コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        ///   Project the edges of a 3D shape model into image coordinates.
        ///   Instance represents: Handle of the 3D shape model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="camParam">Internal camera parameters.</param>
        /// <param name="pose">3D pose of the 3D shape model in the world coordinate system.</param>
        /// <param name="hiddenSurfaceRemoval">Remove hidden surfaces? Default: "true"</param>
        /// <param name="minFaceAngle">Smallest face angle for which the edge is displayed Default: 0.523599</param>
        /// <returns>Contour representation of the model view.</returns>
        public HXLDCont ProjectShapeModel3d(
            HCamPar camParam,
            HPose pose,
            string hiddenSurfaceRemoval,
            double minFaceAngle)
            IntPtr proc = HalconAPI.PreCall(1055);

            this.Store(proc, 0);
            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 1, (HData)camParam);
            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 2, (HData)pose);
            HalconAPI.StoreS(proc, 3, hiddenSurfaceRemoval);
            HalconAPI.StoreD(proc, 4, minFaceAngle);
            HalconAPI.InitOCT(proc, 1);
            int err = HalconAPI.CallProcedure(proc);

            HXLDCont hxldCont;
            int      procResult = HXLDCont.LoadNew(proc, 1, err, out hxldCont);

            HalconAPI.PostCall(proc, procResult);
コード例 #2
ファイル: CalibTool.cs プロジェクト: StevenPZChan/Utility
        private void buttonCalib_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (this.cTextBoxDesc.Text == "")
                MessageBox.Show("请选择标定描述文件!", "提示信息", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);

                int referenceIndex                 = this.listBox1.SelectedIndex;
                var hv_StartParameters             = new HTuple();
                var hv_TmpCtrl_FindCalObjParNames  = new HTuple();
                var hv_TmpCtrl_FindCalObjParValues = new HTuple();
                hv_StartParameters[0]             = 0.001 * float.Parse(this.cTextBoxFocus.Text);
                hv_StartParameters[1]             = 0;
                hv_StartParameters[2]             = 1e-6 * float.Parse(this.cTextBoxSx.Text);
                hv_StartParameters[3]             = 1e-6 * float.Parse(this.cTextBoxSy.Text);
                hv_StartParameters[4]             = this.width / 2;
                hv_StartParameters[5]             = this.height / 2;
                hv_StartParameters[6]             = this.width;
                hv_StartParameters[7]             = this.height;
                hv_TmpCtrl_FindCalObjParNames[0]  = "gap_tolerance";
                hv_TmpCtrl_FindCalObjParNames[1]  = "alpha";
                hv_TmpCtrl_FindCalObjParNames[2]  = "skip_find_caltab";
                hv_TmpCtrl_FindCalObjParValues[0] = 1;
                hv_TmpCtrl_FindCalObjParValues[1] = 1;
                hv_TmpCtrl_FindCalObjParValues[2] = "false";

                using (var hv_CalibHandle = new HCalibData("calibration_object", 1, 1))
                    hv_CalibHandle.SetCalibDataCamParam(0, "area_scan_division", hv_StartParameters);
                    hv_CalibHandle.SetCalibDataCalibObject(0, this.cTextBoxDesc.Text);
                    for (var i = 0; i < this._images.Count; i++)
                        hv_CalibHandle.FindCalibObject(this._images[i], 0, 0, i, hv_TmpCtrl_FindCalObjParNames, hv_TmpCtrl_FindCalObjParValues);

                    hv_CalibHandle.SetCalibData("camera", new HTuple(0), "excluded_settings", new HTuple("sx", "sy", "cx", "cy"));
                    this.Errors           = hv_CalibHandle.CalibrateCameras();
                    this.CameraParameters = hv_CalibHandle.GetCalibData("camera", 0, "params");
                    this.CameraPose       = new HPose(hv_CalibHandle.GetCalibData("calib_obj_pose", new HTuple(0, referenceIndex), new HTuple("pose")));
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show($"出现错误:{ex.Message},请检查标定数据!", "错误信息", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            this.buttonSave.Enabled = this.Errors > 0 && this.Errors < 1;
            if (this.Errors < 1)
                MessageBox.Show($"标定成功!误差为{this.Errors:f}pixel,请保存!", "标定成功", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        ///   Set the pose of a 3D scene.
        ///   Instance represents: Handle of the 3D scene.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="toWorldPose">New pose of the 3D scene.</param>
        public void SetScene3dToWorldPose(HPose toWorldPose)
            IntPtr proc = HalconAPI.PreCall(1205);

            this.Store(proc, 0);
            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 1, (HData)toWorldPose);
            int procResult = HalconAPI.CallProcedure(proc);

