public Dictionary <string, string> TryReadDataTable(string datasetName) { Dictionary <string, string> result = null; var subDsDic = ds.GetSubDatasets(); if (subDsDic.Count > 0) { H5ID h5FileId =, H5F.ACC_RDONLY); H5ID datasetId =, datasetName); H5ID typeId = H5D.get_type(datasetId); H5ID spaceId = H5D.get_space(datasetId); if (H5T.get_class(typeId) == H5T.class_t.COMPOUND) { int numCount = H5T.get_nmembers(typeId); var size = H5T.get_size(typeId); byte[] buffer = new byte[size.ToInt32()]; GCHandle hnd = GCHandle.Alloc(buffer, GCHandleType.Pinned); int ndims = H5S.get_simple_extent_ndims(spaceId); if (ndims == 1) { result = new Dictionary <string, string>();, typeId, H5S.ALL, H5S.ALL, H5P.DEFAULT, hnd.AddrOfPinnedObject()); for (uint i = 0; i < numCount; i++) { string name = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(H5T.get_member_name(typeId, i)); int offset = H5T.get_member_offset(typeId, i).ToInt32(); H5ID subTypeId = H5T.get_member_type(typeId, i); H5T.class_t typeClass = H5T.get_member_class(typeId, i); string value = ReadBuffer(buffer, offset, typeClass, subTypeId); result.Add(name, value); H5T.close(subTypeId); } } hnd.Free(); } if (spaceId != 0) { H5S.close(spaceId); } if (typeId != 0) { H5T.close(typeId); } if (datasetId != 0) { H5D.close(datasetId); } if (h5FileId != 0) { H5F.close(h5FileId); } } return(result); }
private static bool IsHDF5String(hid_t fileLoc, string name) { hid_t dset =, name); hid_t type = H5D.get_type(dset); H5T.class_t cl = H5T.get_class(type); return(cl == H5T.class_t.STRING); }
private string ReadBuffer(byte[] buffer, int offset, H5T.class_t typeClass, int typeId) { string result = string.Empty; IntPtr dataSize = H5T.get_size(typeId); H5T.order_t order = H5T.get_order(typeId); byte[] temp = new byte[dataSize.ToInt32()]; Array.Copy(buffer, offset, temp, 0, dataSize.ToInt32()); if (order == H5T.order_t.BE && typeClass != H5T.class_t.STRING) { Array.Reverse(temp); } switch (typeClass) { case H5T.class_t.NO_CLASS: break; case H5T.class_t.INTEGER: // H5T.Sign.TWOS_COMPLEMENT; H5T.sign_t sign = H5T.get_sign(typeId); switch (dataSize.ToInt32()) { case 1: result = ((double)BitConverter.ToChar(temp, 0)).ToString("G"); break; case 2: switch (sign) { case H5T.sign_t.SGN_2: result = ((double)BitConverter.ToInt16(temp, 0)).ToString("G"); break; case H5T.sign_t.NONE: result = ((double)BitConverter.ToUInt16(temp, 0)).ToString("G"); break; } break; case 4: switch (sign) { case H5T.sign_t.SGN_2: result = ((double)BitConverter.ToInt32(temp, 0)).ToString("G"); break; case H5T.sign_t.NONE: result = ((double)BitConverter.ToUInt32(temp, 0)).ToString("G"); break; } break; case 8: switch (sign) { case H5T.sign_t.SGN_2: result = ((double)BitConverter.ToInt64(temp, 0)).ToString("G"); break; case H5T.sign_t.NONE: result = ((double)BitConverter.ToUInt64(temp, 0)).ToString("G"); break; } break; } break; case H5T.class_t.FLOAT: switch (dataSize.ToInt32()) { case 4: { result = BitConverter.ToSingle(temp, 0).ToString("G"); break; } case 8: { result = BitConverter.ToDouble(temp, 0).ToString("G"); break; } } break; case H5T.class_t.STRING: { GCHandle handler = GCHandle.Alloc(temp, GCHandleType.Pinned); var str = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(handler.AddrOfPinnedObject()); handler.Free(); result = str; break; } default: break; } return(result); }
