コード例 #1
ファイル: animprm.cs プロジェクト: hol353/ApsimX
        /// <summary>
        /// Default fleece weight as a function of age, sex and time since shearing     
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Params"></param>
        /// <param name="iAgeDays"></param>
        /// <param name="Repr"></param>
        /// <param name="iFleeceDays"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static double fDefaultFleece(TAnimalParamSet Params,
                                     int iAgeDays,
                                     GrazType.ReproType Repr,
                                     int iFleeceDays)
            double Result;
            double fMeanAgeFactor;

            iFleeceDays = Math.Min(iFleeceDays, iAgeDays);

            if ((Params.Animal == GrazType.AnimalType.Sheep) && (iFleeceDays > 0))
                fMeanAgeFactor = 1.0 - (1.0 - Params.WoolC[5])
                                        * (Math.Exp(-Params.WoolC[12] * (iAgeDays - iFleeceDays)) - Math.Exp(-Params.WoolC[12] * iAgeDays))
                                        / (Params.WoolC[12] * iFleeceDays);
                Result = Params.FleeceRatio * Params.fSexStdRefWt(Repr) * fMeanAgeFactor * iFleeceDays / 365.0;
                Result = 0.0;
            return Result;
コード例 #2
ファイル: animprm.cs プロジェクト: hol353/ApsimX
        /// <summary>
        /// Default fibre diameter as a function of age, sex, time since shearing and fleece weight                                                             
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Params"></param>
        /// <param name="iAgeDays"></param>
        /// <param name="Repr"></param>
        /// <param name="iFleeceDays"></param>
        /// <param name="fGFW"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static double fDefaultMicron(TAnimalParamSet Params, int iAgeDays, GrazType.ReproType Repr, int iFleeceDays, double fGFW)
            double fPotFleece;

            if ((iFleeceDays > 0) && (fGFW > 0.0))
                fPotFleece = fDefaultFleece(Params, iAgeDays, Repr, iFleeceDays);
                return Params.MaxMicrons * Math.Pow(fGFW / fPotFleece, Params.WoolC[13]);
                return Params.MaxMicrons;
コード例 #3
ファイル: stock_padd.cs プロジェクト: hol353/ApsimX
 /// <summary>
 /// Set the LegumePropn, SelectFactor and TropLegume fields of a TGrazingInputs
 /// * Expects that the TotalGreen and TotalDead fields have already been computed
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="GI"></param>
 public void populateHerbageType(ref GrazType.TGrazingInputs GI)
     if (GI.TotalGreen + GI.TotalDead > 0.0)
         GI.LegumePropn = FLegumeMass / (GI.TotalGreen + GI.TotalDead);
         GI.SelectFactor = 0.16 * this.FC4GrassMass / (GI.TotalGreen + GI.TotalDead);
         GI.LegumeTrop = 0.0; // FIX ME
         GI.LegumePropn = 0.0;
         GI.SelectFactor = 0.0;
         GI.LegumeTrop = 0.0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: stock_padd.cs プロジェクト: hol353/ApsimX
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="forageInputs"></param>
 public void setAvailForage(GrazType.TGrazingInputs forageInputs)
     FUseForageData = true;
コード例 #5
ファイル: stock_vars.cs プロジェクト: hol353/ApsimX
 /// <summary>
 /// Convert the dry matter pool
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Pool"></param>
 /// <param name="aValue"></param>
 /// <param name="bNPSVal"></param>
 public static void DMPool2Value(GrazType.DM_Pool Pool, TDMPoolHead aValue, bool bNPSVal = false)
     if (!bNPSVal)
         aValue.weight = Pool.DM;                                          // Item[1] = "weight"   kg/head          
         aValue.n = Pool.Nu[(int)GrazType.TOMElement.N];                   // Item[2] = "n"        kg/head          
         aValue.p = Pool.Nu[(int)GrazType.TOMElement.P];                   // Item[3] = "p"        kg/head          
         aValue.s = Pool.Nu[(int)GrazType.TOMElement.S];                   // Item[4] = "s"        kg/head          
         aValue.ash_alk = Pool.AshAlk;                                     // Item[5] = "ash_alk"  mol/head         
         aValue.n = Pool.Nu[(int)GrazType.TOMElement.N];                   // Item[1] = "n"        kg/head          
         aValue.p = Pool.Nu[(int)GrazType.TOMElement.P];                   // Item[2] = "p"        kg/head          
         aValue.s = Pool.Nu[(int)GrazType.TOMElement.S];                   // Item[3] = "s"        kg/head          
コード例 #6
ファイル: stock_padd.cs プロジェクト: hol353/ApsimX
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="GI"></param>
        /// <param name="dAvailPropn"></param>
        /// <param name="iDDM"></param>
        /// <param name="iIDM"></param>
        public void populateSeedRecord(ref GrazType.TGrazingInputs GI, double dAvailPropn, int iDDM, int iIDM)
            double dTotalDM;
            double dMeanDMD;

