistinguishedVariables = queryModelVars;

            // Replace bnodes in the query with Variables
            int bnodectr = 0;
            foreach (Entity e in queryModel.GetEntities()) {
                if (e is BNode && !(e is Variable)) {
                    BNode b = (BNode)e;
                    queryModel.Replace(e, new Variable(b.LocalName != null ? b.LocalName : "bnodevar" + (++bnodectr)));

            model.Query(queryModel.ToArray(), qopts, qs);
        } else {
            query.Run(model, qs);

        if (qs is IDisposable)