//Method used when one of the events on the page is updating the table and query private void ItemBinding(DataView view) { //Sets the datasource of the webpage's Gridview to the TableBase object's returned Dataview from event methods. GridViewItem.DataSource = view; //Calls for the page to be updated and a postback GridViewItem.DataBind(); }
private void bindItem() { string sql = "select * from TBQM_APLYFORITEM where CONTID='" + hfditem.Value + "'"; System.Data.DataTable dt = DBCallCommon.GetDTUsingSqlText(sql); GridViewItem.DataSource = dt; GridViewItem.DataBind(); }
private void LoadProductionProccess() { string OrderNo = txtOrder.Text; var result = masterBLL.GetProductionStatus(OrderNo); if (result.Count > 0) { GridViewItem.DataSource = result; GridViewItem.DataBind(); } }
void BindItem() { try { var dept = objItem_BLL.GetFoodItem().ToList(); if (dept.Count > 0) { GridViewItem.DataSource = dept.ToList(); GridViewItem.DataBind(); } else { var obj = new List <LU_Tbl_Item>(); obj.Add(new LU_Tbl_Item()); // Bind the DataTable which contain a blank row to the GridView GridViewItem.DataSource = obj; GridViewItem.DataBind(); int columnsCount = GridViewItem.Columns.Count; GridViewItem.Rows[0].Cells.Clear(); // clear all the cells in the row GridViewItem.Rows[0].Cells.Add(new TableCell()); //add a new blank cell GridViewItem.Rows[0].Cells[0].ColumnSpan = columnsCount; //set the column span to the new added cell GridViewItem.Rows[0].Cells[0].HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center; GridViewItem.Rows[0].Cells[0].ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; GridViewItem.Rows[0].Cells[0].Font.Bold = true; //set No Results found to the new added cell GridViewItem.Rows[0].Cells[0].Text = "NO RECORDS FOUND!"; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies["userInfo"]; if (Request.Cookies["userInfo"] == null) { Response.Redirect("login.aspx"); } else { nameLabel.Text = Request.Cookies["userInfo"]["firstName"]; if (Request.Cookies["userInfo"]["admin"] == "True") //Checks to see if the user is an admin or not and enables related department and employee items to be shown { addEmployeeModal.Visible = true; addDepartmentModal.Visible = true; departmentnav.Visible = true; employeenav.Visible = true; blockopenemployees.Visible = true; opendepartmodal.Visible = true; openemployeemodal.Visible = true; } cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(10); Response.Cookies.Set(cookie); } if (!Page.IsPostBack) { DropDownPop(); //Creates default TableBase object based on target view/table and Default sorting column Base = new TableBase("RecentPurchaseOrders", "DateOrdered"); //Binds the default data to ViewState in order to keep throughout postbacks ViewState["Table"] = Base; //Initial binding and loading of data onto table this.Binding(); //Creates default TableBase object based on target view/table and Default sorting column BaseItem = new TableBase("AddItem", "SKU"); //Binds the default data to ViewState in order to keep throughout postbacks ViewState["ItemTable"] = BaseItem; //New Mepty datatable is created to store data of temporary purchase order dt = new DataTable(); //Columns are added to new datatable with appropriate names dt.Columns.AddRange(new DataColumn[5] { new DataColumn("SKU", typeof(string)), new