コード例 #1
        public string GetUUI(UUID userID, UUID targetUserID)
            // Let's see if it's a local user
            UserAccount account = m_UserAccountService.GetUserAccount(null, targetUserID);

            if (account != null)
                return(targetUserID.ToString() + ";" + m_GridName + ";" + account.FirstName + " " + account.LastName);

            // Let's try the list of friends
            List <FriendInfo> friends = m_FriendsService.GetFriends(userID);

            if (friends != null && friends.Count > 0)
                foreach (FriendInfo f in friends)
                    if (f.Friend.StartsWith(targetUserID.ToString()))
                        // Let's remove the secret
                        UUID   id;
                        string tmp = string.Empty, secret = string.Empty;
                        if (HGUtil.ParseUniversalUserIdentifier(f.Friend, out id, out tmp, out tmp, out tmp, out secret))
                            return(f.Friend.Replace(secret, "0"));

コード例 #2
        public override bool StoreFriend(UUID PrincipalID, string Friend, int flags)
            IUserAccountService userAccountService = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface <IUserAccountService> ();
            UserAccount         agentAccount       = userAccountService.GetUserAccount(null, PrincipalID);
            UUID FriendUUID;

            if (!UUID.TryParse(Friend, out FriendUUID))
                return(base.StoreFriend(PrincipalID, Friend, flags));//Already set to a UUI
                UserAccount friendAccount = userAccountService.GetUserAccount(null, FriendUUID);
                if (agentAccount == null || friendAccount == null)
                    // remote grid users
                    ICapsService       capsService = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface <ICapsService> ();
                    IClientCapsService FriendCaps  = capsService.GetClientCapsService(UUID.Parse(Friend));
                    if (FriendCaps != null && FriendCaps.GetRootCapsService() != null)
                        Friend = HGUtil.ProduceUserUniversalIdentifier(FriendCaps.GetRootCapsService().CircuitData);
                return(base.StoreFriend(PrincipalID, Friend, flags));
コード例 #3
        public List <UUID> GetOnlineFriends(UUID foreignUserID, List <string> friends)
            List <UUID> online = new List <UUID> ();

            if (m_FriendsService == null || m_PresenceService == null)
                MainConsole.Instance.WarnFormat("[USER AGENT SERVICE]: Unable to get online friends because friends or presence services are missing");

            MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat("[USER AGENT SERVICE]: Foreign user {0} wants to know status of {1} local friends", foreignUserID, friends.Count);

            // First, let's double check that the reported friends are, indeed, friends of that user
            // And let's check that the secret matches and the rights
            List <string> usersToBeNotified = new List <string> ();

            foreach (string uui in friends)
                UUID   localUserID;
                string secret = string.Empty, tmp = string.Empty;
                if (HGUtil.ParseUniversalUserIdentifier(uui, out localUserID, out tmp, out tmp, out tmp, out secret))
                    List <FriendInfo> friendInfos = m_FriendsService.GetFriends(localUserID);
                    foreach (FriendInfo finfo in friendInfos)
                        if (finfo.Friend.StartsWith(foreignUserID.ToString()) && finfo.Friend.EndsWith(secret) &&
                            (finfo.TheirFlags & (int)FriendRights.CanSeeOnline) != 0 && (finfo.TheirFlags != -1))
                            // great!

            // Now, let's find out their status
            MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat("[USER AGENT SERVICE]: GetOnlineFriends: user has {0} local friends with status rights", usersToBeNotified.Count);

            // First, let's send notifications to local users who are online in the home grid
            List <UserInfo> friendSessions = m_PresenceService.GetUserInfos(usersToBeNotified);

            if (friendSessions != null && friendSessions.Count > 0)
                foreach (UserInfo pi in friendSessions)
                    UUID presenceID;
                    if (UUID.TryParse(pi.UserID, out presenceID))

コード例 #4
        public bool RemoteStatusNotification(FriendInfo friend, UUID userID, bool online)
            string url, first, last, secret;
            UUID   FriendToInform;

            if (HGUtil.ParseUniversalUserIdentifier(friend.Friend, out FriendToInform, out url, out first, out last, out secret))
                UserAgentServiceConnector connector = new UserAgentServiceConnector(url);
                List <UUID> informedFriends         = connector.StatusNotification(new List <string> (new string[1] {
                                                                                   userID, online);
                return(informedFriends.Count > 0);
コード例 #5
        byte[] NewFriendship(Dictionary <string, object> request)
            if (!VerifyServiceKey(request))

            // OK, can proceed
            FriendInfo friend = new FriendInfo(request);
            UUID       friendID;
            string     tmp = string.Empty;

            if (!HGUtil.ParseUniversalUserIdentifier(friend.Friend, out friendID, out tmp, out tmp, out tmp, out tmp))

            MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat("[HGFRIENDS HANDLER]: New friendship {0} {1}", friend.PrincipalID, friend.Friend);

            // If the friendship already exists, return fail
            List <FriendInfo> finfos = m_FriendsService.GetFriends(friend.PrincipalID);

            foreach (FriendInfo finfo in finfos)
                if (finfo.Friend.StartsWith(friendID.ToString()))

