public HSSFWorkbook GenerateExcelToStream(JArray param) { //Excel HSSFWorkbook wb1 = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet1 = (HSSFSheet)wb1.CreateSheet("Sheet1"); HSSFRow row; int dataStrIdx = 3; try { IFont fTitle = wb1.CreateFont(); fTitle.Boldweight = (short)FontBoldWeight.Bold; fTitle.FontHeightInPoints = 16; IFont fHeader = wb1.CreateFont(); fHeader.FontHeightInPoints = 10; ICellStyle sTitle = wb1.CreateCellStyle(); sTitle.SetFont(fTitle); sTitle.Alignment = NPOI.SS.UserModel.HorizontalAlignment.Left; sTitle.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; ICellStyle sHeader = wb1.CreateCellStyle(); sHeader.SetFont(fHeader); sHeader.Alignment = NPOI.SS.UserModel.HorizontalAlignment.Left; sHeader.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom; sHeader.WrapText = true; sHeader.BorderTop = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin; sHeader.BorderRight = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin; sHeader.BorderBottom = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin; sHeader.BorderLeft = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin; ICellStyle sDL = wb1.CreateCellStyle(); sDL.SetFont(fHeader); sDL.Alignment = NPOI.SS.UserModel.HorizontalAlignment.Left; sDL.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; sDL.WrapText = true; sDL.BorderTop = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin; sDL.BorderRight = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin; sDL.BorderBottom = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin; sDL.BorderLeft = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin; ICellStyle sDC = wb1.CreateCellStyle(); sDC.SetFont(fHeader); sDC.Alignment = NPOI.SS.UserModel.HorizontalAlignment.Center; sDC.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; sDC.WrapText = true; sDC.BorderTop = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin; sDC.BorderRight = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin; sDC.BorderBottom = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin; sDC.BorderLeft = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin; ICellStyle sDR = wb1.CreateCellStyle(); sDR.SetFont(fHeader); sDR.Alignment = NPOI.SS.UserModel.HorizontalAlignment.Right; sDR.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; sDR.WrapText = true; sDR.BorderTop = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin; sDR.BorderRight = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin; sDR.BorderBottom = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin; sDR.BorderLeft = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin; for (int i = 0; i < columnCnt; i++) { sheet1.SetColumnWidth(i, logBookHeaderSizes[i]); } /* * IDataFormat dataFormatCustom = workbook.CreateDataFormat(); * cell.CellStyle = styles["cell"]; * cell.CellStyle.DataFormat = dataFormatCustom.GetFormat("yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss"); */ row = (HSSFRow)sheet1.CreateRow(0); row.Height = 800; row.CreateCell(0); row.Cells[0].CellStyle = sTitle; row.Cells[0].SetCellValue("Transaction LogBook"); row = null; row = (HSSFRow)sheet1.CreateRow(1); row.Height = 300; row = null; row = (HSSFRow)sheet1.CreateRow(2); row.Height = 1400; for (int c = 0; c < columnCnt; c++) { ICell nCell = row.CreateCell(c); nCell.SetCellValue(logBookHeaderTexts[c]); nCell.CellStyle = sHeader; } for (int r = 0; r < param.Count; r++) { JObject json = (JObject)param[r]; row = null; row = (HSSFRow)sheet1.CreateRow(dataStrIdx + r); for (int c = 0; c < columnCnt; c++) { row.CreateCell(c); switch (c) { case 0: row.Cells[c].CellStyle = sDC; row.Cells[c].SetCellValue(Util.Utils.FormatDate(json["INVOICE_DATE"].ToString(), 2)); break; case 1: row.Cells[c].CellStyle = sDL; row.Cells[c].SetCellValue(json["RCT_NO"].ToString()); break; case 2: row.Cells[c].CellStyle = sDR; row.Cells[c].SetCellValue(double.Parse(json["GST_AMT"].ToString())); break; case 3: row.Cells[c].CellStyle = sDL; row.Cells[c].SetCellValue(Util.Utils.FormatDocId(json["DOC_ID"].ToString())); break; case 4: row.Cells[c].CellStyle = sDC; row.Cells[c].SetCellValue(Util.Utils.FormatDate(json["ISSUE_DATE"].ToString(), 2)); break; case 5: row.Cells[c].CellStyle = sDC; row.Cells[c].SetCellValue(Util.Utils.FormatTime(json["ISSUE_TIME"].ToString(), "12")); break; case 6: row.Cells[c].CellStyle = sDC; row.Cells[c].SetCellValue(json["PASSPORT_NO"].ToString()); break; case 7: row.Cells[c].CellStyle = sDL; row.Cells[c].SetCellValue(json["STAFF_NAME"].ToString()); break; case 8: row.Cells[c].CellStyle = sDL; break; case 9: row.Cells[c].CellStyle = sDC; string status = json["STATUS_DESC"].ToString(); if (status.Equals("Voided")) { row.Cells[c].SetCellValue(status + " (" + Util.Utils.FormatDate(json["VOID_DATE"].ToString(), 2) + ")"); } else { row.Cells[c].SetCellValue(status); } break; case 10: row.Cells[c].CellStyle = sDC; row.Cells[c].SetCellValue((json["SEAL_BAG_YN"].ToString() == "Y" ? "Yes" : "No")); break; case 11: row.Cells[c].CellStyle = sDC; row.Cells[c].SetCellValue((json["PACKED_YN"].ToString() == "Y" ? "Yes" : "No")); break; case 12: row.Cells[c].CellStyle = sDL; row.Cells[c].SetCellValue(json["SEAL_BAG_NO"].ToString()); break; } } } return(wb1); } catch (Exception ex) { Constants.LOGGER_MAIN.Error(ex.Message); throw ex; } }
/// <summary> /// 实现导出功能 /// </summary> public string Export() { string flag = string.Empty; #region 变量声明 string[] tableTitle = this._header.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); // 表头数组 string[] newHeaders = null; // 数据字段 string[] files = this._filed.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); // 数据字段 string[] file = null; // 临时数组 string[] temp = null; // 临时表头 string tempHeader = string.Empty; // 工作薄名称 string[] sheetNames = this._sheetName.Split(new string[] { ";" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); // 表头名称 string[] titles = this._title == null ? null : this._title.Split(new string[] { ";" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); // 获取行数 int rows = GetRowCount(this._header); // 列数计数器 int cols = 0; // 列头跨行数 int rowSpans = 0; // 列头跨列数 int colSpans = GetColCount(this._header); // HSSFSheet 对象 HSSFSheet sheet = null; // IRow 对象 IRow row = null; // 表头行添加 int trow = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._title) ? 0 : 1); DataTable dt; #endregion #region 单元格样式 ICellStyle style = _workbook.CreateCellStyle(); style.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; //居中 style.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; //垂直居中 style.WrapText = true; //自动换行 // 边框 style.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.Thin; style.BorderLeft = BorderStyle.Thin; style.BorderRight = BorderStyle.Thin; style.BorderTop = BorderStyle.Thin; // 字体 IFont font = _workbook.CreateFont(); font.FontHeightInPoints = 10; font.FontName = "宋体"; style.SetFont(font); ICellStyle titleType = _workbook.CreateCellStyle(); titleType.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; //居中 titleType.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; //垂直居中 titleType.WrapText = true; //自动换行 // 边框 titleType.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.Thin; titleType.BorderLeft = BorderStyle.Thin; titleType.BorderRight = BorderStyle.Thin; titleType.BorderTop = BorderStyle.Thin; IFont font2 = _workbook.CreateFont(); font2.FontHeightInPoints = 14; font2.FontName = "宋体"; font2.Boldweight = (short)FontBoldWeight.Bold; titleType.SetFont(font2); #endregion // 表格绘制 for (int k = 0; k < sheetNames.Length; k++) { #region 表头绘制 newHeaders = tableTitle[k].Split(new char[] { '#' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); sheet = (HSSFSheet)_workbook.CreateSheet(sheetNames[k]); for (int m = 0; m < rows + trow; m++) // 创建行 { if (m == 0 && trow > 0) { row = sheet.CreateRow(0); CellRangeAddress region = new CellRangeAddress(0, 0, 0, colSpans - 1); sheet.AddMergedRegion(region); row.CreateCell(0).SetCellValue(titles[k]); row.GetCell(0).CellStyle = titleType; row.Height = 20 * 20; continue; } cols = 0; for (int i = 0; i < newHeaders.Length; i++) // 创建列 { tempHeader = newHeaders[i]; // 获取列头跨行数 rowSpans = GetRowSpan(tempHeader, rows); // 获取列头跨列数 colSpans = GetColSpan(tempHeader); // 如果表头还可以划分 temp = tempHeader.Split(new char[] { ' ' }); if (temp.Length == rows) { tempHeader = temp[m - trow]; } else { tempHeader = temp[0]; } if (1 == rowSpans) { // 获取行 row = sheet.GetRow(m); if (row == null) { row = sheet.CreateRow(m); } // 未跨列 if (1 == colSpans) { row.CreateCell(cols).SetCellValue(tempHeader); row.GetCell(cols).CellStyle = style; } else // 跨列 { temp = tempHeader.Split(new char[] { ',' }); if (temp.Length > 1) { for (int j = 0; j < temp.Length; j++) { row.CreateCell(j + cols).SetCellValue(temp[j]); row.GetCell(j + cols).CellStyle = style; } } else { // 创建范围 //CellRangeAddress四个参数为:起始行,结束行,起始列,结束列 CellRangeAddress region = new CellRangeAddress(m, m, cols, cols + colSpans - 1); sheet.AddMergedRegion(region); row.CreateCell(cols).SetCellValue(tempHeader); row.GetCell(cols).CellStyle = style; } cols += colSpans - 1; } } else if (rowSpans > 1 && m < 2) { // 获取行 row = sheet.GetRow(m); if (row == null) { row = sheet.CreateRow(m); } // 未跨列 if (1 == colSpans) { // 创建范围 //CellRangeAddress四个参数为:起始行,结束行,起始列,结束列 CellRangeAddress region = new CellRangeAddress(m, rowSpans - 1 + trow, cols, cols); sheet.AddMergedRegion(region); row.CreateCell(cols).SetCellValue(tempHeader); row.GetCell(cols).CellStyle = style; } else { // 创建范围 //CellRangeAddress四个参数为:起始行,结束行,起始列,结束列 CellRangeAddress region = new CellRangeAddress(m, rowSpans - 1 + trow, cols, cols + colSpans - 1); sheet.AddMergedRegion(region); row.CreateCell(cols).SetCellValue(tempHeader); row.GetCell(cols).CellStyle = style; cols += colSpans - 1; } } // 列计数器 cols += 1; } } #endregion #region 数据源 int rowIndex = rows + trow; foreach (DataRow dr in this._dsSource.Tables[k].Rows) { var dataRow = sheet.CreateRow(rowIndex); foreach (DataColumn column in this._dsSource.Tables[k].Columns) { var newCell = dataRow.CreateCell(column.Ordinal); string drValue = dr[column].ToString(); switch (column.DataType.ToString()) { case "System.String": //字符串类型 newCell.SetCellValue(drValue); break; case "System.DateTime": //日期类型 DateTime dateV; DateTime.TryParse(drValue, out dateV); newCell.SetCellValue(dateV); //newCell.CellStyle = dateStyle;//格式化显示 break; case "System.Boolean": //布尔型 bool boolV = false; bool.TryParse(drValue, out boolV); newCell.SetCellValue(boolV); break; case "System.Int16": //整型 case "System.Int32": case "System.Int64": case "System.Byte": int intV = 0; int.TryParse(drValue, out intV); newCell.SetCellValue(intV); break; case "System.Decimal": //浮点型 case "System.Double": double doubV = 0; double.TryParse(drValue, out doubV); newCell.SetCellValue(doubV); break; case "System.DBNull": //空值处理 newCell.SetCellValue(""); break; default: newCell.SetCellValue(""); break; } } rowIndex++; } #endregion } #region 数据导出 // WEB导出 if (1 == this._exportMode) { System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "application/"; //设置下载的Excel文件名 System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", string.Format("attachment;filename={0}", this._fileName)); using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { //将工作簿的内容放到内存流中 _workbook.Write(ms); //将内存流转换成字节数组发送到客户端 System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.BinaryWrite(ms.GetBuffer()); System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.End(); _workbook = null; } } else if (2 == this._exportMode) { try { ////设置新建文件路径及名称 string savePath = this._filePath; //创建文件 FileStream fs = new FileStream(savePath, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write); //创建一个 IO 流 MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); //写入到流 _workbook.Write(ms); //转换为字节数组 byte[] bytes = ms.ToArray(); fs.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); fs.Flush(); //释放资源 bytes = null; ms.Close(); ms.Dispose(); fs.Close(); fs.Dispose(); _workbook.Close(); sheet = null; _workbook = null; flag = "ok"; } catch (Exception ex) { flag = ex.Message; } //using (FileStream fs = File.Open(this._filePath, FileMode.Append)) //{ // _workbook.Write(fs); // _workbook = null; //} } #endregion return(flag); }