DataColumn("ItemName", typeof(string)), new DataColumn("SupplierID", typeof(string)), new DataColumn("Quantity", typeof(int)), new DataColumn("Price", typeof(decimal)) }); ViewState["ordertable"] = dt; //Initial binding and loading of data onto table GridViewItem.DataSource = BaseItem.BindGrid(); GridViewItem.DataBind(); OrderBinding(); ModalIDPop(); } else //All consecutive refreshes/postbacks will update the ViewState key with new recurring data. { Base = (TableBase)ViewState["Table"]; BaseItem = (TableBase)ViewState["ItemTable"]; //BaseOrder = (TableBase)ViewState["OrderTable"]; dt = ViewState["ordertable"] as DataTable; OrderBinding(); if (GridViewItem.SelectedRow != null) //Checks to see if there are any selected rows during a postback { AddItemButton.Enabled = true; } else { AddItemButton.Enabled = false; } } TotalPrice(); }
private void BindYingOrKuiItem(string strsql, int state) { DataTable dt = DBCallCommon.GetDTUsingSqlText(strsql); GridViewItem.DataSource = dt; GridViewItem.DataBind(); System.Collections.Generic.List <string> ltsql = new System.Collections.Generic.List <string>(); if (state == 0) { //盘盈 if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { //第一次 if (!IsPostBack) { //状态未更改 if (LabelYState.Text == "0") { string sqlstr = "update TBWS_INVENTORYSCHEMA set PD_YSTATE='2' where PD_CODE='" + LabelCode.Text.Trim() + "'"; ltsql.Add(sqlstr); sqlstr = "update TBWS_INVENTORYSCHEMA set PD_DONESTATE='3' where PD_YSTATE='1' and PD_KSTATE='1' and PD_CODE='" + LabelCode.Text.Trim() + "'"; ltsql.Add(sqlstr); DBCallCommon.ExecuteTrans(ltsql); } } btnIn.Visible = false; btnInView.Visible = false; btnOut.Visible = false; btnOutView.Visible = false; ImageYState.Visible = false; ImageKState.Visible = false; } else { if (LabelYState.Text != "0") { btnIn.Visible = false; btnInView.Visible = true; btnOut.Visible = false; btnOutView.Visible = false; if (LabelState.Text != "3") { //盘盈图片显示 if (LabelYState.Text == "2") { ImageYState.Visible = true; ImageKState.Visible = false; } } } } } else { //盘亏 if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { if (LabelKState.Text == "0") { string sqlstr = "update TBWS_INVENTORYSCHEMA set PD_KSTATE='2' where PD_CODE='" + LabelCode.Text.Trim() + "'"; ltsql.Add(sqlstr); sqlstr = "update TBWS_INVENTORYSCHEMA set PD_DONESTATE='3' where PD_YSTATE='2' and PD_KSTATE='2' and PD_CODE='" + LabelCode.Text.Trim() + "'"; ltsql.Add(sqlstr); DBCallCommon.ExecuteTrans(ltsql); } btnIn.Visible = false; btnInView.Visible = false; btnOut.Visible = false; btnOutView.Visible = false; ImageKState.Visible = false; ImageYState.Visible = false; } else { if (LabelKState.Text != "0") { // btnIn.Visible = false; btnInView.Visible = false; btnOut.Visible = false; btnOutView.Visible = true; if (LabelState.Text != "3") { if (LabelKState.Text == "2") { //盘亏图片显示 ImageKState.Visible = true; ImageYState.Visible = false; } } } } } }
