public WorldGrid3DInfo(int x, int y, Vector3 worldPos, float size, GridDirection direction) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.worldPos = worldPos; this.size = size; this.direction = direction; isBlocked = false; switch (direction) { case GridDirection.XZ: _sides = new Vector3[] { new Vector3(worldPos.x + size * 0.5f, worldPos.y, worldPos.z + size * 0.5f), new Vector3(worldPos.x + size * 0.5f, worldPos.y, worldPos.z - size * 0.5f), new Vector3(worldPos.x - size * 0.5f, worldPos.y, worldPos.z - size * 0.5f), new Vector3(worldPos.x - size * 0.5f, worldPos.y, worldPos.z + size * 0.5f) }; break; case GridDirection.XY: _sides = new Vector3[] { new Vector3(worldPos.x + size * 0.5f, worldPos.y + size * 0.5f, worldPos.z), new Vector3(worldPos.x + size * 0.5f, worldPos.y - size * 0.5f, worldPos.z), new Vector3(worldPos.x - size * 0.5f, worldPos.y - size * 0.5f, worldPos.z), new Vector3(worldPos.x - size * 0.5f, worldPos.y + size * 0.5f, worldPos.z) }; break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(direction), direction, null); } }
void SetTargetGrids(GridDirection direction) { if (targetGridList.ContainsKey(direction)) { targetGrids = targetGridList[direction]; } else { switch (skillCasting.RangeType) { case SkillRangeType.Line: targetGrids = BattleMapManager.Instance.LineTargets(direction, skillCasting.Range); break; case SkillRangeType.Fan: targetGrids = BattleMapManager.Instance.FanTargets(direction, skillCasting.Range); break; case SkillRangeType.Circle: targetGrids = BattleMapManager.Instance.CircleTargets(skillCasting.Range); break; default: break; } targetGridList.Add(direction, targetGrids); } BattleMapManager.Instance.MapView.ResetState(); BattleMapManager.Instance.SelectingTarget(targetGrids); }
public void SetAsDestination() { cost = 0; bestCost = 0; bestDirection = GridDirection.None; }
public InfiniteHexGrid(float radius, Vector3 basePos, GridDirection direction) { Size = radius; _basePos = basePos; _direction = direction; _dirs = new Vector2Int[] { //Even new Vector2Int(0, 1), new Vector2Int(0, -1), new Vector2Int(1, 0), new Vector2Int(-1, 0), new Vector2Int(-1, -1), new Vector2Int(-1, 1), //Odd new Vector2Int(0, 1), new Vector2Int(0, -1), new Vector2Int(1, 0), new Vector2Int(-1, 0), new Vector2Int(1, 1), new Vector2Int(1, -1), }; }
private Vector3 EdgePosition(MapEdge edge) { Vector3 nodePos = NodePosition(edge.From); GridDirection direction = edge.Direction; float edgeSpacing = _spacing / 8; float halfSpacing = _spacing / 2; Vector3 adjust =; if (direction == GridDirection.N) { adjust = new Vector3(-edgeSpacing, halfSpacing, 0); } if (direction == GridDirection.E) { adjust = new Vector3(halfSpacing, edgeSpacing, 0); } if (direction == GridDirection.S) { adjust = new Vector3(edgeSpacing, -halfSpacing, 0); } if (direction == GridDirection.W) { adjust = new Vector3(-halfSpacing, -edgeSpacing, 0); } return(nodePos + adjust); }
/// <summary> /// Creates at random. /// </summary> /// <returns>The randomly created instance.</returns> public static GeneticGridDirection CreateAtRandom() { int randInt = CommonHelperMethods.GetRandomPositiveInt0ToValue(3); GridDirection direction = (GridDirection)randInt; return(new GeneticGridDirection(direction)); }
public void SetOutgoingRiver(GridDirection direction) { if (hasOutgoingRivers[(int)direction] || HasRoads) { Debug.Log("Could not add river"); return; } SquareCell neighbor = GetNeighbor(direction); if (!neighbor || CentreElevation < neighbor.CentreElevation) { Debug.Log("Could not add river uphill"); return; } if (hasIncomingRivers[(int)direction]) { RemoveIncomingRiver(direction); } hasOutgoingRivers[(int)direction] = true; RefreshChunkOnly(); neighbor.RemoveOutgoingRiver(direction.Opposite()); neighbor.hasIncomingRivers[(int)direction.Opposite()] = true; neighbor.RefreshChunkOnly(); }
