コード例 #1
        public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)
            int version = reader.ReadInt();

            //Version 0
            if (version >= 0)
                m_Player         = reader.ReadMobile() as PlayerMobile;
                m_GuildGumpPage  = (GuildGumpPageType)reader.ReadInt();
                m_ShowGuildTitle = reader.ReadBool();

            if (m_Player == null)

                m_Player.m_GuildGumpSettings = this;
コード例 #2

        public GuildGump(Mobile from, int guildTabPage) : base(10, 10)
            m_Player       = from as PlayerMobile;
            m_GuildTabPage = guildTabPage;

            if (m_Player == null)


            m_GumpPageType = m_Player.m_GuildGumpSettings.m_GuildGumpPage;

            Closable   = true;
            Disposable = true;
            Dragable   = true;
            Resizable  = false;

            int WhiteTextHue  = 2655;
            int GreenTextHue  = 63;
            int YellowTextHue = 2550;
            int GreyTextHue   = 2401;

            #region Background

            AddImage(132, 193, 103, 2499);
            AddImage(131, 98, 103, 2499);
            AddImage(132, 288, 103, 2499);
            AddImage(528, 369, 103, 2499);
            AddImage(395, 369, 103, 2499);
            AddImage(265, 369, 103, 2499);
            AddImage(132, 369, 103, 2499);
            AddImage(528, 3, 103, 2499);
            AddImage(528, 98, 103, 2499);
            AddImage(528, 193, 103, 2499);
            AddImage(527, 288, 103, 2499);
            AddImage(132, 3, 103, 2499);
            AddImage(265, 3, 103, 2499);
            AddImage(395, 3, 103, 2499);
            AddImage(395, 98, 103, 2499);
            AddImage(395, 193, 103, 2499);
            AddImage(394, 288, 103, 2499);
            AddImage(265, 98, 103, 2499);
            AddImage(265, 193, 103, 2499);
            AddImage(264, 288, 103, 2499);
            AddImage(3, 194, 103, 2499);
            AddImage(3, 272, 103, 2499);
            AddImage(3, 369, 103, 2499);
            AddImage(2, 3, 103, 2499);
            AddImage(2, 97, 103, 2499);
            AddImage(10, 15, 3604, 2052);
            AddImage(10, 108, 3604, 2052);
            AddImage(10, 213, 3604, 2052);
            AddImage(10, 330, 3604, 2052);
            AddImage(147, 15, 3604, 2052);
            AddImage(147, 108, 3604, 2052);
            AddImage(147, 213, 3604, 2052);
            AddImage(147, 330, 3604, 2052);
            AddImage(286, 15, 3604, 2052);
            AddImage(286, 108, 3604, 2052);
            AddImage(286, 213, 3604, 2052);
            AddImage(286, 330, 3604, 2052);
            AddImage(411, 15, 3604, 2052);
            AddImage(411, 108, 3604, 2052);
            AddImage(411, 213, 3604, 2052);
            AddImage(411, 330, 3604, 2052);
            AddImage(531, 15, 3604, 2052);
            AddImage(531, 108, 3604, 2052);
            AddImage(531, 213, 3604, 2052);
            AddImage(531, 330, 3604, 2052);
            AddImage(184, 15, 3604, 2052);
            AddImage(184, 108, 3604, 2052);
            AddImage(184, 213, 3604, 2052);
            AddImage(184, 330, 3604, 2052);


            #region Sidebar

            List <GuildGumpPageType> m_GuildTabs = Guilds.GetGuildPageTypeList(m_Player);

            int GuildTabsPerPage   = 4;
            int TotalGuildTabs     = m_GuildTabs.Count;
            int TotalGuildTabPages = (int)(Math.Ceiling((double)TotalGuildTabs / (double)GuildTabsPerPage));

            if (m_GuildTabPage >= TotalGuildTabPages)
                m_GuildTabPage = TotalGuildTabPages - 1;

            if (m_GuildTabPage < 0)
                m_GuildTabPage = 0;

            int guildTabStartIndex = m_GuildTabPage * GuildTabsPerPage;
            int guildTabEndIndex   = (m_GuildTabPage * GuildTabsPerPage) + (GuildTabsPerPage - 1);

            if (guildTabEndIndex >= TotalGuildTabs)
                guildTabEndIndex = TotalGuildTabs - 1;

            int guildTabCount = guildTabEndIndex - guildTabStartIndex;

            int startX = 12;
            int startY = 50;

            int tabSpacing = 90;

            for (int a = 0; a < guildTabCount + 1; a++)
                int guildTabIndex = guildTabStartIndex + a;
                int buttonIndex   = 20 + guildTabIndex;

