public static void Play(HS_Game g, HS_PlayerInstance player, string[] args) { if (args.Length == 1) { Console.WriteLine("No card in hand index specified. Supply an index for which card in hand to play. Example: play 1 will play the card in hand at index 1."); } else { try { int index = Convert.ToInt32(args[1]); if (index >= player.Hand.Count) { Console.WriteLine("The index you supplied is outside the range of the cards in your hand."); } else { // Play the card if able if (CanPlayCard(g, player, index)) { Console.WriteLine("Playing card " + player.Hand.Cards[index].Name); player.Play(g, index); } else { Console.WriteLine("Can't play " + player.Hand.Cards[index].Name); } } } catch (Exception e) { //Parsing errors Console.WriteLine("There was an error parsing your play command.\n" + e); } } }
string Play(HS_PlayerInstance player, string[] args) { string response = ""; if (player != game.CurrentPlayer) { response = "It's not your turn!\n"; } else if (args.Length == 1) { response = "No card in hand index specified. Supply an index for which card in hand to play. Example: play 1 will play the card in hand at index 1.\n"; } else { try { int index = Convert.ToInt32(args[1]); if (index >= player.Hand.Count) { response = "The index you supplied is outside the range of the cards in your hand.\n"; } else { // Play the card if able if (CanPlayCard(game, player, index)) { response = "Playing card " + player.Hand.Cards[index].Name + "\n"; Broadcast(player.Name + " played " + player.Hand.Cards[index].Name); player.Play(game, index); } else { response = "Can't play " + player.Hand.Cards[index].Name + "\n"; } } } catch (Exception e) { //Parsing errors Console.WriteLine("There was an error parsing your play command.\n" + e); } } return(response); }