            // the user needs to confirm when he gets home
            bool success = m_FriendsService.StoreFriend(friend.PrincipalID, friend.Friend, 0);

            if (success)
コード例 #6
        public void OfflineFriendRequest(IClientAPI client)
            // Barrowed a few lines from SendFriendsOnlineIfNeeded() above.
            UUID agentID = client.AgentId;

            FriendInfo[]       friends = FriendsService.GetFriendsRequest(agentID).ToArray();
            GridInstantMessage im      = new GridInstantMessage(client.Scene, UUID.Zero, String.Empty, agentID,
                                                                "Will you be my friend?", true, Vector3.Zero);

            foreach (FriendInfo fi in friends)
                if (fi.MyFlags == 0)
                    UUID   fromAgentID;
                    string url = "", first = "", last = "", secret = "";
                    if (!UUID.TryParse(fi.Friend, out fromAgentID))
                        if (
                            !HGUtil.ParseUniversalUserIdentifier(fi.Friend, out fromAgentID, out url, out first, out last, out secret))

                    UserAccount account = m_Scenes[0].UserAccountService.GetUserAccount(client.Scene.RegionInfo.AllScopeIDs, fromAgentID);
                    im.fromAgentID = fromAgentID;
                    if (account != null)
                        im.fromAgentName = account.Name;
                        im.fromAgentName = first + " " + last;
                    im.offline     = 1;
                    im.imSessionID = im.fromAgentID;

                    LocalFriendshipOffered(agentID, im);
コード例 #7
        private void OnDenyFriendRequest(IClientAPI client, UUID agentID, UUID friendID, List <UUID> callingCardFolders)
            MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat("[FRIENDS]: {0} denied friendship to {1}", agentID, friendID);

            FriendInfo[] friends = FriendsService.GetFriendsRequest(agentID).ToArray();
            foreach (FriendInfo fi in friends)
                if (fi.MyFlags == 0)
                    UUID   fromAgentID;
                    string url = "", first = "", last = "", secret = "";
                    if (!UUID.TryParse(fi.Friend, out fromAgentID))
                        if (
                            !HGUtil.ParseUniversalUserIdentifier(fi.Friend, out fromAgentID, out url, out first, out last, out secret))
                    if (fromAgentID == friendID)//Get those pesky HG travelers as well
                        FriendsService.Delete(agentID, fi.Friend);
            FriendsService.Delete(friendID, agentID.ToString());

            // Notify the friend

            // Try local
            if (LocalFriendshipDenied(agentID, client.Name, friendID))
                                              agentID, client.Name, friendID, m_Scenes[0].RegionInfo.RegionHandle),
コード例 #8
        public List <UUID> StatusNotification(List <string> friends, UUID foreignUserID, bool online)
            if (m_FriendsService == null || m_PresenceService == null)
                MainConsole.Instance.WarnFormat("[USER AGENT SERVICE]: Unable to perform status notifications because friends or presence services are missing");
                return(new List <UUID> ());

            List <UUID> localFriendsOnline = new List <UUID> ();

            MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat("[USER AGENT SERVICE]: Status notification: foreign user {0} wants to notify {1} local friends", foreignUserID, friends.Count);

            // First, let's double check that the reported friends are, indeed, friends of that user
            // And let's check that the secret matches
            List <string> usersToBeNotified = new List <string> ();

            foreach (string uui in friends)
                UUID   localUserID;
                string secret = string.Empty, tmp = string.Empty;
                if (HGUtil.ParseUniversalUserIdentifier(uui, out localUserID, out tmp, out tmp, out tmp, out secret))
                    List <FriendInfo> friendInfos = m_FriendsService.GetFriends(localUserID);
                    foreach (FriendInfo finfo in friendInfos)
                        if (finfo.Friend.StartsWith(foreignUserID.ToString()) && finfo.Friend.EndsWith(secret))
                            // great!

            // Now, let's send the notifications
            MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat("[USER AGENT SERVICE]: Status notification: user has {0} local friends", usersToBeNotified.Count);

            // First, let's send notifications to local users who are online in the home grid

            //Send "" because if we pass the UUID, it will get the locations for all friends, even on the grid they came from
            List <UserInfo> friendSessions = m_PresenceService.GetUserInfos(usersToBeNotified);

            foreach (UserInfo friend in friendSessions)
                if (friend.IsOnline)
                    GridRegion ourRegion = m_GridService.GetRegionByUUID(null, friend.CurrentRegionID);
                    if (ourRegion != null)
                                                SyncMessageHelper.AgentStatusChange(foreignUserID, UUID.Parse(friend.UserID), true));

            // Lastly, let's notify the rest who may be online somewhere else
            foreach (string user in usersToBeNotified)
                UUID id = new UUID(user);
                if (m_TravelingAgents.ContainsKey(id) && m_TravelingAgents[id].GridExternalName != m_GridName)
                    string url = m_TravelingAgents[id].GridExternalName;
                    // forward
                    MainConsole.Instance.WarnFormat("[USER AGENT SERVICE]: User {0} is visiting {1}. HG Status notifications still not implemented.", user, url);

            // and finally, let's send the online friends
            if (online)
                return(new List <UUID> ());