/// <summary> /// 设置单元格的字体的颜色和大小和字体格式 /// </summary> /// <param name="row"></param> /// <param name="col"></param> /// <param name="color">颜色</param> /// <param name="size">大小</param> /// <param name="wb"></param> public static void SetCellFont(int row, int col, CellFontColor color, CellFontSize size, CellFontName fontName, ref HSSFWorkbook wb) { HSSFSheet sheet = (HSSFSheet)wb.GetSheetAt(0); ICellStyle Style = wb.CreateCellStyle(); IFont font = wb.CreateFont(); switch (color) { case font.Color = NPOI.HSSF.Util.HSSFColor.Black.Index; break; case font.Color = NPOI.HSSF.Util.HSSFColor.Blue.Index; break; case font.Color = NPOI.HSSF.Util.HSSFColor.Green.Index; break; case font.Color = NPOI.HSSF.Util.HSSFColor.Red.Index; break; case CellFontColor.white: font.Color = NPOI.HSSF.Util.HSSFColor.White.Index; break; case CellFontColor.yellow: font.Color = NPOI.HSSF.Util.HSSFColor.Yellow.Index; break; } switch (size) { case CellFontSize.s10: font.FontHeightInPoints = 10; break; case CellFontSize.s11: font.FontHeightInPoints = 11; break; case CellFontSize.s12: font.FontHeightInPoints = 12; break; case CellFontSize.s14: font.FontHeightInPoints = 14; break; case CellFontSize.s16: font.FontHeightInPoints = 16; break; case CellFontSize.s18: font.FontHeightInPoints = 18; break; case CellFontSize.s20: font.FontHeightInPoints = 20; break; case CellFontSize.s24: font.FontHeightInPoints = 24; break; } switch (fontName) { case CellFontName.SongTi: font.FontName = "宋体"; break; case CellFontName.TimesNewRoman: font.FontName = "Times New Roman"; break; } // font.Boldweight = 700; // 设置粗体 if (sheet.GetRow(row - 1) == null) { HSSFRow t_row = (HSSFRow)sheet.CreateRow(row - 1); HSSFCell t_cell = (HSSFCell)t_row.CreateCell(col - 1); Style.CloneStyleFrom(t_cell.CellStyle); Style.SetFont(font); t_cell.CellStyle = Style; } else { HSSFRow t_row = (HSSFRow)sheet.GetRow(row - 1); if (t_row.GetCell(col - 1) == null) { HSSFCell t_cell = (HSSFCell)t_row.CreateCell(col - 1); Style.CloneStyleFrom(t_cell.CellStyle); Style.SetFont(font); t_cell.CellStyle = Style; } else { HSSFCell t_cell = (HSSFCell)t_row.GetCell(col - 1); Style.CloneStyleFrom(t_cell.CellStyle); Style.SetFont(font); t_cell.CellStyle = Style; } } }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; //获取日期 /*****建立输入流的 workbookIn 对象 *****/ IWorkbook workbookIn = null; //新建Workbook对象 string filename = textBox1.Text; FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(textBox1.Text, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); if (filename.IndexOf(".xlsx") > 0) //判断是否为2007版本 { workbookIn = new XSSFWorkbook(fileStream); //xlsx数据写入workbookIn } else if (filename.IndexOf(".xls") > 0) //判断是否为2003版本 { workbookIn = new HSSFWorkbook(fileStream); //xls数据写入workbookIn } /*****建立输出流的 workbookIn 对象 --- workbookOut*****/ HSSFWorkbook workbookOut = new HSSFWorkbook(); // 建立输出流的 workbookOut 用于输出文件 workbookOut.CreateSheet("Sheet1"); // 建立新的表单 名称: Sheet1 HSSFSheet sheetNew = (HSSFSheet)workbookOut.GetSheet("Sheet1"); // 获取 名称:Sheet1 的工作表 /* 修复 分页预览 无分页的情况*/ sheetNew.FitToPage = false; try { ISheet sheet = workbookIn.GetSheetAt(0); //获取第一个工作表 IRow row; // = sheet.GetRow(0); //新建当前工作表行数据 int newRow = 0; for (int i = 3; i <= sheet.LastRowNum; i++) //对工作表每一行 { Console.WriteLine(i); row = sheet.GetRow(i); //row读入第i行数据 if (row != null) { for (int j = 0; j < row.LastCellNum; j++) //对工作表每一列 { string cellValue = row.GetCell(j).ToString(); //获取i行j列数据 if ((cellValue != "") && (cellValue != "TRUE")) //获取数据 获取条件 非空 TRUE 作为截止信号 { sheetNew.CreateRow(newRow); //从店铺开始 每次创建一行 HSSFRow sheetRow = (HSSFRow)sheetNew.GetRow(newRow); // 获取新的行 作为对象 HSSFCell[] sheetCell = new HSSFCell[4]; // 每行建立四个列 sheetCell[0] = (HSSFCell)sheetRow.CreateCell(0); // 建立 列[0] 用于 填写店名 sheetCell[1] = (HSSFCell)sheetRow.CreateCell(1); // 建立 列[1] 用于 填写 货品名称 sheetCell[2] = (HSSFCell)sheetRow.CreateCell(2); // 建立 列[2] 用于 填写 货品单位 sheetCell[3] = (HSSFCell)sheetRow.CreateCell(3); // 建立 列[3] 用于 填写 货品数量 if (j == 0) // 输入流 从第四行开始 每列第一位为 店铺名称 故做一个判断 { sheetCell[0].SetCellValue(cellValue); //填写 店名 sheetCell[1].SetCellValue("品名"); //填写 品名 sheetCell[2].SetCellValue("单位"); //填写 单位 sheetCell[3].SetCellValue("数量"); //填写 数量 Console.WriteLine($"{cellValue} 品名 单位 数量"); newRow++; // 行数增加 进入下一行 } else { IRow row2 = sheet.GetRow(1); // 重新定义一个 行 迭代器 string cellName = row2.GetCell(j).ToString(); // 新的行迭代器 用于获取 商品名称 cellName 商品名称 sheetCell[1].SetCellValue(cellName); // 填写 货品名称 IRow row3 = sheet.GetRow(2); // 重新定义一个 行 迭代器 string cellUnit = row3.GetCell(j).ToString(); // 新的行迭代器 用于获取 商品单位 cellUnit 商品单位 sheetCell[2].SetCellValue(cellUnit); // 填写 货品单位 Double price = Convert.ToDouble(cellValue); // 字符串 转换为 32位浮点型数 sheetCell[3].SetCellValue(price); // 填写 货品数量 Console.WriteLine($"{cellName} {cellUnit} {cellValue}"); //控制台校验 newRow++; } } } } sheetNew.CreateRow(newRow); // 新建一行 分开每家店铺 newRow++; } FileStream fileOut = new FileStream(textBox3.Text + @"\\" + string.Format("{0:M}", dt) + @".xls", FileMode.Create); // 将输出路径改为非固定项 地址值由 选择地址文本窗口传来 fileStream.Close(); workbookIn.Close(); MessageBox.Show("今日日期:" + string.Format("{0:M}", dt) + "\n文件地址:" + textBox3.Text + "\n您的订单已完成,表单正在打开中,请稍等..."); // 设计添加新弹框 //MessageBoxButtons.OK.ToString("OK"); textBox2.Text = "今日日期:" + string.Format("{0:M}", dt) + "\n您的订单已完成,表单正在打开中,请稍等..."; System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(textBox3.Text); // 将打开的 输出路径改为非固定项 地址值由 选择地址文本窗口传来 //Console.ReadKey(); workbookOut.Write(fileOut); workbookOut.Close(); Application.Exit(); // 关闭程序 避免程序占用 输出文件 } catch (IOException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } }
/// <summary> /// 将一个源文件的某个单元格的值复制到目标文件的指定单元格 /// 以富文本的形式,保留原格式 /// </summary> /// <param name="dst_row">目标行</param> /// <param name="dst_col">目标列</param> /// <param name="src_row">源行</param> /// <param name="src_col">源列</param> /// <param name="dst">目标文件</param> /// <param name="src">源文件</param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool CopyCell(int dst_row, int dst_col, int src_row, int src_col, ref HSSFSheet dst, ref HSSFSheet src) { if (src.GetRow(src_row - 1) == null) { return(false); } else { HSSFRow t_src_row = (HSSFRow)src.GetRow(src_row - 1); if (t_src_row.GetCell(src_col - 1) == null) { return(false); } else { HSSFCell t_src_cell = (HSSFCell)t_src_row.GetCell(src_col - 1); if (dst.GetRow(dst_row - 1) == null) { HSSFRow t_row = (HSSFRow)dst.CreateRow(dst_row - 1); HSSFCell t_cell = (HSSFCell)t_row.CreateCell(dst_col - 1); t_cell.CellStyle = t_src_cell.CellStyle; IRichTextString t = t_src_cell.RichStringCellValue; t_cell.SetCellValue(t); } else { HSSFRow t_row = (HSSFRow)dst.GetRow(dst_row - 1); if (t_row.GetCell(dst_col - 1) == null) { HSSFCell t_cell = (HSSFCell)t_row.CreateCell(dst_col - 1); t_cell.CellStyle = t_src_cell.CellStyle; IRichTextString t = t_src_cell.RichStringCellValue; t_cell.SetCellValue(t); } else { HSSFCell t_cell = (HSSFCell)t_row.GetCell(dst_col - 1); t_cell.CellStyle = t_src_cell.CellStyle; IRichTextString t = t_src_cell.RichStringCellValue; t_cell.SetCellValue(t); } } } } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 设置列宽 width = width*256 /// </summary> /// <param name="col"></param> /// <param name="width"></param> /// <param name="sheet"></param> public static void SetColWidth(int col, int width, ref HSSFSheet sheet) { sheet.SetColumnWidth(col - 1, width); }
public static void ExportDT(DataTable dtSource, string filename) { HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = workbook.CreateSheet() as HSSFSheet; #region 右击文件 属性信息 { DocumentSummaryInformation dsi = PropertySetFactory.CreateDocumentSummaryInformation(); dsi.Company = ""; workbook.DocumentSummaryInformation = dsi; SummaryInformation si = PropertySetFactory.CreateSummaryInformation(); si.Author = "杭州火图科技有限公司"; //填加xls文件作者信息 si.ApplicationName = "火淘助手"; //填加xls文件创建程序信息 si.LastAuthor = "hot"; //填加xls文件最后保存者信息 si.Comments = ""; //填加xls文件作者信息 si.Title = ""; //填加xls文件标题信息 si.Subject = ""; //填加文件主题信息 si.CreateDateTime = DateTime.Now; workbook.SummaryInformation = si; } #endregion HSSFCellStyle dateStyle = workbook.CreateCellStyle() as HSSFCellStyle; HSSFDataFormat format = workbook.CreateDataFormat() as HSSFDataFormat; dateStyle.DataFormat = format.GetFormat("yyyy-mm-dd"); //取得列宽 int[] arrColWidth = new int[dtSource.Columns.Count]; foreach (DataColumn item in dtSource.Columns) { arrColWidth[item.Ordinal] = Encoding.GetEncoding(936).GetBytes(item.ColumnName.ToString()).Length; } for (int i = 0; i < dtSource.Rows.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < dtSource.Columns.Count; j++) { int intTemp = Encoding.GetEncoding(936).GetBytes(dtSource.Rows[i][j].ToString()).Length; if (intTemp > arrColWidth[j]) { arrColWidth[j] = intTemp; } } } int rowIndex = 0; foreach (DataRow row in dtSource.Rows) { #region 新建表,填充表头,填充列头,样式 if (rowIndex == 65535 || rowIndex == 0) { if (rowIndex != 0) { sheet = workbook.CreateSheet() as HSSFSheet; } #region 表头及样式 #endregion #region 列头及样式 { //HSSFRow headerRow = sheet.CreateRow(1) as HSSFRow; HSSFRow headerRow = sheet.CreateRow(0) as HSSFRow; HSSFCellStyle headStyle = workbook.CreateCellStyle() as HSSFCellStyle; headStyle.Alignment = NPOI.SS.UserModel.HorizontalAlignment.Center; HSSFFont font = workbook.CreateFont() as HSSFFont; font.FontHeightInPoints = 10; font.Boldweight = 700; headStyle.SetFont(font); foreach (DataColumn column in dtSource.Columns) { headerRow.CreateCell(column.Ordinal).SetCellValue(column.ColumnName); headerRow.GetCell(column.Ordinal).CellStyle = headStyle; //设置列宽 if (arrColWidth[column.Ordinal] > 255) { arrColWidth[column.Ordinal] = 254; } else { sheet.SetColumnWidth(column.Ordinal, (arrColWidth[column.Ordinal] + 1) * 256); } } } #endregion //rowIndex = 2; rowIndex = 1; } #endregion #region 填充内容 HSSFRow dataRow = sheet.CreateRow(rowIndex) as HSSFRow; foreach (DataColumn column in dtSource.Columns) { HSSFCell newCell = dataRow.CreateCell(column.Ordinal) as HSSFCell; string drValue = row[column].ToString(); switch (column.DataType.ToString()) { case "System.String": //字符串类型 newCell.SetCellValue(drValue); break; case "System.DateTime": //日期类型 DateTime dateV; DateTime.TryParse(drValue, out dateV); newCell.SetCellValue(dateV); newCell.CellStyle = dateStyle; //格式化显示 break; case "System.Boolean": //布尔型 bool boolV = false; bool.TryParse(drValue, out boolV); newCell.SetCellValue(boolV); break; case "System.Int16": //整型 case "System.Int32": case "System.Int64": case "System.Byte": int intV = 0; int.TryParse(drValue, out intV); newCell.SetCellValue(intV); break; case "System.Decimal": //浮点型 case "System.Double": double doubV = 0; double.TryParse(drValue, out doubV); newCell.SetCellValue(doubV); break; case "System.DBNull": //空值处理 newCell.SetCellValue(""); break; default: newCell.SetCellValue(""); break; } } #endregion rowIndex++; } using (Stream stream = File.OpenWrite(filename)) { workbook.Write(stream); } }
