private static void ShowNotificationInApp(string message, ENotificationType type) { Action action = type switch { ENotificationType.Success => () => Growl.Success(message), ENotificationType.Info => () => Growl.Info(message), ENotificationType.Warning => () => Growl.Warning(message), ENotificationType.Error => () => Growl.Error(message), ENotificationType.Fatal => () => Growl.Fatal(message), _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(type), type, null) }; Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, action); } #endregion }
public async void Login() { BtnLoginEnable = false; if (Settings.Username.IsBlank() || Settings.Password.IsBlank()) { Growl.Error("Username or password is err!", Global.TOKEN_LOGIN); goto RETURN_POINT; } //Proxy HttpHelper.ProxyInfo PROXY = Settings.ProxyEnable ? new HttpHelper.ProxyInfo(Settings.ProxyHost, Settings.ProxyPort, Settings.ProxyUser, Settings.ProxyPwd) : null; //Login (string msg, LoginKey key) = await Client.Login(Settings.Username, Settings.Password, null, PROXY); (string msg2, LoginKey key2) = await Client.Login(Settings.Accesstoken, PROXY); (string msg3, LoginKey key3) = await Client.Login(Settings.Username, Settings.Password, "_DSTon1kC8pABnTw", PROXY); if (msg.IsNotBlank() || key == null) { Growl.Error("Login Err! " + msg, Global.TOKEN_LOGIN); goto RETURN_POINT; } if (!Settings.Remember) { Settings.Password = null; } Settings.Userid = key.UserID; Settings.Sessionid1 = key.SessionID; Settings.Accesstoken = Settings.Accesstoken; Settings.Save(); Global.CommonKey = key; Global.VideoKey = key3; Global.AccessKey = key2; Manager.ShowWindow(VMMain); RequestClose(); RETURN_POINT: BtnLoginEnable = true; return; }
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var displayName = DisplayName.Text; _sr.InteractiveTask(() => { int ret; _sr.Procedure = null; var local = new ProfileProcedure(); try { ret = local.Step1(displayName, Helper.GetTrace(), null); AccountStatus status = null; ret = CheckVendor.NotValidResponseCode(ret) ? ret : local.Step2(out status); if (!CheckVendor.NotValidResponseCode(ret) && status != null) { displayName = status.DisplayName; } } catch (HttpRequestException ex) { ret = 02_0000 + (int)(ex.Data["StatusCode"]); } catch (Exception) { ret = 02_0000; } if (CheckVendor.NotValidResponseCode(ret)) { Growl.Error(MessageVendor.FormatError(ret)); } else { Growl.Success("成功修改显示名称"); _sr.Dispname = displayName; SubwindowNavigator.Navigate(SubwindowPage.LoggedIn); } }); }
private void HandleFuncCombox_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { System.Drawing.Image img = Common.ocr.GetOCRAreaCap(); SrcImg.Source = ImageProcFunc.ImageToBitmapImage(img); try { DstImg.Source = ImageProcFunc.ImageToBitmapImage(ImageProcFunc.Auto_Thresholding(new System.Drawing.Bitmap(img), ImageProcFunc.lstHandleFun[ImageProcFunclist[HandleFuncCombox.SelectedIndex]])); } catch (NullReferenceException ex) { Growl.Error(Application.Current.Resources["ChooseOCRAreaPage_RenewErrorHint"].ToString()); return; } GC.Collect(); }
public void Download() { if (Detail == null) { Growl.Error("Nothing to downlond!", "SearchMsg"); return; } //remove uncheck item if (RemoveItems() != true) { Growl.Error("Nothing to downlond!", "SearchMsg"); return; } //add task MainView.VMDownload.AddTask(Detail.Data); //go to download page MainView.ShowDownload(); }
private void Red(string name) { var list = biqudu.GetSearchList(name, ProcedurePath); Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { d.Close(); if (list.Count == 0) { Growl.Error(new GrowlInfo { Message = "骚年,没有搜索到你想要的结果!", WaitTime = 3, Token = "SuccessMsg" }); } NovelListData.ItemsSource = list; }); }
private void ChooseWinBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (IsChoosingWin == false) { bool r = hook.Start(Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.ModuleName); if (r) { IsChoosingWin = true; } else { Growl.Error(Application.Current.Resources["Hook_Error_Hint"].ToString()); } } else if (IsChoosingWin == true) { hook.Stop(); IsChoosingWin = false; } }