            HalconAPI.PostCall(proc, procResult);
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        ///   Set the pose of a camera in a 3D scene.
        ///   Instance represents: Handle of the 3D scene.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cameraIndex">Index of the camera.</param>
        /// <param name="pose">New pose of the camera.</param>
        public void SetScene3dCameraPose(int cameraIndex, HPose pose)
            IntPtr proc = HalconAPI.PreCall(1210);

            this.Store(proc, 0);
            HalconAPI.StoreI(proc, 1, cameraIndex);
            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 2, (HData)pose);
            int procResult = HalconAPI.CallProcedure(proc);

            HalconAPI.PostCall(proc, procResult);
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        ///   Convert a 3D pose to a unit dual quaternion.
        ///   Modified instance represents: Unit dual quaternion.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pose">3D pose.</param>
        public void PoseToDualQuat(HPose pose)
            IntPtr proc = HalconAPI.PreCall(2080);

            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 0, (HData)pose);
            HalconAPI.InitOCT(proc, 0);
            int err = HalconAPI.CallProcedure(proc);

            int procResult = this.Load(proc, 0, err);

            HalconAPI.PostCall(proc, procResult);
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>Convert a dual quaternion to a 3D pose.</summary>
        /// <param name="dualQuaternion">Unit dual quaternion.</param>
        /// <returns>3D pose.</returns>
        public static HPose[] DualQuatToPose(HDualQuaternion[] dualQuaternion)
            HTuple htuple = HData.ConcatArray((HData[])dualQuaternion);
            IntPtr proc   = HalconAPI.PreCall(2064);

            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 0, htuple);
            HalconAPI.InitOCT(proc, 0);
            int err = HalconAPI.CallProcedure(proc);

            HTuple tuple;
            int    procResult = HTuple.LoadNew(proc, 0, err, out tuple);

            HalconAPI.PostCall(proc, procResult);
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        ///   Convert a homogeneous transformation matrix into a 3D pose.
        ///   Instance represents: Homogeneous transformation matrix.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Equivalent 3D pose.</returns>
        public HPose HomMat3dToPose()
            IntPtr proc = HalconAPI.PreCall(1934);

            this.Store(proc, 0);
            HalconAPI.InitOCT(proc, 0);
            int err = HalconAPI.CallProcedure(proc);

            HPose hpose;
            int   procResult = HPose.LoadNew(proc, 0, err, out hpose);

            HalconAPI.PostCall(proc, procResult);
コード例 #8
ファイル: HCalibData.cs プロジェクト: zshankang/OpenHalcon
        /// <summary>
        ///   Get observed calibration object poses from a calibration data model.
        ///   Instance represents: Handle of a calibration data model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cameraIdx">Index of the observing camera. Default: 0</param>
        /// <param name="calibObjIdx">Index of the observed calibration object. Default: 0</param>
        /// <param name="calibObjPoseIdx">Index of the observed calibration object pose. Default: 0</param>
        /// <returns>Stored observed calibration object pose relative to the observing camera.</returns>
        public HPose GetCalibDataObservPose(int cameraIdx, int calibObjIdx, int calibObjPoseIdx)
            IntPtr proc = HalconAPI.PreCall(1972);

            this.Store(proc, 0);
            HalconAPI.StoreI(proc, 1, cameraIdx);
            HalconAPI.StoreI(proc, 2, calibObjIdx);
            HalconAPI.StoreI(proc, 3, calibObjPoseIdx);
            HalconAPI.InitOCT(proc, 0);
            int   err = HalconAPI.CallProcedure(proc);
            HPose hpose;
            int   procResult = HPose.LoadNew(proc, 0, err, out hpose);