                GuildGumpPageType gumpPageType = m_GuildTabs[guildTabIndex];

                #region Guild Tab Images

                int pressedId = 9721;
                int releaseId = 9724;

                if (gumpPageType == m_Player.m_GuildGumpSettings.m_GuildGumpPage)
                    pressedId = 9724;
                    releaseId = 9721;

                switch (gumpPageType)
                case GuildGumpPageType.Messages:
                    AddLabel(startX + 36, startY + 5, 2526, "Messages");
                    AddImage(startX + 60, startY + 32, 10550, 55);
                    AddImage(startX + 88, startY + 32, 10552, 55);
                    AddButton(startX + 74, startY + 46, pressedId, releaseId, buttonIndex, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                    AddItem(startX + -1, startY + 18, 7774);

                case GuildGumpPageType.Overview:
                    AddLabel(startX + 34, startY + 5, 2401, "Overview");
                    AddImage(startX + 60, startY + 32, 10550, 2401);
                    AddImage(startX + 88, startY + 32, 10552, 2401);
                    AddButton(startX + 74, startY + 46, pressedId, releaseId, buttonIndex, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                    AddImage(startX + 13, startY + 35, 11016);

                case GuildGumpPageType.Invitations:
                    AddItem(startX + 21, startY + 41, 2942);
                    AddItem(startX + -3, startY + 25, 2943);
                    AddLabel(startX + 12, startY + 5, 2564, "Guild Invitations");
                    AddImage(startX + 60, startY + 32, 10550, 2566);
                    AddImage(startX + 88, startY + 32, 10552, 2566);
                    AddButton(startX + 74, startY + 46, pressedId, releaseId, buttonIndex, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                    AddItem(startX + 9, startY + 31, 5359);
                    AddItem(startX + 23, startY + 24, 4031);
                    AddItem(startX + 23, startY + 50, 5357);
                    AddItem(startX + 27, startY + 52, 5357);

                case GuildGumpPageType.Members:
                    AddLabel(startX + 35, startY + 5, 64, "Members");
                    AddItem(startX + 69, startY + 46, 6877);
                    AddImage(startX + 60, startY + 32, 10550, 2551);
                    AddImage(startX + 88, startY + 32, 10552, 2551);
                    AddButton(startX + 74, startY + 46, pressedId, releaseId, buttonIndex, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                    AddItem(startX + 20, startY + 29, 10905);
                    AddItem(startX + 19, startY + 33, 3746);

                case GuildGumpPageType.Candidates:
                    AddLabel(startX + 27, startY + 4, 2553, "Candidates");
                    AddImage(startX + 60, startY + 32, 10550, 2566);
                    AddImage(startX + 88, startY + 32, 10552, 2566);
                    AddButton(startX + 74, startY + 45, pressedId, releaseId, buttonIndex, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                    AddItem(startX + 28, startY + 45, 4647, 2563);
                    AddItem(startX + 11, startY + 36, 4645, 2563);
                    AddItem(startX + -5, startY + 42, 5018, 2563);

                case GuildGumpPageType.CreateGuild:
                    AddImage(startX + 88, startY + 32, 10552, 2401);
                    AddLabel(startX + 25, startY + 5, 2401, "Create Guild");
                    AddImage(startX + 60, startY + 32, 10550, 2401);
                    AddButton(startX + 74, startY + 46, pressedId, releaseId, buttonIndex, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                    AddItem(startX + 15, startY + 29, 3796);

