コード例 #1
        void CreateGridEntities()
            var gridSize        = _gridUtils.GetSize();
            var gridInitializer = _entityFactory.BuildEntity <GridEntityDescriptor>(0, GridGroups.Grid);
            var walkableGrid    = NativeDynamicArray.Alloc <bool>(Allocator.Persistent, gridSize.x * gridSize.y);

            for (uint x = 0; x < gridSize.x; x++)
                for (uint y = 0; y < gridSize.y; y++)
                    var cellPosition = new uint2(x, y);
                    var cellIndex    = _gridUtils.CellToEntityId(cellPosition);
                    var isLand       = _gridLand.IsLand(cellPosition);
                    // note: it is probable that we don't need to create the land cells at all,
                    // unless there is some gameplay feature that needs them.
                    var initializer = _entityFactory.BuildEntity <GridCellEntityDescriptor>(
                        cellIndex, isLand ? GridGroups.GridLandGroup : GridGroups.GridWaterGroup

                    initializer.Init(new GridCellComponent {
                        Position = cellPosition, WorldCenter = _gridUtils.CellToCenterPosition(cellPosition)

                    walkableGrid.Set(cellIndex, !isLand);

            gridInitializer.Init(new GridComponent {
                WalkableGrid = walkableGrid