            HalconAPI.PostCall(proc, procResult);
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        ///   Find the best matches of a calibrated descriptor model in an image and return their 3D pose.
        ///   Instance represents: The handle to the descriptor model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">Input image where the model should be found.</param>
        /// <param name="detectorParamName">The detector's parameter names. Default: []</param>
        /// <param name="detectorParamValue">Values of the detector's parameters. Default: []</param>
        /// <param name="descriptorParamName">The descriptor's parameter names. Default: []</param>
        /// <param name="descriptorParamValue">Values of the descriptor's parameters. Default: []</param>
        /// <param name="minScore">Minimum score of the instances of the models to be found. Default: 0.2</param>
        /// <param name="numMatches">Maximal number of found instances. Default: 1</param>
        /// <param name="camParam">Camera parameter (inner orientation) obtained from camera calibration.</param>
        /// <param name="scoreType">Score type to be evaluated in Score. Default: "num_points"</param>
        /// <param name="score">Score of the found instances according to the ScoreType input.</param>
        /// <returns>3D pose of the object.</returns>
        public HPose[] FindCalibDescriptorModel(
            HImage image,
            HTuple detectorParamName,
            HTuple detectorParamValue,
            HTuple descriptorParamName,
            HTuple descriptorParamValue,
            HTuple minScore,
            int numMatches,
            HCamPar camParam,
            HTuple scoreType,
            out HTuple score)
            IntPtr proc = HalconAPI.PreCall(948);

            this.Store(proc, 0);
            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 1, (HObjectBase)image);
            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 1, detectorParamName);
            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 2, detectorParamValue);
            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 3, descriptorParamName);
            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 4, descriptorParamValue);
            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 5, minScore);
            HalconAPI.StoreI(proc, 6, numMatches);
            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 7, (HData)camParam);
            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 8, scoreType);
            HalconAPI.InitOCT(proc, 0);
            HalconAPI.InitOCT(proc, 1);
            int err1 = HalconAPI.CallProcedure(proc);

            HTuple tuple;
            int    err2       = HTuple.LoadNew(proc, 0, err1, out tuple);
            int    procResult = HTuple.LoadNew(proc, 1, err2, out score);

            HalconAPI.PostCall(proc, procResult);
            HPose[] hposeArray = HPose.SplitArray(tuple);
コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        ///   Return the contour representation of a 3D shape model view.
        ///   Instance represents: Handle of the 3D shape model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="level">Pyramid level for which the contour representation should be returned. Default: 1</param>
        /// <param name="view">View for which the contour representation should be returned. Default: 1</param>
        /// <param name="viewPose">3D pose of the 3D shape model at the current view.</param>
        /// <returns>Contour representation of the model view.</returns>
        public HXLDCont GetShapeModel3dContours(int level, int view, out HPose viewPose)
            IntPtr proc = HalconAPI.PreCall(1056);

            this.Store(proc, 0);
            HalconAPI.StoreI(proc, 1, level);
            HalconAPI.StoreI(proc, 2, view);
            HalconAPI.InitOCT(proc, 1);
            HalconAPI.InitOCT(proc, 0);
            int      err1 = HalconAPI.CallProcedure(proc);
            HXLDCont hxldCont;
            int      err2       = HXLDCont.LoadNew(proc, 1, err1, out hxldCont);
            int      procResult = HPose.LoadNew(proc, 0, err2, out viewPose);

            HalconAPI.PostCall(proc, procResult);
コード例 #11
        /// <summary>
        ///   Transform a pose that refers to the coordinate system of a 3D object model to a pose that refers to the reference coordinate system of a 3D shape model and vice versa.
        ///   Instance represents: Handle of the 3D shape model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="poseIn">Pose to be transformed in the source system.</param>
        /// <param name="transformation">Direction of the transformation. Default: "ref_to_model"</param>
        /// <returns>Transformed 3D pose in the target system.</returns>
        public HPose TransPoseShapeModel3d(HPose poseIn, string transformation)
            IntPtr proc = HalconAPI.PreCall(1054);

            this.Store(proc, 0);
            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 1, (HData)poseIn);
            HalconAPI.StoreS(proc, 2, transformation);
            HalconAPI.InitOCT(proc, 0);
            int err = HalconAPI.CallProcedure(proc);

            HPose hpose;
            int   procResult = HPose.LoadNew(proc, 0, err, out hpose);