/// <summary> /// DataTable导出到Excel的MemoryStream /// </summary> /// <param name="dtSource">源DataTable</param> /// <param name="strHeaderText">表头文本</param> public static MemoryStream DataTableToExcel(DataTable dtSource, string strHeaderText) { HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = (HSSFSheet)workbook.CreateSheet(); #region 右击文件 属性信息 { DocumentSummaryInformation dsi = PropertySetFactory.CreateDocumentSummaryInformation(); dsi.Company = "东青信息"; workbook.DocumentSummaryInformation = dsi; SummaryInformation si = PropertySetFactory.CreateSummaryInformation(); si.Author = "Allen"; //填加xls文件作者信息 si.ApplicationName = "创建程序信息"; //填加xls文件创建程序信息 si.LastAuthor = "最后保存者信息"; //填加xls文件最后保存者信息 si.Comments = "作者信息"; //填加xls文件作者信息 si.Title = "标题信息"; //填加xls文件标题信息 si.Subject = "主题信息"; //填加文件主题信息 si.CreateDateTime = System.DateTime.Now; workbook.SummaryInformation = si; } #endregion HSSFCellStyle dateStyle = (HSSFCellStyle)workbook.CreateCellStyle(); HSSFDataFormat format = (HSSFDataFormat)workbook.CreateDataFormat(); dateStyle.DataFormat = format.GetFormat("yyyy-mm-dd"); //边框 dateStyle.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.Thin; dateStyle.BorderLeft = BorderStyle.Thin; dateStyle.BorderRight = BorderStyle.Thin; dateStyle.BorderTop = BorderStyle.Thin; //取得列宽 int[] arrColWidth = new int[dtSource.Columns.Count]; foreach (DataColumn item in dtSource.Columns) { arrColWidth[item.Ordinal] = Encoding.GetEncoding(936).GetBytes(item.ColumnName.ToString()).Length; } for (int i = 0; i < dtSource.Rows.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < dtSource.Columns.Count; j++) { int intTemp = Encoding.GetEncoding(936).GetBytes(dtSource.Rows[i][j].ToString()).Length; if (intTemp > arrColWidth[j]) { arrColWidth[j] = intTemp; } } } int rowIndex = 0; foreach (DataRow row in dtSource.Rows) { #region 新建表,填充表头,填充列头,样式 if (rowIndex == 65535 || rowIndex == 0) { if (rowIndex != 0) { sheet = (HSSFSheet)workbook.CreateSheet(); } #region 表头及样式 { HSSFRow headerRow = (HSSFRow)sheet.CreateRow(0); headerRow.HeightInPoints = 25; headerRow.CreateCell(0).SetCellValue(strHeaderText); //HSSFCellStyle headStyle = (HSSFCellStyle)workbook.CreateCellStyle(); //headStyle.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; //HSSFFont font = (HSSFFont)workbook.CreateFont(); //font.FontHeightInPoints = 20; //font.Boldweight = 700; //headStyle.SetFont(font); //headerRow.GetCell(0).CellStyle = headStyle; //sheet.AddMergedRegion(new Region(0, 0, 0, dtSource.Columns.Count - 1)); } #endregion #region 列头及样式 { HSSFRow headerRow = (HSSFRow)sheet.CreateRow(0); //HSSFCellStyle headStyle = (HSSFCellStyle)workbook.CreateCellStyle(); //headStyle.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; //边框 //headStyle.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.Thin; //headStyle.BorderLeft = BorderStyle.Thin; //headStyle.BorderRight = BorderStyle.Thin; //headStyle.BorderTop = BorderStyle.Thin; HSSFFont font = (HSSFFont)workbook.CreateFont(); //font.FontHeightInPoints = 10; //font.Boldweight = 700; //headStyle.SetFont(font); foreach (DataColumn column in dtSource.Columns) { headerRow.CreateCell(column.Ordinal).SetCellValue(column.ColumnName); //headerRow.GetCell(column.Ordinal).CellStyle = headStyle; //设置列宽 sheet.SetColumnWidth(column.Ordinal, (arrColWidth[column.Ordinal] + 1) * 256); } // headerRow.Dispose(); } #endregion rowIndex = 1; } #endregion #region 填充内容 HSSFRow dataRow = (HSSFRow)sheet.CreateRow(rowIndex); #region 边框,样式 //HSSFCellStyle NewCellStyle = (HSSFCellStyle)workbook.CreateCellStyle(); //NewCellStyle.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; //边框 //NewCellStyle.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.Thin; //NewCellStyle.BorderLeft = BorderStyle.Thin; //NewCellStyle.BorderRight = BorderStyle.Thin; //NewCellStyle.BorderTop = BorderStyle.Thin; #endregion foreach (DataColumn column in dtSource.Columns) { HSSFCell newCell = (HSSFCell)dataRow.CreateCell(column.Ordinal); string drValue = row[column].ToString(); switch (column.DataType.ToString()) { case "System.String": //字符串类型 newCell.SetCellValue(drValue); //newCell.CellStyle = NewCellStyle; break; case "System.DateTime": //日期类型 System.DateTime dateV; System.DateTime.TryParse(drValue, out dateV); newCell.SetCellValue(dateV); newCell.CellStyle = dateStyle; //格式化显示 break; case "System.Boolean": //布尔型 bool boolV = false; bool.TryParse(drValue, out boolV); newCell.SetCellValue(boolV); //newCell.CellStyle = NewCellStyle; break; case "System.Int16": //整型 case "System.Int32": case "System.Int64": case "System.Byte": int intV = 0; int.TryParse(drValue, out intV); newCell.SetCellValue(intV); // newCell.CellStyle = NewCellStyle; break; case "System.Decimal": //浮点型 case "System.Double": double doubV = 0; double.TryParse(drValue, out doubV); newCell.SetCellValue(doubV); // newCell.CellStyle = NewCellStyle; break; case "System.DBNull": //空值处理 newCell.SetCellValue(""); // newCell.CellStyle = NewCellStyle; break; default: newCell.SetCellValue(""); // newCell.CellStyle = NewCellStyle; break; } } #endregion rowIndex++; } using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { workbook.Write(ms); ms.Flush(); ms.Position = 0; return(ms); } }
/// <summary> /// NPOI DataGridView 导出 EXCEL /// </summary> /// <param name="fileName"> 默认保存文件名</param> /// <param name="dgv">DataGridView</param> /// <param name="fontname">字体名称</param> /// <param name="fontsize">字体大小</param> public static void ExportExcel(DataGridView dgv, string fontname, short fontsize) { //检测是否有数据 if (dgv.Rows.Count == 0) { return; } //创建主要对象 HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = (HSSFSheet)workbook.CreateSheet("Weight"); //设置字体,大小,对齐方式 HSSFCellStyle style = (HSSFCellStyle)workbook.CreateCellStyle(); HSSFFont font = (HSSFFont)workbook.CreateFont(); font.FontName = fontname; font.FontHeightInPoints = fontsize; style.SetFont(font); style.Alignment = NPOI.SS.UserModel.HorizontalAlignment.CENTER; //居中对齐 //添加表头 HSSFRow dataRow = (HSSFRow)sheet.CreateRow(0); for (int i = 0; i < dgv.Columns.Count; i++) { if (dgv.Columns[i].Visible) { dataRow.CreateCell(i).SetCellValue(dgv.Columns[i].HeaderText); dataRow.GetCell(i).CellStyle = style; } } //注释的这行是设置筛选的 //sheet.SetAutoFilter(new CellRangeAddress(0, dgv.Columns.Count, 0, dgv.Columns.Count)); //添加列及内容 for (int i = 0; i < dgv.Rows.Count; i++) { dataRow = (HSSFRow)sheet.CreateRow(i + 1); for (int j = 0; j < dgv.Columns.Count; j++) { if (dgv.Columns[j].Visible) { string ValueType = dgv.Rows[i].Cells[j].Value.GetType( ).ToString( ); string Value = dgv.Rows[i].Cells[j].Value.ToString( ); switch (ValueType) { case "System.String": //字符串类型 dataRow.CreateCell(j).SetCellValue(Value); break; case "System.DateTime": //日期类型 System.DateTime dateV; System.DateTime.TryParse(Value, out dateV); dataRow.CreateCell(j).SetCellValue(dateV); break; case "System.Boolean": //布尔型 bool boolV = false; bool.TryParse(Value, out boolV); dataRow.CreateCell(j).SetCellValue(boolV); break; case "System.Int16": //整型 case "System.Int32": case "System.Int64": case "System.Byte": int intV = 0; int.TryParse(Value, out intV); dataRow.CreateCell(j).SetCellValue(intV); break; case "System.Decimal": //浮点型 case "System.Double": double doubV = 0; double.TryParse(Value, out doubV); dataRow.CreateCell(j).SetCellValue(doubV); break; case "System.DBNull": //空值处理 dataRow.CreateCell(j).SetCellValue(""); break; default: dataRow.CreateCell(j).SetCellValue(""); break; } dataRow.GetCell(j).CellStyle = style; //设置宽度 sheet.SetColumnWidth(j, (Value.Length + 10) * 256); } else { sheet.SetColumnHidden(j, true); } } } //保存文件 string saveFileName = ""; SaveFileDialog saveDialog = new SaveFileDialog(); saveDialog.DefaultExt = "xls"; saveDialog.Filter = "Excel文件|*.xls"; MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); if (saveDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { saveFileName = saveDialog.FileName; if (!CheckFiles(saveFileName)) { MessageBox.Show("文件被站用,请关闭文件 " + saveFileName); workbook = null; ms.Close(); ms.Dispose(); return; } workbook.Write(ms); FileStream file = new FileStream(saveFileName, FileMode.Create); workbook.Write(file); file.Close(); workbook = null; ms.Close(); ms.Dispose(); MessageBox.Show(saveDialog.FileName + " 保存成功", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } else { workbook = null; ms.Close(); ms.Dispose(); } }
protected internal HSSFIconMultiStateFormatting(CFRule12Record cfRule12Record, HSSFSheet sheet) { this.sheet = sheet; this.cfRule12Record = cfRule12Record; this.iconFormatting = this.cfRule12Record.MultiStateFormatting; }
Dictionary <string, ConfigFile> ReadXML(string path) { //path = Application.dataPath + "/../Builder/builder_config.xls"; Dictionary <string, ConfigFile> ret = new Dictionary <string, ConfigFile>(); // !< 说明:客户端的表读取,就不走服务器那样的复杂处理啦.. HSSFWorkbook wk = new HSSFWorkbook(File.OpenRead(path)); HSSFSheet sheet = null; string sheetname = ""; for (int a = 0; a < wk.NumberOfSheets; ++a) { sheet = wk.GetSheetAt(a) as HSSFSheet; sheetname = wk.GetSheetName(a); if (sheet == null) { Debug.LogError("异常!" + wk.GetFullName()); continue; } if (ret.ContainsKey(sheetname)) { Debug.LogError("该excel表的sheet名字重复了:" + wk.GetSheetName(a)); } else { ConfigFile result = new ConfigFile(wk.GetFullName() + "_" + sheetname); List <String> header = new List <string>(); for (int i = sheet.FirstRowNum; i <= sheet.LastRowNum; ++i) { HSSFRow row = sheet.GetRow(i) as HSSFRow; if (row == null) { continue; } ArrayList line = new ArrayList(); for (int j = row.FirstCellNum; j <= row.LastCellNum; ++j) { HSSFCell cell = row.GetCell(j) as HSSFCell; if (cell == null) { continue; } if (i == sheet.FirstRowNum) { header.Add(cell.ToString()); } else { line.Add(cell.ToString()); } } if (i == sheet.FirstRowNum) { result.SetTitles(header.ToArray()); } else { if (line.Count > 0) { result.AddData(line[0] as String, line); } else { // !< 读完了? break; } } } ret.Add(sheetname, result); } } return(ret); }