            dTotalDM = FChemData[iDDM].dMass_KgHa + FChemData[iIDM].dMass_KgHa;
            dMeanDMD = FChemData[iDDM].dMass_KgHa / dTotalDM;

            GI.Seeds[1, FSeedType].Biomass = dAvailPropn * dTotalDM;
            GI.Seeds[1, FSeedType].Digestibility = dMeanDMD;
            GI.Seeds[1, FSeedType].Degradability = Math.Min(0.90, dMeanDMD + 0.10);
            if (GI.Seeds[1, FSeedType].Biomass > 0.0)
                GI.Seeds[1, FSeedType].CrudeProtein = (FChemData[iDDM].dNitrogen_KgHa + FChemData[iIDM].dNitrogen_KgHa) / dTotalDM * GrazType.N2Protein;
                GI.Seeds[1, FSeedType].PhosContent = (FChemData[iDDM].dPhosphorus_KgHa + FChemData[iIDM].dPhosphorus_KgHa) / dTotalDM;
                GI.Seeds[1, FSeedType].SulfContent = (FChemData[iDDM].dSulphur_KgHa + FChemData[iIDM].dSulphur_KgHa) / dTotalDM;
                GI.Seeds[1, FSeedType].AshAlkalinity = (FChemData[iDDM].dAshAlk_MolHa + FChemData[iIDM].dAshAlk_MolHa) / dTotalDM;
            GI.Seeds[1, FSeedType].HeightRatio = 0.0;
コード例 #7
ファイル: stock_padd.cs プロジェクト: hol353/ApsimX
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="forage"></param>
        /// <param name="Grazing"></param>
        /// <param name="sUnit"></param>
        public void passGrazingInputs(TForageInfo forage,
                                      GrazType.TGrazingInputs Grazing,
                                      string sUnit)
            double fScale;

            if (sUnit == "kg/ha")                                                     // Convert to kg/ha                      
                fScale = 1.0;
            else if (sUnit == "g/m^2")
                fScale = 10.0;
                throw new Exception("Stock: Unit (" + sUnit + ") not recognised");

            if (forage != null)
                forage.setAvailForage(GrazType.scaleGrazingInputs(Grazing, fScale));
                throw new Exception("Stock: Forage not recognised");
コード例 #8
ファイル: animprm.cs プロジェクト: hol353/ApsimX
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the number of breeds of a given animal type
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aAnimal"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int iBreedCount(GrazType.AnimalType aAnimal)
            TAnimalParamSet breedSet;
            int Idx;

            int result = 0;
            for (Idx = 0; Idx <= iLeafCount(true) - 1; Idx++)                                     // Current locale only
                breedSet = (TAnimalParamSet)getLeaf(Idx, true);
                if (breedSet.Animal == aAnimal)

            return result;
コード例 #9
ファイル: stock_intf.cs プロジェクト: hol353/ApsimX
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a keyword to a ReproType.  Allows plurals in the keyword. 
        /// N.B. The routine is animal-insensitive, i.e. if 'COW' is passed in,      
        ///      Empty will be returned regardless of whether sheep or cattle are    
        ///      under consideration                                                 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Keyword"></param>
        /// <param name="repro"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool ParseRepro(string Keyword, ref GrazType.ReproType repro)
            ReproRecord[] SexKeywords = new ReproRecord[8] {
                        new ReproRecord( name : "ram",    repro : GrazType.ReproType.Male ),
                        new ReproRecord( name : "crypto",  repro : GrazType.ReproType.Male ),
                        new ReproRecord( name : "wether", repro : GrazType.ReproType.Castrated ),
                        new ReproRecord( name : "ewe",    repro : GrazType.ReproType.Empty     ),
                        new ReproRecord( name : "bull",   repro : GrazType.ReproType.Male      ),
                        new ReproRecord( name : "steer",  repro : GrazType.ReproType.Castrated ),
                        new ReproRecord( name : "heifer", repro : GrazType.ReproType.Empty     ),
                        new ReproRecord( name : "cow",    repro : GrazType.ReproType.Empty     ) };