            HalconAPI.PostCall(proc, procResult);
コード例 #12
        /// <summary>Refine the pose of a surface model in a 3D scene and in images.</summary>
        /// <param name="image">Images of the scene.</param>
        /// <param name="surfaceModelID">Handle of the surface model.</param>
        /// <param name="objectModel3D">Handle of the 3D object model containing the scene.</param>
        /// <param name="initialPose">Initial pose of the surface model in the scene.</param>
        /// <param name="minScore">Minimum score of the returned poses. Default: 0</param>
        /// <param name="returnResultHandle">Enable returning a result handle in SurfaceMatchingResultID. Default: "false"</param>
        /// <param name="genParamName">Names of the generic parameters. Default: []</param>
        /// <param name="genParamValue">Values of the generic parameters. Default: []</param>
        /// <param name="score">Score of the found instances of the model.</param>
        /// <param name="surfaceMatchingResultID">Handle of the matching result, if enabled in ReturnResultHandle.</param>
        /// <returns>3D pose of the surface model in the scene.</returns>
        public static HPose[] RefineSurfaceModelPoseImage(
            HImage image,
            HSurfaceModel surfaceModelID,
            HObjectModel3D objectModel3D,
            HPose[] initialPose,
            HTuple minScore,
            string returnResultHandle,
            HTuple genParamName,
            HTuple genParamValue,
            out HTuple score,
            out HSurfaceMatchingResult[] surfaceMatchingResultID)
            HTuple htuple = HData.ConcatArray((HData[])initialPose);
            IntPtr proc   = HalconAPI.PreCall(2084);

            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 1, (HObjectBase)image);
            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 0, (HTool)surfaceModelID);
            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 1, (HTool)objectModel3D);
            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 2, htuple);
            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 3, minScore);
            HalconAPI.StoreS(proc, 4, returnResultHandle);
            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 5, genParamName);
            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 6, genParamValue);
            HalconAPI.InitOCT(proc, 0);
            HalconAPI.InitOCT(proc, 1);
            HalconAPI.InitOCT(proc, 2);
            int err1 = HalconAPI.CallProcedure(proc);

            HTuple tuple;
            int    err2       = HTuple.LoadNew(proc, 0, err1, out tuple);
            int    err3       = HTuple.LoadNew(proc, 1, HTupleType.DOUBLE, err2, out score);
            int    procResult = HSurfaceMatchingResult.LoadNew(proc, 2, err3, out surfaceMatchingResultID);

            HalconAPI.PostCall(proc, procResult);
            HPose[] hposeArray = HPose.SplitArray(tuple);
コード例 #13
        /// <summary>Find the best matches of a surface model in a 3D scene and images.</summary>
        /// <param name="image">Images of the scene.</param>
        /// <param name="surfaceModelID">Handle of the surface model.</param>
        /// <param name="objectModel3D">Handle of the 3D object model containing the scene.</param>
        /// <param name="relSamplingDistance">Scene sampling distance relative to the diameter of the surface model. Default: 0.05</param>
        /// <param name="keyPointFraction">Fraction of sampled scene points used as key points. Default: 0.2</param>
        /// <param name="minScore">Minimum score of the returned poses. Default: 0</param>
        /// <param name="returnResultHandle">Enable returning a result handle in SurfaceMatchingResultID. Default: "false"</param>
        /// <param name="genParamName">Names of the generic parameters. Default: []</param>
        /// <param name="genParamValue">Values of the generic parameters. Default: []</param>
        /// <param name="score">Score of the found instances of the surface model.</param>
        /// <param name="surfaceMatchingResultID">Handle of the matching result, if enabled in ReturnResultHandle.</param>
        /// <returns>3D pose of the surface model in the scene.</returns>
        public static HPose[] FindSurfaceModelImage(
            HImage image,
            HSurfaceModel surfaceModelID,
            HObjectModel3D objectModel3D,
            double relSamplingDistance,
            double keyPointFraction,
            HTuple minScore,
            string returnResultHandle,
            HTuple genParamName,
            HTuple genParamValue,
            out HTuple score,
            out HSurfaceMatchingResult[] surfaceMatchingResultID)
            IntPtr proc = HalconAPI.PreCall(2069);

            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 1, (HObjectBase)image);
            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 0, (HTool)surfaceModelID);
            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 1, (HTool)objectModel3D);
            HalconAPI.StoreD(proc, 2, relSamplingDistance);
            HalconAPI.StoreD(proc, 3, keyPointFraction);
            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 4, minScore);
            HalconAPI.StoreS(proc, 5, returnResultHandle);
            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 6, genParamName);
            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 7, genParamValue);
            HalconAPI.InitOCT(proc, 0);
            HalconAPI.InitOCT(proc, 1);
            HalconAPI.InitOCT(proc, 2);
            int err1 = HalconAPI.CallProcedure(proc);