/// <summary> /// 将制定sheet中的数据导出到datatable中 /// </summary> /// <param name="sheet">需要导出的sheet</param> /// <param name="HeaderRowIndex">列头所在行号,-1表示没有列头</param> /// <returns></returns> static DataTable ImportDt(HSSFSheet sheet, int HeaderRowIndex, bool needHeader) { DataTable table = new DataTable(); HSSFRow headerRow; int cellCount; try { if (HeaderRowIndex < 0 || !needHeader) { headerRow = sheet.GetRow(0) as HSSFRow; cellCount = headerRow.LastCellNum; for (int i = headerRow.FirstCellNum; i <= cellCount; i++) { DataColumn column = new DataColumn(Convert.ToString(i)); table.Columns.Add(column); } } else { headerRow = sheet.GetRow(HeaderRowIndex) as HSSFRow; cellCount = headerRow.LastCellNum; for (int i = headerRow.FirstCellNum; i <= cellCount; i++) { if (headerRow.GetCell(i) == null) { if (table.Columns.IndexOf(Convert.ToString(i)) > 0) { DataColumn column = new DataColumn(Convert.ToString("重复列名" + i)); table.Columns.Add(column); } else { DataColumn column = new DataColumn(Convert.ToString(i)); table.Columns.Add(column); } } else if (table.Columns.IndexOf(headerRow.GetCell(i).ToString()) > 0) { DataColumn column = new DataColumn(Convert.ToString("重复列名" + i)); table.Columns.Add(column); } else { DataColumn column = new DataColumn(headerRow.GetCell(i).ToString()); table.Columns.Add(column); } } } int rowCount = sheet.LastRowNum; for (int i = (HeaderRowIndex + 1); i <= sheet.LastRowNum; i++) { try { HSSFRow row; if (sheet.GetRow(i) == null) { row = sheet.CreateRow(i) as HSSFRow; } else { row = sheet.GetRow(i) as HSSFRow; } DataRow dataRow = table.NewRow(); for (int j = row.FirstCellNum; j <= cellCount; j++) { try { if (row.GetCell(j) != null) { switch (row.GetCell(j).CellType) { case CellType.STRING: string str = row.GetCell(j).StringCellValue; if (str != null && str.Length > 0) { dataRow[j] = str.ToString(); } else { dataRow[j] = null; } break; case CellType.NUMERIC: if (DateUtil.IsCellDateFormatted(row.GetCell(j))) { dataRow[j] = DateTime.FromOADate(row.GetCell(j).NumericCellValue); } else { dataRow[j] = Convert.ToDouble(row.GetCell(j).NumericCellValue); } break; case CellType.BOOLEAN: dataRow[j] = Convert.ToString(row.GetCell(j).BooleanCellValue); break; case CellType.ERROR: dataRow[j] = ErrorEval.GetText(row.GetCell(j).ErrorCellValue); break; case CellType.FORMULA: switch (row.GetCell(j).CachedFormulaResultType) { case CellType.STRING: string strFORMULA = row.GetCell(j).StringCellValue; if (strFORMULA != null && strFORMULA.Length > 0) { dataRow[j] = strFORMULA.ToString(); } else { dataRow[j] = null; } break; case CellType.NUMERIC: dataRow[j] = Convert.ToString(row.GetCell(j).NumericCellValue); break; case CellType.BOOLEAN: dataRow[j] = Convert.ToString(row.GetCell(j).BooleanCellValue); break; case CellType.ERROR: dataRow[j] = ErrorEval.GetText(row.GetCell(j).ErrorCellValue); break; default: dataRow[j] = ""; break; } break; default: dataRow[j] = ""; break; } } } catch (Exception exception) { //wl.WriteLogs(exception.ToString()); } } table.Rows.Add(dataRow); } catch (Exception exception) { //wl.WriteLogs(exception.ToString()); } } } catch (Exception exception) { //wl.WriteLogs(exception.ToString()); } return(table); }
public void TestCreateCF() { HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = (HSSFSheet)workbook.CreateSheet(); String formula = "7"; HSSFSheetConditionalFormatting sheetCF = (HSSFSheetConditionalFormatting)sheet.SheetConditionalFormatting; HSSFConditionalFormattingRule rule1 = (HSSFConditionalFormattingRule)sheetCF.CreateConditionalFormattingRule(formula); HSSFFontFormatting fontFmt = (HSSFFontFormatting)rule1.CreateFontFormatting(); fontFmt.SetFontStyle(true, false); HSSFBorderFormatting bordFmt = (HSSFBorderFormatting)rule1.CreateBorderFormatting(); bordFmt.BorderBottom = BorderFormatting.BORDER_THIN; bordFmt.BorderTop = BorderFormatting.BORDER_THICK; bordFmt.BorderLeft = BorderFormatting.BORDER_DASHED; bordFmt.BorderRight = BorderFormatting.BORDER_DOTTED; HSSFPatternFormatting patternFmt = (HSSFPatternFormatting)rule1.CreatePatternFormatting(); patternFmt.FillBackgroundColor = (HSSFColor.YELLOW.index); HSSFConditionalFormattingRule rule2 = (HSSFConditionalFormattingRule)sheetCF.CreateConditionalFormattingRule(ComparisonOperator.BETWEEN, "1", "2"); HSSFConditionalFormattingRule[] cfRules = { rule1, rule2 }; short col = 1; CellRangeAddress[] regions = { new CellRangeAddress(0, 65535, col, col) }; sheetCF.AddConditionalFormatting(regions, cfRules); sheetCF.AddConditionalFormatting(regions, cfRules); // Verification Assert.AreEqual(2, sheetCF.NumConditionalFormattings); sheetCF.RemoveConditionalFormatting(1); Assert.AreEqual(1, sheetCF.NumConditionalFormattings); HSSFConditionalFormatting cf = (HSSFConditionalFormatting)sheetCF.GetConditionalFormattingAt(0); Assert.IsNotNull(cf); regions = cf.GetFormattingRanges(); Assert.IsNotNull(regions); Assert.AreEqual(1, regions.Length); CellRangeAddress r = regions[0]; Assert.AreEqual(1, r.FirstColumn); Assert.AreEqual(1, r.LastColumn); Assert.AreEqual(0, r.FirstRow); Assert.AreEqual(65535, r.LastRow); Assert.AreEqual(2, cf.NumberOfRules); rule1 = (HSSFConditionalFormattingRule)cf.GetRule(0); Assert.AreEqual("7", rule1.Formula1); Assert.IsNull(rule1.Formula2); HSSFFontFormatting r1fp = (HSSFFontFormatting)rule1.GetFontFormatting(); Assert.IsNotNull(r1fp); Assert.IsTrue(r1fp.IsItalic); Assert.IsFalse(r1fp.IsBold); HSSFBorderFormatting r1bf = (HSSFBorderFormatting)rule1.GetBorderFormatting(); Assert.IsNotNull(r1bf); Assert.AreEqual(BorderFormatting.BORDER_THIN, r1bf.BorderBottom); Assert.AreEqual(BorderFormatting.BORDER_THICK, r1bf.BorderTop); Assert.AreEqual(BorderFormatting.BORDER_DASHED, r1bf.BorderLeft); Assert.AreEqual(BorderFormatting.BORDER_DOTTED, r1bf.BorderRight); HSSFPatternFormatting r1pf = (HSSFPatternFormatting)rule1.GetPatternFormatting(); Assert.IsNotNull(r1pf); Assert.AreEqual(HSSFColor.YELLOW.index, r1pf.FillBackgroundColor); rule2 = (HSSFConditionalFormattingRule)cf.GetRule(1); Assert.AreEqual("2", rule2.Formula2); Assert.AreEqual("1", rule2.Formula1); }
private HSSFChart(HSSFSheet sheet, ChartRecord chartRecord) { this.chartRecord = chartRecord; this.sheet = sheet; }
/* package */ //public HSSFSheetConditionalFormatting(HSSFWorkbook workbook, InternalSheet sheet) //{ // _workbook = workbook; // _conditionalFormattingTable = sheet.ConditionalFormattingTable; //} public HSSFSheetConditionalFormatting(HSSFSheet sheet) { _sheet = sheet; _conditionalFormattingTable = sheet.Sheet.ConditionalFormattingTable; }
public void GenerateMaterials(ProjectInfo projectInfo, List <DXFData> dxfData) { hssfSheet = (HSSFSheet)workBook.GetSheet("Materials"); hssfSheet.GetRow(4).CreateCell(1).SetCellValue(projectInfo.projectName); hssfSheet.GetRow(5).CreateCell(1).SetCellValue(projectInfo.projectNumber); hssfSheet.GetRow(6).CreateCell(1).SetCellValue(projectInfo.generalContractor); hssfSheet.GetRow(7).CreateCell(1).SetCellValue(projectInfo.workParcel); List <int> numXF10 = new List <int>(); List <int> numXF20 = new List <int>(); List <int> numXF30 = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < dxfData.Count; i++) { if (dxfData[i].NO_OF_STRANDS <= 3) { numXF10.Add(dxfData[i].NO_OF_TYPES * dxfData[i].NO_OF_LIVES); numXF20.Add(0); numXF30.Add(0); } else if (dxfData[i].NO_OF_STRANDS > 3 && dxfData[i].NO_OF_STRANDS != 6) { numXF10.Add(0); numXF20.Add(dxfData[i].NO_OF_TYPES * dxfData[i].NO_OF_LIVES); numXF30.Add(0); } else if (dxfData[i].NO_OF_STRANDS == 6) { numXF10.Add(0); numXF20.Add(0); numXF30.Add(dxfData[i].NO_OF_TYPES * dxfData[i].NO_OF_LIVES); } } hssfSheet.GetRow(10).GetCell(0).SetCellValue(numXF10.Sum()); hssfSheet.GetRow(11).GetCell(0).SetCellFormula("A11"); hssfSheet.GetRow(12).GetCell(0).SetCellFormula("A11"); hssfSheet.GetRow(13).GetCell(0).SetCellFormula("A11"); hssfSheet.GetRow(14).GetCell(0).SetCellValue(numXF20.Sum()); hssfSheet.GetRow(15).GetCell(0).SetCellFormula("A15"); hssfSheet.GetRow(16).GetCell(0).SetCellFormula("A15"); hssfSheet.GetRow(17).GetCell(0).SetCellFormula("A15"); hssfSheet.GetRow(18).GetCell(0).SetCellValue(numXF30.Sum()); hssfSheet.GetRow(19).GetCell(0).SetCellFormula("A19"); hssfSheet.GetRow(20).GetCell(0).SetCellFormula("A19"); hssfSheet.GetRow(21).GetCell(0).SetCellFormula("A19"); List <double> length6mX20 = new List <double>(); List <double> length6mX30 = new List <double>(); List <double> length6mX10 = new List <double>(); //List<double> numXF20 = new List<double>(); //List<double> numXF30 = new List<double>(); for (int i = 0; i < dxfData.Count; i++) { if (dxfData[i].NO_OF_LIVES == 1) { length6mX20.Add(numXF20[i] * (dxfData[i].LENGTH - 1.3)); length6mX30.Add(numXF30[i] * (dxfData[i].LENGTH - 1.3)); length6mX10.Add(numXF10[i] * (dxfData[i].LENGTH - 1.3)); } else { length6mX20.Add((numXF20[i] * dxfData[i].LENGTH) / 2.0); length6mX30.Add((numXF30[i] * dxfData[i].LENGTH) / 2.0); length6mX10.Add((numXF10[i] * dxfData[i].LENGTH) / 2.0); } } hssfSheet.GetRow(22).GetCell(0).SetCellValue(Math.Ceiling(length6mX20.Sum() / 5.7)); hssfSheet.GetRow(23).GetCell(0).SetCellFormula("A23"); hssfSheet.GetRow(24).GetCell(0).SetCellValue(Math.Ceiling(length6mX30.Sum() / 5.7)); hssfSheet.GetRow(25).GetCell(0).SetCellFormula("A25"); hssfSheet.GetRow(26).GetCell(0).SetCellValue(Math.Ceiling(length6mX10.Sum() / 5.7)); hssfSheet.GetRow(27).GetCell(0).SetCellFormula("A27"); hssfSheet.GetRow(28).GetCell(0).SetCellFormula("ROUNDUP((A11+A15+A19)*2.5,0)"); hssfSheet.GetRow(29).GetCell(0).SetCellFormula("ROUNDUP((A11+A15+A19)/15,0)"); hssfSheet.GetRow(30).GetCell(0).SetCellFormula("ROUNDUP((A23+A25+A27)/35,0)*6"); hssfSheet.GetRow(31).GetCell(0).SetCellFormula("ROUNDUP((A11+A15+A19)/15,0)"); int sumOfStrands = 0; double overallLength = 0; double strandLength = 0; double sumOfStrandLength = 0; double sumOfStrandWeight = 0; int sumOfAnchors = 0; for (int i = 0; i < dxfData.Count; i++) { sumOfStrands += dxfData[i].NO_OF_TYPES * dxfData[i].NO_OF_STRANDS; overallLength = dxfData[i].NO_OF_LIVES == 1 ? dxfData[i].LENGTH + 0.5 : dxfData[i].LENGTH + 1.1; if (overallLength >= 25) { if (overallLength <= 29) { overallLength += 0.1; } else if (overallLength <= 39) { overallLength += 0.2; } else { overallLength += 0.3; } } strandLength = Convert.ToDouble((Math.Ceiling(overallLength * 10) / 10)) * dxfData[i].NO_OF_TYPES * dxfData[i].NO_OF_STRANDS; sumOfStrandLength += strandLength; sumOfStrandWeight += strandLength * 0.785; sumOfAnchors += dxfData[i].NO_OF_TYPES * dxfData[i].NO_OF_LIVES; } hssfSheet.GetRow(41).GetCell(2).SetCellValue(sumOfStrands); hssfSheet.GetRow(42).GetCell(2).SetCellValue(sumOfStrandLength); hssfSheet.GetRow(43).GetCell(2).SetCellValue(sumOfAnchors); hssfSheet.GetRow(44).GetCell(2).SetCellValue(sumOfStrandWeight); hssfSheet.GetRow(45).GetCell(2).SetCellValue(Math.Ceiling(sumOfStrandWeight)); }