                case GuildGumpPageType.Faction:
                    AddLabel(startX + 44, startY + 5, 1256, "Faction");
                    AddItem(startX + -15, startY + 20, 3936);
                    AddItem(startX + 18, startY + 21, 18194);
                    AddItem(startX + 10, startY + 13, 5129);
                    AddItem(startX + 32, startY + 31, 18196);
                    AddItem(startX + 9, startY + 30, 5050);
                    AddItem(startX + 26, startY + 22, 5135, 2500);
                    AddImage(startX + 60, startY + 32, 10550, 1256);
                    AddImage(startX + 88, startY + 32, 10552, 1256);
                    AddItem(startX + 26, startY + 47, 7034);
                    AddButton(startX + 74, startY + 46, pressedId, releaseId, buttonIndex, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                    AddItem(startX + -4, startY + 33, 543);
                    AddItem(startX + 14, startY + 45, 543);

                case GuildGumpPageType.Diplomacy:
                    AddItem(startX + 21, startY + 42, 2942);
                    AddItem(startX + -4, startY + 28, 2943);
                    AddItem(startX + 11, startY + 20, 4031);
                    AddItem(startX + 13, startY + 38, 4030);
                    AddItem(startX + 20, startY + 59, 2507);
                    AddItem(startX + 22, startY + 44, 2459);
                    AddLabel(startX + 35, startY + 5, 2606, "Diplomacy");
                    AddImage(startX + 60, startY + 32, 10550, 2606);
                    AddImage(startX + 88, startY + 32, 10552, 2606);
                    AddButton(startX + 74, startY + 46, pressedId, releaseId, buttonIndex, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);


                startY += tabSpacing;

            AddButton(3, 3, 2094, 2095, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddLabel(24, -2, 149, "Guide");

            if (m_GuildTabPage > 0)
                AddButton(65, 22, 9900, 9900, 2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            if (m_GuildTabPage < TotalGuildTabPages - 1)
                AddButton(65, 432, 9906, 9906, 3, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);



            #region Create Guild

            if (m_Player.m_GuildGumpSettings.m_GuildGumpPage == GuildGumpPageType.CreateGuild)
                #region Images

