public static string GetAttributeValue(H5ObjectWithAttributes objectWithAttributes, string name) { if (objectWithAttributes is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(objectWithAttributes)); } if (name is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name)); } H5AttributeId h5AttributeId =, name); H5DataTypeId h5DataTypeId = H5A.getType(h5AttributeId); if (H5T.isVariableString(h5DataTypeId)) { VariableLengthString[] variableLengthStrings = new VariableLengthString[1];, h5DataTypeId, new H5Array <VariableLengthString> (variableLengthStrings)); H5T.close(h5DataTypeId); H5A.close(h5AttributeId); return(variableLengthStrings[0].ToString()); } byte[] bytes = new byte[H5T.getSize(h5DataTypeId)];, h5DataTypeId, new H5Array <byte> (bytes)); H5T.close(h5DataTypeId); H5A.close(h5AttributeId); return(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes)); }
private static void WriteAttribute(H5ObjectWithAttributes target, string name, string value) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { throw new ArgumentException("Name must not be empty (or null)", "name"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { throw new ArgumentException("Value must not be empty or null", "value"); } H5DataTypeId dtype; byte[] strdata = EncodeStringData(value, out dtype); H5DataSpaceId spaceId = H5S.create(H5S.H5SClass.SCALAR); H5AttributeId attributeId = H5A.create(target, name, dtype, spaceId); H5A.write(attributeId, dtype, new H5Array <byte>(strdata)); H5A.close(attributeId); H5T.close(dtype); H5S.close(spaceId); }
private static void WriteKeywords(H5ObjectWithAttributes objectID, ISet <string> keywords) { if (keywords.Count == 0) { return; } WriteAttribute(objectID, "keywords", string.Join(",", keywords)); }
private static H5AttributeId WriteStringAttribute(H5ObjectWithAttributes fileOrdatasetId, HDFAttributeDef hDFAttributeDef, H5DataSpaceId dataSpaceId, H5DataTypeId dataTypeId) { string attValue = Convert.ToString(hDFAttributeDef.Value); int stringLength = attValue.Length; H5T.setSize(dataTypeId, stringLength); H5AttributeId attributeId = H5A.create(fileOrdatasetId, hDFAttributeDef.Name, dataTypeId, dataSpaceId); byte[] bs = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(attValue); H5A.write(attributeId, dataTypeId, new H5Array <byte>(bs)); return(attributeId); }
private static void WriteAttribute(H5ObjectWithAttributes target, string name, long value) { H5DataTypeId dtype = H5T.copy(H5T.H5Type.NATIVE_LLONG); H5DataSpaceId spaceId = H5S.create(H5S.H5SClass.SCALAR); H5AttributeId attributeId = H5A.create(target, name, dtype, spaceId); H5A.write(attributeId, dtype, new H5Array <long>(new[] { value })); H5A.close(attributeId); H5T.close(dtype); H5S.close(spaceId); }
private static void WriteAttribute(H5ObjectWithAttributes target, string name, double[] value) { H5DataTypeId dtype = H5T.copy(H5T.H5Type.NATIVE_DOUBLE); H5DataSpaceId spaceId = H5S.create_simple(1, new[] { value.LongCount() }); H5AttributeId attributeId = H5A.create(target, name, dtype, spaceId); H5A.write(attributeId, dtype, new H5Array <double>(value)); H5A.close(attributeId); H5T.close(dtype); H5S.close(spaceId); }
public static void close(H5ObjectWithAttributes oid) { if (oid is H5DataSetId) { H5D.close(oid as H5DataSetId); } else if (oid is H5GroupId) { H5G.close(oid as H5GroupId); } else { throw new ArgumentException(); } }
