コード例 #1
        public GribImporter(string inputFile)
            _inputFile = inputFile;
            CorrectFilePath(ref _inputFile);

            bool ok = false;

            while (!ok)
                    ok = true;
                catch (Exception ex)

            using (var gf = new Grib.Api.GribFile(_inputFile))
                _messages = gf.ToArray();
コード例 #2
        public static void GfsNowCastInsert()
            _log.Info($"Start Insert");
            List <GFS_DB_INSERT_CHECK> gfsDbIndertCheck = new List <GFS_DB_INSERT_CHECK>();

            DateTime UTC;

            double[] LAT;
            double[] LON;
            double[] temp_surfaceValue;
            double[] temp_above_groundValue;
            double[] press_surfaceValue;
            double[] press_mslValue;

            List <GribMessage> gfs = new List <GribMessage>();

            _log.Info($"Start Insert : {_decodeList[6]}");
            using (GribFile file = new GribFile(_decodeList[6]))
                file.Context.EnableMultipleFieldMessages = true;

                var temp_surface = file.Where(d => d.ParameterName == "Temperature" && d.TypeOfLevel == "surface" && d.Level == 0).Single();

                if (_oceanModel.GFS_DB_INSERT_CHECK.Where(s => s.DATE_OF_FILE == temp_surface.Time).Count() > 0)
                    _log.Info("TRIGGER/*/" + "Gfs DB에 " + temp_surface.Time.ToString() + "데이터가 이미 있습니다.");
                var temp_above_ground = file.Where(d => d.ParameterName == "Temperature" && d.TypeOfLevel == "heightAboveGround" && d.Level == 2).Single();
                var press_surface     = file.Where(d => d.ParameterName == "Pressure" && d.TypeOfLevel == "surface" && d.Level == 0).Single();
                var press_msl         = file.Where(d => d.ParameterName == "Pressure reduced to MSL" && d.TypeOfLevel == "meanSea" && d.Level == 0).Single();

                //////////////////DB INSERT

                UTC = temp_surface.Time;
                LAT = temp_surface.GridCoordinateValues.Select(d => d.Latitude).ToArray();
                LON = temp_surface.GridCoordinateValues.Select(d => d.Longitude).ToArray();

                temp_surface.Values(out temp_surfaceValue);
                temp_above_ground.Values(out temp_above_groundValue);
                press_surface.Values(out press_surfaceValue);
                press_msl.Values(out press_mslValue);

            List <GFS> gfsList = new List <GFS>();

            for (int j = 0; j < LAT.Length; j++)
                //////////////////예보 데이터

                gfsList.Add(new GFS
                    UTC               = UTC,
                    LAT               = Convert.ToDecimal(LAT[j]),
                    LON               = Convert.ToDecimal(LON[j]),
                    TEMP_SURFACE      = Convert.ToSingle(temp_surfaceValue[j] - 273.15f),
                    TEMP_ABOVE_GROUND = Convert.ToSingle(temp_above_groundValue[j] - 273.15f),
                    PRESSURE_SURFACE  = Convert.ToSingle(press_surfaceValue[j]),
                    PRESSURE_MSL      = Convert.ToSingle(press_mslValue[j]),
            //////////////////DB INSERT

            int resumeCount     = 0;
            int insertDataCount = 259920;
            var checkDate       = UTC;

            _oceanModel.Database.CommandTimeout = 99999;
            GFS checkDB = _oceanModel.GFS.FirstOrDefault(s => s.UTC == checkDate);

            if (checkDB != null)
                var resumeCount1 = _oceanModel.GFS.Count(s => s.UTC == checkDate);
                resumeCount = resumeCount1;
                if (resumeCount == insertDataCount)
                    gfsDbIndertCheck.Add(new GFS_DB_INSERT_CHECK
                        FILE_NAME     = _decodeList[4].ToLower(),
                        DATE_OF_FILE  = UTC,
                        DATE_INSERTED = DateTime.UtcNow
                    gfsDbIndertCheck.ForEach(s => _oceanModel.GFS_DB_INSERT_CHECK.Add(s));

