コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Regression test for HDFS-4799, a case where, upon restart, if there
        /// were RWR replicas with out-of-date genstamps, the NN could accidentally
        /// delete good replicas instead of the bad replicas.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        public virtual void TestRWRInvalidation()
            Configuration conf = new HdfsConfiguration();

            // Set the deletion policy to be randomized rather than the default.
            // The default is based on disk space, which isn't controllable
            // in the context of the test, whereas a random one is more accurate
            // to what is seen in real clusters (nodes have random amounts of free
            // space)
            conf.SetClass(DFSConfigKeys.DfsBlockReplicatorClassnameKey, typeof(TestDNFencing.RandomDeleterPolicy
                                                                               ), typeof(BlockPlacementPolicy));
            // Speed up the test a bit with faster heartbeats.
            conf.SetInt(DFSConfigKeys.DfsHeartbeatIntervalKey, 1);
            // Test with a bunch of separate files, since otherwise the test may
            // fail just due to "good luck", even if a bug is present.
            IList <Path> testPaths = Lists.NewArrayList();

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                testPaths.AddItem(new Path("/test" + i));
            MiniDFSCluster cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).NumDataNodes(2).Build();

                IList <FSDataOutputStream> streams = Lists.NewArrayList();
                    // Open the test files and write some data to each
                    foreach (Path path in testPaths)
                        FSDataOutputStream @out = cluster.GetFileSystem().Create(path, (short)2);
                        @out.WriteBytes("old gs data\n");
                    // Shutdown one of the nodes in the pipeline
                    MiniDFSCluster.DataNodeProperties oldGenstampNode = cluster.StopDataNode(0);
                    // Write some more data and flush again. This data will only
                    // be in the latter genstamp copy of the blocks.
                    for (int i_1 = 0; i_1 < streams.Count; i_1++)
                        Path path_1             = testPaths[i_1];
                        FSDataOutputStream @out = streams[i_1];
                        @out.WriteBytes("new gs data\n");
                        // Set replication so that only one node is necessary for this block,
                        // and close it.
                        cluster.GetFileSystem().SetReplication(path_1, (short)1);
                    // Upon restart, there will be two replicas, one with an old genstamp
                    // and one current copy. This test wants to ensure that the old genstamp
                    // copy is the one that is deleted.
                    Log.Info("=========================== restarting cluster");
                    MiniDFSCluster.DataNodeProperties otherNode = cluster.StopDataNode(0);
                    // Restart the datanode with the corrupt replica first.
                    // Then the other node
                    // Compute and send invalidations, waiting until they're fully processed.
                    // Make sure we can still read the blocks.
                    foreach (Path path_2 in testPaths)
                        string ret = DFSTestUtil.ReadFile(cluster.GetFileSystem(), path_2);
                        NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("old gs data\n" + "new gs data\n", ret);
                    IOUtils.Cleanup(Log, Sharpen.Collections.ToArray(streams, new IDisposable[0]));