            HTuple tuple;
            int    err2       = HTuple.LoadNew(proc, 0, err1, out tuple);
            int    err3       = HTuple.LoadNew(proc, 1, HTupleType.DOUBLE, err2, out score);
            int    procResult = HSurfaceMatchingResult.LoadNew(proc, 2, err3, out surfaceMatchingResultID);

            HalconAPI.PostCall(proc, procResult);
            HPose[] hposeArray = HPose.SplitArray(tuple);
コード例 #14
ファイル: HCalibData.cs プロジェクト: zshankang/OpenHalcon
        /// <summary>
        ///   Set observed calibration object poses in a calibration data model.
        ///   Instance represents: Handle of a calibration data model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cameraIdx">Index of the observing camera. Default: 0</param>
        /// <param name="calibObjIdx">Index of the calibration object. Default: 0</param>
        /// <param name="calibObjPoseIdx">Index of the observed calibration object. Default: 0</param>
        /// <param name="objInCameraPose">Pose of the observed calibration object relative to the observing camera.</param>
        public void SetCalibDataObservPose(
            int cameraIdx,
            int calibObjIdx,
            int calibObjPoseIdx,
            HPose objInCameraPose)
            IntPtr proc = HalconAPI.PreCall(1973);

            this.Store(proc, 0);
            HalconAPI.StoreI(proc, 1, cameraIdx);
            HalconAPI.StoreI(proc, 2, calibObjIdx);
            HalconAPI.StoreI(proc, 3, calibObjPoseIdx);
            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 4, (HData)objInCameraPose);
            int procResult = HalconAPI.CallProcedure(proc);

            HalconAPI.PostCall(proc, procResult);
コード例 #15
        /// <summary>
        ///   Add an instance of a 3D object model to a 3D scene.
        ///   Instance represents: Handle of the 3D scene.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objectModel3D">Handle of the 3D object model.</param>
        /// <param name="pose">Pose of the 3D object model.</param>
        /// <returns>Index of the new instance in the 3D scene.</returns>
        public int AddScene3dInstance(HObjectModel3D objectModel3D, HPose pose)
            IntPtr proc = HalconAPI.PreCall(1217);

            this.Store(proc, 0);
            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 1, (HTool)objectModel3D);
            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 2, (HData)pose);
            HalconAPI.InitOCT(proc, 0);
            int err = HalconAPI.CallProcedure(proc);

            int intValue;
            int procResult = HalconAPI.LoadI(proc, 0, err, out intValue);

            HalconAPI.PostCall(proc, procResult);
コード例 #16
        /// <summary>
        ///   Refine the pose of a surface model in a 3D scene and in images.
        ///   Modified instance represents: Handle of the matching result, if enabled in ReturnResultHandle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">Images of the scene.</param>
        /// <param name="surfaceModelID">Handle of the surface model.</param>
        /// <param name="objectModel3D">Handle of the 3D object model containing the scene.</param>
        /// <param name="initialPose">Initial pose of the surface model in the scene.</param>
        /// <param name="minScore">Minimum score of the returned poses. Default: 0</param>
        /// <param name="returnResultHandle">Enable returning a result handle in SurfaceMatchingResultID. Default: "false"</param>
        /// <param name="genParamName">Names of the generic parameters. Default: []</param>
        /// <param name="genParamValue">Values of the generic parameters. Default: []</param>
        /// <param name="score">Score of the found instances of the model.</param>
        /// <returns>3D pose of the surface model in the scene.</returns>
        public HPose RefineSurfaceModelPoseImage(
            HImage image,
            HSurfaceModel surfaceModelID,
            HObjectModel3D objectModel3D,
            HPose initialPose,
            double minScore,
            string returnResultHandle,
            HTuple genParamName,
            HTuple genParamValue,
            out HTuple score)
            IntPtr proc = HalconAPI.PreCall(2084);