public Dictionary <string, string> GetDatasetAttributes(string originalDatasetName) { H5DataSetId datasetId = 0; H5GroupId groupId = 0; H5DataTypeId typeId = 0; H5DataSpaceId spaceId = 0; try { if (_h5FileId < 0) { return(null); } string datasetName = GetDatasetFullNames(originalDatasetName, _h5FileId); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(datasetName)) { return(null); } int groupIndex = datasetName.LastIndexOf('/'); if (groupIndex == -1) { datasetId =, datasetName); } else { string groupName = datasetName.Substring(0, groupIndex + 1); string dsName = datasetName.Substring(groupIndex + 1); groupId =, groupName); datasetId =, dsName); } if (datasetId == 0) { return(null); } Dictionary <string, string> attValues = new Dictionary <string, string>(); typeId = H5D.get_type(datasetId); H5T.class_t type = H5T.get_class(typeId); IntPtr tSize = H5T.get_size(typeId); spaceId = H5D.get_space(datasetId); int length = H5S.get_simple_extent_ndims(spaceId); ulong[] dims = new ulong[length]; H5S.get_simple_extent_dims(spaceId, dims, null); ulong storageSize = H5D.get_storage_size(datasetId); attValues.Add("DataSetName", datasetName); attValues.Add("DataType", type.ToString()); attValues.Add("DataTypeSize", tSize.ToString() + "Byte"); attValues.Add("Dims", String.Join("*", dims)); attValues.Add("StorageSize", storageSize.ToString() + "Byte"); //所有Attributes的键 ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(arrayList); ulong n = 0; // the callback is defined in H5ATest.cs H5A.operator_t cb = (int location_id, IntPtr attr_name, ref H5A.info_t ainfo, IntPtr op_data) => { GCHandle hnd = (GCHandle)op_data; ArrayList al = (hnd.Target as ArrayList); int len = 0; while (Marshal.ReadByte(attr_name, len) != 0) { ++len; } byte[] buf = new byte[len]; Marshal.Copy(attr_name, buf, 0, len); al.Add(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buf)); return(0); }; H5A.iterate(datasetId, H5.index_t.NAME, H5.iter_order_t.NATIVE, ref n, cb, (IntPtr)handle); handle.Free(); foreach (string attName in arrayList) { attValues.Add(attName, ReadAttributeValue(datasetId, attName)); } return(attValues); } finally { if (spaceId != 0) { H5S.close(spaceId); } if (typeId != 0) { H5T.close(typeId); } if (datasetId != 0) { H5D.close(datasetId); } if (groupId != 0) { H5G.close(groupId); } } }
private object GetAttributeValue(int _h5FileId, string attributeName) { H5AttributeId attId =, attributeName); if (attId == 0) { return(null); } H5DataTypeId typeId = 0; H5DataTypeId dtId = 0; H5A.info_t attInfo = new H5A.info_t(); H5DataSpaceId spaceId = 0; H5DataTypeId oldTypeId = 0; object retObject = null; try { typeId = H5A.get_type(attId); H5A.get_info(attId, ref attInfo); dtId = H5A.get_type(attId); spaceId = H5A.get_space(attId); IntPtr dataSize = H5T.get_size(dtId); // oldTypeId = typeId; typeId = H5T.get_native_type(typeId, H5T.direction_t.DEFAULT); H5T.class_t typeClass = H5T.get_class(typeId); int ndims = H5S.get_simple_extent_ndims(spaceId); ulong[] dims = new ulong[ndims]; H5S.get_simple_extent_dims(spaceId, dims, null); ulong dimSize = 1; if (dims.Length == 0) { dimSize = 1; } else { foreach (ulong dim in dims) { dimSize *= dim; } } switch (typeClass) { case H5T.class_t.NO_CLASS: break; case H5T.class_t.INTEGER: // H5T.Sign.TWOS_COMPLEMENT; H5T.sign_t sign = H5T.get_sign(oldTypeId); switch (dataSize.ToInt32()) { case 1: retObject = ReadArray <byte>(dimSize, attId, typeId); break; case 