/* protected void DisplayItemCatQRPriCode(object sender, EventArgs e) * { * OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(strConnString); * conn.Open(); * * int USER_DATA_ID = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownItemExpID.Text); * * * DataTable dtUserTypeID = new DataTable(); * DataSet ds = new DataSet(); * string makeSQL = " select AIC.ITEM_CAT_QR_PRI_CODE from IT_ASSET_ITEM_EXPIRES AIE left join IT_ASSET_ITEM_CATEGORIES AIC ON AIC.ITEM_CATEGORY_ID = AIE.ITEM_CATEGORY_ID where AIE.ITEM_EXP_ID = '" + USER_DATA_ID + "'"; * * cmdl = new OracleCommand(makeSQL); * oradata = new OracleDataAdapter(cmdl.CommandText, conn); * dt = new DataTable(); * oradata.Fill(dt); * RowCount = dt.Rows.Count; * * for (int i = 0; i < RowCount; i++) * { * TextQRPreCode.Text = dt.Rows[i]["ITEM_CAT_QR_PRI_CODE"].ToString(); * } * * conn.Close(); * // Display(); * CheckQRCode.Text = ""; * alert_box.Visible = false; * BtnAdd.Attributes.Add("aria-disabled", "false"); * BtnAdd.Attributes.Add("class", "btn btn-primary disabled"); * * if (EmpStatus == 0) * { * // PlaceHolder1.Text = "if"; * } * else * { * // PlaceHolder1.Text = "else"; * GridViewItem.UseAccessibleHeader = true; * GridViewItem.HeaderRow.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableHeader; * * * } * * * * } */ public void DisplayEmpItem(object sender, EventArgs e) { OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(strConnString); conn.Open(); DataTable dtItemID = new DataTable(); DataSet di = new DataSet(); string USER_DATA_ID0 = ""; int USER_DATA_ID = 0, USER_DATA_ID2 = 0, USER_DATA_ID3 = 0, USER_DATA_ID4 = 0; string makeSQL = ""; if (radExpSelect.SelectedValue == "Employee") { USER_DATA_ID0 = DropDownEmployeeID.SelectedValue; makeSQL = " select AEIE.*, AIE.ITEM_EXP_NAME, (EXTRACT (DAY FROM (AEIE.EXPIRES_DATE-SYSDATE))) AS EXPIRED_DAYS_BET, AEIE.EXPIRED_DAYS , AEIE.IS_ACTIVE from IT_ASSET_EMP_ITEM_EXPIRES AEIE left join IT_ASSET_ITEM_EXPIRES AIE ON AIE.ITEM_EXP_ID = AEIE.ITEM_EXP_ID where AEIE.EMP_ID = '" + USER_DATA_ID0 + "' order by AEIE.EMP_ITEM_EXP_ID"; string makeItemSQL = " SELECT IAEI.EMP_ITEMS_ID, AI.ITEM_NAME || ' - ' || AI.ITEM_TYPE || ' ' || AI.ITEM_BRAND AS ITEM_NAME_ALL from IT_ASSET_EMP_ITEMS IAEI LEFT JOIN IT_ASSET_ITEMS AI ON AI.ITEM_ID = IAEI.ITEM_ID LEFT JOIN IT_ASSET_ITEM_CATEGORIES AIC ON AIC.ITEM_CATEGORY_ID = AI.ITEM_CATEGORY_ID WHERE IAEI.EMP_ID = '" + USER_DATA_ID0 + "' AND AI.IS_ACTIVE = 'Enable' AND (AIC.ITEM_CAT_QR_PRI_CODE = 'CPU' OR AIC.ITEM_CAT_QR_PRI_CODE = 'ITD') ORDER BY AI.ITEM_ID ASC"; di = ExecuteBySqlString(makeItemSQL); dtItemID = (DataTable)di.Tables[0]; DropDownItemID.DataSource = dtItemID; DropDownItemID.DataValueField = "EMP_ITEMS_ID"; DropDownItemID.DataTextField = "ITEM_NAME_ALL"; DropDownItemID.DataBind(); DropDownItemID.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("Select Item", "0")); cmdl = new OracleCommand(makeSQL); oradata = new OracleDataAdapter(cmdl.CommandText, conn); dt = new DataTable(); oradata.Fill(dt); GridViewItem.DataSource = dt; GridViewItem.DataKeyNames = new string[] { "EMP_ITEM_EXP_ID" }; GridViewItem.DataBind(); for (int i = 0; GridViewItemDept.Columns.Count > i;) { GridViewItemDept.Columns.RemoveAt(i); } } else { USER_DATA_ID = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownDepartmentID.SelectedValue); USER_DATA_ID2 = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownDivisionID.SelectedValue); USER_DATA_ID3 = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownLocationID.SelectedValue); USER_DATA_ID4 = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownPlacementID.SelectedValue); makeSQL = " select AEIE.