            int Idx;

            bool result = true;
            Keyword = Keyword.ToLower().Trim();
            if ((Keyword != "") && (Keyword[Keyword.Length - 1] == 's'))                 // Plurals are allowed
                Keyword = Keyword.Substring(0, Keyword.Length - 1);
            Idx = 0;
            while ((Idx <= 7) && (Keyword != SexKeywords[Idx].Name))
            if (Idx <= 7)
                repro = SexKeywords[Idx].Repro;
                repro = GrazType.ReproType.Castrated;
            if ((Idx > 7) && (Keyword.Length > 0))
                result = false;

            return result;
コード例 #10
ファイル: stock_intf.cs プロジェクト: hol353/ApsimX
 public ReproRecord(string name, GrazType.ReproType repro)
     Name = name;
     Repro = repro;
コード例 #11
ファイル: stock_intf.cs プロジェクト: hol353/ApsimX
        /// <summary>
        /// MultiplyDMPool scales the contents of a pool                                                                 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Src"></param>
        /// <param name="X"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected GrazType.DM_Pool MultiplyDMPool(GrazType.DM_Pool Src, double X)
            int N = (int)GrazType.TOMElement.N;
            int P = (int)GrazType.TOMElement.P;
            int S = (int)GrazType.TOMElement.S;
            GrazType.DM_Pool Result = new GrazType.DM_Pool();
            Result.DM = Src.DM * X;
            Result.Nu[N] = Src.Nu[N] * X;
            Result.Nu[P] = Src.Nu[P] * X;
            Result.Nu[S] = Src.Nu[S] * X;
            Result.AshAlk = Src.AshAlk * X;

            return Result;
コード例 #12
ファイル: stock_intf.cs プロジェクト: hol353/ApsimX
        /// <summary>
        /// Utility routines for manipulating the DM_Pool type.  AddDMPool adds the   
        /// contents of two pools together
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Pool1"></param>
        /// <param name="Pool2"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected GrazType.DM_Pool AddDMPool(GrazType.DM_Pool Pool1, GrazType.DM_Pool Pool2)
            int N = (int)GrazType.TOMElement.N;
            int P = (int)GrazType.TOMElement.P;
            int S = (int)GrazType.TOMElement.S;
            GrazType.DM_Pool Result = new GrazType.DM_Pool();
            Result.DM = Pool1.DM + Pool2.DM;
            Result.Nu[N] = Pool1.Nu[N] + Pool2.Nu[N];
            Result.Nu[P] = Pool1.Nu[P] + Pool2.Nu[P];
            Result.Nu[S] = Pool1.Nu[S] + Pool2.Nu[S];
            Result.AshAlk = Pool1.AshAlk + Pool2.AshAlk;

            return Result;
コード例 #13
ファイル: stock_intf.cs プロジェクト: hol353/ApsimX
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the growth from the standard growth curve
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="iAgeDays"></param>
        /// <param name="Repr"></param>
        /// <param name="Params"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public double GrowthCurve(int iAgeDays, GrazType.ReproType Repr, TAnimalParamSet Params)
            double SRW;

            SRW = Params.BreedSRW;
            if ((Repr == GrazType.ReproType.Male) || (Repr == GrazType.ReproType.Castrated))
                SRW = SRW * Params.SRWScalars[(int)Repr];
            return MaxNormWtFunc(SRW, Params.StdBirthWt(1), iAgeDays, Params);
コード例 #14
ファイル: animprm.cs プロジェクト: hol353/ApsimX
 /// <summary>
 /// Standard reference weight
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Repro"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public double fSexStdRefWt(GrazType.ReproType Repro)
     if ((Repro == GrazType.ReproType.Castrated) || (Repro == GrazType.ReproType.Male))
         return SRWScalars[(int)Repro] * BreedSRW;
         return BreedSRW;
コード例 #15
ファイル: stock_padd.cs プロジェクト: hol353/ApsimX
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="aValue"></param>
 /// <param name="Intake"></param>
 private void Value2IntakeRecord(TTypedValue aValue, ref GrazType.IntakeRecord Intake)
     Intake.Biomass = aValue.item(1).asDouble();                         // Item[1]="dm"                          
     Intake.Digestibility = aValue.item(2).asDouble();                   // Item[2]="dmd"                         
     Intake.CrudeProtein = aValue.item(3).asDouble();                    // Item[3]="cp_conc"                     
     Intake.PhosContent = aValue.item(4).asDouble();                     // Item[4]="p_conc"                      
     Intake.SulfContent = aValue.item(5).asDouble();                     // Item[5]="s_conc"                      
     Intake.Degradability = aValue.item(6).asDouble();                   // Item[6]="prot_dg"                     
     Intake.AshAlkalinity = aValue.item(7).asDouble();                   // Item[7]="ashalk"                      
     Intake.HeightRatio = aValue.item(8).asDouble();                     // Item[8]="height_ratio"                
コード例 #16
ファイル: animprm.cs プロジェクト: hol353/ApsimX
        /// <summary>
        /// Populates a string list with the names of "breed groups", i.e. sets of    
        /// parameter sets that are identical in all respects save their names.       
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aAnimal"></param>
        /// <param name="aList"></param>
        public void getBreedGroups(GrazType.AnimalType aAnimal, List<string> aList)
            bool bSameFound;
            int Idx, Jdx;