                _log.Info("TRIGGER/*/" + "Gfs 데이터를 " + resumeCount.ToString() + "개부터 이어 받습니다.");

            var gfsSplit = Split(gfsList, 10000);

            int index = 0;

            foreach (var item in gfsSplit)
                if (index * 10000 >= resumeCount)
                    EFBatchOperation.For(_oceanModel, _oceanModel.GFS).InsertAll(item);
                var progress = Math.Round((double)index / 0.26, 2);
                _log.Info($"Gfs Nowcast Db insert :{_decodeList[0]}-{_decodeList[1]}-{_decodeList[2]} {_decodeList[3]}:00 / {progress} %");
            gfsSplit = null;
            gfsList  = null;

            gfsDbIndertCheck.Add(new GFS_DB_INSERT_CHECK
                FILE_NAME     = _decodeList[4].ToLower(),
                DATE_OF_FILE  = UTC,
                DATE_INSERTED = DateTime.UtcNow

            gfsDbIndertCheck.ForEach(s => _oceanModel.GFS_DB_INSERT_CHECK.Add(s));

            _log.Info($"Gfs Db insert Finish");
コード例 #3
        public static void Nww3ForcastInsertProxy()
            _log.Info($"forcast Strars");

            int elementCount           = 19; // 한 셋트 데이터 종류 (변경하지 말것)
            int needDecordDateSetCount = 81; // 3시간 데이터 2개를 저장.
            int elementTotalCount      = elementCount * needDecordDateSetCount;
            int dataSetGap             = 1;  //1는 3시간, 2는 6시간마다 forecast 데이터를 밀어넣음.

            _oceanModel.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("TRUNCATE TABLE [" + "NWW3_FORECAST_PROXY" + "]");

            var UTC    = new DateTime();
            var LAT    = new double[231120];
            var LON    = new double[231120];
            var HTSGW  = new double[231120];
            var MWSDIR = new double[231120];
            var MWSPER = new double[231120];
            var SWELL  = new double[231120];
            var SWDIR  = new double[231120];
            var SWPER  = new double[231120];
            var WVHGT  = new double[231120];
            var WVDIR  = new double[231120];
            var WVPER  = new double[231120];
            var UGRD   = new double[231120];
            var VGRD   = new double[231120];

            List <GribMessage> Nww3 = new List <GribMessage>();

            using (GribFile gribFile = new GribFile(_decodeList[6]))
                gribFile.Context.EnableMultipleFieldMessages = true;
                elementTotalCount = elementCount * 81;
                foreach (GribMessage item in gribFile)
            List <NWW3_FORECAST_PROXY> waveForecastDataout = new List <NWW3_FORECAST_PROXY> {

            int index = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < elementTotalCount; i += elementCount * dataSetGap)
                UTC = Nww3.ElementAt(0 + i).Time;
                LAT = Nww3.ElementAt(0 + i).GridCoordinateValues.Select(d => d.Latitude).ToArray();
                LON = Nww3.ElementAt(0 + i).GridCoordinateValues.Select(d => d.Longitude).ToArray();

                Nww3.ElementAt(5 + i).Values(out HTSGW);
                Nww3.ElementAt(8 + i).Values(out MWSDIR);
                Nww3.ElementAt(6 + i).Values(out MWSPER);
                Nww3.ElementAt(11 + i).Values(out SWELL);
                Nww3.ElementAt(17 + i).Values(out SWDIR);
                Nww3.ElementAt(14 + i).Values(out SWPER);
                Nww3.ElementAt(10 + i).Values(out WVHGT);
                Nww3.ElementAt(16 + i).Values(out WVDIR);
                Nww3.ElementAt(13 + i).Values(out WVPER);
                Nww3.ElementAt(2 + i).Values(out UGRD);
                Nww3.ElementAt(3 + i).Values(out VGRD);

                var nww3Json = new List <NWW3>();
                for (int j = 0; j < LAT.Length; j++)
                    waveForecastDataout.Add(new NWW3_FORECAST_PROXY
                        UTC    = UTC,
                        LAT    = Convert.ToDecimal(LAT[j]),
                        LON    = Convert.ToDecimal(LON[j]),
                        HTSGW  = Convert.ToSingle(HTSGW[j]),
                        MWSDIR = Convert.ToSingle(MWSDIR[j]),
                        MWSPER = Convert.ToSingle(MWSPER[j]),
                        SWELL  = Convert.ToSingle(SWELL[j]),
                        SWDIR  = Convert.ToSingle(SWDIR[j]),
                        SWPER  = Convert.ToSingle(SWPER[j]),
                        WVHGT  = Convert.ToSingle(WVHGT[j]),
                        WVDIR  = Convert.ToSingle(WVDIR[j]),
                        WVPER  = Convert.ToSingle(WVPER[j]),
                        UGRD   = Convert.ToSingle(UGRD[j]),
                        VGRD   = Convert.ToSingle(VGRD[j])