private void Button_Click_2(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var code = VerifyCode.Text; _sr.InteractiveTask(() => { int ret; try { if (!(_sr.Procedure is RecoveryProcedure local)) { ret = 02_0009; goto FAIL; } ret = local.Step2(code); } catch (HttpRequestException ex) { ret = 02_0000 + (int)(ex.Data["StatusCode"]); } catch (Exception) { ret = 02_0000; } FAIL: if (CheckVendor.NotValidResponseCode(ret)) { Growl.Error(MessageVendor.FormatError(ret)); } else { SubwindowNavigator.Navigate(SubwindowPage.Recovery2); } }); }
public string BitlyShorten(string longUrl) { string url = string.Format( "{0}&login={1}&apiKey={2}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(longUrl), BitlyLoginKey, BitlyApiKey); HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url); try { WebResponse response = request.GetResponse(); using (Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream()) { StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(responseStream, Encoding.UTF8); JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer(); dynamic jsonResponse = js.Deserialize <dynamic>(reader.ReadToEnd()); string s = jsonResponse["results"][longUrl]["shortUrl"]; return(s); } } catch (WebException ex) { WebResponse errorResponse = ex.Response; using (Stream responseStream = errorResponse.GetResponseStream()) { StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(responseStream, Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-8")); string errorText = reader.ReadToEnd(); Growl.Error(errorText); } throw; } catch (RuntimeBinderException ex) { Growl.Error(ex.Message); return(""); } }
public PageRegister1(SubwindowRouter sr) { _sr = sr; InitializeComponent(); _sr.InteractiveTask(() => { _sr.Service = null; _sr.Character = null; if (!SubwindowDataCollector.Collect(5 * 60 * 1000, out _sr.Service, out _sr.Character)) { Growl.Error("等待超时,请返回上一页重试"); return; } if (_sr.Service != null && _sr.Character != null) { SubwindowNavigator.Navigate(SubwindowPage.Register2); } }); }
private void EffectPicture(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e) { try { ImgInfo info = imgHelper.GetNextImage(); if (UserDataManage.IsDislike(info.Id)) { info = imgHelper.GetNextImage(); } picBox.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action <Image, ImgInfo>((image, imgInfo) => { timerP.Stop(); imageQueue.Queue(picBox, info); }), new Object[] { picBox, info }); } catch (Exception ex) { Common.LogHelper.WriteLog(ex.Message, Common.EnumLogLevel.Error); picBox.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action <Exception>((exc) => { Growl.Error("壁纸切换异常:\n\t" + exc.Message); }), new Object[] { ex }); } }
public string PlinkShorten(string longUrl, string customURL = "") { string link = string.Empty; using (WebClient wb = new WebClient()) { UTF8Encoding utf8 = new UTF8Encoding(); string utf8Encoded = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(longUrl, utf8); string response = wb.DownloadString("" + PlinkApiKey + "& url=" + utf8Encoded + "&custom=" + customURL); PlinkData root = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PlinkData>(response); if (root.error.Contains("0")) { link = root.@short; } else { Growl.Error(root.msg); } } return(link); }
private void ImageQueue_OnError(Exception e) { Growl.Error(e.Message); }