*, AIE.ITEM_EXP_NAME, (EXTRACT (DAY FROM (AEIE.EXPIRES_DATE-SYSDATE))) AS EXPIRED_DAYS_BET, AEIE.EXPIRED_DAYS , AEIE.IS_ACTIVE, IAIP.PLACEMENT_NAME from IT_ASSET_EMP_ITEM_EXPIRES AEIE left join IT_ASSET_ITEM_EXPIRES AIE ON AIE.ITEM_EXP_ID = AEIE.ITEM_EXP_ID left join IT_ASSET_ITEMS_PLACEMENT IAIP ON IAIP.PLACEMENT_ID = AEIE.PLACEMENT_ID where AEIE.DEPARTMENT_ID = '" + USER_DATA_ID + "' AND AEIE.DIVISION_ID = '" + USER_DATA_ID2 + "' AND AEIE.LOCATION_ID = '" + USER_DATA_ID3 + "' AND AEIE.PLACEMENT_ID = '" + USER_DATA_ID4 + "' order by AEIE.EMP_ITEM_EXP_ID"; string makeItemSQL = " SELECT IAEI.EMP_ITEMS_ID, AI.ITEM_NAME || ' - ' || AI.ITEM_TYPE || ' ' || AI.ITEM_BRAND AS ITEM_NAME_ALL from IT_ASSET_EMP_ITEMS IAEI LEFT JOIN IT_ASSET_ITEMS AI ON AI.ITEM_ID = IAEI.ITEM_ID LEFT JOIN IT_ASSET_ITEM_CATEGORIES AIC ON AIC.ITEM_CATEGORY_ID = AI.ITEM_CATEGORY_ID WHERE IAEI.DEPARTMENT_ID = '" + USER_DATA_ID + "' AND IAEI.DIVISION_ID = '" + USER_DATA_ID2 + "' AND IAEI.LOCATION_ID = '" + USER_DATA_ID3 + "' AND IAEI.PLACEMENT_ID = '" + USER_DATA_ID4 + "' AND AI.IS_ACTIVE = 'Enable' AND (AIC.ITEM_CAT_QR_PRI_CODE = 'CPU' OR AIC.ITEM_CAT_QR_PRI_CODE = 'ITD') ORDER BY AI.ITEM_ID ASC"; di = ExecuteBySqlString(makeItemSQL); dtItemID = (DataTable)di.Tables[0]; DropDownItemID.DataSource = dtItemID; DropDownItemID.DataValueField = "EMP_ITEMS_ID"; DropDownItemID.DataTextField = "ITEM_NAME_ALL"; DropDownItemID.DataBind(); DropDownItemID.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("Select Item", "0")); cmdl = new OracleCommand(makeSQL); oradata = new OracleDataAdapter(cmdl.CommandText, conn); ds = new DataTable(); oradata.Fill(ds); GridViewItemDept.DataSource = ds; GridViewItemDept.DataKeyNames = new string[] { "EMP_ITEM_EXP_ID" }; GridViewItemDept.DataBind(); for (int i = 0; GridViewItem.Columns.Count > i;) { GridViewItem.Columns.RemoveAt(i); } } DropDownItemID.Attributes.Remove("disabled"); BtnAdd.Attributes.Add("aria-disabled", "true"); BtnAdd.Attributes.Add("class", "btn btn-primary active"); TextItemID.Text = ""; DropDownItemID.Text = "0"; DropDownItemExpID.Text = "0"; TextSerialNo.Text = ""; TextActivationCode.Text = ""; TextExpiredDays.Text = ""; TextStartExpiryDate.Text = ""; conn.Close(); alert_box.Visible = false; }
public void BtnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // try // { if (IS_ADD_ACTIVE == "Enable") { OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(strConnString); conn.Open(); int userID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["USER_ID"]); // string TextQRCodeAll = TextQRPreCode.Text + '-' + TextQRCode.Text; int ItemID = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownItemID.Text); int ItemExpID = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownItemExpID.Text); string u_date = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy h:mm:ss tt"); string ISActive = CheckIsActive.Checked ? "Enable" : "Disable"; string StartExpiryDate = TextStartExpiryDate.Text; string[] StartExpiryDateSplit = StartExpiryDate.Split('-'); String StartDateTemp = StartExpiryDateSplit[0].Replace("/", "-"); String StartDateTemp1 = StartDateTemp.Replace("M ", "M"); DateTime StartDate = DateTime.ParseExact(StartDateTemp1, "dd-MM-yyyy h:mm:ss tt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); String ExpiryDateTemp = StartExpiryDateSplit[1].Replace("/", "-"); String