public void Export2Excel(string fileName, DataSet data) { MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); HSSFWorkbook hssfworkbook = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = (HSSFSheet)hssfworkbook.CreateSheet(); #region 文件属性 DocumentSummaryInformation dsi = PropertySetFactory.CreateDocumentSummaryInformation(); dsi.Company = "xi"; hssfworkbook.DocumentSummaryInformation = dsi; SummaryInformation si = PropertySetFactory.CreateSummaryInformation(); si.Author = "xi"; si.ApplicationName = "xi"; si.LastAuthor = "xi"; si.CreateDateTime = DateTime.Now; hssfworkbook.SummaryInformation = si; #endregion #region Excel单元格格式 int rowIndex = 0; HSSFRow headRow = null; HSSFRow titleRow = null; HSSFRow dataRow = null; HSSFCell cell = null; HSSFCellStyle headStyle = (HSSFCellStyle)hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); headStyle.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.CENTER; headStyle.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.CENTER; HSSFFont headfont = (HSSFFont)hssfworkbook.CreateFont(); headStyle.SetFont(headfont); HSSFCellStyle titleStyle = (HSSFCellStyle)hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle(); titleStyle.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.CENTER; HSSFFont titlefont = (HSSFFont)hssfworkbook.CreateFont(); headStyle.SetFont(titlefont); HSSFCellStyle cellDateStyle = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle() as HSSFCellStyle; HSSFDataFormat cellDateFormat = hssfworkbook.CreateDataFormat() as HSSFDataFormat; if ("Y" == "Y") { cellDateStyle.DataFormat = cellDateFormat.GetFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"); } else { cellDateStyle.DataFormat = cellDateFormat.GetFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); } //数量小数格式化字符串 HSSFCellStyle cellNumStyle = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle() as HSSFCellStyle; HSSFDataFormat cellNumFormat = hssfworkbook.CreateDataFormat() as HSSFDataFormat; string formatValue = "0"; string formatStr = string.Empty; switch (formatValue) { #region 格式化 case "0": formatStr = "0"; break; case "1": formatStr = "0.0"; break; case "2": formatStr = "0.00"; break; case "3": formatStr = "0.000"; break; case "4": formatStr = "0.0000"; break; case "5": formatStr = "0.00000"; break; default: formatStr = "{0:0}"; break; #endregion } if (formatStr == "0" || formatStr == "0.00") { cellNumStyle.DataFormat = HSSFDataFormat.GetBuiltinFormat(formatStr); } else { cellNumStyle.DataFormat = cellNumFormat.GetFormat(formatStr); } //日期格式字符串 string dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"; if ("Y" == "Y") { dateFormat += " " + "HH:mm"; } #endregion foreach (DataRow row in data.Tables[0].Rows) { #region 新建sheet 填写表头 列头 if (rowIndex == 65535 || rowIndex == 0) { if (rowIndex != 0) { sheet = (HSSFSheet)hssfworkbook.CreateSheet(); } #region 列头 titleRow = (HSSFRow)sheet.CreateRow(rowIndex); for (int i = 0; i < data.Tables[0].Columns.Count; i++) { titleRow.CreateCell(i).SetCellValue(data.Tables[0].Columns[i].ColumnName); titleRow.GetCell(i).CellStyle = titleStyle; } rowIndex++; #endregion } #endregion #region 明细 dataRow = (HSSFRow)sheet.CreateRow(rowIndex); for (int i = 0; i < data.Tables[0].Columns.Count; i++) { cell = (HSSFCell)dataRow.CreateCell(i); string value = row[data.Tables[0].Columns[i].ColumnName].ToString(); switch (data.Tables[0].Columns[i].DataType.FullName) { case "System.String": cell.SetCellValue(value); break; case "System.DateTime": DateTime datevalue; DateTime.TryParse(value, out datevalue); if (datevalue != new DateTime()) { cell.CellStyle = cellDateStyle; cell.SetCellValue(DateTime.Parse(datevalue.ToString(dateFormat))); } else { cell.SetCellValue(""); } break; case "System.Boolean": bool boolvalue = false; bool.TryParse(value, out boolvalue); cell.SetCellValue(boolvalue); break; case "System.Int16": Int16 int16 = 0; Int16.TryParse(value, out int16); cell.SetCellValue(int16); break; case "System.Int32": Int32 int32 = 0; Int32.TryParse(value, out int32); cell.SetCellValue(int32); break; case "System.Int64": Int64 int64 = 0; Int64.TryParse(value, out int64); cell.SetCellValue(int64); break; case "System.Byte": int intV = 0; int.TryParse(value, out intV); cell.SetCellValue(intV); break; case "System.Decimal": double decV = 0; double.TryParse(value, out decV); cell.SetCellValue(decV); cell.CellStyle = cellNumStyle; break; case "System.Single": float floatV = 0; float.TryParse(value, out floatV); cell.SetCellValue(floatV); cell.CellStyle = cellNumStyle; break; case "System.Double": double doubV = 0; double.TryParse(value, out doubV); cell.SetCellValue(doubV); cell.CellStyle = cellNumStyle; break; case "System.DBNull": cell.SetCellValue(""); break; default: cell.SetCellValue(value); break; } } #endregion rowIndex++; } hssfworkbook.Write(ms); ms.Flush(); ms.Position = 0; Response.Clear(); Response.ContentType = "application/"; Response.Charset = "GB2312"; HttpContext.Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + fileName); HttpContext.Response.BinaryWrite(ms.ToArray()); HttpContext.Response.End(); ms.Close(); sheet = null; hssfworkbook = null; ms = null; }
public int line_num = 0; //接收到多少行 private void serialPort1_DataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e) //对于串口要接收大量数据不能用定时获取的方式 { Thread.Sleep(serial_read_dealy); //等待串口数据全部到达,如果出现乱码就加长些 if (serialPort1.IsOpen) //serialPort1.IsOpen&&serial_temp!="" { line_num++; serial = serialPort1.ReadExisting(); serialPort1.DiscardInBuffer();//记得清空串口,不然容易留到下次接收导致乱码 LM_print(serial); if (draw_open) { DATA_SPLIT A = new DATA_SPLIT(); if (form2.serial_read_way_0 == "自由捕获") { A = GetData_Free(serial); } else { A = GetData_Keyword(serial); } line_var = A.DATA + 1; for (int i = 0; i < line_var; i++) { if (line_var_first) { coor[i, coor_var - 1, 0] = 0; //ms time_temp = Environment.TickCount; //系统启功后到当前的时间 } else { coor[i, coor_var - 1, 0] = Environment.TickCount - time_temp;//开始画图后到现在的时间 } coor[i, coor_var - 1, 1] = Convert.ToDouble(A.data_split[i]); for (int i_0 = 0; i_0 < coor_var - 1; i_0++) { coor[i, i_0, 0] = coor[i, i_0 + 1, 0]; coor[i, i_0, 1] = coor[i, i_0 + 1, 1]; if (auto_limit) { if (coor[i, i_0 + 1, 1] < var_min && coor[i, i_0 + 1, 1] != 0) { var_min = coor[i, i_0 + 1, 1]; } if (coor[i, i_0 + 1, 1] > var_max) { var_max = coor[i, i_0 + 1, 1] + 1; var_min = var_max - 1;//防止等于0 } } } line_var_first = false; } /*************************散点图**********************************/ DATA_SPLIT B = GetData_Keyword_SD(serial); sd_var = B.DATA + 1; for (int i = 0; i < sd_var; i++) { coor_sd[i, coor_var_sd - 1, 0] = Convert.ToDouble(B.data_split[i]); coor_sd[i, coor_var_sd - 1, 1] = Convert.ToDouble(B.data_split_Y[i]); for (int i_0 = 0; i_0 < coor_var_sd - 1; i_0++) { coor_sd[i, i_0, 0] = coor_sd[i, i_0 + 1, 0]; coor_sd[i, i_0, 1] = coor_sd[i, i_0 + 1, 1]; if (coor_sd[i, i_0 + 1, 1] < var_min_sdy && coor_sd[i, i_0 + 1, 1] != 0) { var_min_sdy = coor_sd[i, i_0 + 1, 1]; } if (coor_sd[i, i_0 + 1, 1] > var_max_sdy) { var_max_sdy = coor_sd[i, i_0 + 1, 1] + 1; var_min_sdy = var_max_sdy - 1;//防止等于0 } if (coor_sd[i, i_0 + 1, 0] < var_min_sdx && coor_sd[i, i_0 + 1, 0] != 0) { var_min_sdx = coor_sd[i, i_0 + 1, 0]; } if (coor_sd[i, i_0 + 1, 0] > var_max_sdx) { var_max_sdx = coor_sd[i, i_0 + 1, 0] + 1; var_min_sdx = var_max_sdx - 1;//防止等于0 } } } } //***********************************数据记录与保存****************************************************/ if (excel_record) { label_excel_record_val.Text = "已记录\n折线" + row_var + "条\n点阵" + row_var_sd + "条"; HSSFSheet Sheet1 = (HSSFSheet)workbook2003.GetSheet("散点图"); //获取名称为Sheet1的工作表 HSSFSheet Sheet2 = (HSSFSheet)workbook2003.GetSheet("数据可视化"); //获取名称为Sheet1的工作表 row_var_sd++; if (excel_first_sd) { for (int i = 0; i < sd_var; i++)//散点图 { if (i > 0) { Sheet1.GetRow(0).CreateCell(0 + i * 3).SetCellValue("点" + i + " X坐标"); Sheet1.GetRow(0).CreateCell(1 + i * 3).SetCellValue("点" + i + "Y坐标"); } else { Sheet1.CreateRow(0).CreateCell(0 + i * 3).SetCellValue("点" + i + " X坐标"); Sheet1.GetRow(0).CreateCell(1 + i * 3).SetCellValue("点" + i + "Y坐标"); } } excel_first_sd = !excel_first_sd; } for (int i = 0; i < sd_var; i++) { if (i > 0) { Sheet1.GetRow(row_var_sd).CreateCell(0 + i * 3).SetCellValue(coor_sd[i, coor_var_sd - 1, 0]); Sheet1.GetRow(row_var_sd).CreateCell(1 + i * 3).SetCellValue(coor_sd[i, coor_var_sd - 1, 1]); } else { Sheet1.CreateRow(row_var_sd).CreateCell(0).SetCellValue(coor_sd[0, coor_var_sd - 1, 0]); Sheet1.GetRow(row_var_sd).CreateCell(1).SetCellValue(coor_sd[0, coor_var_sd - 1, 1]);//已经创造过的不能再用create,会被覆盖 } } if (line_var > 0) { row_var++; Sheet2.CreateRow(0).CreateCell(0).SetCellValue("时间(秒)"); for (int i = 0; i < line_var; i++)//数据可视化 { Sheet2.GetRow(0).CreateCell(i + 1).SetCellValue("数据 " + i); } Sheet2.CreateRow(row_var).CreateCell(0).SetCellValue((coor[0, coor_var - 1, 0] * 0.001)); for (int i = 0; i < line_var; i++) { Sheet2.GetRow(row_var).CreateCell(i + 1).SetCellValue(coor[i, coor_var - 1, 1]); } } } if (ecxel_save)//导出文件 { FileStream file2003 = new FileStream(@file_name, FileMode.Create); workbook2003.Write(file2003); file2003.Close(); workbook2003.Close(); ecxel_save = false; } } }
private void ExportData() { int corpid = GetInt("corpid"); string[] ids = GetString("ids").Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); InitializeWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet1 = (HSSFSheet)hssfworkbook.CreateSheet("Sheet1"); HSSFRow rowHeader = (HSSFRow)sheet1.CreateRow(0); rowHeader.CreateCell(0).SetCellValue("线索状态"); rowHeader.CreateCell(1).SetCellValue("客户姓名"); rowHeader.CreateCell(2).SetCellValue("客户电话"); rowHeader.CreateCell(3).SetCellValue("拟购车系"); rowHeader.CreateCell(4).SetCellValue("信息类型"); rowHeader.CreateCell(5).SetCellValue("信息来源"); rowHeader.CreateCell(6).SetCellValue("性别"); rowHeader.CreateCell(7).SetCellValue("号码归属地"); rowHeader.CreateCell(8).SetCellValue("线索拥有者"); rowHeader.CreateCell(9).SetCellValue("标签"); rowHeader.CreateCell(10).SetCellValue("拟购品牌"); rowHeader.CreateCell(11).SetCellValue("拟购车型"); rowHeader.CreateCell(12).SetCellValue("拟购时间"); rowHeader.CreateCell(13).SetCellValue("报价"); rowHeader.CreateCell(14).SetCellValue("促销内容"); rowHeader.CreateCell(15).SetCellValue("备注"); rowHeader.CreateCell(16).SetCellValue("追踪级别"); rowHeader.CreateCell(17).SetCellValue("追踪报警"); rowHeader.CreateCell(18).SetCellValue("追踪次数"); rowHeader.CreateCell(19).SetCellValue("追踪方式"); rowHeader.CreateCell(20).SetCellValue("最后追踪时间"); rowHeader.CreateCell(21).SetCellValue("最后追踪人"); rowHeader.CreateCell(22).SetCellValue("追踪情况"); rowHeader.CreateCell(23).SetCellValue("预约到店时间"); rowHeader.CreateCell(24).SetCellValue("客户来店时间"); rowHeader.CreateCell(25).SetCellValue("客户离店时间"); rowHeader.CreateCell(26).SetCellValue("接待时长"); rowHeader.CreateCell(27).SetCellValue("来店人数"); rowHeader.CreateCell(28).SetCellValue("是否到店"); rowHeader.CreateCell(29).SetCellValue("省份-城市-地区"); rowHeader.CreateCell(30).SetCellValue("备用电话"); rowHeader.CreateCell(31).SetCellValue("具体地址"); rowHeader.CreateCell(32).SetCellValue("微信号"); rowHeader.CreateCell(33).SetCellValue("最后操作人"); rowHeader.CreateCell(34).SetCellValue("选购品牌"); rowHeader.CreateCell(35).SetCellValue("选购车系"); rowHeader.CreateCell(36).SetCellValue("选购车型"); rowHeader.CreateCell(37).SetCellValue("订单号"); rowHeader.CreateCell(38).SetCellValue("成交价"); rowHeader.CreateCell(39).SetCellValue("战败原因"); rowHeader.CreateCell(40).SetCellValue("战败原因分析"); rowHeader.CreateCell(41).SetCellValue("建档时间"); rowHeader.CreateCell(42).SetCellValue("提交时间"); rowHeader.CreateCell(43).SetCellValue("市场专员"); rowHeader.CreateCell(44).SetCellValue("DCC专员"); rowHeader.CreateCell(45).SetCellValue("展厅专员"); rowHeader.CreateCell(46).SetCellValue("直销专员"); rowHeader.CreateCell(47).SetCellValue("自动编号"); rowHeader.CreateCell(48).SetCellValue("系统备注"); List <CustomerInfo> list = Customers.Instance.GetCustomerListByCorporation(corpid, true); list = list.FindAll(l => ids.Contains(l.ID.ToString())); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { HSSFRow row = (HSSFRow)sheet1.CreateRow(i + 1); row.CreateCell(0).SetCellValue(list[i].CustomerStatus == (int)CustomerStatus.