            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 1, (HObjectBase)image);
            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 0, (HTool)surfaceModelID);
            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 1, (HTool)objectModel3D);
            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 2, (HData)initialPose);
            HalconAPI.StoreD(proc, 3, minScore);
            HalconAPI.StoreS(proc, 4, returnResultHandle);
            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 5, genParamName);
            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 6, genParamValue);
            HalconAPI.InitOCT(proc, 2);
            HalconAPI.InitOCT(proc, 0);
            HalconAPI.InitOCT(proc, 1);
            int err1 = HalconAPI.CallProcedure(proc);

            int   err2 = this.Load(proc, 2, err1);
            HPose hpose;
            int   err3       = HPose.LoadNew(proc, 0, err2, out hpose);
            int   procResult = HTuple.LoadNew(proc, 1, HTupleType.DOUBLE, err3, out score);

            HalconAPI.PostCall(proc, procResult);
コード例 #17
        /// <summary>
        ///   Find the best matches of a surface model in a 3D scene.
        ///   Modified instance represents: Handle of the matching result, if enabled in ReturnResultHandle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="surfaceModelID">Handle of the surface model.</param>
        /// <param name="objectModel3D">Handle of the 3D object model containing the scene.</param>
        /// <param name="relSamplingDistance">Scene sampling distance relative to the diameter of the surface model. Default: 0.05</param>
        /// <param name="keyPointFraction">Fraction of sampled scene points used as key points. Default: 0.2</param>
        /// <param name="minScore">Minimum score of the returned poses. Default: 0</param>
        /// <param name="returnResultHandle">Enable returning a result handle in SurfaceMatchingResultID. Default: "false"</param>
        /// <param name="genParamName">Names of the generic parameters. Default: []</param>
        /// <param name="genParamValue">Values of the generic parameters. Default: []</param>
        /// <param name="score">Score of the found instances of the surface model.</param>
        /// <returns>3D pose of the surface model in the scene.</returns>
        public HPose FindSurfaceModel(
            HSurfaceModel surfaceModelID,
            HObjectModel3D objectModel3D,
            double relSamplingDistance,
            double keyPointFraction,
            double minScore,
            string returnResultHandle,
            HTuple genParamName,
            HTuple genParamValue,
            out HTuple score)
            IntPtr proc = HalconAPI.PreCall(1042);

            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 0, (HTool)surfaceModelID);
            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 1, (HTool)objectModel3D);
            HalconAPI.StoreD(proc, 2, relSamplingDistance);
            HalconAPI.StoreD(proc, 3, keyPointFraction);
            HalconAPI.StoreD(proc, 4, minScore);
            HalconAPI.StoreS(proc, 5, returnResultHandle);
            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 6, genParamName);
            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 7, genParamValue);
            HalconAPI.InitOCT(proc, 2);
            HalconAPI.InitOCT(proc, 0);
            HalconAPI.InitOCT(proc, 1);
            int err1 = HalconAPI.CallProcedure(proc);

            int   err2 = this.Load(proc, 2, err1);
            HPose hpose;
            int   err3       = HPose.LoadNew(proc, 0, err2, out hpose);
            int   procResult = HTuple.LoadNew(proc, 1, HTupleType.DOUBLE, err3, out score);

            HalconAPI.PostCall(proc, procResult);
コード例 #18
        /// <summary>
        ///   Find the best matches of a 3D shape model in an image.
        ///   Instance represents: Handle of the 3D shape model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">Input image in which the model should be found.</param>
        /// <param name="minScore">Minimum score of the instances of the model to be found. Default: 0.7</param>
        /// <param name="greediness">"Greediness" of the search heuristic (0: safe but slow; 1: fast but matches may be missed). Default: 0.9</param>
        /// <param name="numLevels">Number of pyramid levels used in the matching (and lowest pyramid level to use if $|NumLevels| = 2$). Default: 0</param>
        /// <param name="genParamName">Names of (optional) parameters for controlling the behavior of the operator. Default: []</param>
        /// <param name="genParamValue">Values of the optional generic parameters. Default: []</param>
        /// <param name="covPose">6 standard deviations or 36 covariances of the pose parameters.</param>
        /// <param name="score">Score of the found instances of the 3D shape model.</param>
        /// <returns>3D pose of the 3D shape model.</returns>
        public HPose[] FindShapeModel3d(
            HImage image,
            double minScore,
            double greediness,
            HTuple numLevels,
            HTuple genParamName,
            HTuple genParamValue,
            out HTuple covPose,
            out HTuple score)
            IntPtr proc = HalconAPI.PreCall(1058);