public async void Login2() { BtnLoginEnable = false; if (Settings.Username.IsBlank() || Settings.Password.IsBlank()) { Growl.Error("Username or password is err!", Global.TOKEN_LOGIN); goto RETURN_POINT; } //Proxy HttpHelper.ProxyInfo PROXY = Settings.ProxyEnable ? new HttpHelper.ProxyInfo(Settings.ProxyHost, Settings.ProxyPort, Settings.ProxyUser, Settings.ProxyPwd) : null; //token (string token1, string token2) = await GetToken(); //Login (lossless key \ video key) (string msg, LoginKey key) = await Client.Login(Settings.Username, Settings.Password, token1, PROXY); (string msg3, LoginKey key3) = await Client.Login(Settings.Username, Settings.Password, token2, PROXY); if (msg.IsNotBlank() || key == null) { Growl.Error("Login Err! " + msg, Global.TOKEN_LOGIN); goto RETURN_POINT; } //Auto get accesstoken(master key) string printSuccess = null; string printWarning = null; (string msg2, LoginKey key2) = Client.GetAccessTokenFromTidalDesktop(key.UserID); if (key2 != null && msg2.IsBlank() && key2.AccessToken != Settings.Accesstoken) { (msg2, key2) = await Client.Login(key2.AccessToken, PROXY); if (msg2.IsBlank() && key2 != null) { printSuccess = "Auto get accesstoken success!"; Settings.Accesstoken = key2.AccessToken; } } else { key2 = null; } if (key2 == null && Settings.Accesstoken.IsNotBlank()) { (msg2, key2) = await Client.Login(Settings.Accesstoken, PROXY); if (msg2.IsNotBlank() || key2 == null) { printWarning = "Accesstoken is not valid! " + msg; } } if (!Settings.Remember) { Settings.Password = null; } Settings.Userid = key.UserID; Settings.Sessionid1 = key.SessionID; Settings.Accesstoken = Settings.Accesstoken; Settings.Save(); Global.CommonKey = key; Global.VideoKey = key3; Global.AccessKey = key2; Manager.ShowWindow(VMMain); if (printSuccess.IsNotBlank()) { Growl.Success(printSuccess, Global.TOKEN_MAIN); } else if (printWarning.IsNotBlank()) { Growl.Warning(printWarning, Global.TOKEN_MAIN); } RequestClose(); RETURN_POINT: BtnLoginEnable = true; return; }
public async void GetDetail() { if (SearchResult == null) { Growl.Error("Please search first!", Global.TOKEN_MAIN); return; } ShowWait = true; string id = null; eType type = eType.NONE; string selectHeader = ((System.Windows.Controls.TabItem)((SearchView)this.View).ctrSearchTab.SelectedItem).Header.ToString(); if (selectHeader == "ALBUM") { if (((SearchView)this.View).ctrAlbumGrid.SelectedIndex < 0) { goto ERR_NO_SELECT; } id = SearchResult.Albums[((SearchView)this.View).ctrAlbumGrid.SelectedIndex].ID.ToString(); type = eType.ALBUM; } else if (selectHeader == "TRACK") { if (((SearchView)this.View).ctrTrackGrid.SelectedIndex < 0) { goto ERR_NO_SELECT; } id = SearchResult.Tracks[((SearchView)this.View).ctrTrackGrid.SelectedIndex].ID.ToString(); type = eType.TRACK; } else if (selectHeader == "VIDEO") { if (((SearchView)this.View).ctrVideoGrid.SelectedIndex < 0) { goto ERR_NO_SELECT; } id = SearchResult.Videos[((SearchView)this.View).ctrVideoGrid.SelectedIndex].ID.ToString(); type = eType.VIDEO; } else if (selectHeader == "ARTIST") { if (((SearchView)this.View).ctrArtistGrid.SelectedIndex < 0) { goto ERR_NO_SELECT; } id = SearchResult.Artists[((SearchView)this.View).ctrArtistGrid.SelectedIndex].ID.ToString(); type = eType.ARTIST; } else if (selectHeader == "PLAYLIST") { if (((SearchView)this.View).ctrPlaylistGrid.SelectedIndex < 0) { goto ERR_NO_SELECT; } id = SearchResult.Playlists[((SearchView)this.View).ctrPlaylistGrid.SelectedIndex].UUID; type = eType.PLAYLIST; } (string msg, eType otype, object data) = await Client.Get(Global.CommonKey, id, type, Global.Settings.SearchNum, Global.Settings.IncludeEP, false); Detail = Detail.Creat(data, type); ShowDetail = true; ShowList = false; ShowWait = false; return; ERR_NO_SELECT: Growl.Error("Please select one item!", Global.TOKEN_MAIN); ShowWait = false; return; }
public static void Error(string message) { Growl.Error(App.Current.Resources[message]?.ToString() ?? message, TOKEN_PANEL_MAIN); }
