コード例 #1
ファイル: GrowthLayout.cs プロジェクト: rettigcd/spiritisland
        public GrowthLayout(GrowthOption[] growthOptions, Rectangle bounds)
            this.Bounds = bounds;

            int actionCount = growthOptions.Sum(op => op.GrowthActions.Length);

            GrowthOptions = growthOptions;
            optionRects   = new Dictionary <GrowthOption, RectangleF>();

            Actions     = new GrowthActionFactory[actionCount];
            actionRects = new Dictionary <GrowthActionFactory, RectangleF>();

            float actionWidth  = 1.0f / actionCount;
            float actionHeight = 1.5f / actionCount;

            float x           = 0f;
            int   actionIndex = 0;

            foreach (var g in growthOptions)
                float gx = x;
                foreach (var a in g.GrowthActions)
                    Actions[actionIndex++] = a;
                    actionRects.Add(a, RectangleF.Inflate(new RectangleF(x, 0, actionWidth, actionHeight), -.1f * actionWidth, -.1f * actionHeight));
                    x += actionWidth;
                optionRects.Add(g, new RectangleF(gx, 0, x - gx, actionHeight));

            size = new SizeF(1f, actionHeight);

            // Fit to Bounds
            ScaleToFit(bounds.Width, bounds.Height);
            Translate(bounds.X, bounds.Y);
コード例 #2
        void DrawAction(GrowthActionFactory action, RectangleF rect)
            if (action is JaggedEarth.RepeatableActionFactory repeatableActionFactory &&
                repeatableActionFactory.Inner is not JaggedEarth.GainTime
                action = repeatableActionFactory.Inner;

            if (action is GainEnergy ge)
                GainEnergy(rect, ge.Delta); return;

            if (action is ReclaimAll)
                DrawIconInCenter(rect, Img.ReclaimAll); return;

            if (action is ReclaimN)
                DrawIconInCenter(rect, Img.Reclaim1); return;

            if (action is ReclaimHalf)
                DrawIconInCenter(rect, Img.ReclaimHalf); return;

            if (action is DrawPowerCard)
                DrawIconInCenter(rect, Img.GainCard); return;

            if (action is PlacePresence pp)
                PlacePresence(rect, pp.Range, pp.FilterEnum); return;

            if (action is MovePresence mp)
                MovePresence(rect, mp.Range); return;

            switch (action.Name)
            case "PlayExtraCardThisTurn(2)": AdditionalPlay(rect, 2); break;

            case "PlayExtraCardThisTurn(1)": AdditionalPlay(rect, 1); break;

            // Ocean
            case "PlaceInOcean":          PlacePresence(rect, null, Target.Ocean); break;

            case "GatherPresenceIntoOcean": DrawIconInCenter(rect, Img.GatherToOcean); break;

            case "PushPresenceFromOcean": DrawIconInCenter(rect, Img.Pushfromocean); break;

            // Heart of the WildFire
            case "EnergyForFire": DrawIconInCenter(rect, Img.Oneenergyfire); break;

            // Lure of the Deep Wilderness
            case "GainElement(Moon,Air,Plant)": GainElement(rect, Element.Moon, Element.Air, Element.Plant); break;

            // Fractured Dates
            case "GainElement(Air)": GainElement(rect, Element.Air); break;

            case "GainElement(Moon)": GainElement(rect, Element.Moon); break;

            case "GainElement(Sun)": GainElement(rect, Element.Sun); break;

            case "GainTime(2)":    GainTime(rect); break;

            case "GainTime(1)x2":  Gain1TimeOr2CardPlaysX2(rect); break;

            case "GainTime(1)x3":  Gain1TimeOr2EnergyX3(rect); break;

            case "DrawPowerCardFromDaysThatNeverWere": DrawImage(rect, Img.FracturedDays_DrawDtnw); break;

            // Starlight Seeks Its Form
            case "MakePowerFast": DrawIconInCenter(rect, Img.Icon_Fast); break;

            // Grinning Trickster
            case "GainEnergyEqualToCardPlays": DrawIconInCenter(rect, Img.GainEnergyEqualToCardPlays); break;

            // Stones Unyielding Defiance
            case "GainElements(Earth,Earth)":
                iconDrawer.DrawTheIcon(new IconDescriptor {
                    ContentImg  = Img.Token_Earth,
                    ContentImg2 = Img.Token_Earth,
                break;                         // !!! this is drawn as an OR, layer them and make them an AND

            // Many Minds
            case "Gather1Beast": DrawIconInCenter(rect, Img.Land_Gather_Beasts); break;

            case "PlacePresenceAndBeast":
                PlacePresence(rect, 3, Target.Any);
                DrawIconInCenter(rect.InflateBy(-rect.Width * .2f), Img.Icon_Beast);

            case "ApplyDamage": DrawIconInCenter(rect, Img.Damage_2); break;

                graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.Goldenrod, Rectangle.Inflate(rect.ToInts(), -5, -5));
コード例 #3
 public GrowthActionFactory Bind(GrowthActionFactory inner) => new RepeatableActionFactory(inner, this);
コード例 #4
 public void Register(GrowthActionFactory factory)
コード例 #5
 internal RepeatableActionFactory(GrowthActionFactory inner, ActionRepeater repeater)
     this.Inner    = inner;
     this.repeater = repeater;