2: switch (sign) { case H5T.sign_t.SGN_2: retObject = ReadArray <Int16>(dimSize, attId, typeId); break; case H5T.sign_t.NONE: retObject = ReadArray <UInt16>(dimSize, attId, typeId); break; } break; case 4: switch (sign) { case H5T.sign_t.SGN_2: retObject = ReadArray <Int32>(dimSize, attId, typeId); break; case H5T.sign_t.NONE: retObject = ReadArray <UInt32>(dimSize, attId, typeId); break; } break; case 8: switch (sign) { case H5T.sign_t.SGN_2: retObject = ReadArray <Int64>(dimSize, attId, typeId); break; case H5T.sign_t.NONE: retObject = ReadArray <UInt64>(dimSize, attId, typeId); break; } break; } break; case H5T.class_t.FLOAT: switch (dataSize.ToInt32()) { case 4: retObject = ReadArray <float>(dimSize, attId, typeId); break; case 8: retObject = ReadArray <double>(dimSize, attId, typeId); break; } break; case H5T.class_t.STRING: ulong size = attInfo.data_size; byte[] chars = ReadArray <byte>(size, attId, typeId); retObject = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(chars); break; default: break; } return(retObject); } finally { if (spaceId != 0) { H5S.close(spaceId); } if (attId != 0) { H5A.close(attId); } if (oldTypeId != 0) { H5T.close(oldTypeId); } if (typeId != 0) { H5T.close(typeId); } if (dtId != 0) { H5T.close(dtId); } } }
private int depth_first(HObject parentObject, int nTotal) { Hdf5Utils.LogInfo?.Invoke($"depth_first({parentObject}): start"); int nelems; string fullPath = null; string ppath = null; long gid = -1; H5Group pgroup = (H5Group)parentObject; ppath = pgroup.getPath(); if (ppath == null) { fullPath = HObject.SEPARATOR; } else { fullPath = ppath + pgroup.getName() + HObject.SEPARATOR; } nelems = 0; try { gid =; var info = new H5G.info_t(); H5G.get_info(gid, ref info); nelems = (int)info.nlinks; } catch (Exception ex) { nelems = -1; Hdf5Utils.LogError?.Invoke($"depth_first({parentObject}): H5Gget_info(gid {gid}) failure: {ex}"); } if (nelems <= 0) { pgroup.close(gid); Hdf5Utils.LogInfo?.Invoke($"depth_first({parentObject}): nelems <= 0"); Hdf5Utils.LogInfo?.Invoke($"depth_first({parentObject}): finish"); return(nTotal); } // since each call of H5.H5Gget_objname_by_idx() takes about one second. // 1,000,000 calls take 12 days. Instead of calling it in a loop, // we use only one call to get all the information, which takes about // two seconds int[] objTypes = new int[nelems]; //long[] fNos = new long[nelems]; //long[] objRefs = new long[nelems]; string[] objNames = new string[nelems]; H5L.info_t[] infos = new H5L.info_t[nelems]; try { int i = 0; int callback(long group, IntPtr name, ref H5L.info_t info, IntPtr op_data) { string realName = Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(name); objTypes[i] = (int)info.type; objNames[i] = realName; infos[i] = info; return(i++); } ulong pos = 0; H5L.iterate(gid, indexType, indexOrder, ref pos, callback, IntPtr.Zero); //for (ulong i = 0; i < (ulong)nelems; i++) //{ // H5G.info_t info = new H5G.info_t(); // H5G.get_info_by_idx(fid, fullPath, indexType, indexOrder, i, ref info); // infos[i] = info; //} // H5.H5Gget_obj_info_full(fid, fullPath, objNames, objTypes, null, fNos, objRefs, indexType, indexOrder); } catch (Exception ex) { Hdf5Utils.LogError?.Invoke($"depth_first({parentObject}): failure: {ex}"); Hdf5Utils.LogError?.Invoke($"depth_first({parentObject}): finish"); return(nTotal); } int nStart = getStartMembers(); int