                    nww3Json.Add(new NWW3
                        UTC    = UTC,
                        LAT    = Convert.ToDecimal(LAT[j]),
                        LON    = Convert.ToDecimal(LON[j]),
                        HTSGW  = Convert.ToSingle(HTSGW[j]),
                        MWSDIR = Convert.ToSingle(MWSDIR[j]),
                        MWSPER = Convert.ToSingle(MWSPER[j]),
                        SWELL  = Convert.ToSingle(SWELL[j]),
                        SWDIR  = Convert.ToSingle(SWDIR[j]),
                        SWPER  = Convert.ToSingle(SWPER[j]),
                        WVHGT  = Convert.ToSingle(WVHGT[j]),
                        WVDIR  = Convert.ToSingle(WVDIR[j]),
                        WVPER  = Convert.ToSingle(WVPER[j]),
                        UGRD   = Convert.ToSingle(UGRD[j]),
                        VGRD   = Convert.ToSingle(VGRD[j])
                //nowcast json은 이미 만들어서 건너뜀.
                if (i > 0)

                var waveForcastSplit = Split(waveForecastDataout, 10000);

                var length = waveForcastSplit.Count;

                foreach (var item in waveForcastSplit)
                    EFBatchOperation.For(_oceanModel, _oceanModel.NWW3_FORECAST_PROXY).InsertAll(item);
                    var progress = Math.Round((double)index / 0.23 / (81 / dataSetGap), 2);
                    _log.Info($"Wave Forcast Db insert :{item[0].UTC.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:00")} / {progress} %");
            var conditionWeatherDb = _logModel.CONDITION_OCEAN_WEATHER.First();

            conditionWeatherDb.DATE_LAST_OF_NWW3      = UTC;
            conditionWeatherDb.DATE_LAST_OF_NWW3_JSON = UTC;
            conditionWeatherDb.DB_OF_NWW3_FORECAST    = "PROXY";
コード例 #4
        public static void Nww3NowCastInsert()
            _log.Info($"Start Insert");
            int elementCount           = 19; // 한 셋트 데이터 종류 (변경하지 말것)
            int needDecordDateSetCount = 2;  // 3시간 데이터 2개를 저장.
            int elementTotalCount      = elementCount * needDecordDateSetCount;

            var UTC    = new DateTime[2];
            var LAT    = new double[2][];
            var LON    = new double[2][];
            var HTSGW  = new double[2][];
            var MWSDIR = new double[2][];
            var MWSPER = new double[2][];
            var SWELL  = new double[2][];
            var SWDIR  = new double[2][];
            var SWPER  = new double[2][];
            var WVHGT  = new double[2][];
            var WVDIR  = new double[2][];
            var WVPER  = new double[2][];
            var UGRD   = new double[2][];
            var VGRD   = new double[2][];

            List <GribMessage> Nww3 = new List <GribMessage>();

            _log.Info($"Start Insert : {_decodeList[6]}");
            using (GribFile gribFile = new GribFile(_decodeList[6]))
                gribFile.Context.EnableMultipleFieldMessages = true;
                foreach (GribMessage item in gribFile)
                    if (item.StepRange == "6")

            List <NWW3> wavedataout = new List <NWW3> {
            List <NWW3_DB_INSERT_CHECK> nww3DbInsertCheck = new List <NWW3_DB_INSERT_CHECK>();