                AddImage(326, 116, 2328, 0);
                AddImage(159, 165, 9809, 0);
                AddItem(485, 115, 1928);
                AddItem(507, 136, 1928);
                AddItem(529, 158, 1928);
                AddItem(551, 180, 1928);
                AddItem(573, 202, 1928);
                AddItem(589, 219, 1928);
                AddItem(466, 134, 1928);
                AddItem(488, 155, 1928);
                AddItem(510, 177, 1928);
                AddItem(532, 199, 1928);
                AddItem(555, 220, 1928);
                AddItem(571, 237, 1928);
                AddItem(445, 154, 1928);
                AddItem(467, 175, 1928);
                AddItem(489, 197, 1928);
                AddItem(511, 219, 1928);
                AddItem(534, 240, 1928);
                AddItem(550, 257, 1928);
                AddItem(424, 176, 1928);
                AddItem(446, 197, 1928);
                AddItem(468, 219, 1928);
                AddItem(490, 241, 1928);
                AddItem(513, 262, 1928);
                AddItem(529, 279, 1928);
                AddItem(606, 235, 1930);
                AddItem(586, 255, 1930);
                AddItem(564, 276, 1930);
                AddItem(544, 295, 1930);
                AddItem(403, 198, 1929);
                AddItem(422, 217, 1929);
                AddItem(443, 238, 1929);
                AddItem(462, 256, 1929);
                AddItem(482, 275, 1929);
                AddItem(504, 295, 1929);
                AddItem(524, 315, 1934);
                AddLabel(212, 86, 149, "Guild Abbreviation");
                AddLabel(212, 46, 149, "Guild Name");
                AddImage(286, 44, 1141, 2400);
                AddImage(335, 85, 2444, 2401);
                AddItem(163, 43, 3796);
                AddLabel(212, 134, 149, "Guild Symbol");
                AddItem(156, 123, 7776);
                AddLabel(369, 16, 149, "Create Guild");
                AddLabel(319, 406, 63, "Confirm and Create Guild");
                AddItem(160, 187, 3823);
                AddLabel(212, 185, 149, "Registration Fee");
                AddItem(470, 146, 6918);
                AddItem(497, 267, 6914);
                AddItem(550, 202, 6916);
                AddItem(516, 291, 6920);
                AddItem(577, 289, 6915);
                AddItem(555, 214, 6917);
                AddItem(523, 344, 6918);
                AddItem(464, 279, 6913);
                AddItem(399, 229, 6916);
                AddItem(486, 158, 6916);
                AddItem(499, 161, 16645);
                AddItem(497, 193, 3823);
                AddItem(592, 232, 6913);
                AddItem(527, 207, 6918);
                AddItem(504, 113, 17074);
                AddItem(412, 170, 633, 2419);
                AddItem(585, 198, 635, 2419);
                AddItem(429, 142, 636, 2419);
                AddItem(604, 153, 16119);
                AddItem(563, 264, 634, 2419);
                AddItem(547, 274, 633, 2419);
                AddItem(592, 252, 6915);
                AddItem(471, 341, 3791);
                AddItem(463, 154, 3786);
                AddItem(378, 214, 3792);
                AddItem(609, 197, 3814);
                AddItem(562, 236, 3790);
                AddItem(442, 144, 3812);
                AddItem(243, 303, 3816);
                AddItem(265, 320, 3808);
                AddItem(276, 275, 3816);
                AddItem(298, 292, 3808);
                AddItem(243, 303, 3816);
                AddItem(265, 320, 3808);
                AddItem(308, 243, 3816);
                AddItem(331, 259, 3808);
                AddItem(297, 230, 3799);
                AddItem(206, 331, 3816);
                AddItem(228, 346, 3808);
                AddItem(199, 313, 4455);
                AddItem(287, 343, 2322);
                AddItem(312, 293, 2322);
                AddItem(208, 355, 2322);
                AddItem(351, 263, 7685, 2401);
                AddItem(330, 325, 7685, 2401);
                AddItem(252, 360, 7685, 2401);
                AddItem(379, 272, 7684, 2401);
                AddItem(475, 310, 7684, 2401);
                AddItem(231, 388, 7684, 2401);
                AddItem(385, 348, 7684, 2401);
                AddItem(447, 321, 7684, 2401);
                AddItem(421, 321, 7682, 2401);
                AddItem(243, 338, 7684, 1107);
                AddItem(292, 326, 7682, 2401);
                AddItem(469, 254, 7684, 2401);
                AddItem(331, 244, 7681, 2415);
                AddItem(232, 324, 7684, 2401);
                AddItem(269, 291, 7684, 2401);
                AddItem(224, 305, 7684, 2401);
                AddItem(331, 287, 7682, 2401);
                AddItem(365, 300, 7684, 2401);
                AddItem(418, 271, 7684, 2401);
                AddItem(601, 178, 7574);
                AddItem(496, 309, 7570);
                AddItem(240, 271, 4465);
                AddItem(272, 253, 4479);
                AddItem(505, 335, 4651);
                AddItem(441, 258, 6937);
                AddItem(397, 288, 6927);
                AddItem(311, 289, 6925);
                AddItem(348, 341, 6922);
                AddItem(214, 346, 6930);
                AddItem(226, 353, 6938);
                AddItem(276, 353, 3786);
                AddItem(391, 254, 6938);
                AddItem(472, 228, 3793);
                AddItem(295, 371, 7684, 2401);
                AddItem(196, 367, 7685, 2401);
                AddItem(368, 241, 7684, 2401);
                AddItem(368, 324, 7685, 2401);
                AddItem(492, 199, 2507, 2415);
                AddItem(507, 199, 3880);
                AddItem(493, 208, 4234, 2499);
                AddItem(436, 92, 3938);
                AddItem(476, 102, 18236);
                AddItem(470, 96, 5128, 2401);
                AddItem(457, 124, 7032);
                AddItem(549, 150, 18194);

                AddItem(541, 142, 5135, 2500);

                AddItem(530, 152, 5114);
                AddItem(532, 248, 18196);
                AddItem(531, 268, 7034);

                AddItem(522, 240, 5133, 2413);

                AddItem(513, 253, 5178);

                AddItem(442, 211, 18210, 2500);
                AddItem(445, 208, 5049, 2500);
                AddItem(437, 199, 5138, 2500);
                AddItem(426, 221, 7028, 2500);