private void Button_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var password = NewPassword.Password.ToCharArray(); var passconfirm = NewConfirm.Password.ToCharArray(); var username = Username.Text; var display = DisplayName.Text; var email = Email.Text; _sr.InteractiveTask(() => { int ret; if (!password.SequenceEqual(passconfirm)) { Growl.Error("密码输入不一致"); return; } if (password.Length < 8) { Growl.Error("请使用八位及以上长度的密码"); return; } if (!password.Intersect("0123456789".ToCharArray()).Any()) { Growl.Error("密码应包含数字"); return; } if (!password.Intersect("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".ToCharArray()).Any()) { Growl.Error("密码应包含大写字母"); return; } if (!password.Intersect("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".ToCharArray()).Any()) { Growl.Error("密码应包含小写字母"); return; } _sr.Procedure = null; var local = new RegisterProcedure(); try { ret = local.Step1(_sr.Service, _sr.Character, username, display, email, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password), Helper.GetTrace()); ret = CheckVendor.NotValidResponseCode(ret) ? ret : local.Step2(); byte[] token = null; ret = CheckVendor.NotValidResponseCode(ret) ? ret : local.Step3(out token); _sr.RenewToken = token; if (!CheckVendor.NotValidResponseCode(ret)) { var prof = new ProfileProcedure(); ret = prof.Step2(out var status); _sr.Username = status.Username; _sr.Dispname = status.DisplayName; } } catch (HttpRequestException ex) { ret = 02_0000 + (int)(ex.Data["StatusCode"]); } catch (Exception) { ret = 02_0000; } if (CheckVendor.NotValidResponseCode(ret)) { Growl.Error(MessageVendor.FormatError(ret)); } else { Growl.Success("欢迎," + (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_sr.Dispname) ? _sr.Dispname : _sr.Username)); SubwindowNavigator.Navigate(SubwindowPage.LoggedIn); } }); }
/// <summary> /// 壁纸上动态显示的按钮点击事件 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void Btn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Button btn = sender as Button; if (btn == null) { return; } ImgInfo imgInfo; if ((btn.Parent as StackPanel).Tag is ImgInfo info) { imgInfo = info; } else { imgInfo = this.GetimgInfo((btn.Parent as StackPanel).Tag); } switch (btn.Name) { case "btn_down": { if (btn.Foreground == Brushes.White) { btn.IsEnabled = false; string imgFullName = System.IO.Path.Combine(this.DownPath, imgInfo.GetFileName()); if (!System.IO.File.Exists(imgFullName)) { System.Drawing.Image img = WebHelper.GetImage(imgInfo.url); img.Save(imgFullName); img.Dispose(); } btn.Foreground = Brushes.Red; btn.IsEnabled = true; Growl.Success("下载成功。"); UserDataManage.SetDown(imgFullName, imgInfo); if (btn_love.Foreground == Brushes.White) { UserDataManage.SetLove(LoveType.Love, imgInfo); btn_love.Foreground = Brushes.Red; btn_dislike.Foreground = Brushes.White; } } } break; case "btn_wallpaper": { if (btn.Foreground == Brushes.White) { btn.IsEnabled = false; string imgFullName = System.IO.Path.Combine(this.CachePath, imgInfo.GetFileName()); if (!System.IO.File.Exists(imgFullName)) { System.Drawing.Image img = WebHelper.GetImage(imgInfo.url); img.Save(imgFullName); img.Dispose(); } if (System.IO.File.Exists(imgFullName)) { WinApi.SetWallpaper(imgFullName); btn.Foreground = Brushes.Red; Growl.Success("壁纸设置成功。"); btn.IsEnabled = true; UserDataManage.AddRecord(RecordType.ManualWallpaper, imgInfo); } else { Growl.Error("未找到壁纸文件,壁纸设置失败。"); } } } break; case "btn_love": { if (btn.Foreground == Brushes.White) { UserDataManage.SetLove(LoveType.Love, imgInfo); btn.Foreground = Brushes.Red; btn_dislike.Foreground = Brushes.White; } } break; case "btn_dislike": { if (btn.Foreground == Brushes.White) { UserDataManage.SetLove(LoveType.Dislike, imgInfo); btn.Foreground = Brushes.Red; btn_love.Foreground = Brushes.White; } } break; } }
