コード例 #1
            private TreeViewItem BuildElementItem(int index, TreeViewItem parent, HID.HIDElementDescriptor element, ref int id, ref int runningBitOffset, ref HID.HIDReportType currentReportType)
                var item = AddChild(parent, string.Format("Element {0} ({1})", index, element.reportType), ref id);

                string usagePageString;
                string usageString;

                HID.UsageToString(element.usagePage, element.usage, out usagePageString, out usageString);

                AddChild(item, string.Format("Usage Page: 0x{0:X} ({1})", (uint)element.usagePage, usagePageString), ref id);
                if (usageString != null)
                    AddChild(item, string.Format("Usage: 0x{0:X} ({1})", element.usage, usageString), ref id);
                    AddChild(item, string.Format("Usage: 0x{0:X}", element.usage), ref id);

                AddChild(item, "Report Type: " + element.reportType, ref id);
                AddChild(item, "Report ID: " + element.reportId, ref id);
                AddChild(item, "Report Size in Bits: " + element.reportSizeInBits, ref id);
                AddChild(item, "Report Count: " + element.reportCount, ref id);
                AddChild(item, "Collection Index: " + element.collectionIndex, ref id);
                AddChild(item, string.Format("Unit: {0:X}", element.unit), ref id);
                AddChild(item, string.Format("Unit Exponent: {0:X}", element.unitExponent), ref id);
                AddChild(item, "Logical Min: " + element.logicalMin, ref id);
                AddChild(item, "Logical Max: " + element.logicalMax, ref id);
                AddChild(item, "Physical Min: " + element.physicalMin, ref id);
                AddChild(item, "Physical Max: " + element.physicalMax, ref id);
                AddChild(item, "Has Null State?: " + element.hasNullState, ref id);
                AddChild(item, "Has Preferred State?: " + element.hasPreferredState, ref id);
                AddChild(item, "Is Array?: " + element.isArray, ref id);
                AddChild(item, "Is Non-Linear?: " + element.isNonLinear, ref id);
                AddChild(item, "Is Relative?: " + element.isRelative, ref id);
                AddChild(item, "Is Virtual?: " + element.isVirtual, ref id);
                AddChild(item, "Is Wrapping?: " + element.isWrapping, ref id);

                if (currentReportType != element.reportType)
                    currentReportType = element.reportType;
                    runningBitOffset  = 0;

                         string.Format("Inferred Offset: byte #{0}, bit #{1}", runningBitOffset / 8, runningBitOffset % 8),
                         ref id);

                runningBitOffset += element.reportSizeInBits;

コード例 #2
            private TreeViewItem BuildElementItem(int index, TreeViewItem parent, HID.HIDElementDescriptor element, ref int id)
                var item = AddChild(parent, string.Format("Element {0} ({1})", index, element.reportType), ref id);

                string usagePageString = HID.UsagePageToString(element.usagePage);
                string usageString     = HID.UsageToString(element.usagePage, element.usage);

                AddChild(item, string.Format("Usage Page: 0x{0:X} ({1})", (uint)element.usagePage, usagePageString), ref id);
                if (usageString != null)
                    AddChild(item, string.Format("Usage: 0x{0:X} ({1})", element.usage, usageString), ref id);
                    AddChild(item, string.Format("Usage: 0x{0:X}", element.usage), ref id);

                AddChild(item, "Report Type: " + element.reportType, ref id);
                AddChild(item, "Report ID: " + element.reportId, ref id);
                AddChild(item, "Report Size in Bits: " + element.reportSizeInBits, ref id);
                AddChild(item, "Report Bit Offset: " + element.reportOffsetInBits, ref id);
                AddChild(item, "Collection Index: " + element.collectionIndex, ref id);
                AddChild(item, string.Format("Unit: {0:X}", element.unit), ref id);
                AddChild(item, string.Format("Unit Exponent: {0:X}", element.unitExponent), ref id);
                AddChild(item, "Logical Min: " + element.logicalMin, ref id);
                AddChild(item, "Logical Max: " + element.logicalMax, ref id);
                AddChild(item, "Physical Min: " + element.physicalMin, ref id);
                AddChild(item, "Physical Max: " + element.physicalMax, ref id);
                AddChild(item, "Has Null State?: " + element.hasNullState, ref id);
                AddChild(item, "Has Preferred State?: " + element.hasPreferredState, ref id);
                AddChild(item, "Is Array?: " + element.isArray, ref id);
                AddChild(item, "Is Non-Linear?: " + element.isNonLinear, ref id);
                AddChild(item, "Is Relative?: " + element.isRelative, ref id);
                AddChild(item, "Is Constant?: " + element.isConstant, ref id);
                AddChild(item, "Is Wrapping?: " + element.isWrapping, ref id);

