protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (DropDownList1.SelectedValue == null) { MessageBox.Show("Need to select a doctor."); } else { MessagesTable myMessage = new MessagesTable(); string ourUser = User.Identity.Name; myDbcon1.PatientsTables.Load(); myDbcon2.DoctorsTables.Load(); PatientsTable myPatient = (from x in myDbcon1.PatientsTables.Local where x.UserLoginName.Trim().Equals(ourUser) select x).First(); myMessage.MessageFROM = myPatient.UserLoginName.Trim(); myMessage.MessageTO = DropDownList1.SelectedValue.Trim(); myMessage.Date = DateTime.Now; myMessage.Message = TextBox1.Text.Trim(); //Add data to the table myDbcon1.MessagesTables.Add(myMessage); myDbcon1.SaveChanges(); } }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { myDbcon1.DoctorsTables.Load(); var currentDoctor = (from x in myDbcon1.DoctorsTables.Local where x.UserLoginName.Trim() == User.Identity.Name.Trim() select x).First(); MessagesTable myMessage = new MessagesTable(); myMessage.MessageFROM = currentDoctor.UserLoginName.Trim(); myMessage.MessageTO = DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Text.Trim(); myMessage.Date = DateTime.Now; myMessage.Message = TextBox1.Text.Trim(); myDbcon1.MessagesTables.Add(myMessage); myDbcon1.SaveChanges(); }
protected void Button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { HA3_DataBaseV1Entities3 myDbcon4 = new HA3_DataBaseV1Entities3(); myDbcon4.MessagesTables.Load(); MessagesTable delMessage = (from x in myDbcon4.MessagesTables.Local where x.MessageID == Convert.ToInt32(Label3.Text) select x).First(); myDbcon4.MessagesTables.Remove(delMessage); myDbcon4.SaveChanges(); GridView1.DataBind(); MessageBox.Show("Message successfully deleted."); }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { myDbcon1.AppointmentsTables.Load(); var selectedItem = GridView1.SelectedDataKey[0]; if (selectedItem != null) { int appointmentID = Convert.ToInt32(selectedItem); var appointment = (from x in myDbcon1.AppointmentsTables.Local where x.AppointmentID == appointmentID select x).First(); myDbcon1.AppointmentsTables.Remove(appointment); myDbcon1.SaveChanges(); } }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Calendar1.SelectedDate <= DateTime.Now) { MessageBox.Show("Date has to be after current day!"); } else { AppointmentsTable myAppointment = new AppointmentsTable(); string ourUser = User.Identity.Name; myDbcon1.PatientsTables.Load(); myDbcon2.DoctorsTables.Load(); PatientsTable myPatient = (from x in myDbcon1.PatientsTables.Local where x.UserLoginName.Trim().Equals(ourUser) select x).First(); int patID = myPatient.PatientsID; /* myDbcon2.DoctorsTables.Load(); * * var myApp = from x in myDbcon2.DoctorsTables.Local * where x.Department == DropDownList2.SelectedValue * select x; * * DropDownList3.DataSource = myApp.ToList(); * DropDownList3.DataBind(); */ /*myDbcon3.DoctorsTables.Load(); * DoctorsTable myDoc = (from x in myDbcon3.DoctorsTables.Local * where (x.FirstName + x.LastName) == DropDownList3.SelectedValue * select x).First();*/ myAppointment.PatientID = patID; myAppointment.Purpose = TextBox1.Text; myAppointment.DoctorID = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownList3.SelectedValue); myAppointment.VisitSummary = TextBox2.Text; myAppointment.Date = Calendar1.SelectedDate; int hours = Convert.ToInt32(TextBox3.Text); int mins = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownList1.SelectedValue); myAppointment.Time = new TimeSpan(hours, mins, 0); //Check for conflicting appointments bool timeconflict = false; foreach (var x in myDbcon1.AppointmentsTables) { if (myAppointment.Date == x.Date && myAppointment.Time == x.Time) { timeconflict = true; } } if (timeconflict == true) { //Display error message MessageBox.Show("Time conflicts with an existing appointment."); } else { //Add data to the table myDbcon1.AppointmentsTables.Add(myAppointment); myDbcon1.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Appointment successfully created."); } } }