                AddItem(550, 163, 7030);
                AddItem(345, 312, 6930);
                AddItem(261, 330, 6934);
                AddItem(400, 332, 6924);
                AddItem(424, 312, 6883);
                AddItem(310, 352, 6881);
                AddItem(405, 217, 7684, 2401);
                AddItem(341, 273, 3788);
                AddItem(441, 350, 7685, 2401);
                AddItem(467, 336, 7684, 2401);
                AddItem(518, 298, 17075);
                AddItem(538, 205, 3788);
                AddItem(334, 304, 3788);
                AddItem(369, 259, 3790);
                AddItem(263, 331, 6930);
                AddItem(298, 295, 6938);
                AddItem(276, 294, 6883);
                AddItem(480, 293, 7684, 2401);
                AddItem(405, 235, 7684, 2401);
                AddItem(453, 185, 7684, 2401);
                AddItem(304, 325, 3793);


                AddTextEntry(295, 46, 248, 20, WhiteTextHue, 7, "Guild Name", Guilds.GuildNameCharacterLimit);
                AddTextEntry(355, 86, 47, 20, WhiteTextHue, 8, "ABC", Guilds.GuildNameCharacterLimit);

                AddButton(300, 137, 2223, 2223, 4, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Previous Symbol
                AddItem(341, 123, 4014);                                     // Symbol
                AddButton(413, 137, 2224, 2224, 5, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Next Symbol

                AddLabel(341, 185, GreenTextHue, Utility.CreateCurrencyString(Guilds.GuildRegistrationFee));

                AddButton(366, 429, 247, 249, 6, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Create Guild


            #region Invitations

            else if (m_Player.m_GuildGumpSettings.m_GuildGumpPage == GuildGumpPageType.Invitations)
                #region Images

                AddLabel(345, 15, 2563, "Guild Invitations");
                AddLabel(188, 429, WhiteTextHue, "Previous Page");
                AddLabel(552, 429, WhiteTextHue, "Next Page");
                AddImage(299, 39, 2446, 2401);
                AddLabel(508, 39, 149, "Search for Guild Name");
                AddLabel(360, 400, 149, "Page");
                AddLabel(356, 429, 63, "Ignore Guild Invitations");
                AddLabel(157, 400, 2599, "Total Invitations");
                AddLabel(289, 70, 149, "Guild Name");
                AddLabel(605, 70, 149, "Decline");
                AddLabel(534, 70, 149, "Guild Info");
                AddLabel(158, 70, 149, "Accept");
                AddLabel(458, 70, 149, "Expires In");


                AddButton(271, 40, 9909, 9909, 3, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Search Left
                AddTextEntry(308, 40, 158, 20, WhiteTextHue, 10, "Guild Name", Guilds.GuildNameCharacterLimit);
                AddButton(483, 39, 9903, 9903, 4, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Search Right

                AddButton(268, 73, 2117, 2118, 5, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Guild Name Sort

                AddButton(438, 73, 5602, 5606, 6, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Expiration Sort

                AddButton(165, 90, 9721, 9724, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                AddLabel(218, 97, WhiteTextHue, "Outlands Shipping Company (OSC)");
                AddLabel(448, 95, WhiteTextHue, "24d 18h 20m");
                AddButton(550, 95, 4011, 4013, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                AddButton(614, 90, 2472, 2473, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

                AddLabel(270, 400, WhiteTextHue, "1");                       //Total Invitations
                AddLabel(397, 400, WhiteTextHue, "1/1");                     //Page

                AddButton(154, 429, 4014, 4016, 7, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Previous Page
                AddButton(620, 429, 4005, 4007, 8, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Next Page
                AddButton(322, 426, 9721, 9724, 9, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Ignore Guild Invites


            #region Overview

            else if (m_Player.m_GuildGumpSettings.m_GuildGumpPage == GuildGumpPageType.Overview)
                #region Images

                AddImage(285, 90, 2328, 0);
                AddItem(155, 384, 4647);
                AddItem(156, 191, 8900);
                AddItem(153, 150, 4810, 2563);
                AddLabel(197, 159, 149, "Guildmaster");
                AddLabel(197, 61, 149, "Guild Abbreviation");
                AddLabel(197, 25, 149, "Guild Name");
                AddImage(271, 23, 1141, 2400);
                AddImage(320, 60, 2444, 2401);
                AddItem(151, 22, 3796);
                AddImage(278, 160, 2446, 2401);
                AddLabel(197, 109, 149, "Guild Symbol");
                AddItem(144, 98, 7776);
                AddLabel(197, 203, 149, "Guildhouse");
                AddImage(269, 202, 2446, 2401);
                AddLabel(515, 109, 149, "Faction");
                AddBackground(158, 347, 493, 23, 5100);

