コード例 #1
 /// <summary>
 ///     Rule #1 (Ukkonen's first group of t_i-transitions): Try to find matching edge for the parent node.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parentNode">This is a member of active.  It is kept separate for clarity.</param>
 private ExtensionResult extendSuffixByRuleOne(
     ref GstSuffix active, ref GstNode parentNode, int endIndex, int wordNum)
     if (active.IsExplicit)
         GstEdge edge = active.OriginNode.GetChildEdge(GetWordChar(wordNum, endIndex));
         if (edge != null && edge.IsSet())
     else    // active suffix is implicit
         GstEdge edge = active.OriginNode.GetChildEdge(GetWordChar(wordNum, active.BeginIndex));
         int     span = active.EndIndex - active.BeginIndex;
         if (edge != null)
             int extantWordNum = edge.GetExtantWordNum();
             if (GetWordChar(extantWordNum, edge.GetBeginIndex(extantWordNum) + span + 1)
                 == GetWordChar(wordNum, endIndex))
             GstUtil.WriteLine(GstVerbosityLevel.Verbose, String.Format(
                                   "  Rule #1: About to split edge E{0:d} (\"{1:s}\") at suffix {2:s}",
                                   edge.Id, edge.GetText(), active.ToString()));
             parentNode = edge.Split(active);
コード例 #2
            private bool AddWord(string word, bool doConsoleVerbose = false)
                if (word == null || word.Length == 0)

                GstUtil.WriteLine(GstVerbosityLevel.Verbose, new String('-', 40));
                int wordNum = wordCount++;

                wordDict[wordNum] = word;
                GstUtil.WriteLine(GstVerbosityLevel.Verbose, String.Format(
                                      "Adding word #{0:d} (\"{1:s}\") to the suffix tree",
                                      wordNum, wordDict[wordNum]));
                GstSuffix active = new GstSuffix(this, root, wordNum, 0, GSuffixTree.InfiniteIndex);

                GstUtil.WriteLine(GstVerbosityLevel.Verbose, String.Format(
                                      "Created active (longest proper) suffix pointer: {0:s}",
                int endIndex = 0;

                if (wordNum > 0)
                    skipDuplicateInitialSubstring(ref active, ref endIndex, wordNum);
                    if (endIndex > 0)
                        GstUtil.WriteLine(GstVerbosityLevel.Verbose, String.Format(
                                              "The first {0:d} letter(s) of word #{1:d} are already in the suffix tree",
                                              endIndex, wordNum));
                for (   ; endIndex < wordDict[wordNum].Length; endIndex++)
                    GstUtil.WriteLine(GstVerbosityLevel.Verbose, this.ToString());
                    GstUtil.WriteLine(GstVerbosityLevel.Verbose, String.Format(
                                          "Calling extendSuffixes() for word #{0:d}, with endIndex = {1:d} ('{2:c}') and active suffix = {3:s}",
                                          wordNum, endIndex, GetWordChar(wordNum, endIndex), active.ToString()));
                    extendSuffixes(ref active, endIndex, wordNum);
                if (doConsoleVerbose)
                    string logStr = String.Format("Done adding word #{0:d} (\"{1:s}\") to the suffix tree",
                                                  wordNum, wordDict[wordNum]);
                    GstUtil.WriteLine(GstVerbosityLevel.Verbose, logStr);