コード例 #3
        public unsafe static bool ParseReportDescriptor(byte *bufferPtr, int bufferLength, ref HID.HIDDeviceDescriptor deviceDescriptor)
            // Item state.
            var localItemState  = new HIDItemStateLocal();
            var globalItemState = new HIDItemStateGlobal();

            // Lists where we accumulate the data from the HID items.
            var reports           = new List <HIDReportData>();
            var elements          = new List <HID.HIDElementDescriptor>();
            var collections       = new List <HID.HIDCollectionDescriptor>();
            var currentCollection = -1;

            // Parse the linear list of items.
            var endPtr     = bufferPtr + bufferLength;
            var currentPtr = bufferPtr;

            while (currentPtr < endPtr)
                var firstByte = *currentPtr;

                if (firstByte == 0xFE)
                    throw new NotImplementedException("long item support");

                // Read item header.
                var itemSize       = (byte)(firstByte & 0x3);
                var itemTypeAndTag = (byte)(firstByte & 0xFC);

                // Process item.
                switch (itemTypeAndTag)
                // ------------ Global Items --------------
                // These set item state permanently until it is reset.

                // Usage Page
                case (int)HIDItemTypeAndTag.UsagePage:
                    globalItemState.usagePage = ReadData(itemSize, currentPtr, endPtr);

                // Report Count
                case (int)HIDItemTypeAndTag.ReportCount:
                    globalItemState.reportCount = ReadData(itemSize, currentPtr, endPtr);

                // Report Size
                case (int)HIDItemTypeAndTag.ReportSize:
                    globalItemState.reportSize = ReadData(itemSize, currentPtr, endPtr);

                // Report ID
                case (int)HIDItemTypeAndTag.ReportID:
                    globalItemState.reportId = ReadData(itemSize, currentPtr, endPtr);

                // Logical Minimum
                case (int)HIDItemTypeAndTag.LogicalMinimum:
                    globalItemState.logicalMinimum = ReadData(itemSize, currentPtr, endPtr);

                // Logical Maximum
                case (int)HIDItemTypeAndTag.LogicalMaximum:
                    globalItemState.logicalMaximum = ReadData(itemSize, currentPtr, endPtr);

                // Physical Minimum
                case (int)HIDItemTypeAndTag.PhysicalMinimum:
                    globalItemState.physicalMinimum = ReadData(itemSize, currentPtr, endPtr);

                // Physical Maximum
                case (int)HIDItemTypeAndTag.PhysicalMaximum:
                    globalItemState.physicalMaximum = ReadData(itemSize, currentPtr, endPtr);

                // Unit Exponent
                case (int)HIDItemTypeAndTag.UnitExponent:
                    globalItemState.unitExponent = ReadData(itemSize, currentPtr, endPtr);

                // Unit
                case (int)HIDItemTypeAndTag.Unit:
                    globalItemState.unit = ReadData(itemSize, currentPtr, endPtr);

                // ------------ Local Items --------------
                // These set the state for the very next elements to be generated.

                // Usage
                case (int)HIDItemTypeAndTag.Usage:
                    localItemState.SetUsage(ReadData(itemSize, currentPtr, endPtr));

                // Usage Minimum
                case (int)HIDItemTypeAndTag.UsageMinimum:
                    localItemState.usageMinimum = ReadData(itemSize, currentPtr, endPtr);

                // Usage Maximum
                case (int)HIDItemTypeAndTag.UsageMaximum:
                    localItemState.usageMaximum = ReadData(itemSize, currentPtr, endPtr);

                // ------------ Main Items --------------
                // These emit things into the descriptor based on the local and global item state.