                AddLabel(197, 324, 149, "Website");
                AddLabel(197, 392, 149, "My Rank");
                AddImage(256, 391, 2446, 2401);

                AddLabel(503, 392, 149, "Show Guild Title");
                AddItem(454, 397, 3034, 2562);
                AddItem(458, 380, 2978);
                AddLabel(310, 429, 2115, "Resign from Guild");
                AddItem(482, 80, 5402);

                AddLabel(299, 257, 2502, "Players");
                AddLabel(382, 257, 2506, "Characters");
                AddLabel(493, 257, 1256, "Wars");
                AddLabel(553, 257, 2599, "Alliances");

                AddLabel(197, 257, 149, "Guild Age");

                AddItem(164, 250, 3103);
                AddItem(296, 281, 8454, 2500);
                AddItem(383, 281, 8454, 2515);

                AddItem(404, 281, 8455, 2515);
                AddItem(493, 292, 3914);
                AddItem(479, 293, 5049);
                AddItem(558, 295, 4030);
                AddItem(558, 287, 4031);


                Guild guild = m_Player.Guild;

                if (guild == null)

                AddLabel(Utility.CenteredTextOffset(405, guild.Name), 25, WhiteTextHue, guild.Name);
                AddLabel(Utility.CenteredTextOffset(354, guild.m_Abbreviation), 61, WhiteTextHue, guild.m_Abbreviation);

                //Get Guild Symbol Detail
                int guildIcon        = guild.m_Icon;
                int guildIconHue     = guild.m_IconHue;
                int guildIconOffsetX = 0;
                int guildIconOffsetY = 0;

                AddItem(300 + guildIconOffsetX, 97 + guildIconOffsetY, guildIcon, guildIconHue); //Guild Symbol

                AddItem(555, 58, 17099, 2603); //Flag
                AddItem(600, 91, 11009, 2603); //Shield
                AddLabel(586, 144, 2603, "Order");

                string guildmasterName = "";

                if (guild.m_Guildmaster != null)
                    guildmasterName = guild.m_Guildmaster.RawName;

                AddLabel(Utility.CenteredTextOffset(365, guildmasterName), 161, WhiteTextHue, guildmasterName);

                string guildHouseOwner    = "";
                string guildHouseLocation = "";

                bool guildHouseExists = false;

                if (guild.m_Guildhouse != null)
                    guildHouseExists = true;

                    if (guild.m_Guildhouse.Owner != null)
                        guildHouseOwner = "Owned by " + guild.m_Guildhouse.Owner.RawName;

                        guildHouseOwner = "Unknown Owner";

                    guildHouseLocation = "(Located at " + guild.m_Guildhouse.Location.X.ToString() + "," + guild.m_Guildhouse.Location.Y.ToString() + ")";

                    guildHouseOwner = "-";

                AddLabel(Utility.CenteredTextOffset(358, guildHouseOwner), 203, WhiteTextHue, guildHouseOwner);
                if (guildHouseLocation != "")
                    AddLabel(282, 226, 2599, "(located at 2500, 2500)");

                if (guild.m_Guildhouse != null)
                    AddLabel(473, 203, 2550, "Show Location");
                    AddButton(453, 206, 2117, 2118, 4, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Show Guildhouse Location

                int guildAge = (int)(Math.Floor((DateTime.UtcNow - guild.m_CreationTime).TotalDays));

                string guildAgeText = "";

                if (guildAge > 1)
                    guildAgeText = guildAge.ToString() + " Days";

                else if (guildAge == 1)
                    guildAgeText = "1 Day";

                    guildAgeText = "Brand New";

                int activePlayers    = 25;
                int activeCharacters = 125;
                int wars             = 1;
                int alliances        = 1;

                AddLabel(196, 282, WhiteTextHue, guildAgeText);                //Guild Age
                AddLabel(332, 296, WhiteTextHue, activePlayers.ToString());    //Players
                AddLabel(443, 297, WhiteTextHue, activeCharacters.ToString()); //Characters
                AddLabel(529, 297, WhiteTextHue, wars.ToString());             //Wars
                AddLabel(599, 297, WhiteTextHue, alliances.ToString());        //Alliances