            this.Store(proc, 0);
            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 1, (HObjectBase)image);
            HalconAPI.StoreD(proc, 1, minScore);
            HalconAPI.StoreD(proc, 2, greediness);
            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 3, numLevels);
            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 4, genParamName);
            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 5, genParamValue);
            HalconAPI.InitOCT(proc, 0);
            HalconAPI.InitOCT(proc, 1);
            HalconAPI.InitOCT(proc, 2);
            int err1 = HalconAPI.CallProcedure(proc);

            HTuple tuple;
            int    err2       = HTuple.LoadNew(proc, 0, err1, out tuple);
            int    err3       = HTuple.LoadNew(proc, 1, HTupleType.DOUBLE, err2, out covPose);
            int    procResult = HTuple.LoadNew(proc, 2, HTupleType.DOUBLE, err3, out score);

            HalconAPI.PostCall(proc, procResult);
            HPose[] hposeArray = HPose.SplitArray(tuple);
コード例 #19
        /// <summary>
        ///   Create a descriptor model for calibrated perspective matching.
        ///   Modified instance represents: The handle to the descriptor model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="template">Input image whose domain will be used to create the model.</param>
        /// <param name="camParam">The parameters of the internal orientation of the camera.</param>
        /// <param name="referencePose">The reference pose of the object in the reference image.</param>
        /// <param name="detectorType">The type of the detector. Default: "lepetit"</param>
        /// <param name="detectorParamName">The detector's parameter names. Default: []</param>
        /// <param name="detectorParamValue">Values of the detector's parameters. Default: []</param>
        /// <param name="descriptorParamName">The descriptor's parameter names. Default: []</param>
        /// <param name="descriptorParamValue">Values of the descriptor's parameters. Default: []</param>
        /// <param name="seed">The seed for the random number generator. Default: 42</param>
        public void CreateCalibDescriptorModel(
            HImage template,
            HCamPar camParam,
            HPose referencePose,
            string detectorType,
            HTuple detectorParamName,
            HTuple detectorParamValue,
            HTuple descriptorParamName,
            HTuple descriptorParamValue,
            int seed)
            IntPtr proc = HalconAPI.PreCall(952);

            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 1, (HObjectBase)template);
            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 0, (HData)camParam);
            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 1, (HData)referencePose);
            HalconAPI.StoreS(proc, 2, detectorType);
            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 3, detectorParamName);
            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 4, detectorParamValue);
            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 5, descriptorParamName);
            HalconAPI.Store(proc, 6, descriptorParamValue);
            HalconAPI.StoreI(proc, 7, seed);
            HalconAPI.InitOCT(proc, 0);
            int err = HalconAPI.CallProcedure(proc);

            int procResult = this.Load(proc, 0, err);

            HalconAPI.PostCall(proc, procResult);
コード例 #20
ファイル: CalibImage.cs プロジェクト: abedGNU/LibreCV-cSharp
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes all status flags and objects to set up
        /// this image for the calibration process
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="img">Calibration image</param>
        /// <param name="assist">Reference to the Calibration Assistant</param>
        public CalibImage(HImage img, CalibrationAssistant assist)
            string tmp;

            mImage = img;

            mAssistant   = assist;
            mCanCalib    = 1;                                 //labeled as 'for not having been evaluated'
            mPlateStatus = CalibrationAssistant.PS_NOT_FOUND; // "No Plate found" yet
            mImage.GetImagePointer1(out tmp, out mWidth, out mHeight);
            mEstimatedPlateSize = 0;
            mErrorMessage       = "";

