コード例 #1
        internal void ApplyColumnSettings(List <ColumnInfo> newColumns)
            GridViewColumnCollection columns = (lstCatalogMods.View as GridView).Columns;

            for (int i = 0; i < newColumns.Count; i++)
                // get the current index of the column
                int colIndex = columns.ToList().FindIndex(c => ColumnTranslations[((c.Header as GridViewColumnHeader).Content as string)] == newColumns[i].Name);

                // apply the new width if the column does not auto resize
                if (!newColumns[i].AutoResize)
                    columns[colIndex].Width = newColumns[i].Width;

                // move the column to expected index
                columns.Move(colIndex, i);

            RecalculateColumnWidths(); // call this to have auto resize columns recalculate