private static void WriteAttribute(H5ObjectWithAttributes target, string name, long value) { H5DataTypeId dtype = H5T.copy(H5T.H5Type.NATIVE_LLONG); H5DataSpaceId spaceId = H5S.create(H5S.H5SClass.SCALAR); H5AttributeId attributeId = H5A.create(target, name, dtype, spaceId); H5A.write(attributeId, dtype, new H5Array<long>(new[] { value })); H5A.close(attributeId); H5T.close(dtype); H5S.close(spaceId); }
public static void WriteHdfAttribute(H5ObjectWithAttributes fileOrdatasetId, HDFAttributeDef hDFAttributeDef) { H5DataSpaceId dataSpaceId = H5S.create_simple(1, new long[] { (long)hDFAttributeDef.Size }); H5DataTypeId dataTypeId = null; H5AttributeId attributeId = null; try { switch (Type.GetTypeCode(hDFAttributeDef.Type)) { case TypeCode.Byte: dataTypeId = H5T.copy(H5T.H5Type.STD_U8LE); attributeId = H5A.create(fileOrdatasetId, hDFAttributeDef.Name, dataTypeId, dataSpaceId); WriteTAttribute <byte> .WriteAttribute(hDFAttributeDef, dataTypeId, attributeId); break; case TypeCode.Char: dataTypeId = H5T.copy(H5T.H5Type.STD_U8LE); attributeId = H5A.create(fileOrdatasetId, hDFAttributeDef.Name, dataTypeId, dataSpaceId); WriteTAttribute <char> .WriteAttribute(hDFAttributeDef, dataTypeId, attributeId); break; case TypeCode.Double: //dataTypeId = H5T.copy(H5T.H5Type.IEEE_F64BE); dataTypeId = H5T.copy(H5T.H5Type.IEEE_F64LE); attributeId = H5A.create(fileOrdatasetId, hDFAttributeDef.Name, dataTypeId, dataSpaceId); WriteTAttribute <double> .WriteAttribute(hDFAttributeDef, dataTypeId, attributeId); break; case TypeCode.Int16: dataTypeId = H5T.copy(H5T.H5Type.STD_I16LE); attributeId = H5A.create(fileOrdatasetId, hDFAttributeDef.Name, dataTypeId, dataSpaceId); WriteTAttribute <Int16> .WriteAttribute(hDFAttributeDef, dataTypeId, attributeId); break; case TypeCode.Int32: dataTypeId = H5T.copy(H5T.H5Type.STD_I32LE); attributeId = H5A.create(fileOrdatasetId, hDFAttributeDef.Name, dataTypeId, dataSpaceId); WriteTAttribute <Int32> .WriteAttribute(hDFAttributeDef, dataTypeId, attributeId); break; case TypeCode.Int64: dataTypeId = H5T.copy(H5T.H5Type.STD_I64LE); attributeId = H5A.create(fileOrdatasetId, hDFAttributeDef.Name, dataTypeId, dataSpaceId); WriteTAttribute <Int64> .WriteAttribute(hDFAttributeDef, dataTypeId, attributeId); break; case TypeCode.Object: dataTypeId = H5T.copy(H5T.H5Type.STD_REF_OBJ); attributeId = H5A.create(fileOrdatasetId, hDFAttributeDef.Name, dataTypeId, dataSpaceId); WriteTAttribute <object> .WriteAttribute(hDFAttributeDef, dataTypeId, attributeId); break; case TypeCode.Single: dataTypeId = H5T.copy(H5T.H5Type.IEEE_F32LE); attributeId = H5A.create(fileOrdatasetId, hDFAttributeDef.Name, dataTypeId, dataSpaceId); WriteTAttribute <Single> .WriteAttribute(hDFAttributeDef, dataTypeId, attributeId); break; case TypeCode.String: dataTypeId = H5T.copy(H5T.H5Type.C_S1); dataSpaceId = H5S.create(H5S.H5SClass.SCALAR); attributeId = WriteStringAttribute(fileOrdatasetId, hDFAttributeDef, dataSpaceId, dataTypeId); break; case TypeCode.UInt16: dataTypeId = H5T.copy(H5T.H5Type.STD_U16LE); attributeId = H5A.create(fileOrdatasetId, hDFAttributeDef.Name, dataTypeId, dataSpaceId); WriteTAttribute <UInt16> .WriteAttribute(hDFAttributeDef, dataTypeId, attributeId); break; case TypeCode.UInt32: dataTypeId = H5T.copy(H5T.H5Type.STD_U32LE); attributeId = H5A.create(fileOrdatasetId, hDFAttributeDef.Name, dataTypeId, dataSpaceId); WriteTAttribute <UInt32> .WriteAttribute(hDFAttributeDef, dataTypeId, attributeId); break; case TypeCode.UInt64: dataTypeId = H5T.copy(H5T.H5Type.STD_U64LE); attributeId = H5A.create(fileOrdatasetId, hDFAttributeDef.Name, dataTypeId, dataSpaceId); WriteTAttribute <UInt64> .WriteAttribute(hDFAttributeDef, dataTypeId, attributeId); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { int i = 9; int j = i; } finally { if (attributeId != null) { H5A.close(attributeId); } } }