public MainWindow(MainWindowViewModel viewModel) { InitializeComponent(); ViewModel = viewModel; growlToken = GrowlStackPanel.Name; Growl.Register(growlToken, GrowlStackPanel); this.WhenActivated(disposableRegistration => { this.OneWayBind(ViewModel, vm => vm.AccountAuthorityLevel, v => v.LoginSideMenu.Visibility, value => value == AuthorityLevel.Visitor ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed) .DisposeWith(disposableRegistration); this.OneWayBind(ViewModel, vm => vm.AccountAuthorityLevel, v => v.RegisterSideMenu.Visibility, value => value == AuthorityLevel.Visitor ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed) .DisposeWith(disposableRegistration); this.OneWayBind(ViewModel, vm => vm.AccountAuthorityLevel, v => v.BorrowLogSideMenu.Visibility, value => value >= AuthorityLevel.Member ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed) .DisposeWith(disposableRegistration); this.OneWayBind(ViewModel, vm => vm.AccountAuthorityLevel, v => v.AccountInfoSideMenu.Visibility, value => value >= AuthorityLevel.Member ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed) .DisposeWith(disposableRegistration); this.OneWayBind(ViewModel, vm => vm.AccountAuthorityLevel, v => v.BooksSideMenu.Visibility, value => value >= AuthorityLevel.Member ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed) .DisposeWith(disposableRegistration); Observable.FromEventPattern(MainSideMenu, nameof(MainSideMenu.SelectionChanged)) .Select(ep => (ep.EventArgs as FunctionEventArgs <object>)?.Info as SideMenuItem) .Where(smi => smi != null) .Subscribe(smi => Navigate(smi.Name)) .DisposeWith(disposableRegistration); Observable.FromEventPattern(AboutMenuItem, nameof(AboutMenuItem.Click)) .Subscribe(ep => aboutWindow.Show()) .DisposeWith(disposableRegistration); foreach (SideMenuItem smi in MainSideMenu.Items.OfType <SideMenuItem>().SelectMany(smi => smi.Items).OfType <SideMenuItem>()) { sideMenuItems.Add(smi.Name, smi); } // 注册右上角漂浮通知 ViewModel.GUINotify.RegisterHandler(async interactioni => { await Task.Run(() => { GUINotifyingDataPackage info = interactioni.Input; interactioni.SetOutput(Unit.Default); GrowlInfo growlInfo = new GrowlInfo { Message = info.Message, WaitTime = (int)info.Duration.TotalSeconds, Token = growlToken, StaysOpen = false, IsCustom = true }; switch (info.Type) { case NotifyingType.Success: growlInfo.WaitTime = growlInfo.WaitTime == 0 ? 4 : growlInfo.WaitTime; Growl.Success(growlInfo); break; default: case NotifyingType.Info: growlInfo.WaitTime = growlInfo.WaitTime == 0 ? 4 : growlInfo.WaitTime; Growl.Info(growlInfo); break; case NotifyingType.Warning: growlInfo.WaitTime = growlInfo.WaitTime == 0 ? 6 : growlInfo.WaitTime; Growl.Warning(growlInfo); break; case NotifyingType.Error: growlInfo.WaitTime = growlInfo.WaitTime == 0 ? 8 : growlInfo.WaitTime; Growl.Error(growlInfo); break; case NotifyingType.Fatal: growlInfo.WaitTime = growlInfo.WaitTime == 0 ? 10 : growlInfo.WaitTime; Growl.Fatal(growlInfo); break; } }); }); }); }
public static List <LocpackData> ReadAllLocpack() { /*return await Task.Run(() => { * * });*/ List <LocpackData> list = new List <LocpackData>(); string path = Properties.Settings.Default.FileLocation; if (path == null || path == string.Empty) { Growl.Warning("未指定Localizer汉化包存放位置."); return(list); } var files = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.locpack"); if (files.Any()) { foreach (var filename in files) { try //开始读取单个文件 { var jsons = new Dictionary <string, JObject>(); var zip = ZipFile.Read(filename); if (!zip.ContainsEntry("Package.json")) { Growl.Info($"未在文件 {filename} 中找到 Package.json, 文件可能损坏或非Localizer汉化包."); continue; } var json = JObject.Parse(new StreamReader(zip["Package.json"].OpenReader()).ReadToEnd()); jsons.Add("Package", json); var locpackdata = new LocpackData(json); long count = 0; foreach (string zipfile in json["FileList"].ToArray()) { try { if (zip.ContainsEntry(zipfile + ".json")) { var tempjson = JObject.Parse(new StreamReader(zip[zipfile + ".json"].OpenReader()).ReadToEnd()); jsons.Add(zipfile, tempjson); switch (zipfile) { case "Package": break; case "LdstrFile": foreach (var ldstrentries in tempjson["LdstrEntries"].Children()) { count += ldstrentries.Children().Count(); } break; default: count += tempjson.Count; break; } } } catch (Exception zipex) { Growl.Error(zipex.Message); } } locpackdata.EntriesCount = count; locpackdata.Data = jsons; list.Add(locpackdata); } catch (Exception ex) { Growl.Error(ex.Message); } } } return(list); }