            int num = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < elementTotalCount; i += elementCount)
                UTC[num] = Nww3.ElementAt(0 + i).Time;
                LAT[num] = Nww3.ElementAt(0 + i).GridCoordinateValues.Select(d => d.Latitude).ToArray();
                LON[num] = Nww3.ElementAt(0 + i).GridCoordinateValues.Select(d => d.Longitude).ToArray();
                Nww3.ElementAt(5 + i).Values(out HTSGW[num]);
                Nww3.ElementAt(8 + i).Values(out MWSDIR[num]);
                Nww3.ElementAt(6 + i).Values(out MWSPER[num]);
                Nww3.ElementAt(11 + i).Values(out SWELL[num]);
                Nww3.ElementAt(17 + i).Values(out SWDIR[num]);
                Nww3.ElementAt(14 + i).Values(out SWPER[num]);
                Nww3.ElementAt(10 + i).Values(out WVHGT[num]);
                Nww3.ElementAt(16 + i).Values(out WVDIR[num]);
                Nww3.ElementAt(13 + i).Values(out WVPER[num]);
                Nww3.ElementAt(2 + i).Values(out UGRD[num]);
                Nww3.ElementAt(3 + i).Values(out VGRD[num]);

            for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                List <NWW3> nww3Json = new List <NWW3>();
                for (int j = 0; j < LAT[i].Length; j++)
                    wavedataout.Add(new NWW3
                        UTC    = UTC[i],
                        LAT    = Convert.ToDecimal(LAT[i][j]),
                        LON    = Convert.ToDecimal(LON[i][j]),
                        HTSGW  = Convert.ToSingle(HTSGW[i][j]),
                        MWSDIR = Convert.ToSingle(MWSDIR[i][j]),
                        MWSPER = Convert.ToSingle(MWSPER[i][j]),
                        SWELL  = Convert.ToSingle(SWELL[i][j]),
                        SWDIR  = Convert.ToSingle(SWDIR[i][j]),
                        SWPER  = Convert.ToSingle(SWPER[i][j]),
                        WVHGT  = Convert.ToSingle(WVHGT[i][j]),
                        WVDIR  = Convert.ToSingle(WVDIR[i][j]),
                        WVPER  = Convert.ToSingle(WVPER[i][j]),
                        UGRD   = Convert.ToSingle(UGRD[i][j]),
                        VGRD   = Convert.ToSingle(VGRD[i][j]),

                    nww3Json.Add(new NWW3
                        UTC    = UTC[i],
                        LAT    = Convert.ToDecimal(LAT[i][j]),
                        LON    = Convert.ToDecimal(LON[i][j]),
                        HTSGW  = Convert.ToSingle(HTSGW[i][j]),
                        MWSDIR = Convert.ToSingle(MWSDIR[i][j]),
                        MWSPER = Convert.ToSingle(MWSPER[i][j]),
                        SWELL  = Convert.ToSingle(SWELL[i][j]),
                        SWDIR  = Convert.ToSingle(SWDIR[i][j]),
                        SWPER  = Convert.ToSingle(SWPER[i][j]),
                        WVHGT  = Convert.ToSingle(WVHGT[i][j]),
                        WVDIR  = Convert.ToSingle(WVDIR[i][j]),
                        WVPER  = Convert.ToSingle(WVPER[i][j]),
                        UGRD   = Convert.ToSingle(UGRD[i][j]),
                        VGRD   = Convert.ToSingle(VGRD[i][j]),

            int resumeCount = 0;

            int insertDataCount = 231120;
            var checkDate       = UTC[0];
            var checkDate3      = UTC[1];

            _oceanModel.Database.CommandTimeout = 99999;
            var checkDB = _oceanModel.NWW3.FirstOrDefault(s => s.UTC == checkDate);

            if (checkDB != null)
                var resumeCount1 = _oceanModel.NWW3.Count(s => s.UTC == checkDate);
                var resumeCount2 = _oceanModel.NWW3.Count(s => s.UTC == checkDate3);
                resumeCount = resumeCount1 + resumeCount2;

                if (resumeCount == insertDataCount * 2)
                    nww3DbInsertCheck.Add(new NWW3_DB_INSERT_CHECK
                        FILE_NAME     = _decodeList[4].ToLower(),
                        DATE_OF_FILE  = UTC[0],
                        DATE_INSERTED = DateTime.UtcNow

                    nww3DbInsertCheck.ForEach(s => _oceanModel.NWW3_DB_INSERT_CHECK.Add(s));

            var waveSplit = Split(wavedataout, 10000);

            int index = 0;

            foreach (var item in waveSplit)
                if (index * 10000 >= resumeCount)
                    EFBatchOperation.For(_oceanModel, _oceanModel.NWW3).InsertAll(item);