                // Collection
                case (int)HIDItemTypeAndTag.Collection:

                    // Start new collection.
                    var parentCollection = currentCollection;
                    currentCollection = collections.Count;
                    collections.Add(new HID.HIDCollectionDescriptor
                        type       = (HID.HIDCollectionType)ReadData(itemSize, currentPtr, endPtr),
                        parent     = parentCollection,
                        usagePage  = globalItemState.GetUsagePage(0, ref localItemState),
                        usage      = localItemState.GetUsage(0),
                        firstChild = elements.Count

                    HIDItemStateLocal.Reset(ref localItemState);

                // EndCollection
                case (int)HIDItemTypeAndTag.EndCollection:
                    if (currentCollection == -1)

                    // Close collection.
                    var collection = collections[currentCollection];
                    collection.childCount          = elements.Count - collection.firstChild;
                    collections[currentCollection] = collection;

                    // Switch back to parent collection (if any).
                    currentCollection = collection.parent;

                    HIDItemStateLocal.Reset(ref localItemState);

                // Input/Output/Feature
                case (int)HIDItemTypeAndTag.Input:
                case (int)HIDItemTypeAndTag.Output:
                case (int)HIDItemTypeAndTag.Feature:

                    // Determine report type.
                    var reportType = itemTypeAndTag == (int)HIDItemTypeAndTag.Input
                            ? HID.HIDReportType.Input
                            : itemTypeAndTag == (int)HIDItemTypeAndTag.Output
                            ? HID.HIDReportType.Output
                            : HID.HIDReportType.Feature;

                    // Find report.
                    var reportIndex = HIDReportData.FindOrAddReport(globalItemState.reportId, reportType, reports);
                    var report      = reports[reportIndex];

                    // If we have a report ID, then reports start with an 8 byte report ID.
                    // Shift our offsets accordingly.
                    if (report.currentBitOffset == 0 && globalItemState.reportId.HasValue)
                        report.currentBitOffset = 8;

                    // Add elements to report.
                    var reportCount = globalItemState.reportCount.GetValueOrDefault(1);
                    var flags       = ReadData(itemSize, currentPtr, endPtr);
                    for (var i = 0; i < reportCount; ++i)
                        var element = new HID.HIDElementDescriptor
                            usage              = localItemState.GetUsage(i) & 0xFFFF, // Mask off usage page, if set.
                            usagePage          = globalItemState.GetUsagePage(i, ref localItemState),
                            reportType         = reportType,
                            reportSizeInBits   = globalItemState.reportSize.GetValueOrDefault(8),
                            reportOffsetInBits = report.currentBitOffset,
                            reportId           = globalItemState.reportId.GetValueOrDefault(1),
                            flags              = (HID.HIDElementFlags)flags,
                            logicalMin         = globalItemState.logicalMinimum.GetValueOrDefault(0),
                            logicalMax         = globalItemState.logicalMaximum.GetValueOrDefault(0),
                            physicalMin        = globalItemState.GetPhysicalMin(),
                            physicalMax        = globalItemState.GetPhysicalMax(),
                            unitExponent       = globalItemState.unitExponent.GetValueOrDefault(0),
                            unit = globalItemState.unit.GetValueOrDefault(0),
                        report.currentBitOffset += element.reportSizeInBits;
                    reports[reportIndex] = report;

                    HIDItemStateLocal.Reset(ref localItemState);

                if (itemSize == 3)
                    currentPtr += 4;
                    currentPtr += itemSize;

            deviceDescriptor.elements    = elements.ToArray();
            deviceDescriptor.collections = collections.ToArray();

            // Set usage and usage page on device descriptor to what's
            // on the toplevel application collection.
            foreach (var collection in collections)
                if (collection.parent == -1 && collection.type == HID.HIDCollectionType.Application)
                    deviceDescriptor.usage     = collection.usage;
                    deviceDescriptor.usagePage = collection.usagePage;