public void RemoveRoad(GridDirection direction) { if (roads[(int)direction] == true) { SetRoad((int)direction, false); } }
// get position next to this one public GridPosition GetAdjacentPosition(GridDirection direction) { GridPosition position = new GridPosition(column, row); // top if (direction == GridDirection.North) { position.row++; } // right if (direction == GridDirection.East) { position.column++; } // bottom if (direction == GridDirection.South) { position.row--; } // left if (direction == GridDirection.West) { position.column--; } return(position); }
public static DrawAction <T> Dir <T>(GridDirection dir, DrawAction <T> call) { return((arr, x, y) => { return arr.DrawDir(x, y, dir, call); }); }
public void ResetCell() { cost = 1; bestCost = ushort.MaxValue; bestDirection = GridDirection.None; }
protected void DoNextGenerationStep(DiggingAgent agent) { //First we move the agent. //We change direction by chance or if the next position in the current direction is not in the level. if (Random.value < changeDirectionProb || !ContainsCoordinates(agent.pos + agent.direction.ToIntVector2())) { //Randomly move the agent to a new valid position in the level. GridDirection newDir = ChangeDirection(agent.pos, agent.direction); agent.direction = newDir; agent.turnProb = changeDirectionProb; } else if (dynamicProbabilities) { agent.turnProb += changeDirDelta; } //Now we now the next position! agent.pos += agent.direction.ToIntVector2(); //Make a room? if (Random.value < agent.roomProb) { rooms.Add(CreateRoom(agent.pos, RandomRoomSize)); agent.roomProb = makeRoomProb; } else { //else just open current cell agent.OpenCurrentCell(); if (dynamicProbabilities) { agent.roomProb += makeRoomDelta; } } }
public int?this[GridDirection i] { get { switch (i) { case GridDirection.SW: return(y0); case GridDirection.NW: return(y1); case GridDirection.NE: return(y2); case GridDirection.SE: return(y3); default: return(null); } } set { switch (i) { case GridDirection.SW: y0 = (int)value; break; case GridDirection.NW: y1 = (int)value; break; case GridDirection.NE: y2 = (int)value; break; case GridDirection.SE: y3 = (int)value; break; default: break; } } }
public NavigationTestCase(GridDirection direction, MapCoordinate origin) { Direction = direction; Origin = origin; Result = true; Steps = 1; }
public GridManager(Grid a, Grid b, Vector3Int c) { none = new GridDirection("", ""); grid = a; tileGrid = b; gridPos = getGridCoords(c); }
public static Ship?TryCreate(Coordinates initialPosition, GridDirection direction, int shipLength, List <Ship> otherShips, int shipIdsCounter) { var segments = new List <SingleSegmentSingleSegment>(); var lastCoords = initialPosition; segments.Add(new SingleSegmentSingleSegment(lastCoords)); for (int i = 0; i < shipLength - 1; i++) { var newCoords = lastCoords.TryCreateNext(direction); if (newCoords == null) { return(null); } lastCoords = newCoords; segments.Add(new SingleSegmentSingleSegment(lastCoords)); } var isColliding = segments .Select(x => x.Coordinates) .Any(s => otherShips .Any(x => x.Segments .Any(y => y.Coordinates.Equals(s)))); return(isColliding ? null : new Ship(segments, shipIdsCounter)); }
public T GetFrom(T start, GridDirection direction, int distance = 1) { var index = IndexOf(start); if (direction == GridDirection.Left) { index -= distance; } else if (direction == GridDirection.Right) { index += distance; } else if (direction == GridDirection.Down) { index += columns * distance; } else if (direction == GridDirection.Up) { index -= columns * distance; } if (index < 0) { return(this.First()); } else if (index >= Count) { return(this.Last()); } return(this [index]); }