                AddButton(165, 327, 30008, 30009, 5, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Launch Website
                AddLabel(167, 348, WhiteTextHue, guild.m_Website);             //Website

                string rankName = "";

                int rankHue = WhiteTextHue;

                if (m_Player.m_GuildMemberEntry != null)
                    rankName = guild.GetRankName(m_Player.m_GuildMemberEntry.m_Rank);
                    rankHue  = guild.GetRankHue(m_Player.m_GuildMemberEntry.m_Rank);

                AddLabel(Utility.CenteredTextOffset(347, rankName), 392, rankHue, rankName); //Guild Rank

                if (m_Player.m_GuildGumpSettings.m_ShowGuildTitle)
                    AddButton(611, 389, 9724, 9721, 6, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Show Guild Title
                    AddButton(611, 389, 9721, 9724, 6, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Show Guild Title
                AddButton(425, 425, 2472, 2473, 7, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);     //Resign from Guild


            #region Members

            else if (m_Player.m_GuildGumpSettings.m_GuildGumpPage == GuildGumpPageType.Members)
                #region Images

                AddLabel(365, 15, 2563, "Members");
                AddLabel(280, 70, 149, "Player Name");
                AddLabel(407, 70, 149, "Guild Rank");
                AddLabel(188, 429, WhiteTextHue, "Previous Page");
                AddLabel(552, 429, WhiteTextHue, "Next Page");
                AddLabel(373, 429, 63, "Invite Player to Guild");
                AddLabel(170, 70, 149, "Last Online");
                AddLabel(556, 70, 149, "Fealty");
                AddLabel(604, 70, 149, "Dismiss");
                AddLabel(503, 70, 149, "Manage");
                AddImage(299, 39, 2446, 2401);
                AddLabel(508, 39, 149, "Search for Player");
                AddLabel(360, 400, 149, "Page");
                AddLabel(526, 400, 2550, "Total Members");
                AddLabel(157, 400, 2599, "Online Members");


                AddButton(271, 40, 9909, 9909, 4, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Search Left
                AddTextEntry(308, 40, 158, 20, WhiteTextHue, 12, "Player Name", Guilds.GuildNameCharacterLimit);
                AddButton(483, 39, 9903, 9903, 5, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Search Right

                AddButton(151, 73, 5602, 5606, 6, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Sort Last Online
                AddButton(259, 73, 2117, 2118, 7, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Sort Player Name
                AddButton(387, 73, 2117, 2118, 8, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Sort Rank

                AddButton(163, 101, 2361, 2361, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Online Icon
                AddLabel(185, 97, 63, "Online");
                AddLabel(272, 97, WhiteTextHue, "Merrill Calder");
                AddLabel(401, 97, 2603, "Guildmaster");
                AddButton(512, 95, 4011, 4013, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Manage Player
                AddButton(564, 92, 9721, 9724, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Declare Fealty
                AddButton(614, 92, 2472, 2473, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Dismiss

                AddLabel(263, 400, WhiteTextHue, "8");                        //Online Members
                AddLabel(397, 400, WhiteTextHue, "10/10");                    //Page
                AddLabel(623, 400, WhiteTextHue, "50");                       //Total Members

                AddButton(154, 429, 4014, 4016, 9, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);  //Previous Page
                AddButton(620, 429, 4005, 4007, 10, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Next Page
                AddButton(337, 429, 4002, 4004, 11, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Invite Player


            #region Candidates

            else if (m_Player.m_GuildGumpSettings.m_GuildGumpPage == GuildGumpPageType.Candidates)
                AddLabel(365, 15, 2563, "Candidates");
                AddLabel(267, 70, 149, "Player Name");
                AddLabel(188, 429, WhiteTextHue, "Previous Page");
                AddLabel(552, 429, WhiteTextHue, "Next Page");
                AddLabel(373, 429, 63, "Invite Player to Guild");
                AddLabel(548, 70, 149, "Approve");
                AddLabel(605, 70, 149, "Decline");
                AddLabel(466, 70, 149, "Player Info");
                AddLabel(174, 70, 149, "Accepted");
                AddLabel(387, 70, 149, "Expires In");
                AddImage(299, 39, 2446, 2401);
                AddLabel(508, 39, 149, "Search for Player");
                AddLabel(360, 400, 149, "Page");
                AddLabel(513, 400, 2550, "Total Candidates");
                AddLabel(157, 400, 2599, "Total Accepted");