潜客_转出 ? (list[i].CustomerStatusSourceName + "(转出)") : list[i].CustomerStatusName); row.CreateCell(1).SetCellValue(list[i].Name); row.CreateCell(2).SetCellValue(list[i].Phone); row.CreateCell(3).SetCellValue(list[i].IbuyCarSeries); row.CreateCell(4).SetCellValue(list[i].InfoType); row.CreateCell(5).SetCellValue(list[i].InfoSource); row.CreateCell(6).SetCellValue(list[i].CustomerSex == 1 ? "男" : (list[i].CustomerSex == 2 ? "女" : "保密")); row.CreateCell(7).SetCellValue(list[i].PhoneVest); row.CreateCell(8).SetCellValue(list[i].Owner); row.CreateCell(9).SetCellValue(list[i].Tracktag); row.CreateCell(10).SetCellValue(list[i].IbuyCarBrand); row.CreateCell(11).SetCellValue(list[i].IbuyCarModel); row.CreateCell(12).SetCellValue(list[i].IbuyTime); row.CreateCell(13).SetCellValue(list[i].QuotedpriceInfo); row.CreateCell(14).SetCellValue(list[i].PromotionInfo); row.CreateCell(15).SetCellValue(list[i].RemarkInfo); row.CreateCell(16).SetCellValue(list[i].LastCustomerLevel); row.CreateCell(17).SetCellValue(list[i].ConnectAlarm == "0" ? "正常" : (list[i].ConnectAlarm == "1" ? "正常(24小时内超时)" : (list[i].ConnectAlarm == "2" ? "追踪超时" : string.Empty))); row.CreateCell(18).SetCellValue(list[i].ConnectTimes); row.CreateCell(19).SetCellValue(list[i].LastConnectway); row.CreateCell(20).SetCellValue(list[i].LastConnectTime); row.CreateCell(21).SetCellValue(list[i].LastConnectUser); row.CreateCell(22).SetCellValue(list[i].LastConnectDetail); row.CreateCell(23).SetCellValue(list[i].ReservationTime); row.CreateCell(24).SetCellValue(list[i].VisitTime); row.CreateCell(25).SetCellValue(list[i].LeaveTime); row.CreateCell(26).SetCellValue(list[i].IsVisit == 0 ? string.Empty : list[i].VisitDuration.ToString()); row.CreateCell(27).SetCellValue(list[i].IsVisit == 0 ? string.Empty : list[i].VisitNumber.ToString()); row.CreateCell(28).SetCellValue(list[i].IsVisit == 0 ? "否" : "是"); row.CreateCell(29).SetCellValue(string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", list[i].Province, list[i].City, list[i].District)); row.CreateCell(30).SetCellValue(list[i].BackupPhone); row.CreateCell(31).SetCellValue(list[i].Address); row.CreateCell(32).SetCellValue(list[i].WeixinAccount); row.CreateCell(33).SetCellValue(list[i].LastUpdateUser); row.CreateCell(34).SetCellValue(list[i].SbuyCarBrand); row.CreateCell(35).SetCellValue(list[i].SbuyCarSeries); row.CreateCell(36).SetCellValue(list[i].SbuyCarModel); row.CreateCell(37).SetCellValue(list[i].OrderNumber); row.CreateCell(38).SetCellValue(list[i].KnockdownPrice); row.CreateCell(39).SetCellValue(list[i].GiveupCause); row.CreateCell(40).SetCellValue(list[i].FailureCauseAnalyze); row.CreateCell(41).SetCellValue(list[i].CreateTime); row.CreateCell(42).SetCellValue(list[i].PostTime); row.CreateCell(43).SetCellValue(list[i].MarketDirector); row.CreateCell(44).SetCellValue(list[i].DCCDirector); row.CreateCell(45).SetCellValue(list[i].ExhibitionDirector); row.CreateCell(46).SetCellValue(list[i].Director); row.CreateCell(47).SetCellValue(list[i].ShowNo); row.CreateCell(48).SetCellValue(list[i].SystemRemark); } using (System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream()) { hssfworkbook.Write(ms); Response.Clear(); Response.Buffer = true; Response.ContentType = "application/"; Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + DateTime.Now.Millisecond.ToString(), Encoding.UTF8).ToString() + ".xls"); Response.BinaryWrite(ms.ToArray()); Response.End(); hssfworkbook = null; } }
/// <summary> /// 合并单元格 /// </summary> /// <param name="start_row">起始行</param> /// <param name="end_row">结束行</param> /// <param name="start_col">起始列</param> /// <param name="end_col">结束列</param> /// <param name="sheet">需要设置的表格</param> public static void MergeCells(int start_row, int end_row, int start_col, int end_col, ref HSSFSheet sheet) { sheet.AddMergedRegion(new NPOI.SS.Util.CellRangeAddress(start_row - 1, end_row - 1, start_col - 1, end_col - 1)); }
public static MemoryStream ExportDT(DataTable dtSource, string strHeaderText) { HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = workbook.CreateSheet() as HSSFSheet; #region 右击文件 属性信息 //{ // DocumentSummaryInformation dsi = PropertySetFactory.CreateDocumentSummaryInformation(); // dsi.Company = ""; // workbook.DocumentSummaryInformation = dsi; // SummaryInformation si = PropertySetFactory.CreateSummaryInformation(); // si.Author = "zzh"; //填加xls文件作者信息 // si.ApplicationName = "NPOI测试程序"; //填加xls文件创建程序信息 // si.LastAuthor = "zzh"; //填加xls文件最后保存者信息 // si.Comments = "说明信息"; //填加xls文件作者信息 // si.Title = "NPOI测试"; //填加xls文件标题信息 // si.Subject = "NPOI测试Demo"; //填加文件主题信息 // si.CreateDateTime = DateTime.Now; // workbook.SummaryInformation = si; //} #endregion HSSFCellStyle dateStyle = workbook.CreateCellStyle() as HSSFCellStyle; HSSFDataFormat format = workbook.CreateDataFormat() as HSSFDataFormat; dateStyle.DataFormat = format.GetFormat("yyyy-mm-dd hh:MM:ss"); //取得列宽 int[] arrColWidth = new int[dtSource.Columns.Count]; foreach (DataColumn item in dtSource.Columns) { arrColWidth[item.Ordinal] = Encoding.GetEncoding(936).GetBytes(item.ColumnName.ToString()).Length + 1; } for (int i = 0; i < dtSource.Rows.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < dtSource.Columns.Count; j++) { int intTemp = Encoding.GetEncoding(936).GetBytes(dtSource.Rows[i][j].ToString()).Length + 1; if (intTemp > arrColWidth[j]) { arrColWidth[j] = intTemp + 1; } } } int rowIndex = 0; //表头样式 HSSFCellStyle titleStyle = SetCellStyle(workbook, BorderStyle.Thin, 55, VerticalAlignment.Center, HorizontalAlignment.Center, HSSFColor.White.Index); HSSFFont titleFont = SetFont(workbook, "宋体", 0, 700, 20); titleStyle.SetFont(titleFont); //列头样式 HSSFCellStyle headStyle = SetCellStyle(workbook, BorderStyle.Thin, 55, VerticalAlignment.Center, HorizontalAlignment.Center, HSSFColor.White.Index); HSSFFont headfont = SetFont(workbook, "宋体", 0, 700, 10); headStyle.SetFont(headfont); //内容样式 HSSFCellStyle bodyStyle = SetCellStyle(workbook, BorderStyle.Thin, 55, VerticalAlignment.Center, HorizontalAlignment.Left, HSSFColor.White.Index); HSSFFont bodyFont = SetFont(workbook, "宋体", 0, 400, 10); bodyStyle.SetFont(bodyFont); foreach (DataRow row in dtSource.Rows) { #region 新建表,填充表头,填充列头,样式 if (rowIndex == 65535 || rowIndex == 0) { if (rowIndex != 0) { sheet = workbook.CreateSheet() as HSSFSheet; } #region 表头及样式 { HSSFRow headerRow = sheet.CreateRow(0) as HSSFRow; headerRow.HeightInPoints = 25; headerRow.CreateCell(0).SetCellValue(strHeaderText); //HSSFCellStyle headStyle = workbook.CreateCellStyle() as HSSFCellStyle; //headStyle.Alignment = NPOI.SS.UserModel.HorizontalAlignment.Center; //HSSFFont font = workbook.CreateFont() as HSSFFont; //font.FontHeightInPoints = 20; //font.Boldweight = 700; //headStyle.SetFont(font); headerRow.GetCell(0).CellStyle = titleStyle; sheet.AddMergedRegion(new Region(0, 0, 0, dtSource.Columns.Count - 1)); //headerRow.Dispose(); } #endregion #region 列头及样式 { HSSFRow headerRow = sheet.CreateRow(1) as HSSFRow; //HSSFCellStyle headStyle = workbook.CreateCellStyle() as HSSFCellStyle; //headStyle.Alignment = NPOI.SS.UserModel.HorizontalAlignment.Center; //HSSFFont font = workbook.CreateFont() as HSSFFont; //font.FontHeightInPoints = 10; //font.Boldweight = 700; //headStyle.SetFont(font); foreach (DataColumn column in dtSource.Columns) { headerRow.CreateCell(column.Ordinal).SetCellValue(column.ColumnName); headerRow.GetCell(column.Ordinal).CellStyle = headStyle; //设置列宽 sheet.SetColumnWidth(column.Ordinal, (arrColWidth[column.Ordinal] + 1) * 256); } //headerRow.Dispose(); } #endregion rowIndex = 2; } #endregion #region 填充内容 HSSFRow dataRow = sheet.CreateRow(rowIndex) as HSSFRow; foreach (DataColumn column in dtSource.Columns) { HSSFCell newCell = dataRow.CreateCell(column.Ordinal) as HSSFCell; newCell.CellStyle = bodyStyle; string drValue = row[column].ToString(); switch (column.DataType.ToString()) { case "System.String": //字符串类型 double result; if (isNumeric(drValue, out result)) { double.TryParse(drValue, out result); newCell.SetCellValue(result); break; } else { newCell.SetCellValue(drValue); break; } case "System.DateTime": //日期类型 DateTime dateV; if (!DateTime.TryParse(drValue, out dateV)) { continue; //如果数据类型装换失败,直接不赋值 modified by lu 2017.7.21 } newCell.SetCellValue(dateV); newCell.CellStyle = dateStyle; //格式化显示 break; case "System.Boolean": //布尔型 bool boolV = false; bool.TryParse(drValue, out boolV); newCell.SetCellValue(boolV); break; case "System.Int16": //整型 case "System.Int32": case "System.Int64": case "System.Byte": int intV = 0; int.TryParse(drValue, out intV); newCell.SetCellValue(intV); break; case "System.Decimal": //浮点型 case "System.Double": double doubV = 0; double.TryParse(drValue, out doubV); newCell.SetCellValue(doubV); break; case "System.DBNull": //空值处理 newCell.SetCellValue(""); break; default: newCell.SetCellValue(""); break; } } #endregion rowIndex++; } using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { workbook.Write(ms); ms.Flush(); ms.Position = 0; return(ms); } }
/// <summary> /// 设置单元格是否居中对齐,默认居左和底部 /// </summary> /// <param name="row"></param> /// <param name="col"></param> /// <param name="vertical">是否垂直居中</param> /// <param name="horizontal">是否水平居中</param> /// <param name="wb"></param> public static void SetCellAlignmentCenter(int row, int col, bool vertical, bool horizontal, ref HSSFWorkbook wb) { HSSFCellStyle cellStyle = (HSSFCellStyle)wb.CreateCellStyle(); HSSFSheet sheet = (HSSFSheet)wb.GetSheetAt(0); if (sheet.GetRow(row - 1) == null) { HSSFRow t_row = (HSSFRow)sheet.CreateRow(row - 1); HSSFCell t_cell = (HSSFCell)t_row.CreateCell(col - 1); cellStyle.CloneStyleFrom(t_cell.CellStyle); if (vertical) // 垂直 { cellStyle.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; } else { cellStyle.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom; } if (horizontal) // 水平 { cellStyle.Alignment = NPOI.SS.UserModel.HorizontalAlignment.Center; } else { cellStyle.Alignment = NPOI.SS.UserModel.HorizontalAlignment.Left; } t_cell.CellStyle = cellStyle; } else { HSSFRow t_row = (HSSFRow)sheet.GetRow(row - 1); if (t_row.GetCell(col - 1) == null) { HSSFCell t_cell = (HSSFCell)t_row.CreateCell(col - 1); cellStyle.CloneStyleFrom(t_cell.CellStyle); if (vertical) // 垂直 { cellStyle.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; } else { cellStyle.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom; } if (horizontal) // 水平 { cellStyle.Alignment = NPOI.SS.UserModel.HorizontalAlignment.Center; } else { cellStyle.Alignment = NPOI.SS.UserModel.HorizontalAlignment.Left; } t_cell.CellStyle = cellStyle; } else { HSSFCell t_cell = (HSSFCell)t_row.GetCell(col - 1); cellStyle.CloneStyleFrom(t_cell.CellStyle); if (vertical) // 垂直 { cellStyle.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; } else { cellStyle.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom; } if (horizontal) // 水平 { cellStyle.Alignment = NPOI.SS.UserModel.HorizontalAlignment.Center; } else { cellStyle.Alignment = NPOI.SS.UserModel.HorizontalAlignment.Left; } t_cell.CellStyle = cellStyle; } } }