private static void WriteAttribute(H5ObjectWithAttributes target, string name, decimal value) { WriteAttribute(target, name, (double)value); }
/// <summary> /// 得到指定属性集合中指定属性名的属性值,未对异常进行处理 /// </summary> /// <param name="obj"></param> /// <param name="attributeName"></param> /// <returns></returns> private String getAttributeValue(H5ObjectWithAttributes obj, String attributeName) { H5AttributeId attId = null; attId =, attributeName); if (attId == null) { return(null); } H5DataTypeId typeId = null; H5DataTypeId dtId = null; H5AttributeInfo attInfo = null; H5DataSpaceId spaceId = null; object attributeVal = null; typeId = H5A.getType(attId); attInfo = H5A.getInfo(attId); dtId = H5A.getType(attId); spaceId = H5A.getSpace(attId); int dataSize = H5T.getSize(dtId); typeId = H5T.getNativeType(typeId, H5T.Direction.DEFAULT); H5T.H5TClass typeClass = H5T.getClass(typeId); long[] dims = H5S.getSimpleExtentDims(spaceId); if (dims.Length == 0) { dims = new long[1]; dims[0] = 1; } switch (typeClass) { case H5T.H5TClass.STRING: long size = attInfo.dataSize; byte[] chars = readAttribute <byte>(size, attId, typeId); attributeVal = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(chars); break; case H5T.H5TClass.INTEGER: H5T.Sign sign = H5T.Sign.TWOS_COMPLEMENT; sign = H5T.getSign(typeId); switch (dataSize) { case 1: attributeVal = readAttribute <byte>(dims[0], attId, typeId); break; case 2: switch (sign) { case H5T.Sign.TWOS_COMPLEMENT: attributeVal = readAttribute <Int16>(dims[0], attId, typeId); break; case H5T.Sign.UNSIGNED: attributeVal = readAttribute <UInt16>(dims[0], attId, typeId); break; } break; case 4: switch (sign) { case H5T.Sign.TWOS_COMPLEMENT: attributeVal = readAttribute <Int32>(dims[0], attId, typeId); break; case H5T.Sign.UNSIGNED: attributeVal = readAttribute <UInt32>(dims[0], attId, typeId); break; } break; case 8: switch (sign) { case H5T.Sign.TWOS_COMPLEMENT: attributeVal = readAttribute <Int64>(dims[0], attId, typeId); break; case H5T.Sign.UNSIGNED: attributeVal = readAttribute <UInt64>(dims[0], attId, typeId); break; } break; } break; case H5T.H5TClass.FLOAT: switch (dataSize) { case 4: attributeVal = readAttribute <float>(dims[0], attId, typeId); break; case 8: attributeVal = readAttribute <double>(dims[0], attId, typeId); break; } break; } if (spaceId != null) { H5S.close(spaceId); } if (attId != null) { H5A.close(attId); } if (typeId != null) { H5T.close(typeId); } if (dtId != null) { H5T.close(dtId); } return(arrayToString(attributeVal)); }
private static void WriteAttribute(H5ObjectWithAttributes target, string name, double value) { WriteAttribute(target, name, new[] { value }); }
internal HDF5Attribute(H5ObjectWithAttributes _parentObjectId, string _name) { m_ParentObjectId = _parentObjectId; m_AttributeId =, _name); m_AttributeInfo = H5A.getInfo(m_AttributeId); }
private static void WriteAttribute(H5ObjectWithAttributes target, string name, double[] value) { H5DataTypeId dtype = H5T.copy(H5T.H5Type.NATIVE_DOUBLE); H5DataSpaceId spaceId = H5S.create_simple(1, new[] { value.LongCount() }); H5AttributeId attributeId = H5A.create(target, name, dtype, spaceId); H5A.write(attributeId, dtype, new H5Array<double>(value)); H5A.close(attributeId); H5T.close(dtype); H5S.close(spaceId); }
private static void WriteAttribute(H5ObjectWithAttributes target, string name, double value) { WriteAttribute(target, name, new[] {value}); }