            // initialize all instances
            mCaltabRegion      = new HRegion();
            mMarkCenter        = new HXLDCont();
            mEstimatedWCS      = new HObject();
            mQualityIssuesList = new ArrayList(15);

            mMarkCenterRows = new HTuple();
            mMarkCenterCols = new HTuple();
            mEstimatedPose  = new HPose();
コード例 #21
        private void btnCalib_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                this.CameraParam = new HTuple(double.Parse(this.tbxFocus.Text), double.Parse(this.tbxKappa.Text), double.Parse(this.tbxSx.Text),
                                              double.Parse(this.tbxSy.Text), double.Parse(this.tbxCx.Text), double.Parse(this.tbxCy.Text), int.Parse(this.tbxWidth.Text),
                this.hv_WorldX      = new HTuple();
                this.hv_WorldY      = new HTuple();
                this.hv_WorldZ      = new HTuple();
                this.hv_ImageRow    = new HTuple();
                this.hv_ImageColumn = new HTuple();
                foreach (DataRow dr in this.CalData.Rows)
                    this.hv_WorldX      = this.hv_WorldX.TupleConcat((double)dr["x"]);
                    this.hv_WorldY      = this.hv_WorldY.TupleConcat((double)dr["y"]);
                    this.hv_WorldZ      = this.hv_WorldZ.TupleConcat((double)dr["z"]);
                    this.hv_ImageRow    = this.hv_ImageRow.TupleConcat((double)dr["r"]);
                    this.hv_ImageColumn = this.hv_ImageColumn.TupleConcat((double)dr["c"]);

                this.Pose = HImage.VectorToPose(this.hv_WorldX, this.hv_WorldY, this.hv_WorldZ, this.hv_ImageRow, this.hv_ImageColumn, this.CameraParam,
                                                "planar_analytic", "error", out this.error);
                this.tbxTx.Text    = this.Pose[0].D.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                this.tbxTy.Text    = this.Pose[1].D.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                this.tbxTz.Text    = this.Pose[2].D.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                this.tbxAlpha.Text = this.Pose[3].D.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                this.tbxBeta.Text  = this.Pose[4].D.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                this.tbxGamma.Text = this.Pose[5].D.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                this.tbxType.Text  = this.Pose[6].I.ToString();
                this.tbxError.Text = this.Error.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("出现错误:" + ex.Message, "错误信息", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
コード例 #22
        private void init()
            //default value
            CanCalibFlag         = 1;                                 //labeled as 'for not having been evaluated'
            PlateStatus          = CalibrationAssistant.PS_NOT_FOUND; // "No Plate found" yet
            _mEstimatedPlateSize = 0;
            ErrorMessage         = "";

            //Image width and height
            string tmp;

            _mImage.GetImagePointer1(out tmp, out Width, out Height);

            // initialize all instances
            _mCaltabRegion      = new HRegion();
            _mMarkCenter        = new HXLDCont();
            _mEstimatedWCS      = new HObject();
            _mQualityIssuesList = new ArrayList(15);

            _mMarkCenterRows = new HTuple();
            _mMarkCenterCols = new HTuple();
            _mEstimatedPose  = new HPose();
コード例 #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes all status flags and objects to set up 
        /// this image for the calibration process
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="img">Calibration image</param>
        /// <param name="assist">Reference to the Calibration Assistant</param>
        public CalibImage(HImage img, CalibrationAssistant assist)
            string tmp;
            mImage     = img;

            mAssistant = assist;
            mCanCalib  = 1;  //labeled as 'for not having been evaluated'
            mPlateStatus = CalibrationAssistant.PS_NOT_FOUND;// "No Plate found" yet
            mImage.GetImagePointer1(out tmp, out mWidth, out mHeight);
            mEstimatedPlateSize = 0;
            mErrorMessage       = "";

            // initialize all instances
            mCaltabRegion      = new HRegion();
            mMarkCenter        = new HXLDCont();
            mEstimatedWCS      = new HObject();
            mQualityIssuesList = new ArrayList(15);

            mMarkCenterRows = new HTuple();
            mMarkCenterCols = new HTuple();
            mEstimatedPose  = new HPose ();
コード例 #24
        private void init()
            //default value
            CanCalibFlag = 1;  //labeled as 'for not having been evaluated'
            PlateStatus = CalibrationAssistant.PS_NOT_FOUND;// "No Plate found" yet
            _mEstimatedPlateSize = 0;
            ErrorMessage = "";

            //Image width and height
            string tmp;
            _mImage.GetImagePointer1(out tmp, out Width, out Height);

            // initialize all instances
            _mCaltabRegion = new HRegion();
            _mMarkCenter = new HXLDCont();
            _mEstimatedWCS = new HObject();
            _mQualityIssuesList = new ArrayList(15);

            _mMarkCenterRows = new HTuple();
            _mMarkCenterCols = new HTuple();
            _mEstimatedPose = new HPose();