static MemoryStream ExportDT(DataTable dtSource, string strHeaderText) { HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = workbook.CreateSheet() as HSSFSheet; HSSFCellStyle dateStyle = workbook.CreateCellStyle() as HSSFCellStyle; HSSFDataFormat format = workbook.CreateDataFormat() as HSSFDataFormat; dateStyle.DataFormat = format.GetFormat("yyyy-mm-dd"); //取得列宽 int[] arrColWidth = new int[dtSource.Columns.Count]; foreach (DataColumn item in dtSource.Columns) { arrColWidth[item.Ordinal] = Encoding.GetEncoding(936).GetBytes(item.ColumnName.ToString()).Length; } for (int i = 0; i < dtSource.Rows.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < dtSource.Columns.Count; j++) { int intTemp = Encoding.GetEncoding(936).GetBytes(dtSource.Rows[i][j].ToString()).Length; if (intTemp > arrColWidth[j]) { arrColWidth[j] = intTemp; } } } int rowIndex = 0; foreach (DataRow row in dtSource.Rows) { #region 新建表,填充表头,填充列头,样式 if (rowIndex == 65535 || rowIndex == 0) { if (rowIndex != 0) { sheet = workbook.CreateSheet() as HSSFSheet; } { HSSFRow headerRow = sheet.CreateRow(0) as HSSFRow; headerRow.HeightInPoints = 25; headerRow.CreateCell(0).SetCellValue(strHeaderText); HSSFCellStyle headStyle = workbook.CreateCellStyle() as HSSFCellStyle; headStyle.Alignment = NPOI.SS.UserModel.HorizontalAlignment.Center; HSSFFont font = workbook.CreateFont() as HSSFFont; font.FontHeightInPoints = 20; font.Boldweight = 700; headStyle.SetFont(font); headerRow.GetCell(0).CellStyle = headStyle; sheet.AddMergedRegion(new Region(0, 0, 0, dtSource.Columns.Count - 1)); } { HSSFRow headerRow = sheet.CreateRow(1) as HSSFRow; HSSFCellStyle headStyle = workbook.CreateCellStyle() as HSSFCellStyle; headStyle.Alignment = NPOI.SS.UserModel.HorizontalAlignment.Center; HSSFFont font = workbook.CreateFont() as HSSFFont; font.FontHeightInPoints = 10; font.Boldweight = 700; headStyle.SetFont(font); foreach (DataColumn column in dtSource.Columns) { headerRow.CreateCell(column.Ordinal).SetCellValue(column.ColumnName); headerRow.GetCell(column.Ordinal).CellStyle = headStyle; //设置列宽 sheet.SetColumnWidth(column.Ordinal, (arrColWidth[column.Ordinal] + 1) * 256); } //headerRow.Dispose(); } #endregion rowIndex = 2; } #region 填充内容 HSSFRow dataRow = sheet.CreateRow(rowIndex) as HSSFRow; foreach (DataColumn column in dtSource.Columns) { HSSFCell newCell = dataRow.CreateCell(column.Ordinal) as HSSFCell; string drValue = row[column].ToString(); switch (column.DataType.ToString()) { case "System.String": //字符串类型 double result; if (isNumeric(drValue, out result)) { double.TryParse(drValue, out result); newCell.SetCellValue(result); break; } else { newCell.SetCellValue(drValue); break; } case "System.DateTime": //日期类型 DateTime dateV; DateTime.TryParse(drValue, out dateV); newCell.SetCellValue(dateV); newCell.CellStyle = dateStyle; //格式化显示 break; case "System.Boolean": //布尔型 bool boolV = false; bool.TryParse(drValue, out boolV); newCell.SetCellValue(boolV); break; case "System.Int16": //整型 case "System.Int32": case "System.Int64": case "System.Byte": int intV = 0; int.TryParse(drValue, out intV); newCell.SetCellValue(intV); break; case "System.Decimal": //浮点型 case "System.Double": double doubV = 0; double.TryParse(drValue, out doubV); newCell.SetCellValue(doubV); break; case "System.DBNull": //空值处理 newCell.SetCellValue(""); break; default: newCell.SetCellValue(""); break; } } #endregion rowIndex++; } MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); workbook.Write(ms); ms.Flush(); ms.Position = 0; return(ms); }
/// <summary> /// 设置单元格的格式,如日期、小数 /// </summary> /// <param name="row"></param> /// <param name="col"></param> /// <param name="format"></param> /// <param name="wb"></param> public static void SetCellFormat(int row, int col, CellFormat format, ref HSSFWorkbook wb) { HSSFCellStyle Style = (HSSFCellStyle)wb.CreateCellStyle(); IDataFormat dataFormat = wb.CreateDataFormat(); HSSFSheet sheet = (HSSFSheet)wb.GetSheetAt(0); if (sheet.GetRow(row - 1) == null) { HSSFRow t_row = (HSSFRow)sheet.CreateRow(row - 1); HSSFCell t_cell = (HSSFCell)t_row.CreateCell(col - 1); Style.CloneStyleFrom(t_cell.CellStyle); switch (format) { case CellFormat.Date: Style.DataFormat = dataFormat.GetFormat("yyyy年m月d日"); break; case CellFormat.Point2: Style.DataFormat = dataFormat.GetFormat("0.00"); break; } t_cell.CellStyle = Style; } else { HSSFRow t_row = (HSSFRow)sheet.GetRow(row - 1); if (t_row.GetCell(col - 1) == null) { HSSFCell t_cell = (HSSFCell)t_row.CreateCell(col - 1); Style.CloneStyleFrom(t_cell.CellStyle); switch (format) { case CellFormat.Date: Style.DataFormat = dataFormat.GetFormat("yyyy年m月d日"); break; case CellFormat.Point2: Style.DataFormat = dataFormat.GetFormat("0.00"); break; } t_cell.CellStyle = Style; } else { HSSFCell t_cell = (HSSFCell)t_row.GetCell(col - 1); Style.CloneStyleFrom(t_cell.CellStyle); switch (format) { case CellFormat.Date: Style.DataFormat = dataFormat.GetFormat("yyyy年m月d日"); break; case CellFormat.Point2: Style.DataFormat = dataFormat.GetFormat("0.00"); break; } t_cell.CellStyle = Style; } } }
public HSSFEvaluationSheet(HSSFSheet hs) { _hs = hs; }
/// <summary> /// Creates new HSSFRow from scratch. Only HSSFSheet should do this. /// </summary> /// <param name="book">low-level Workbook object containing the sheet that Contains this row</param> /// <param name="sheet">low-level Sheet object that Contains this Row</param> /// <param name="rowNum">the row number of this row (0 based)</param> ///<see cref="NPOI.HSSF.UserModel.HSSFSheet.CreateRow(int)"/> public HSSFRow(HSSFWorkbook book, HSSFSheet sheet, int rowNum) : this(book, sheet, new RowRecord(rowNum)) { }
/// <summary> /// DataTable导出到Excel的MemoryStream(.xls) /// </summary> /// <param name="dtSource">源DataTable</param> /// <param name="strHeaderText">表头文本</param> /// <param name="headRow">列头行数</param> private static MemoryStream DataTableToExcel(DataTable dtSource, string strHeaderText = "", int headRow = 1) { HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = (HSSFSheet)workbook.CreateSheet(); #region 右击文件 属性信息 { DocumentSummaryInformation dsi = PropertySetFactory.CreateDocumentSummaryInformation(); dsi.Company = "NPOI"; workbook.DocumentSummaryInformation = dsi; SummaryInformation si = PropertySetFactory.CreateSummaryInformation(); si.Author = "Harry"; //填加xls文件作者信息 si.ApplicationName = ""; //填加xls文件创建程序信息 si.LastAuthor = "Harry"; //填加xls文件最后保存者信息 si.Comments = "Harry"; //填加xls文件作者信息 si.Title = ""; //填加xls文件标题信息 si.Subject = ""; //填加文件主题信息 si.CreateDateTime = System.DateTime.Now; workbook.SummaryInformation = si; } #endregion HSSFCellStyle dateStyle = (HSSFCellStyle)workbook.CreateCellStyle(); HSSFDataFormat format = (HSSFDataFormat)workbook.CreateDataFormat(); dateStyle.DataFormat = format.GetFormat("yyyy-mm-dd"); //取得列宽 int[] arrColWidth = new int[dtSource.Columns.Count]; foreach (DataColumn item in dtSource.Columns) { arrColWidth[item.Ordinal] = Encoding.GetEncoding(936).GetBytes(item.ColumnName.ToString()).Length; } for (int i = 0; i < dtSource.Rows.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < dtSource.Columns.Count; j++) { int intTemp = Encoding.GetEncoding(936).GetBytes(dtSource.Rows[i][j].ToString()).Length; if (intTemp > arrColWidth[j]) { arrColWidth[j] = intTemp; } } } int ExcelrowIndex = 0; int DtRowIndex = 0;// foreach (DataRow row in dtSource.Rows) { #region 新建表,填充表头,填充列头,样式 if (ExcelrowIndex == 65535 || ExcelrowIndex == 0) { if (ExcelrowIndex != 0) { sheet = (HSSFSheet)workbook.CreateSheet(); } #region 表头及样式 { #region 无用,准备删除 // HSSFRow headerRow = (HSSFRow)sheet.CreateRow(ExcelrowIndex); // headerRow.HeightInPoints = 25; // HSSFCellStyle headStyle = (HSSFCellStyle)workbook.CreateCellStyle(); // headerRow.CreateCell(0).SetCellValue(strHeaderText); // //headStyle.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;//水平居中 // //headStyle.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;//垂直居中 // HSSFFont font = (HSSFFont)workbook.CreateFont(); // font.FontHeightInPoints = 20; // font.Boldweight = 700; // headStyle.SetFont(font); // headerRow.GetCell(0).CellStyle = headStyle; // //sheet.AddMergedRegion(new Region(0, 0, 0, dtSource.Columns.Count - 1)); // //headerRow.Dispose(); // ExcelrowIndex++; #endregion HSSFCellStyle hssfcellstyle = (HSSFCellStyle)workbook.CreateCellStyle(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strHeaderText)) { sheet.AddMergedRegion(new Region(0, 0, 0, dtSource.Columns.Count - 1)); HSSFRow headerRow = NewHSSFRow(ref sheet, workbook, ref hssfcellstyle, ExcelrowIndex, false); NewFoot(ref hssfcellstyle, workbook, 15); headerRow.CreateCell(0).SetCellValue(strHeaderText); headerRow.GetCell(0).CellStyle = hssfcellstyle; ExcelrowIndex++; } } #endregion #region 列头及样式 { HSSFCellStyle headStyle = (HSSFCellStyle)workbook.CreateCellStyle(); HSSFRow headerRow = NewHSSFRow(ref sheet, workbook, ref headStyle, ExcelrowIndex, true); NewFoot(ref headStyle, workbook, 10); #region 无用,准备删除 //HSSFRow headerRow = (HSSFRow)sheet.CreateRow(ExcelrowIndex); //headerRow.HeightInPoints = 25; //HSSFCellStyle headStyle = (HSSFCellStyle)workbook.CreateCellStyle(); //headStyle.WrapText = true;//自动换行 ////headStyle.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;//水平居中 //headStyle.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;//垂直居中 //HSSFFont font = (HSSFFont)workbook.CreateFont(); //font.FontHeightInPoints = 10; //font.Boldweight = 700; //headStyle.SetFont(font); #endregion foreach (DataColumn column in dtSource.Columns) { headerRow.CreateCell(column.Ordinal).SetCellValue(column.ColumnName); headerRow.GetCell(column.Ordinal).CellStyle = headStyle; } //headerRow.Dispose(); ExcelrowIndex++; } //添加更多列 { for (int i = 1; i < headRow; i++) { HSSFCellStyle headStyle = (HSSFCellStyle)workbook.CreateCellStyle(); HSSFRow headerRow = NewHSSFRow(ref sheet, workbook, ref headStyle, ExcelrowIndex, true); NewFoot(ref headStyle, workbook, 10); foreach (DataColumn column in dtSource.Columns) { string drValue = row[column].ToString(); headerRow.CreateCell(column.Ordinal).SetCellValue(drValue); headerRow.GetCell(column.Ordinal).CellStyle = headStyle; //设置列宽 sheet.SetColumnWidth(column.Ordinal, ((arrColWidth[column.Ordinal] + 1) * 256) > 10000 ? 10000 : ((arrColWidth[column.Ordinal] + 1) * 256)); //宽度10000可自定义 } ExcelrowIndex++; } } #endregion } #endregion //跳过多行列头情况下已添加过的列 DtRowIndex++; if (DtRowIndex < headRow) { continue; } #region 填充内容 #region 无用,准备删除 //HSSFRow dataRow = (HSSFRow)sheet.CreateRow(ExcelrowIndex); //HSSFCellStyle rowStyle = (HSSFCellStyle)workbook.CreateCellStyle(); //rowStyle.WrapText = true;//自动换行 //rowStyle.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;//垂直居中 #endregion HSSFCellStyle rowStyle = (HSSFCellStyle)workbook.CreateCellStyle(); HSSFRow dataRow = NewHSSFRow(ref sheet, workbook, ref rowStyle, ExcelrowIndex, true, 15); foreach (DataColumn column in dtSource.Columns) { HSSFCell newCell = (HSSFCell)dataRow.CreateCell(column.Ordinal); string drValue = row[column].ToString(); switch (column.DataType.ToString()) { case "System.String": //字符串类型 newCell.SetCellValue(drValue); break; case "System.DateTime": //日期类型 System.DateTime dateV; System.DateTime.TryParse(drValue, out dateV); newCell.SetCellValue(dateV); newCell.CellStyle = dateStyle; //格式化显示 break; case "System.Boolean": //布尔型 bool boolV = false; bool.TryParse(drValue, out boolV); newCell.SetCellValue(boolV); break; case "System.Int16": //整型 case "System.Int32": case "System.Int64": case "System.Byte": int intV = 0; int.TryParse(drValue, out intV); newCell.SetCellValue(intV); break; case "System.Decimal": //浮点型 case "System.Double": double doubV = 0; double.TryParse(drValue, out doubV); newCell.SetCellValue(doubV); break; case "System.DBNull": //空值处理 newCell.SetCellValue(""); break; default: newCell.SetCellValue(""); break; } dataRow.GetCell(column.Ordinal).CellStyle = rowStyle; } #endregion ExcelrowIndex++; } using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { workbook.Write(ms); ms.Flush(); ms.Position = 0; ms.Dispose(); //workbook.Dispose();//一般只用写这一个就OK了,他会遍历并释放所有资源,但当前版本有问题所以只释放sheet return(ms); } }