nMax = getMaxMembers(); string obj_name; int obj_type; // Iterate through the file to see members of the group for (int i = 0; i < nelems; i++) { obj_name = objNames[i]; obj_type = objTypes[i]; Hdf5Utils.LogInfo?.Invoke($"depth_first({parentObject}): obj_name={obj_name}, obj_type={obj_type}"); if (obj_name == null) { Hdf5Utils.LogInfo?.Invoke($"depth_first({parentObject}): continue after null obj_name"); continue; } nTotal++; if (nMax > 0) { if ((nTotal - nStart) >= nMax) { break; // loaded enough objects } } bool skipLoad = (nTotal > 0) && (nTotal < nStart); // create a new group if (obj_type == HDF5Constants.H5O_TYPE_GROUP) { H5Group g = new H5Group(this, obj_name, fullPath, pgroup); pgroup.addToMemberList(g); // detect and stop loops // a loop is detected if there exists object with the same // object ID by tracing path back up to the root. bool hasLoop = false; H5Group tmpObj = (H5Group)parentObject; while (tmpObj != null) { if (tmpObj.equalsOID(new IntPtr((int)infos[i].u.address)) && (tmpObj.getPath() != null)) { hasLoop = true; break; } else { tmpObj = (H5Group)tmpObj.getParent(); } } // recursively go through the next group // stops if it has loop. if (!hasLoop) { nTotal = depth_first(g, nTotal); } } else if (skipLoad) { continue; } else if (obj_type == HDF5Constants.H5O_TYPE_DATASET) { long did = -1; long tid = -1; H5T.class_t tclass = H5T.class_t.NO_CLASS; try { did =, fullPath + obj_name, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT); if (did >= 0) { tid = H5D.get_type(did); tclass = H5T.get_class(tid); if ((tclass == HDF5Constants.H5T_ARRAY) || (tclass == HDF5Constants.H5T_VLEN)) { // for ARRAY, the type is determined by the base type long btid = H5T.get_super(tid); tclass = H5T.get_class(btid); try { H5T.close(btid); } catch (Exception ex) { Hdf5Utils.LogInfo?.Invoke($"depth_first({parentObject})[{i}] dataset {obj_name} H5Tclose(btid {btid}) failure: {ex}"); } } } else { Hdf5Utils.LogError?.Invoke($"depth_first({parentObject})[{i}] {obj_name} dataset open failure"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Hdf5Utils.LogError?.Invoke($"depth_first({parentObject})[{i}] {obj_name} dataset access failure: {ex}"); } finally { try { H5T.close(tid); } catch (Exception ex) { Hdf5Utils.LogError?.Invoke($"depth_first({parentObject})[{i}] dataset {obj_name} H5Tclose(tid {tid}) failure: {ex}"); } try { H5D.close(did); } catch (Exception ex) { Hdf5Utils.LogInfo?.Invoke($"depth_first({parentObject})[{i}] dataset {obj_name} H5Dclose(did {did}) failure: {ex}"); } } //todo: //Dataset d = null; //if (tclass == HDF5Constants.H5T_COMPOUND) //{ // // create a new compound dataset // d = new H5CompoundDS(this, obj_name, fullPath, oid); // deprecated! //} //else //{ // // create a new scalar dataset // d = new H5ScalarDS(this, obj_name, fullPath, oid); // deprecated! //} // pgroup.addToMemberList(d); } else if (obj_type == HDF5Constants.H5O_TYPE_NAMED_DATATYPE) { //Datatype t = new H5Datatype(this, obj_name, fullPath, oid); // deprecated! //pgroup.addToMemberList(t); } else if (obj_type == HDF5Constants.H5O_TYPE_UNKNOWN) { //H5Link link = new H5Link(this, obj_name, fullPath, oid); // pgroup.addToMemberList(link); continue; // do the next one, if the object is not identified. } } // ( i = 0; i < nelems; i++) pgroup.close(gid); Hdf5Utils.LogInfo?.Invoke($"depth_first({parentObject}): finish"); return(nTotal); }