                AddButton(271, 40, 9909, 9909, 4, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Search Left
                AddTextEntry(308, 40, 158, 20, WhiteTextHue, 12, "Player Name", Guilds.GuildNameCharacterLimit);
                AddButton(483, 39, 9903, 9903, 5, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Search Right

                AddButton(154, 73, 2117, 2118, 6, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Sort Accepted
                AddButton(246, 73, 2117, 2118, 7, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Sort Player Name
                AddButton(367, 73, 5602, 5606, 8, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Sort Expiration

                AddButton(185, 90, 9723, 2151, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Accepted
                AddLabel(260, 95, WhiteTextHue, "Merrill Calder");
                AddLabel(377, 95, WhiteTextHue, "24d 18h 20m");
                AddButton(485, 95, 4011, 4013, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Player Info
                AddButton(559, 90, 2151, 2154, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Approve
                AddButton(614, 90, 2472, 2473, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Decline

                AddLabel(262, 400, WhiteTextHue, "1");   //Total Accepted
                AddLabel(397, 400, WhiteTextHue, "1/1"); //Page
                AddLabel(625, 400, WhiteTextHue, "1");   //Total Candidates

                AddButton(154, 429, 4014, 4016, 9, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                AddButton(620, 429, 4005, 4007, 10, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                AddButton(337, 429, 4002, 4004, 11, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Invite Player


            #region Diplomacy

            else if (m_Player.m_GuildGumpSettings.m_GuildGumpPage == GuildGumpPageType.Diplomacy)
                #region Images

                AddLabel(365, 15, 2606, "Diplomacy");
                AddLabel(244, 70, 149, "Guild Name");
                AddLabel(422, 70, 149, "Relationship");
                AddLabel(188, 429, WhiteTextHue, "Previous Page");
                AddLabel(552, 429, WhiteTextHue, "Next Page");
                AddLabel(373, 429, 63, "Add New Guild");
                AddLabel(609, 70, 149, "Manage");
                AddImage(299, 39, 2446, 2401);
                AddLabel(508, 39, 149, "Search for Guild Name");
                AddLabel(360, 400, 149, "Page");
                AddLabel(546, 70, 149, "Players");


                AddButton(271, 40, 9909, 9909, 4, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Search Left
                AddTextEntry(308, 40, 158, 20, WhiteTextHue, 14, "Guild Name", Guilds.GuildNameCharacterLimit);
                AddButton(483, 39, 9903, 9903, 5, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Search Right

                AddButton(223, 73, 2117, 2118, 6, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Sort Guild Name
                AddButton(400, 73, 5602, 5606, 7, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Sort Relationship
                AddButton(526, 73, 2117, 2118, 8, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Sort Players

                AddLabel(192, 95, WhiteTextHue, "God's Wrath Clan (GoD)");
                AddLabel(398, 95, 2599, "Alliance Requested");
                AddLabel(561, 95, WhiteTextHue, "5");                       //Players
                AddButton(617, 95, 4011, 4013, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Manage Relationship

                AddButton(295, 379, 2223, 2223, 9, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);  //Previous Relationship Filter
                AddLabel(326, 375, 2603, "Show All Relationships");
                AddButton(473, 379, 2224, 2224, 10, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Next Relationship Filter

                AddLabel(158, 400, 1256, "War Requests");
                AddLabel(251, 400, WhiteTextHue, "10");

                AddLabel(397, 400, WhiteTextHue, "1/1"); //Page

                AddLabel(533, 400, 2599, "Ally Requests");
                AddLabel(625, 400, WhiteTextHue, "10");

                AddButton(154, 429, 4014, 4016, 11, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Previous Page
                AddButton(620, 429, 4005, 4007, 12, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Next Page
                AddButton(337, 429, 4002, 4004, 13, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Add New Guild


            #region Faction

            else if (m_Player.m_GuildGumpSettings.m_GuildGumpPage == GuildGumpPageType.Faction)


            #region Messages

            else if (m_Player.m_GuildGumpSettings.m_GuildGumpPage == GuildGumpPageType.Messages)