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var email = _sr.Email; Task.Run(() => { if (this.Dispatcher != null && !this.Dispatcher.CheckAccess()) { this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => SendCaptcha.IsEnabled = false); for (var i = 60; i > 0; i--) { this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => SendCaptcha.Content = $"请稍候({i}s)"); Thread.Sleep(1000); } this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => SendCaptcha.IsEnabled = true); } else { SendCaptcha.IsEnabled = false; for (var i = 60; i > 0; i--) { SendCaptcha.Content = $"请稍候({i}s)"; Thread.Sleep(1000); } SendCaptcha.IsEnabled = true; } }); _sr.InteractiveTask(() => { int ret; if (CheckVendor.NotValidEmail(email)) { Growl.Error("无效邮件地址"); } _sr.Procedure = null; var local = new RecoveryProcedure(); try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_sr.Username)) { ret = 02_0009; goto FAIL; } ret = local.Step1(_sr.Username, email, Helper.GetTrace()); } catch (HttpRequestException ex) { ret = 02_0000 + (int)(ex.Data["StatusCode"]); } catch (Exception) { ret = 02_0000; } FAIL: if (CheckVendor.NotValidResponseCode(ret)) { Growl.Error(MessageVendor.FormatError(ret)); } else { _sr.Procedure = local; } }); }
protected override async void OnViewLoaded() { if (HaveInit) { return; } HaveInit = true; BtnLoginEnable = false; //Proxy HttpHelper.ProxyInfo PROXY = Settings.ProxyEnable ? new HttpHelper.ProxyInfo(Settings.ProxyHost, Settings.ProxyPort, Settings.ProxyUser, Settings.ProxyPwd) : null; //Auto login by accessToken string msg; LoginKey key; if (Settings.Accesstoken.IsNotBlank()) { (msg, key) = await Client.Login(Settings.Accesstoken, PROXY); if (msg.IsBlank()) { goto LOGIN_SUCCESS; } if (Settings.Refreshtoken.IsNotBlank()) { (msg, key) = await Client.RefreshAccessToken(Settings.Refreshtoken, PROXY); if (msg.IsBlank()) { Settings.Userid = key.UserID; Settings.Accesstoken = key.AccessToken; Settings.Save(); Global.AccessKey = key; goto LOGIN_SUCCESS; } } } //get device code (string msg1, TidalDeviceCode code) = await Client.GetDeviceCode(PROXY); if (msg1.IsNotBlank()) { Growl.Error("Get device code failed!", Global.TOKEN_LOGIN); } else { DeviceCode = code; } goto RETURN_POINT; LOGIN_SUCCESS: Global.AccessKey = key; Global.CommonKey = key; Global.VideoKey = key; Manager.ShowWindow(VMMain); RequestClose(); RETURN_POINT: BtnLoginEnable = true; return; }
private void Button_Click_2(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var password = NewPassword.Password.ToCharArray(); var passconfirm = NewConfirm.Password.ToCharArray(); _sr.InteractiveTask(() => { int ret = 00_0000; if (!password.SequenceEqual(passconfirm)) { Growl.Error("密码输入不一致"); return; } if (password.Length < 8) { Growl.Error("请使用八位及以上长度的密码"); return; } if (!password.Intersect("0123456789".ToCharArray()).Any()) { Growl.Error("密码应包含数字"); return; } if (!password.Intersect("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".ToCharArray()).Any()) { Growl.Error("密码应包含大写字母"); return; } if (!password.Intersect("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".ToCharArray()).Any()) { Growl.Error("密码应包含小写字母"); return; } try { if (!(_sr.Procedure is ChangeProcedure local)) { ret = 02_0009; goto FAIL; } ret = CheckVendor.NotValidResponseCode(ret) ? ret : local.Step4(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password)); ret = CheckVendor.NotValidResponseCode(ret) ? ret : local.Step5(); ret = CheckVendor.NotValidResponseCode(ret) ? ret : local.Step6(); byte[] token = null; ret = CheckVendor.NotValidResponseCode(ret) ? ret : local.Step7(out token); _sr.RenewToken = token; } catch (HttpRequestException ex) { ret = 02_0000 + (int)(ex.Data["StatusCode"]); } catch (Exception) { ret = 02_0000; } FAIL: if (CheckVendor.NotValidResponseCode(ret)) { Growl.Error(MessageVendor.FormatError(ret)); } else { _sr.Procedure = null; Growl.Success("成功修改密码"); SubwindowNavigator.Navigate(SubwindowPage.LoggedIn); } }); }