public int GetElevationDifference(GridDirection direction) { int differencePrev = (int)this[direction.Previous()] - (int)this[direction.Opposite().Next()]; int differenceNext = (int)this[direction.Next()] - (int)this[direction.Opposite().Previous()]; int result = Mathf.Max(differencePrev, differenceNext); return(result); }
public Vector3 getNeighbour(Cell cellBelow, GridDirection dir) { Vector2Int index = cellBelow.gridIndex; Cell bestNeighbour = GetCellAtRelativePos(index, dir); return(bestNeighbour.worldPos); }
public InfiniteQuadGrid(float size, Vector3 basePos, GridDirection direction) { Size = size; _basePos = basePos; _direction = direction; CreateDir(); }
public void RotateDirection_ShouldReturnCorrectResult(GridDirection before, GridDirection expected) { // Arrange/ Act var result = new CoordinateHelper().Rotate(before); // Assert Assert.Equal(expected, result); }
private static IObservable <GridDirection> MapToDirection(PlayerAction action, GridDirection direction) { return(Observable.EveryUpdate() .Select(_ => !!action) .DistinctUntilChanged() .Where(activated => activated) .Select(_ => direction)); }
public static MapCoordinate NavigateUnconditionally(this IMapNavigator <GridDirection> nav, GridDirection d, MapCoordinate coord, int steps = 1) { nav.NavigateTo(d, coord, out MapCoordinate results, steps); return(results); }
public bool IsNeighborRoad(GridDirection direction) { if (GetNeighbor(direction) == null) { return(true); } return(GetNeighbor(direction).data.HasRoad); }
public Cell(Vector3 _worldPos, Vector2Int _gridIndex) { worldPos = _worldPos; gridIndex = _gridIndex; cost = 1; bestCost = 60000; bestDirection = GridDirection.None; }
public Cell(Vector3 _worldPos, Vector2Int _gridIndex) { worldPos = _worldPos; gridIndex = _gridIndex; cost = 1; bestCost = ushort.MaxValue; bestDirection = GridDirection.None; }
public void GivenCoordinatesAndDirection_WhenNextCoordinateInvalid_ShouldReturnNull( int beforeRow, int beforeColumn, GridDirection direction) { var coordinateBefore = Coordinates.CreateOrThrow(beforeRow, beforeColumn); var result = coordinateBefore.TryCreateNext(direction); result.Should().BeNull(); }
public static GridDirection GetRotatedDirection(GridDirection direction, GridDirection orientation) { switch (orientation) { case GridDirection.Right: switch (direction) { case GridDirection.Up: return(GridDirection.Right); case GridDirection.Right: return(GridDirection.Down); case GridDirection.Down: return(GridDirection.Left); case GridDirection.Left: return(GridDirection.Up); } break; case GridDirection.Down: switch (direction) { case GridDirection.Up: return(GridDirection.Down); case GridDirection.Right: return(GridDirection.Left); case GridDirection.Down: return(GridDirection.Up); case GridDirection.Left: return(GridDirection.Right); } break; case GridDirection.Left: switch (direction) { case GridDirection.Up: return(GridDirection.Left); case GridDirection.Right: return(GridDirection.Up); case GridDirection.Down: return(GridDirection.Right); case GridDirection.Left: return(GridDirection.Down); } break; } return(direction); }
//Material indicatorColor; public DiggingAgent(LevelDigger _level, IntVector2 position, GridDirection init_direction, float init_changeProb, float init_roomProb) { level = _level; pos = position; direction = init_direction; base_changeProb = turnProb = init_changeProb; base_roomprob = roomProb = init_roomProb; stepsDone = 0; }
