コード例 #1
    protected override void OnUpdate()
        // Create an ECB to record modification to entities that will only be executed at the end of the simulation group. We will use it below to change our state to "Idle" when we reach our waypoint.
        var ecb = m_EndSimECBSystem.CreateCommandBuffer().AsParallelWriter();

        var waypointHandle = Entities
                             .WithName("CheckReachedWaypoint")            // ForEach name is helpful for debugging
                             .WithNone <IsChasingTag>()                   // WithNone means "Exclude all entities with IsChasingTag from this ForEach"
                                                                          // This avoids running the waypoint checking code on guards that are chasing the player
                                          Entity e,                       // Refers to the current guard entity. Used by the ECB when changing states
                                          int entityInQueryIndex,         // Index of the guard entity in the query. Used for Concurrent ECB writing
                                          in Translation currentPosition, // "in" keyword makes this parameter ReadOnly
                                          in TargetPosition targetPosition) =>
            // Determine if we are within the StopDistance of our target waypoint.
            var distanceSq = math.lengthsq(targetPosition.Value - currentPosition.Value);
            if (distanceSq < GuardAIUtility.kStopDistanceSq)
                // If we are, transition to idle and remove the target position
                GuardAIUtility.TransitionFromPatrolling(ecb, e, entityInQueryIndex);
                GuardAIUtility.TransitionToIdle(ecb, e, entityInQueryIndex);
        }).ScheduleParallel(Dependency);         // Schedule the ForEach with the job system to run
コード例 #2
    protected override void OnUpdate()
        // This determines the number of players we have and allocates a NativeArray of Translations
        // It then schedules a job to be run which will fill that array
        // We pass the output job handle of this function as a dependency of the ForEach below to guarantee it completes before we need the player position
        var playerPosition = m_PlayerQuery.ToComponentDataArrayAsync <Translation>(Allocator.TempJob, out JobHandle getPositionHandle);

        // ECB which will run at the end of the simulation group. If the player is seen, will change the Guard's state to chasing
        var ecb = m_EndSimECBSystem.CreateCommandBuffer().AsParallelWriter();

        // Update the target position (must pass isReadOnly=false)
        var targetPositionFromEntity = GetComponentDataFromEntity <TargetPosition>(false);

        var lookHandle = Entities
                         .WithName("LookForPlayer")                                         // ForEach name is helpful for debugging
                         .WithReadOnly(playerPosition)                                      // Marked read only (We don't mutate the player position)
                         .WithNativeDisableParallelForRestriction(targetPositionFromEntity) // Since ComponentDataFromEntity allows us to access *any* entity,
                                                                                            // we need to disable the safety system (since we know we're writing
                                                                                            // to the player and not another guard)
                         .WithDisposeOnCompletion(playerPosition)                           // Prevent a memory leak by deallocating our position array at the end of the job
                                      Entity guardEntity,                                   // Refers to the current guard entity. Used by the ECB when changing states
                                      int entityInQueryIndex,                               // Index of the guard entity in the query. Used for Concurrent ECB writing
                                      in Translation guardPosition,                         // "in" keyword makes the parameter ReadOnly
                                      in Rotation guardRotation,
                                      in VisionCone guardVisionCone
                                      ) =>
            // If there are no players, we can safely skip this work
            if (playerPosition.Length <= 0)

            // Get a normalized vector from the guard to the player
            var forwardVector   = math.forward(guardRotation.Value);
            var vectorToPlayer  = playerPosition[0].Value - guardPosition.Value;
            var unitVecToPlayer = math.normalize(vectorToPlayer);

            // Use the dot product to determine if the player is within our vision cone
            var dot          = math.dot(forwardVector, unitVecToPlayer);
            var canSeePlayer = dot > 0.0f &&                                                   // player is in front of us
                               math.abs(math.acos(dot)) < guardVisionCone.AngleRadians &&      // player is within the cone angle bounds
                               math.lengthsq(vectorToPlayer) < guardVisionCone.ViewDistanceSq; // player is within vision distance (we use Squared Distance to avoid sqrt calculation)

            // Here we grab the tag of the guardEntity
            var isCurrentlyChasing = HasComponent <IsChasingTag>(guardEntity);

            if (canSeePlayer)
                if (isCurrentlyChasing)
                    // Update the target position of the guard to the player the guard is chasing
                    // Here we use ComponentDataFromEntity because idle guards will not have a TargetPosition
                    // If the guard is already chasing, then we know they have a TargetPosition already and can set its value
                    targetPositionFromEntity[guardEntity] = new TargetPosition {
                        Value = playerPosition[0].Value
                    GuardAIUtility.TransitionToChasing(ecb, guardEntity, entityInQueryIndex, playerPosition[0].Value);

                // If the guard has an idle timer, we want to leave the idle state
                // Therefore, we remove the timer from the guard
                if (HasComponent <IdleTimer>(guardEntity))
                    GuardAIUtility.TransitionFromIdle(ecb, guardEntity, entityInQueryIndex);
            else if (isCurrentlyChasing)         // If we don't see the player anymore, stop chasing
                GuardAIUtility.TransitionFromChasing(ecb, guardEntity, entityInQueryIndex);
                GuardAIUtility.TransitionToIdle(ecb, guardEntity, entityInQueryIndex);
        }).ScheduleParallel(getPositionHandle);         // Schedule the ForEach with the job system to run