void OnGUI() { // Make a background box GUI.Box(new Rect(10, 10, Screen.width - 20, Screen.height - 20), "Gree Ads Reward Sample"); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(35, 100, Screen.width - 70, 100), "OfferWall")) { // Show Offerwall // オファーウォールを表示する GreeAdsReward.showOfferwall(this.info().mediaID, "identifier"); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(35, 250, Screen.width - 70, 100), "Interstitial")) { // shwo interstitial ads. // インタースティシャル広告を表示する GreeAdsReward.showInterstitial(this.info().mediaID, "identifier", CampaignType.XPROMOTION, "Main Camera"); } #if UNITY_ANDROID if (GUI.Button(new Rect(35, 400, Screen.width - 70, 100), "send Action")) { // send achieve(conversion) info // 成果通信 string campaignId = this.info().campaignID.Trim(); string advertisement = this.info().advertisement.Trim(); string urlScheme = this.info().url_scheme.Trim(); Debug.Log("campaignId: " + campaignId); Debug.Log("advertisement: " + advertisement); Debug.Log("urlScheme: " + urlScheme); Debug.Log("Call Android function"); using (AndroidJavaClass javaCalss = new AndroidJavaClass("com.kddi.alml.AlmlLicensePlugin")) { bool loginResult = javaCalss.CallStatic <bool> ("showLoginResult"); Debug.Log("Login Result: " + loginResult); if (!loginResult) { // Close the application if login has failed. Application.Quit(); } } int randomId = Random.Range(0, 100); GreeAdsReward.sendAction(this.info().campaignID.Trim(), this.info().advertisement.Trim(), this.info().url_scheme.Trim(), "sample_identifier_" + randomId.ToString()); } #endif #if UNITY_IPHONE if (GUI.Button(new Rect(35, 400, Screen.width - 70, 100), "send Action for iOS")) { // send achieve(conversion) info // 成果通信 GreeAdsReward.sendAction(this.info().campaignID.Trim(), this.info().advertisement.Trim()); } #endif }
private void performSupershipSDKAction() { GreeAdsReward.setAppInfo(this.info().siteId.Trim(), this.info().siteKey.Trim(), this.info().useSandbox); GreeAdsReward.setDevMode(true); // Trigger sendAction() call with deviceUniqueIdentifier. // string uniqueId = SystemInfo.deviceUniqueIdentifier; int randomId = Random.Range(1, 999999); GreeAdsReward.sendAction(this.info().campaignID.Trim(), this.info().advertisement.Trim(), this.info().url_scheme.Trim(), "identifier" + randomId); }