public void GivenCoordinatesAndDirection_WhenNextCoordinateValid_NewCoordinateValuesShouldRespectDirection( int beforeRow, int beforeColumn, GridDirection direction, int afterRow, int afterColumn) { var coordinateBefore = Coordinates.CreateOrThrow(beforeRow, beforeColumn); var expectedCoordinate = Coordinates.CreateOrThrow(afterRow, afterColumn); var result = coordinateBefore.TryCreateNext(direction); result.Should().Be(expectedCoordinate); }
public void FromRotatorTest() { Angle a = new Angle(1, 270, 0, 0); Tester = GridDirectionExtentions.GetDirectionFromRotation(0, 0, 0); Tester.Should().Be(GridDirection.East); Tester = GridDirectionExtentions.GetDirectionFromRotation(45, 45, 90); Tester.Should().Be(GridDirection.NorthLower); //GridDirection.Offsets[(int) Tester.FromRotator(0, 0, 270)].X.Should().BeApproximately(0, IntegerPrec); //GridDirection.Offsets[(int) Tester.FromRotator(0, 0, 270)].Y.Should().BeApproximately(1, IntegerPrec); //GridDirection.Offsets[(int)Tester.FromRotator(0, 0, 270)].Z.Should().BeApproximately(0, IntegerPrec); }
public void Destroy(GridDirection direction) { switch (direction) { case GridDirection.LEFT: left = null; break; case GridDirection.RIGHT: right = null; break; case GridDirection.UP: up = null; break; } }
public void Add(GridDirection direction, Building building) { switch (direction) { case GridDirection.LEFT: left = building; break; case GridDirection.RIGHT: right = building; break; case GridDirection.UP: up = building; break; } }
public void BreakWall(int cellLocationX, int cellLocationZ, GridDirection direction) { if (cellLocationX < 0 || cellLocationX >= _sizeX) { return; } if (cellLocationZ < 0 || cellLocationZ >= _sizeZ) { return; } switch (direction) { case GridDirection.North: if (!(cellLocationZ + 1 > _sizeZ - 1)) { Matrix[cellLocationX, cellLocationZ].HasNorthWall = false; Matrix[cellLocationX, cellLocationZ + 1].HasSouthWall = false; } break; case GridDirection.South: if (!(cellLocationZ - 1 < 0)) { Matrix[cellLocationX, cellLocationZ].HasSouthWall = false; Matrix[cellLocationX, cellLocationZ - 1].HasNorthWall = false; } break; case GridDirection.East: if (!(cellLocationX + 1 >_sizeX - 1)) { Matrix[cellLocationX, cellLocationZ].HasEastWall = false; Matrix[cellLocationX + 1, cellLocationZ].HasWestWall = false; } break; case GridDirection.West: if (!(cellLocationX - 1 < 0)) { Matrix[cellLocationX, cellLocationZ].HasWestWall = false; Matrix[cellLocationX - 1, cellLocationZ].HasEastWall = false; } break; default: break; } }
public void Add(GridDirection direction, Building building) { switch (direction) { case GridDirection.LEFT: left = left == null ? building : left; break; case GridDirection.RIGHT: right = right == null ? building : right; break; case GridDirection.DOWN: down = down == null ? building : down; break; } }
public void DestroySuspension(GridDirection direction) { switch (direction) { case GridDirection.LEFT: left = null; break; case GridDirection.RIGHT: right = null; break; case GridDirection.DOWN: down = null; break; } }
///<summary> /// Return the count of unused neighbors in the given /// GridDirection, to a maximum of distance. This is used /// by the polygon synthesis routines. ///</summary> internal int CountUnusedNeighbors(GridCell cell, GridDirection direction, int distance) { int count = 0; GridCell temp = cell; if (temp == null) return 0; for (int i=0; i<distance; i++) { if (temp.neighbors == null) break; temp = temp.neighbors[(int)direction]; if (temp == null || temp.used) break; count++; } return count; }