private static void WriteAttribute(H5ObjectWithAttributes target, string name, string value) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) throw new ArgumentException("Name must not be empty (or null)", "name"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) throw new ArgumentException("Value must not be empty or null", "value"); H5DataTypeId dtype; byte[] strdata = EncodeStringData(value, out dtype); H5DataSpaceId spaceId = H5S.create(H5S.H5SClass.SCALAR); H5AttributeId attributeId = H5A.create(target, name, dtype, spaceId); H5A.write(attributeId, dtype, new H5Array<byte>(strdata)); H5A.close(attributeId); H5T.close(dtype); H5S.close(spaceId); }
private static void WriteKeywords(H5ObjectWithAttributes objectID, ISet<string> keywords) { if (keywords.Count == 0) return; WriteAttribute(objectID, "keywords", string.Join(",", keywords)); }
//private string ArrayToString<T>(T[] v) //{ // StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // //sb.Append("["); // foreach (T t in v) // { // sb.Append(t.ToString()); // sb.Append(","); // } // if (sb.Length > 1) // sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1, 1); // //sb.Append("]"); // return sb.ToString(); //} private object GetAttributeValue(H5ObjectWithAttributes obj, string attributeName) { H5AttributeId attId = null; attId =, attributeName); if (attId == null) { return(null); } H5DataTypeId typeId = null; H5DataTypeId dtId = null; H5AttributeInfo attInfo = null; H5DataSpaceId spaceId = null; H5DataTypeId oldTypeId = null; object retObject = null; try { typeId = H5A.getType(attId); attInfo = H5A.getInfo(attId); dtId = H5A.getType(attId); spaceId = H5A.getSpace(attId); int dataSize = H5T.getSize(dtId); // oldTypeId = typeId; typeId = H5T.getNativeType(typeId, H5T.Direction.DEFAULT); H5T.H5TClass typeClass = H5T.getClass(typeId); long[] dims = H5S.getSimpleExtentDims(spaceId); long dimSize = 1; if (dims.Length == 0) { dimSize = 1; } else { foreach (long dim in dims) { dimSize *= dim; } } switch (typeClass) { case H5T.H5TClass.STRING: long size = attInfo.dataSize; byte[] chars = ReadArray <byte>(size, attId, typeId); retObject = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(chars); break; case H5T.H5TClass.INTEGER: H5T.Sign sign = H5T.Sign.TWOS_COMPLEMENT; sign = H5T.getSign(oldTypeId); switch (dataSize) { case 1: retObject = ReadArray <byte>(dimSize, attId, typeId); break; case 2: switch (sign) { case H5T.Sign.TWOS_COMPLEMENT: retObject = ReadArray <Int16>(dimSize, attId, typeId); break; case H5T.Sign.UNSIGNED: retObject = ReadArray <UInt16>(dimSize, attId, typeId); break; } break; case 4: switch (sign) { case H5T.Sign.TWOS_COMPLEMENT: retObject = ReadArray <Int32>(dimSize, attId, typeId); break; case H5T.Sign.UNSIGNED: retObject = ReadArray <UInt32>(dimSize, attId, typeId); break; } break; case 8: switch (sign) { case H5T.Sign.TWOS_COMPLEMENT: retObject = ReadArray <Int64>(dimSize, attId, typeId); break; case H5T.Sign.UNSIGNED: retObject = ReadArray <UInt64>(dimSize, attId, typeId); break; } break; } break; case H5T.H5TClass.FLOAT: switch (dataSize) { case 4: retObject = ReadArray <float>(dimSize, attId, typeId); break; case 8: retObject = ReadArray <double>(dimSize, attId, typeId); break; } break; } return(retObject); } finally { if (spaceId != null) { H5S.close(spaceId); } if (attId != null) { H5A.close(attId); } if (oldTypeId != null) { H5T.close(oldTypeId); } if (typeId != null) { H5T.close(typeId); } if (dtId != null) { H5T.close(dtId); } } }
private string ReadAttributeValue(H5ObjectWithAttributes obj, string attributeName) { object v = GetAttributeValue(obj, attributeName); return(TryArrayToString(v)); }