/// <summary> /// NPOI DataGridView 导出 EXCEL /// </summary> /// <param name="fileName"> 默认保存文件名</param> /// <param name="dgv">DataGridView</param> /// <param name="fontname">字体名称</param> /// <param name="fontsize">字体大小</param> public void ExportExcel(string fileName, DataGridView dgv, string fontname, short fontsize, string filename) { //检测是否有数据 //if (dgv.SelectedRows.Count == 0) return; //创建主要对象 HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = (HSSFSheet)workbook.CreateSheet(filename); //设置字体,大小,对齐方式 HSSFCellStyle style = (HSSFCellStyle)workbook.CreateCellStyle(); HSSFFont font = (HSSFFont)workbook.CreateFont(); font.FontName = fontname; font.FontHeightInPoints = fontsize; style.SetFont(font); style.Alignment = NPOI.SS.UserModel.HorizontalAlignment.Center; //居中对齐 //添加表头 HSSFRow dataRow = (HSSFRow)sheet.CreateRow(0); //dataRow = (HSSFRow)sheet.CreateRow(0); dataRow.CreateCell(0).SetCellValue(filename); dataRow = (HSSFRow)sheet.CreateRow(1); for (int i = 0; i < dgv.Columns.Count; i++) { dataRow.CreateCell(i).SetCellValue(dgv.Columns[i].HeaderText); dataRow.GetCell(i).CellStyle = style; } //注释的这行是设置筛选的 //sheet.SetAutoFilter(new CellRangeAddress(0, dgv.Columns.Count, 0, dgv.Columns.Count)); //添加列及内容 for (int i = 0; i < dgv.Rows.Count; i++) { dataRow = (HSSFRow)sheet.CreateRow(i + 2); for (int j = 0; j < dgv.Columns.Count; j++) { string ValueType = dgv.Rows[i].Cells[j].Value is null ? "System.String" : dgv.Rows[i].Cells[j].Value.GetType().ToString(); string Value = dgv.Rows[i].Cells[j].Value is null ? "" : dgv.Rows[i].Cells[j].Value.ToString(); switch (ValueType) { case "System.String": //字符串类型 dataRow.CreateCell(j).SetCellValue(Value); break; case "System.DateTime": //日期类型 DateTime dateV; DateTime.TryParse(Value, out dateV); dataRow.CreateCell(j).SetCellValue(dateV); break; case "System.Boolean": //布尔型 bool boolV = false; bool.TryParse(Value, out boolV); dataRow.CreateCell(j).SetCellValue(boolV); break; case "System.Int16": //整型 case "System.Int32": case "System.Int64": case "System.Byte": int intV = 0; int.TryParse(Value, out intV); dataRow.CreateCell(j).SetCellValue(intV); break; case "System.Decimal": //浮点型 case "System.Double": double doubV = 0; double.TryParse(Value, out doubV); dataRow.CreateCell(j).SetCellValue(doubV); break; case "System.DBNull": //空值处理 dataRow.CreateCell(j).SetCellValue(""); break; default: dataRow.CreateCell(j).SetCellValue(""); break; } dataRow.GetCell(j).CellStyle = style; //设置宽度 var maxColumn = dgv.Columns.Count; //列宽自适应,只对英文和数字有效 //for (int j = 0; j <= maxColumn; j++) //{ // sheet.AutoSizeColumn(j); //} //获取当前列的宽度,然后对比本列的长度,取最大值 for (int columnNum = 0; columnNum <= maxColumn; columnNum++) { int columnWidth = sheet.GetColumnWidth(columnNum) / 256; for (int rowNum = 1; rowNum <= sheet.LastRowNum; rowNum++) { IRow currentRow; //当前行未被使用过 if (sheet.GetRow(rowNum) == null) { currentRow = sheet.CreateRow(rowNum); } else { currentRow = sheet.GetRow(rowNum); } if (currentRow.GetCell(columnNum) != null) { ICell currentCell = currentRow.GetCell(columnNum); int length = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(currentCell.ToString()).Length; if (columnWidth < length) { columnWidth = length; } } } sheet.SetColumnWidth(columnNum, columnWidth * 256); } // sheet.SetColumnWidth(j, (Value.Length) * 512); } } //保存文件 string saveFileName = ""; SaveFileDialog saveDialog = new SaveFileDialog(); saveDialog.DefaultExt = "xls"; saveDialog.Filter = "Excel文件|*.xls"; saveDialog.FileName = fileName; MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); if (true || saveDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { saveFileName = saveDialog.FileName + "日语生词" + ".xls"; if (saveFileName.IndexOf("/") > 0) { // saveFileName=saveFileName.Insert(saveFileName.IndexOf("/"), @"\"); saveFileName = saveFileName.Replace("/", "-"); } //if (!CheckFiles(saveFileName)) //{ // MessageBox.Show("文件被站用,请关闭文件后重新进行导出操作 " + saveFileName); // workbook = null; // ms.Close(); // ms.Dispose(); // return; //} workbook.Write(ms); FileStream file = new FileStream(saveFileName, FileMode.Create); workbook.Write(file); file.Close(); workbook = null; ms.Close(); ms.Dispose(); MessageBox.Show(fileName + " 保存成功", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK); //if (MessageBox.Show("导出成功,点击 [是] 后打开文件所在位置", "导出成功", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) // dateTabletoCSV.ClickOpenLocation(saveFileName); } else { workbook = null; ms.Close(); ms.Dispose(); } }
public static CFRuleRecord Create(HSSFSheet sheet, String formulaText) { Ptg[] formula1 = ParseFormula(formulaText, sheet); return(new CFRuleRecord(CONDITION_TYPE_FORMULA, ComparisonOperator.NoComparison, formula1, null)); }
/** * Returns all the charts for the given sheet. * * NOTE: You won't be able to do very much with * these charts yet, as this is very limited support */ public static HSSFChart[] GetSheetCharts(HSSFSheet sheet) { List<HSSFChart> charts = new List<HSSFChart>(); HSSFChart lastChart = null; HSSFSeries lastSeries = null; // Find records of interest List<RecordBase> records = sheet.GetSheet().GetRecords(); foreach(RecordBase r in records) { if(r is ChartRecord) { lastSeries = null; lastChart = new HSSFChart(sheet,(ChartRecord)r); charts.Add(lastChart); } else if(r is LegendRecord) { lastChart.legendRecord = (LegendRecord)r; } else if(r is SeriesRecord) { HSSFSeries series = HSSFSeries( (SeriesRecord)r ); lastChart.series.Add(series); lastSeries = series; } else if(r is ChartTitleFormatRecord) { lastChart.chartTitleFormat = (ChartTitleFormatRecord)r; } else if(r is SeriesTextRecord) { // Applies to a series, unless we've seen // a legend already SeriesTextRecord str = (SeriesTextRecord)r; if(lastChart.legendRecord == null && lastChart.series.Size() > 0) { HSSFSeries series = (HSSFSeries) lastChart.series.Get(lastChart.series.Size()-1); series.seriesTitleText = str; } else { lastChart.chartTitleText = str; } } else if (r is LinkedDataRecord) { LinkedDataRecord linkedDataRecord = (LinkedDataRecord) r; if (lastSeries != null) { lastSeries.InsertData(linkedDataRecord); } } else if(r is ValueRangeRecord){ lastChart.valueRanges.Add((ValueRangeRecord)r); } else if (r is Record) { if (lastChart != null) { Record record = (Record) r; for (HSSFChartType type : HSSFChartType.Values()) { if (type == HSSFChartType.Unknown) { continue; } if (record.GetSid() == type.GetSid()) { lastChart.type = type ; break; } } } } } return (HSSFChart[]) charts.ToArray( new HSSFChart[charts.Size()] ); }
public HSSFDataValidationHelper(HSSFSheet sheet) : base() { this.sheet = sheet; }
/** * Creates a bar chart. API needs some work. :) * <p> * NOTE: Does not yet work... checking it in just so others * can take a look. */ public void CreateBarChart( HSSFWorkbook workbook, HSSFSheet sheet ) { List<Record> records = new List<Record>(); records.Add( CreateMSDrawingObjectRecord() ); records.Add( CreateOBJRecord() ); records.Add( CreateBOFRecord() ); records.Add(new HeaderRecord("")); records.Add(new FooterRecord("")); records.Add( CreateHCenterRecord() ); records.Add( CreateVCenterRecord() ); records.Add( CreatePrintSetupRecord() ); // unknown 33 records.Add( CreateFontBasisRecord1() ); records.Add( CreateFontBasisRecord2() ); records.Add(new ProtectRecord(false)); records.Add( CreateUnitsRecord() ); records.Add( CreateChartRecord( 0, 0, 30434904, 19031616 ) ); records.Add( CreateBeginRecord() ); records.Add( CreateSCLRecord( (short) 1, (short) 1 ) ); records.Add( CreatePlotGrowthRecord( 65536, 65536 ) ); records.Add( CreateFrameRecord1() ); records.Add( CreateBeginRecord() ); records.Add( CreateLineFormatRecord(true) ); records.Add( CreateAreaFormatRecord1() ); records.Add( CreateEndRecord() ); records.Add( CreateSeriesRecord() ); records.Add( CreateBeginRecord() ); records.Add( CreateTitleLinkedDataRecord() ); records.Add( CreateValuesLinkedDataRecord() ); records.Add( CreateCategoriesLinkedDataRecord() ); records.Add( CreateDataFormatRecord() ); // records.add(createBeginRecord()); // unknown // records.add(createEndRecord()); records.Add( CreateSeriesToChartGroupRecord() ); records.Add( CreateEndRecord() ); records.Add( CreateSheetPropsRecord() ); records.Add( CreateDefaultTextRecord( DefaultDataLabelTextPropertiesRecord.CATEGORY_DATA_TYPE_ALL_TEXT_CHARACTERISTIC ) ); records.Add( CreateAllTextRecord() ); records.Add( CreateBeginRecord() ); // unknown records.Add( CreateFontIndexRecord( 5 ) ); records.Add( CreateDirectLinkRecord() ); records.Add( CreateEndRecord() ); records.Add( CreateDefaultTextRecord( (short) 3 ) ); // eek, undocumented text type records.Add( CreateUnknownTextRecord() ); records.Add( CreateBeginRecord() ); records.Add( CreateFontIndexRecord( (short) 6 ) ); records.Add( CreateDirectLinkRecord() ); records.Add( CreateEndRecord() ); records.Add( CreateAxisUsedRecord( (short) 1 ) ); CreateAxisRecords( records ); records.Add( CreateEndRecord() ); records.Add( CreateDimensionsRecord() ); records.Add( CreateSeriesIndexRecord(2) ); records.Add( CreateSeriesIndexRecord(1) ); records.Add( CreateSeriesIndexRecord(3) ); records.Add(EOFRecord.instance); sheet.InsertChartRecords( records ); workbook.InsertChartRecord(); }
/// <summary> /// 将Excel里的数据分页显示 /// </summary> /// <param name="strFileName">文件名</param> /// <param name="pageSize">每页显示行数</param> /// <param name="currentPage">当前页数</param> /// <param name="total">总行数</param> /// <returns></returns> /// <remarks></remarks> public static DataTable ImportByPage(string strFileName, int pageSize, int currentPage, ref int total) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); HSSFWorkbook hssfworkbook = default(HSSFWorkbook); using (FileStream file = new FileStream(strFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { hssfworkbook = new HSSFWorkbook(file); } HSSFSheet sheet = (HSSFSheet)hssfworkbook.GetSheetAt(0); System.Collections.IEnumerator rows = sheet.GetRowEnumerator(); total = sheet.LastRowNum; HSSFRow headerRow = (HSSFRow)sheet.GetRow(0); int cellCount = headerRow.LastCellNum; for (int j = 0; j <= cellCount - 1; j++) { HSSFCell cell = (HSSFCell)headerRow.GetCell(j); dt.Columns.Add(cell.ToString()); } int firstRow = sheet.FirstRowNum + 1 + (currentPage - 1) * pageSize; for (int i = firstRow; i <= firstRow + pageSize - 1; i++) { HSSFRow row = (HSSFRow)sheet.GetRow(i); DataRow dataRow = dt.NewRow(); if (i <= sheet.LastRowNum) { for (int j = row.FirstCellNum; j <= cellCount - 1; j++) { if (row.GetCell(j) != null) { HSSFCell cell = (HSSFCell)row.GetCell(j); if (cell.CellType == NPOI.SS.UserModel.CellType.Formula) { switch (cell.CachedFormulaResultType) { case NPOI.SS.UserModel.CellType.String: dataRow[j] = row.GetCell(j).StringCellValue; break; case NPOI.SS.UserModel.CellType.Numeric: dataRow[j] = row.GetCell(j).NumericCellValue; break; default: dataRow[j] = row.GetCell(j).ToString(); break; } } else { dataRow[j] = row.GetCell(j).ToString(); } } } dt.Rows.Add(dataRow); } } return(dt); }