protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int ID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["LoggedInUserID"]); var user = sr.GetUser(ID); if (Session["LoggedInUserID"] != null) { if (user.Usertype.Equals("client")) { btn_removeProduct.Visible = false; } else if (user.Usertype.Equals("admin")) { btn_AddtoCart.Visible = false; } } var itemid = Request.QueryString["ID"]; var mask = sr.GetProduct(Convert.ToInt32(itemid)); string displayi = " "; string display = " "; displayi += "<center><img src='" + mask.Image + "' alt='" + mask.Name + "' class='img-fluid'></center>"; display += "<center><h1>" + mask.Name + "</h1><p>" + mask.Description + "</p><p> R" + Math.Round(mask.Unit_Price, 2) + "</p></center>"; pimage.InnerHtml = displayi; prod.InnerHtml = display; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int client_id = 7; clientId = client_id; deliveries = SR.GetAllDeliveries(); user = SR.GetUser(SR.GetClient(client_id).User_Id); quant = SR.CalculateTotalQuantity(client_id); total = SR.CalculateTotalPrice(client_id); shipping = quant >= 10000 ? 0 : Math.Round(total * (decimal)0.02, 2); discount = quant > 5000 ? Math.Round(total * (decimal)0.05) : 0; absTot = total + shipping - discount; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["LoggedInUserID"] != null) { int ID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["LoggedInUserID"]); var user = sr.GetUser(ID); if (!IsPostBack) { Username.Value = user.Username; Name.Value = user.Name; Email.Value = user.Email; Contact.Value = user.Contact_Number; Address.Value = user.Address; if (user.Usertype.Equals("client")) { var c = sr.GetClient(ID); BusinessT.Value = c.Business_Type; } else if (user.Usertype.Equals("admin")) { var a = sr.GetAdmin(ID); BusinessT.Value = a.Surname; } else { error.Text = "User not found"; } } } else { Response.Redirect("Home.aspx"); } }
protected void login_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int Id = sr.Login(Email.Value, Password.Value); var user = sr.GetUser(Id); if (Id == 0) { error.Visible = true; } else { Session["LoggedInUserID"] = Id; Response.Redirect("Home.aspx"); } }
protected void btn_register(object sender, EventArgs e) { string admin = sr.AddAdmin(sr.GetUser(Convert.ToInt32(UserId.Value)), Surname.Value); if (admin == "added") { Response.Redirect("Login.aspx"); } else if (admin == "Something went wrong try again") { error.Text = "Something went wrong, please try again later"; error.Visible = true; } else if (admin == "unsuccessful") { error.Text = "The admin already exists"; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Get the logged in user's id int client_ID = 5 /*Convert.ToInt32(Session["LoggedInUser"])*/; //If user is logged in if (client_ID > 0) { //Get the client's invoice/s dynamic allInvoices = SR.GetInvoicebyclient(client_ID); //Get client's details var user = SR.GetUser(client_ID); string displayInvoice = ""; //Loop through all the invoices foreach (Order_Table i in allInvoices) { //Get one invoice based off id Order_Table invoice = SR.GetInvoice(i.Order_Id); displayInvoice += "<tr><td class='name'>" + user.Name + "</td>"; displayInvoice += "<td class='date'>" + invoice.Order_date + "</td>"; displayInvoice += "<td class='quantity'>" + invoice.Order_Quantity + "</td>"; displayInvoice += "<td class='status'>" + invoice.Order_Status + "</td>"; displayInvoice += "<td class='total'>R" + Math.Round(invoice.Order_Total, 2) + "</td>"; displayInvoice += "<td class='see-more'><div class='seeMore-btn'><div class='row'><div class='col-lg-5 offset-lg-1 text-left text-lg-right'>"; displayInvoice += " <a href='Invoice.aspx'?ID=" + invoice.Order_Id + "class='site-btn update-btn'>See more</a></div></div></div></td></tr>"; invoice = null; } AllInvoiceID.InnerHtml = displayInvoice; } //If user is not logged in else { Response.Redirect("Home.aspx"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //On home page, show the number of different items there are in the cart if (Session["LoggedInUserID"] != null) { int ID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["LoggedInUserID"]); var user = sr.GetUser(ID); if (user.Usertype.Equals("Admin")) { ClientNav.Visible = false; } else if (user.Usertype.Equals("Client")) { AdminNav.Visible = false; } } else { AdminNav.Visible = false; } }