public void HIPPSubmissionPend(string stat, int age, bool renewalStatus) { ScreenCaputres caputres = new ScreenCaputres(); //caputres.TakeVideo(@"C:\\Users\\bryar.h.cole\Desktop\\TestResults\\"); string userName = "******"; #region Start up ExtentTest test = null; ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions(); //options.AddArgument("--headless"); context = new ChromeDriver(options); context.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5); Utility utility = new Utility(context); APHPHomePage loginPage = new APHPHomePage(context); WorkerPortalLandingPage landingPage = new WorkerPortalLandingPage(context); HIPPSearchPage hIPPSearch = new HIPPSearchPage(context); InitiateTest startUp = new InitiateTest(context); CreateHIPPApplicationWorker app = new CreateHIPPApplicationWorker(); HIPPWorkFlow workFlow = new HIPPWorkFlow(); WordDocGen genWordDoc = new WordDocGen(); context.Url = startUp.AWSINTWoker; context.Manage().Window.Maximize(); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; #endregion StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); string screenshotLocation = @"C:\Users\bryar.h.cole\Desktop\TestResults\"; try { loginPage.LoginPage("bryar.h.wrkr", "user@123A", startUp.AWSINTWoker); //loginPage.LoginPage("", "user@1234"); landingPage.HippApplicationSearch(); while (context.Title == "HIPP Application Search") { hIPPSearch.ClickBeginNewApp(); } if (context.Title == "HIPP Application") { try { app.SubmitHIPPCaseSubmissionWorker(context, renewalStatus, age); } catch (WebDriverTimeoutException e) { stringBuilder.AppendLine("Seems like a timeout exception occured. For this test. Status was " + stat + ", age: " + age); ScreenCaputres.TakeSreenShot(context, screenshotLocation + stat + age + "error.png"); } } else { hIPPSearch.ClickBeginNewApp(); } try { string appNumber = workFlow.HippWorkFlow(stat, context); stringBuilder.AppendLine("Appnumber is " + appNumber + " for candidate who is age: " + age + "\n" + "Time of test: " + now + "\n" + "***********"); } catch (WebDriverTimeoutException e) { WorkItemComponent workItemComponent = new WorkItemComponent(context); string appNumber = workItemComponent.GatherAppNumber(); stringBuilder.AppendLine("Appnumber is " + appNumber + " for candidate who is age: " + age + "\n" + "Time of test: " + now + "\n" + "***********"); } } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { //caputres.StopVideo(); throw; } catch (Exception e) { //caputres.StopVideo(); throw; } finally { try { Thread.Sleep(3000); //Generic.signoutBtn.Click(); //context.Close(); System.IO.File.AppendAllText(@"C:\Users\bryar.h.cole\Desktop\testResults.txt", stringBuilder.ToString()); } catch { //context.Close(); } } }
public void TC_IT03_HIPP_Workflow(string stat, int testCaseID, bool renewalStatus) { ScreenCaputres caputres = new ScreenCaputres(); //caputres.TakeVideo(@"C:\\Users\\bryar.h.cole\Desktop\\TestResults\\"); string userName = "******"; #region Start up ExtentTest test = null; context = new ChromeDriver(); context.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5); Utility utility = new Utility(context); APHPHomePage loginPage = new APHPHomePage(context); WorkerPortalLandingPage landingPage = new WorkerPortalLandingPage(context); HIPPSearchPage hIPPSearch = new HIPPSearchPage(context); InitiateTest startUp = new InitiateTest(context); CreateHIPPApplicationWorker app = new CreateHIPPApplicationWorker(); HIPPWorkFlow workFlow = new HIPPWorkFlow(); WordDocGen genWordDoc = new WordDocGen(); context.Url = startUp.AWSINTWoker; context.Manage().Window.Maximize(); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; #endregion System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(screenshotLocation); DocX doc = genWordDoc.CreateWordDoc(testCaseID, 152045); TestCase testCase = utility.GetTestCase(testCaseID, 152045); string testName = testCase.TestCaseId.ToString() + "_" + testCase.TestCaseName.Replace(" ", "_") + ".docx"; string scenario = testCase.TestCaseName; try { doc.InsertBookmark("Pass 1"); doc.InsertBookmark("Pass 2"); loginPage.LoginPage("bryar.h.wrkr", "user@123A", startUp.AWSINTWoker); //loginPage.LoginPage("", "user@1234"); utility.RecordStepStatusMAIN("Login APHP success", screenshotLocation, "LoginSuccess", doc); landingPage.HippApplicationSearch(); hIPPSearch.ClickBeginNewApp(); //hIPPSearch.ClickBeginNewApp(); app.SubmitHIPPCaseSubmissionWorker(context, renewalStatus, screenshotLocation, doc); string appNumber = workFlow.HippWorkFlow(stat, context, screenshotLocation, doc); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { utility.RecordStepStatusMAIN("Element you are looking for does not exist, error mssage is as follows: " + e.Message, screenshotLocation, "NoSuchElement", doc); //caputres.StopVideo(); throw; } catch (Exception e) { utility.RecordStepStatusMAIN("An exception occurred within the code, please see error message: " + e.Message, screenshotLocation, "Error", doc); //caputres.StopVideo(); throw; } finally { try { Thread.Sleep(3000); doc.SaveAs("C:\\Users\\" + userName + "\\Desktop\\TestResults\\" + testName); Process.Start("WINWORD.EXE", "C:\\Users\\" + userName + "\\Desktop\\TestResults\\" + testName); //Generic.signoutBtn.Click(); //context.Close(); } catch { //context.Close(); } } }