internal Vector3 CoordinatesOfCell(GridCell cell, GridDirection outside, bool start) { Vector3 loc = GridLocation(cell.loc); if (start) { loc.x += .5f * cellWidth * fromOutsideToStart[(int)outside, 0]; loc.z += .5f * cellWidth * fromOutsideToStart[(int)outside, 1]; } else { loc.x += .5f * cellWidth * fromOutsideToEnd[(int)outside, 0]; loc.z += .5f * cellWidth * fromOutsideToEnd[(int)outside, 1]; } return modelTransform * loc; }
internal GridEdge(GridCell start, GridCell end, GridDirection forward, GridDirection outside) { this.start = start; this.end = end; this.forward = forward; this.outside = outside; }
///<summary> /// Return the nth neighbor in the given direction. ///</summary> internal GridCell NthNeighborOrNull(GridCell cell, GridDirection direction, int n) { GridCell temp = cell; for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { if (temp == null) { return null; } temp = temp.neighbors[(int)direction]; } return temp; }
///<summary> /// Return the nth neighbor in the given direction. We've /// already counted the neighbors, so there should be no /// case of a null neighbor. ///</summary> internal GridCell NthNeighbor(GridCell cell, GridDirection direction, int n) { GridCell temp = NthNeighborOrNull(cell, direction, n); if (temp == null) throw new Exception(string.Format("Null neighbor in PathGenerator.NthNeighbor({0}, {1}, {2})", cell.ToString(), (int)direction, n)); return temp; }
internal GridCell NextCellAtHeight(GridCell cell, GridDirection direction) { int i = cell.loc.xCell + incrByDirection[(int)direction, 0]; int j = cell.loc.zCell + incrByDirection[(int)direction, 1]; if (i < 0 || i >= xCount || j < 0 || j >= zCount) return null; GridCell other = FindCellAtHeight(i, j, cell.loc.height); if (other != null) return other; else return null; }
internal void MarkNeighborsInaccessible(GridCell cell, GridDirection direction, int count) { cell.used = true; GridCell temp = cell; for (int i=0; i<count; i++) { temp = NextCellAtHeight(temp, direction); if (temp == null) return; temp.used = true; temp.status = CellStatus.Inaccessible; } }
///<summary> /// Create a grid edge, given the starting and ending cell, /// and the outside direction. ///</summary> internal GridEdge MakeGridEdge(GridCell start, GridCell end, GridDirection forward, GridDirection outside) { // Canonicalize the directions if (forward == GridDirection.MinusX) { forward = GridDirection.PlusX; GridCell temp = start; start = end; end = temp; } else if (forward == GridDirection.MinusZ) { forward = GridDirection.PlusZ; GridCell temp = start; start = end; end = temp; } return new GridEdge(start, end, forward, outside); }
public Ladder(GridDirection dir) { Direction = dir; }
public bool HasSuspension(GridDirection direction) { switch (direction) { case GridDirection.LEFT: return left != null; case GridDirection.RIGHT: return right != null; case GridDirection.DOWN: return down != null; } return false; }
public CellEdge GetEdge(GridDirection direction) { Cell neighbor = Grid[this + direction.AsOffset()]; return Grid.Edges[this, neighbor]; }
public static bool IsColinear(this GridDirection dir, GridDirection other) { if (dir == other || dir == other.Opposite()) return true; else return false; }
// get position next to this one public GridPosition GetAdjacentPosition(GridDirection direction) { GridPosition position = new GridPosition(column, row); // top if (direction == GridDirection.North) { position.row++; } // right if (direction == GridDirection.East) { position.column++; } // bottom if (direction == GridDirection.South) { position.row--; } // left if (direction == GridDirection.West) { position.column--; } return position; }
public void Setup() { Tester = GridDirection.NorthWest; }
public void IsDiagonalTest() { Tester.IsDiagonal().Should().BeTrue(); Tester = GridDirection.West; Tester.IsDiagonal().Should().BeFalse(); }