                var progress = Math.Round((double)index / 0.46, 2);
                _log.Info($"Wave Nowcast Db insert :{_decodeList[0]}-{_decodeList[1]}-{_decodeList[2]} {_decodeList[3]}:00 / {progress} %");

            waveSplit   = null;
            wavedataout = null;

            nww3DbInsertCheck.Add(new NWW3_DB_INSERT_CHECK
                FILE_NAME     = _decodeList[4].ToLower(),
                DATE_OF_FILE  = UTC[0],
                DATE_INSERTED = DateTime.UtcNow

            nww3DbInsertCheck.ForEach(s => _oceanModel.NWW3_DB_INSERT_CHECK.Add(s));

            _log.Info($"Wave Db insert Finish");
コード例 #5
        public static FileProcessedTracker Run([BlobTrigger("nam-grib-westus-v1/{name}", Connection = "AzureWebJobsStorage")] Stream myBlob, string name, TraceWriter log)
            log.Info($"C# Blob trigger function Processed blob\n Name:{name} \n Size: {myBlob.Length} Bytes");

            log.Info($"Double Checking if {name} already exists.");
            var exists = AzureUtilities.CheckIfFileProcessedRowExistsInTableStorage(Constants.NamTrackerTable, Constants.NamTrackerPartitionKey, name, log);

            if (exists)
                log.Info($"{name} Already exists in double check, skipping");
            log.Info($"Have env: {Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("GRIB_API_DIR_ROOT")}");
            log.Info($"In dir: {Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location}");
            string attemptPath = "";

            GribUtilities.TryFindBootstrapLibrary(out attemptPath);
            log.Info($"Attemping to find lib: {attemptPath}");
#if DEBUG == false
            GribEnvironment.DefinitionsPath = @"D:\home\site\wwwroot\bin\Grib.Api\definitions";

            //1. Download stream to temp
            //TODO: there is supposedly now an ability to read a stream direction in GRIBAPI.Net; investigate to see if its better than storing a temp file
            string localFileName = AzureUtilities.DownloadBlobToTemp(myBlob, name, log);

            var rowList = new List <NamTableRow>();

            //2. Get values from file
            using (GribFile file = new GribFile(localFileName))
                log.Info($"Parsing file {name}");
                rowList = GribUtilities.ParseNamGribFile(file);

            //3. Format in correct table format
            log.Info($"Attempting to sign in to ad for datalake upload");
            var adlsAccountName = CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting("ADLSAccountName");

            //auth secrets
            var domain           = CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting("Domain");
            var webApp_clientId  = CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting("WebAppClientId");
            var clientSecret     = CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting("ClientSecret");
            var clientCredential = new ClientCredential(webApp_clientId, clientSecret);
            var creds            = ApplicationTokenProvider.LoginSilentAsync(domain, clientCredential).Result;

            // Create client objects and set the subscription ID
            var adlsFileSystemClient = new DataLakeStoreFileSystemManagementClient(creds);
                adlsFileSystemClient.FileSystem.UploadFile(adlsAccountName, localFileName, "/nam-grib-westus-v1/" + name, uploadAsBinary: true, overwrite: true);
                log.Info($"Uploaded file: {localFileName}");
            catch (Exception e)
                log.Error($"Upload failed: {e.Message}");

            MemoryStream s         = new MemoryStream();
            StreamWriter csvWriter = new StreamWriter(s, Encoding.UTF8);

            MemoryStream sLocations         = new MemoryStream();
            StreamWriter csvLocationsWriter = new StreamWriter(sLocations, Encoding.UTF8);
            csvLocationsWriter.WriteLine("Lat, Lon");

            string fileName = null;
            foreach (var row in rowList)
                if (fileName == null)
                    fileName = row.PartitionKey + ".csv";
                csvLocationsWriter.WriteLine(row.Lat + "," + row.Lon);
            s.Position          = 0;
            sLocations.Position = 0;

            AzureUtilities.UploadLocationsFile(sLocations, log);

            log.Info($"Completed csv creation--attempting to upload to ADLS");

                adlsFileSystemClient.FileSystem.Create(adlsAccountName, "/nam-csv-westus-v1/" + fileName, s, overwrite: true);
                log.Info($"Uploaded csv stream: {localFileName}");
            catch (Exception e)
                log.Info($"Upload failed: {e.Message}");


