public static void PostChore(Chore chore, string botId, GroupMeChoreDetail choreDetail, GroupMeGroup group = null) { // Only get group info if we need it to @mention if (group == null && choreDetail.HasFlag(GroupMeChoreDetail.CurrentUserMention)) { group = GetGroupInfo(CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting("GroupMeGroupId")); } // Not "None" if (choreDetail != 0) { string text = String.Empty; // Use Name if (choreDetail.HasFlag(GroupMeChoreDetail.Name)) { text += chore.Name; // Use Description if (choreDetail.HasFlag(GroupMeChoreDetail.Description)) { // Use Current User if (choreDetail.HasFlag(GroupMeChoreDetail.CurrentUser)) { text += " (" + chore.User.UserName + ")"; } // Use Current User w/ mentioning if (choreDetail.HasFlag(GroupMeChoreDetail.CurrentUserMention) && group != null) { var groupMeUser = group.members.SingleOrDefault(t => t.user_id == chore.User.GroupMeId); if (groupMeUser == null) { text += " - @" + chore.User.UserName; } else { text += " - @" + groupMeUser.nickname; } } text += " - " + chore.Description; } // Don't use Description else { // Use Current User if (choreDetail.HasFlag(GroupMeChoreDetail.CurrentUser)) { text += " - " + chore.User.UserName; } // Use Current User w/ mentioning if (choreDetail.HasFlag(GroupMeChoreDetail.CurrentUserMention) && group != null) { var groupMeUser = group.members.SingleOrDefault(t => t.user_id == chore.User.GroupMeId); if (groupMeUser == null) { text += " - @" + chore.User.UserName; } else { text += " - @" + groupMeUser.nickname; } } } } // Use Current User with or without mentioning else if (choreDetail.HasFlag(GroupMeChoreDetail.CurrentUser) || choreDetail.HasFlag(GroupMeChoreDetail.CurrentUserMention)) { // Use Current User if (choreDetail.HasFlag(GroupMeChoreDetail.CurrentUser)) { text += chore.User.UserName; } // Use Current User w/ mentioning if (choreDetail.HasFlag(GroupMeChoreDetail.CurrentUserMention) && group != null) { var groupMeUser = group.members.Single(t => == chore.User.GroupMeId); text += "@" + groupMeUser.nickname; } // Use Description if (choreDetail.HasFlag(GroupMeChoreDetail.Description)) { text += ": " + chore.Description; } } // Use Description only else { text += chore.Description; } BotPost(botId, text); } }
public static void PostChoreGroup(ChoreGroup choreGroup, string botId, GroupMeChoreGroupDetail choreGroupDetail, GroupMeChoreDetail choreDetail) { GroupMeGroup group = null; // Only get group info if we need it to @mention if (choreDetail.HasFlag(GroupMeChoreDetail.CurrentUserMention)) { group = GetGroupInfo(CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting("GroupMeGroupId")); } // Not "None" if (choreGroupDetail != 0) { string text = String.Empty; // Use Name if (choreGroupDetail.HasFlag(GroupMeChoreGroupDetail.Name)) { text += choreGroup.Name; // Padding at end if (choreGroupDetail.HasFlag(GroupMeChoreGroupDetail.Schedule) || choreGroupDetail.HasFlag(GroupMeChoreGroupDetail.ScheduleDates) || choreGroupDetail.HasFlag(GroupMeChoreGroupDetail.ListChoreNames)) { text += " - "; } } // Use Schedule if (choreGroupDetail.HasFlag(GroupMeChoreGroupDetail.Schedule)) { text += "Every " + choreGroup.RecurrenceCount + " " + choreGroup.RecurrenceDatePart; if (choreGroup.RecurrenceCount > 1) { text += "s"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(choreGroup.SkipDatePart)) { text += ", skipping " + choreGroup.SkipCount + " " + choreGroup.SkipDatePart; if (choreGroup.SkipCount > 1) { text += "s"; } text += " in between"; } // Padding at end if (choreGroupDetail.HasFlag(GroupMeChoreGroupDetail.ScheduleDates) || choreGroupDetail.HasFlag(GroupMeChoreGroupDetail.ListChoreNames)) { text += " - "; } } // Use Schedule Dates if (choreGroupDetail.HasFlag(GroupMeChoreGroupDetail.ScheduleDates)) { text += choreGroup.CurrentRecurrenceStart.ToShortDateString(); text += " to " + choreGroup.CurrentRecurrenceEnd.ToShortDateString(); // Padding at end if (choreGroupDetail.HasFlag(GroupMeChoreGroupDetail.ListChoreNames)) { text += " - "; } } // List chore names in header if (choreGroupDetail.HasFlag(GroupMeChoreGroupDetail.ListChoreNames)) { foreach (var chore in choreGroup.Chores) { text += chore.Name + ", "; } text = text.Substring(0, text.Length - 2); // remove final comma and space } // Post header message if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { BotPost(botId, text); } } // Post message for each chore foreach (var chore in choreGroup.Chores) { PostChore(chore, botId, choreDetail, group); } }