public void showGrowlNotification(string NotificationKEY, bool isAvailableOrSuccess = false, params string[] param) { //Delete Confirm if (NotificationKEY.Equals(AppVariable.Delete_Confirm_KEY)) { Growl.Warning(new GrowlInfo { Message = $"آیا برای حذف {param[1]} {param[0]} اطمینان دارید؟", CancelStr = "انصراف", ConfirmStr = "بله", ShowDateTime = false, ActionBeforeClose = isConfirm => { if (isConfirm) { switch (param[1]) { case "مدرسه": AddSchoolView.main.deleteSchool(); break; case "دانش آموز": AddStudentView.main.deleteStudent(); break; case "کاربر": AddUserView.main.deleteUser(); break; case "حضورغیاب": AttendancelistView.main.deleteAttendance(); break; case "نمره": QuestionsListView.main.deleteScore(); break; case "گروه": AddAzmonGroupView.main.deleteGroup(); break; case "سوال": AddQuestionsView.main.deleteGroup(); break; } } return(true); } }); } //Reset Data Confirm else if (NotificationKEY.Equals(AppVariable.Reset_Data_Confirm_KEY)) { Growl.Warning(new GrowlInfo { Message = $"آیا برای بازیابی {param[0]} اطمینان دارید؟", CancelStr = "انصراف", ConfirmStr = "بله", ShowDateTime = false, ActionBeforeClose = isConfirm => { if (isConfirm) { if (param[0] == "تنظیمات برنامه") { SettingsView.main.resetConfig(); } else { SettingsView.main.resetDatabase(); } } return(true); } }); } //Reset Data Deleted else if (NotificationKEY.Equals(AppVariable.Data_Reset_Deleted_KEY)) { Growl.Ask(new GrowlInfo { Message = $"{param[0]} به حالت پیشفرض تغییر یافت، برنامه را دوباره راه اندازی کنید", CancelStr = "انصراف", ConfirmStr = "راه اندازی", ShowDateTime = false, ActionBeforeClose = isConfirm => { if (isConfirm) { Application.Current.Shutdown(); System.Windows.Forms.Application.Restart(); } return(true); } }); } //Password Same else if (NotificationKEY.Equals(AppVariable.Same_Password_KEY)) { Growl.Warning(new GrowlInfo { Message = "رمز های عبور باید یکسان باشند", ShowDateTime = false }); } //Delete Exist else if (NotificationKEY.Equals(AppVariable.Delete_Exist_KEY)) { Growl.Warning(new GrowlInfo { Message = $"نمی توان این {param[0]} را حذف کرد، ابتدا {param[1]} این {param[0]} را حذف کنید", ShowDateTime = false }); } //Azmon else if (NotificationKEY.Equals(AppVariable.Azmon_KEY)) { Growl.Warning(new GrowlInfo { Message = "تعداد سوالات وارد شده بیشتر از سوالات موجود است", ShowDateTime = false }); } //Fill All Data else if (NotificationKEY.Equals(AppVariable.Fill_All_Data_KEY)) { Growl.Warning(new GrowlInfo { Message = "لطفا تمام فیلدها را پر کنید", ShowDateTime = false }); } //No Data else if (NotificationKEY.Equals(AppVariable.No_Data_KEY)) { var navigationService = NavigationServiceProvider.GetNavigationServiceInstance(); Growl.Error(new GrowlInfo { Message = "اطلاعاتی در پایگاه داده یافت نشد", CancelStr = "انصراف", ConfirmStr = "ثبت اطلاعات جدید", ShowDateTime = false, ActionBeforeClose = isConfirm => { if (isConfirm) { switch (param[0]) { case "School": AddSchoolView.main.tabc.SelectedIndex = 0; break; case "User": AddUserView.main.tabc.SelectedIndex = 0; break; case "Student": AddStudentView.main.tabc.SelectedIndex = 0; break; case "Attendance": AttendancelistView.main.tabc.SelectedIndex = 0; break; case "Question": navigationService.GetController <UserControls.UserControlsController>().AddStudent(); break; case "Score": QuestionsListView.main.tabc.SelectedIndex = 0; break; case "TopStudent": navigationService.GetController <UserControls.UserControlsController>().Questionslist(); break; case "Group": AddAzmonGroupView.main.tabc.SelectedIndex = 0; break; case "AQuestions": AddQuestionsView.main.tabc.SelectedIndex = 0; break; } } return(true); } }); } //Backup else if (NotificationKEY.Equals(AppVariable.Backup_KEY)) { if (isAvailableOrSuccess) { Growl.Success(new GrowlInfo { Message = $"{param[0]} با موفقیت انجام شد", ShowDateTime = false }); } else { Growl.Error(new GrowlInfo { Message = $"{param[0]} با مشکل مواجه شد", ShowDateTime = false }); } } //Circular else if (NotificationKEY.Equals(AppVariable.Recived_Circular_KEY)) { if (isAvailableOrSuccess) { Growl.Success(new GrowlInfo { Message = "تمامی بخشنامه ها با موفقیت دریافت شد", ShowDateTime = false }); } else { Growl.Error(new GrowlInfo { Message = "درحال حاظر سرور در دسترس نیست! لطفا در صورت فعال بودن، VPN خود را غیرفعال کنید", ShowDateTime = false }); } } //Update Data else if (NotificationKEY.Equals(AppVariable.Update_Data_KEY)) { if (isAvailableOrSuccess) { Growl.Success(new GrowlInfo { Message = $"{param[1]} {param[0]} با موفقیت ویرایش شد", ShowDateTime = false }); } else { Growl.Error(new GrowlInfo { Message = $"ویرایش {param[1]} {param[0]} با خطا مواجه شد", ShowDateTime = false }); } } //Deleted else if (NotificationKEY.Equals(AppVariable.Deleted_KEY)) { if (isAvailableOrSuccess) { Growl.Success(new GrowlInfo { Message = $"{param[1]} {param[0]} با موفقیت حذف شد", ShowDateTime = false }); } else { Growl.Error(new GrowlInfo { Message = $"حذف {param[1]} {param[0]} با خطا مواجه شد", ShowDateTime = false }); } } //Add Data else if (NotificationKEY.Equals(AppVariable.Add_Data_KEY)) { if (isAvailableOrSuccess) { Growl.Success(new GrowlInfo { Message = $"{param[1]} {param[0]} با موفقیت ثبت شد", ShowDateTime = false }); } else { Growl.Error(new GrowlInfo { Message = $"ثبت {param[1]} {param[0]} با خطا مواجه شد", ShowDateTime = false }); } } //Update else if (NotificationKEY.Equals(AppVariable.Update_KEY)) { if (isAvailableOrSuccess) { Growl.Info(new GrowlInfo { Message = $"نسخه جدید {param[0]} پیدا شد،همین حالا به آخرین نسخه بروزرسانی کنید", CancelStr = "انصراف", ConfirmStr = "دانلود", ShowDateTime = false, ActionBeforeClose = isConfirm => { if (isConfirm) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(param[1]); } return(true); } }); } else { Growl.Error(new GrowlInfo { Message = $"شما از آخرین نسخه {AppVariable.getAppVersion} استفاده می کنید", ShowDateTime = false }); } } }
public async void GetDetail() { if (SearchResult == null) { Growl.Error("Please search first!", "SearchMsg"); return; } ShowWait(); string sID = null; object oObject = null; eObjectType oType = eObjectType.None; eObjectType inType = eObjectType.None; string selectHeader = ((System.Windows.Controls.TabItem)((SearchView)this.View).ctrSearchTab.SelectedItem).Header.ToString(); if (selectHeader == "ALBUM") { if (((SearchView)this.View).ctrAlbumGrid.SelectedIndex < 0) { goto ERR_NO_SELECT; } sID = SearchResult.Albums[((SearchView)this.View).ctrAlbumGrid.SelectedIndex].ID.ToString(); inType = eObjectType.ALBUM; } else if (selectHeader == "TRACK") { if (((SearchView)this.View).ctrTrackGrid.SelectedIndex < 0) { goto ERR_NO_SELECT; } sID = SearchResult.Tracks[((SearchView)this.View).ctrTrackGrid.SelectedIndex].ID.ToString(); inType = eObjectType.TRACK; } else if (selectHeader == "VIDEO") { if (((SearchView)this.View).ctrVideoGrid.SelectedIndex < 0) { goto ERR_NO_SELECT; } sID = SearchResult.Videos[((SearchView)this.View).ctrVideoGrid.SelectedIndex].ID.ToString(); inType = eObjectType.VIDEO; } else if (selectHeader == "ARTIST") { if (((SearchView)this.View).ctrArtistGrid.SelectedIndex < 0) { goto ERR_NO_SELECT; } sID = SearchResult.Artists[((SearchView)this.View).ctrArtistGrid.SelectedIndex].ID.ToString(); inType = eObjectType.ARTIST; } else if (selectHeader == "PLAYLIST") { if (((SearchView)this.View).ctrPlaylistGrid.SelectedIndex < 0) { goto ERR_NO_SELECT; } sID = SearchResult.Playlists[((SearchView)this.View).ctrPlaylistGrid.SelectedIndex].UUID; inType = eObjectType.PLAYLIST; } oObject = await Task.Run(() => { return(TidalTool.tryGet(sID, out oType, inType)); }); LoadDetail(oObject); ShowDetailView = Visibility.Visible; ShowWait(false); return; ERR_NO_SELECT: Growl.Error("Please select one item!", "SearchMsg"); ShowWait(false); return; }