            //delete local temp file

            DateTime date = DateTime.ParseExact(name.Split('.')[0], "yyyyMMdd", null);
            return(new FileProcessedTracker {
                ForecastDate = date, PartitionKey = "nam-grib-westus-v1", RowKey = name, Url = "unknown"
コード例 #6
        public static void GfsForeCastInsertProxy()
            DateTime UTC;

            double[] LAT;
            double[] LON;
            double[] temp_surfaceValue;
            double[] temp_above_groundValue;
            double[] press_surfaceValue;
            double[] press_mslValue;

            List <GribMessage> gfs = new List <GribMessage>();

            _log.Info($"Start Insert : {_decodeList[6]}");
            using (GribFile file = new GribFile(_decodeList[6]))
                file.Context.EnableMultipleFieldMessages = true;

                var temp_surface      = file.Where(d => d.ParameterName == "Temperature" && d.TypeOfLevel == "surface" && d.Level == 0).SingleOrDefault();
                var temp_above_ground = file.Where(d => d.ParameterName == "Temperature" && d.TypeOfLevel == "heightAboveGround" && d.Level == 2).SingleOrDefault();
                var press_surface     = file.Where(d => d.ParameterName == "Pressure" && d.TypeOfLevel == "surface" && d.Level == 0).SingleOrDefault();
                var press_msl         = file.Where(d => d.ParameterName == "Pressure reduced to MSL" && d.TypeOfLevel == "meanSea" && d.Level == 0).SingleOrDefault();

                UTC = temp_surface.Time;
                LAT = temp_surface.GridCoordinateValues.Select(d => d.Latitude).ToArray();
                LON = temp_surface.GridCoordinateValues.Select(d => d.Longitude).ToArray();

                temp_surface.Values(out temp_surfaceValue);
                temp_above_ground.Values(out temp_above_groundValue);
                press_surface.Values(out press_surfaceValue);
                press_msl.Values(out press_mslValue);

            List <GFS_FORECAST_PROXY> gfsList = new List <GFS_FORECAST_PROXY>();

            for (int j = 0; j < LAT.Length; j++)
                gfsList.Add(new GFS_FORECAST_PROXY
                    UTC               = UTC,
                    LAT               = Convert.ToDecimal(LAT[j]),
                    LON               = Convert.ToDecimal(LON[j]),
                    TEMP_SURFACE      = Convert.ToSingle(temp_surfaceValue[j] - 273.15f),
                    TEMP_ABOVE_GROUND = Convert.ToSingle(temp_above_groundValue[j] - 273.15f),
                    PRESSURE_SURFACE  = Convert.ToSingle(press_surfaceValue[j]),
                    PRESSURE_MSL      = Convert.ToSingle(press_mslValue[j]),

            _oceanModel.Database.CommandTimeout = 99999;
            var gfsSplit = Split(gfsList, 10000);
            int index    = 0;

            foreach (var item in gfsSplit)
                EFBatchOperation.For(_oceanModel, _oceanModel.GFS_FORECAST_PROXY).InsertAll(item);
                var progress = Math.Round((double)index / 0.26, 2);
                _log.Info($"Gfs Forecast Db insert :{_decodeList[0]}-{_decodeList[1]}-{_decodeList[2]} {_decodeList[3]}:00 / {progress} %");
            gfsSplit = null;
            gfsList  = null;

            _log.Info($"Gfs Forecast Db insert :{_decodeList[0]}-{_decodeList[1]}-{_decodeList[2]} {_decodeList[3]}:00 / 100 %");

            var conditionWeatherDb = _logModel.CONDITION_OCEAN_WEATHER.First();

            conditionWeatherDb.DATE_LAST_FILE_OF_GFS_FORECAST = _dateNextGfsForecastFileToGet;
            conditionWeatherDb.FILE_NAME_LAST_OF_GFS_FORECAST = _decodeList[4];

            if (_decodeList[4] == "gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f210")
                conditionWeatherDb.DB_OF_GFS_FORECAST = "PROXY";
                conditionWeatherDb.DATE_LAST_OF_GFS   = UTC;
                //conditionWeatherDb.DATE_LAST_OF_GFS_JSON = UTC;