ExpiryDateTemp1 = ExpiryDateTemp.Trim(); DateTime ExpiryDate = DateTime.ParseExact(ExpiryDateTemp1, "dd-MM-yyyy h:mm:ss tt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); string get_user_id = "select IT_ASSET_EMP_ITEM_EXPSID_SEQ.nextval from dual"; cmdi = new OracleCommand(get_user_id, conn); int newExpID = Int16.Parse(cmdi.ExecuteScalar().ToString()); if (radExpSelect.SelectedValue == "Employee") { string EmployeeID = DropDownEmployeeID.Text; string insert_user = "******"; cmdi = new OracleCommand(insert_user, conn); OracleParameter[] objPrm = new OracleParameter[12]; objPrm[0] = cmdi.Parameters.Add("TextEmpItemsExpID", newExpID); objPrm[1] = cmdi.Parameters.Add("NoEmployeeID", EmployeeID); objPrm[2] = cmdi.Parameters.Add("NoItemExpID", ItemExpID); objPrm[3] = cmdi.Parameters.Add("NoItemID", ItemID); objPrm[4] = cmdi.Parameters.Add("TextSerialNo", TextSerialNo.Text); objPrm[5] = cmdi.Parameters.Add("TextActivationCode", TextActivationCode.Text); objPrm[6] = cmdi.Parameters.Add("TextStartDate", StartDate); objPrm[7] = cmdi.Parameters.Add("TextExpiryDate", ExpiryDate); objPrm[8] = cmdi.Parameters.Add("TextExpiryDays", TextExpiredDays.Text); objPrm[9] = cmdi.Parameters.Add("u_date", u_date); objPrm[10] = cmdi.Parameters.Add("NoC_USER_ID", userID); objPrm[11] = cmdi.Parameters.Add("TextIsActive", ISActive); } else { int DepartmentID = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownDepartmentID.Text); int DivisionID = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownDivisionID.Text); int LocationID = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownLocationID.Text); int PlacementID = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownPlacementID.Text); string insert_user = "******"; cmdi = new OracleCommand(insert_user, conn); OracleParameter[] objPrm = new OracleParameter[15]; objPrm[0] = cmdi.Parameters.Add("TextEmpItemsExpID", newExpID); objPrm[1] = cmdi.Parameters.Add("NoDepartmentID", DepartmentID); objPrm[2] = cmdi.Parameters.Add("NoDivisionID", DivisionID); objPrm[3] = cmdi.Parameters.Add("NoLocationID", LocationID); objPrm[4] = cmdi.Parameters.Add("NoPlacementID", PlacementID); objPrm[5] = cmdi.Parameters.Add("NoItemExpID", ItemExpID); objPrm[6] = cmdi.Parameters.Add("NoItemID", ItemID); objPrm[7] = cmdi.Parameters.Add("TextSerialNo", TextSerialNo.Text); objPrm[8] = cmdi.Parameters.Add("TextActivationCode", TextActivationCode.Text); objPrm[9] = cmdi.Parameters.Add("TextStartDate", StartDate); objPrm[10] = cmdi.Parameters.Add("TextExpiryDate", ExpiryDate); objPrm[11] = cmdi.Parameters.Add("TextExpiryDays", TextExpiredDays.Text); objPrm[12] = cmdi.Parameters.Add("u_date", u_date); objPrm[13] = cmdi.Parameters.Add("NoC_USER_ID", userID); objPrm[14] = cmdi.Parameters.Add("TextIsActive", ISActive); } cmdi.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmdi.Parameters.Clear(); cmdi.Dispose(); conn.Close(); alert_box.Visible = true; alert_box.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("Insert New Expire Item successfully")); alert_box.Attributes.Add("class", "alert alert-success alert-dismissible"); clearText(); // Display(); GridViewItem.DataBind(); } else { Response.Redirect("~/PagePermissionError.aspx"); } // } // catch // { // Response.Redirect("~/ParameterError.aspx"); // } }