public SizeGroupDescription() { foreach (string sizeGroup in sSizeGroups) { GroupNames.Add(sizeGroup); } }
void HandleEntityAdded(object sender, EntityEventArgs <Group> e) { IGroupListItemViewModel groupListItemViewModel = CreateItem(e.Entity.Clone()); GroupNames.Add(groupListItemViewModel); SelectedItem = groupListItemViewModel; }
internal bool UpdateState(Menu oldMenu, Item item, Update update, bool reset = true) { if (reset) { oldMenu.CleanUp(); GroupNames.Clear(); foreach (var group in BlockGroups) { group.Clear(); MembersPool.Return(group); } BlockGroups.Clear(); foreach (var group in Ai.BlockGroups) { var groupName = group.Key; GroupNames.Add(groupName); var membersList = MembersPool.Get(); foreach (var comp in group.Value.Comps) { var groupMember = new GroupMember { Comp = comp, Name = groupName }; membersList.Add(groupMember); } BlockGroups.Add(membersList); } } var groupReady = BlockGroups.Count > 0; if (groupReady) { switch (update) { case Update.Parent: _currentMenu = item.ParentName; break; case Update.Sub: _currentMenu = item.SubName; break; default: break; } var menu = Menus[_currentMenu]; if (menu.ItemCount <= 1) { menu.LoadInfo(reset); } } return(groupReady); }
public TypeGroupDescription() { GroupNames.Add(null); var setting = UserSettings.Instance.General.SortCharactersFirst; if (setting) { GroupNames.Add(CharactersGroup); } GroupNames.Add(ChannelsGroup); if (!setting) { GroupNames.Add(CharactersGroup); } }
// group names extracted from path to textures and overall quantity of groups private static void GroupNameCreation() { GroupNames.Add( GetGroupNameFromPath(PathToTextures, false, '/') ); string[] subdirectories = Directory.GetDirectories(PathToTextures); for (Int32 i = 0; i < subdirectories.Length; ++i) { GroupNames.Add( GetGroupNameFromPath(subdirectories[i], true, '/') ); } GroupCount = subdirectories.Length + 1; subdirectories = null; }
public List <string> GetGroupMembers(string groupName) { GroupNames.Add(groupName); return(Current.LocalCache.GetSet <List <string> >("ADMembers-" + groupName, (old, _) => { using (MiniProfiler.Current.Step("Getting members for " + groupName)) { var group = RunCommand(pc => { using (var gp = GroupPrincipal.FindByIdentity(pc, groupName)) { return gp?.GetMembers(true).ToList().Select(mp => mp.SamAccountName).ToList() ?? new List <string>(); } }); return group ?? old ?? new List <string>(); } }, 5.Minutes(), 24.Hours())); }
/// <summary> /// Selects or deselects a group for frame design. /// </summary> /// <param name="group">An existing group.</param> /// <param name="selectForDesign">True: The specified group is selected as a design group for steel design. /// False: The group is not selected for steel design.</param> /// <exception cref="CSiException"><see cref="CSiApiBase.API_DEFAULT_ERROR_CODE" /></exception> private void set(Group group, bool selectForDesign) { if (selectForDesign) { if (!GroupNames.Contains(group.Name)) { GroupNames.Add(group.Name); } if (!Groups.Contains(group)) { _designGroups.Add(group); } } else { GroupNames.Remove(group.Name); _designGroups.Remove(group); } }
public bool InitWndControls() { using (var wrapper = new DisposableWrapper <ShowAsyncResult>(CWaitingWnd.ShowAsync(Title, Properties.Resources.resFillingGenerationFromOnlineBDWnd, this, CheckAccess()), asyncResult => { if (asyncResult?.hFinishedSearchEvent != null) { asyncResult.hFinishedSearchEvent.Set(); } })) { EndYears.Clear(); StartYears.Clear(); EndYears.Add((int)enEndYearSpecVals.AndYounger); EndYears.Add((int)enEndYearSpecVals.AndElder); for (int i = DateTime.Now.Year - 7; i > DateTime.Now.Year - 100; i--) { StartYears.Add(i); EndYears.Add(i); } GroupNames.Clear(); lock (DBManagerApp.m_AppSettings.m_SettingsSyncObj) { foreach (var groupNameDesc in DBManagerApp.m_AppSettings.m_Settings.AvailableGroupNames) { GroupNames.Add(groupNameDesc.GroupName); } } // Заполняем выпадающие списки текущими значениями LocalDBComps.Clear(); try { foreach (var comp in DBManagerApp.m_Entities.descriptions.ToList()) { var item = new CompDescLocalWorkbook() { ID = comp.id_desc, Name =, StartDate = DateTime.Today, EndDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(2) }; item.DestCompFolder = GetDefaultDestCompFolderName(item); item.PropertyChanged += comp_PropertyChanged; LocalDBComps.Add(item); } SelectedComp = LocalDBComps.LastOrDefault(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(this, string.Format(Properties.Resources.resfmtErrorDuringReadingDataFromOnlineDB, ex.Message), Title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return(false); } cmbMainJudge.Items.Clear(); foreach (var mainJudge in DBManagerApp .m_Entities .groups .Select(arg => arg.main_judge) .Where(arg => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(arg)) .Distinct()) { cmbMainJudge.Items.Add(mainJudge); } cmbMainSecretary.Items.Clear(); foreach (var mainSecretary in DBManagerApp .m_Entities .groups .Select(arg => arg.main_secretary) .Where(arg => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(arg)) .Distinct()) { cmbMainSecretary.Items.Add(mainSecretary); } cmbRow6.Items.Clear(); foreach (var row6 in DBManagerApp .m_Entities .groups .Select(arg => arg.row6) .Where(arg => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(arg)) .Distinct()) { cmbRow6.Items.Add(row6); } } return(true); }
private Dictionary <byte, TokenDictionaryEntry> GetTokensFromNode(XmlNodeList nodes, out List <string> alts, string prevBytes = "") { Dictionary <byte, TokenDictionaryEntry> currentTokens = new Dictionary <byte, TokenDictionaryEntry>(); alts = new List <string>(); foreach (XmlNode node in nodes) { //alts = new List<string>(); if (node.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Comment) { if (node.Name == "Token") { byte key = getByteFromXml(node); TokenDictionaryEntry value = new TokenDictionaryEntry() { Byte = key }; if (node.Attributes["string"] != null) { value.Name = node.Attributes["string"].Value; if (value.Name == "\\n") { value.Name = "\n"; } if (node.Attributes["comment"] != null) { string comment = Regex.Unescape(node.Attributes["comment"].Value); value.Comment = comment; if (!Comments.ContainsKey(value.Name)) { Comments.Add(value.Name, comment); } } if (node.Attributes["site"] != null) { string site = node.Attributes["site"].Value; value.Site = site; if (!Sites.ContainsKey(value.Name)) { Sites.Add(value.Name, site); } } if (node.Attributes["group"] != null) { value.Group = node.Attributes["group"].Value; if (!GroupNames.Contains(value.Group)) { GroupNames.Add(value.Group); } } else { value.Group = "_default"; } if (!Groups.ContainsKey(value.Name)) { Groups.Add(value.Name, value.Group); } if (node.Attributes["style"] != null) { value.StyleType = node.Attributes["style"].Value; } if (node.Attributes["stringTerminator"] != null) { bool term; value.StringTerminator = bool.TryParse(node.Attributes["stringTerminator"].Value, out term) ? term : false; } if (node.Attributes["stringStarter"] != null) { bool term; value.StringStarter = bool.TryParse(node.Attributes["stringStarter"].Value, out term) ? term : false; } if (node.Attributes["indentGroup"] != null) { value.IndentGroup = node.Attributes["indentGroup"].Value; } if (node.Attributes["indentGroupTerminator"] != null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value.IndentGroup)) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Cannot have indentGroupTerminator without indentGroup. On token {0}.", value.Name)); } bool term; value.IndentGroupTerminator = bool.TryParse(node.Attributes["indentGroupTerminator"].Value, out term) ? term : false; } string bytes = prevBytes + key.ToString("X2"); value.Bytes = bytes; StringToBytesTrie.AddData(value.Name, bytes); BytesToStringTrie.AddData(HexHelper.GetByteArray(bytes), value); } List <string> myAlts = new List <string>(); if (node.HasChildNodes) { value.SubTokens = GetTokensFromNode(node.ChildNodes, out myAlts, prevBytes + key.ToString("X2")); } currentTokens.Add(key, value); if (value.Name != null) { if (FlatTokens.ContainsKey(value.Name)) { throw new AmbiguousTokenException(value.Name); } FlatTokens.Add(value.Name, value); foreach (string alt in myAlts) { if (FlatTokens.ContainsKey(alt)) { throw new AmbiguousTokenException(string.Format("{0} alt: ({1})", value.Name, alt)); } value.Alts.Add(alt); FlatTokens.Add(alt, value); } myAlts.Clear(); } } else if (node.Name == "Alt") { string alt = node.Attributes["string"].Value; StringToBytesTrie.AddData(alt, prevBytes); alts.Add(alt); } } } return(currentTokens); }