            aList.Clear();                                                              // Start by forming a list of all breeds.
            for (Idx = 0; Idx <= iBreedCount(aAnimal) - 1; Idx++)
                aList.Add(sBreedName(aAnimal, Idx));

            for (Idx = aList.Count - 1; Idx >= 1; Idx--)
                bSameFound = false;
                for (Jdx = Idx - 1; Jdx >= 0; Jdx--)
                    if (!bSameFound)
                        bSameFound = Match(aList[Idx]).bFunctionallySame(Match(aList[Jdx]));
                        if (bSameFound)
                            aList[Jdx] = aList[Jdx] + ", " + aList[Idx];
コード例 #17
ファイル: stock_padd.cs プロジェクト: hol353/ApsimX
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="IR"></param>
        /// <param name="iDMD"></param>
        /// <param name="bUseMeanDMD"></param>
        /// <param name="dTotalMass"></param>
        /// <param name="dMeanDMD"></param>
        /// <param name="dMassFract"></param>
        /// <param name="dDDM_N"></param>
        /// <param name="dIDM_N"></param>
        /// <param name="dDDM_P"></param>
        /// <param name="dIDM_P"></param>
        /// <param name="dDDM_S"></param>
        /// <param name="dIDM_S"></param>
        /// <param name="dDDM_AA"></param>
        /// <param name="dIDM_AA"></param>
        /// <param name="dBulkDensity"></param>
        public void populateIntakeRecord(ref GrazType.IntakeRecord IR,
                                        int iDMD,
                                        bool bUseMeanDMD,
                                        double dTotalMass,
                                        double dMeanDMD,
                                        double dMassFract,
                                        double dDDM_N, double dIDM_N,
                                        double dDDM_P, double dIDM_P,
                                        double dDDM_S, double dIDM_S,
                                        double dDDM_AA, double dIDM_AA,
                                        double dBulkDensity)
            double dDDMPropn;
            double dIDMPropn;

            if (bUseMeanDMD)
                IR.Digestibility = dMeanDMD;
                IR.Digestibility = GrazType.ClassDig[iDMD];

            if (dMassFract > 0.0)
                dDDMPropn = dMassFract * (IR.Digestibility / dMeanDMD);
                if ((1.0 - dMeanDMD) != 0)
                    dIDMPropn = dMassFract * ((1.0 - IR.Digestibility) / (1.0 - dMeanDMD));
                else                // trap div/0
                    dIDMPropn = 0;

                IR.Biomass = dMassFract * dTotalMass;
                IR.CrudeProtein = GrazType.N2Protein * (dDDMPropn * dDDM_N + dIDMPropn * dIDM_N) / IR.Biomass;
                IR.Degradability = Math.Min(0.90, IR.Digestibility + 0.10);
                IR.PhosContent = (dDDMPropn * dDDM_P + dIDMPropn * dIDM_P) / IR.Biomass;
                IR.SulfContent = (dDDMPropn * dDDM_S + dIDMPropn * dIDM_S) / IR.Biomass;
                IR.AshAlkalinity = (dDDMPropn * dDDM_AA + dIDMPropn * dIDM_AA) / IR.Biomass;
                IR.HeightRatio = GrazType.REF_HERBAGE_BD / dBulkDensity;
コード例 #18
ファイル: animprm.cs プロジェクト: hol353/ApsimX
        /// <summary>
        /// Iterates through breeds of a given animal type and returns the breed name
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aAnimal"></param>
        /// <param name="iBreed"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string sBreedName(GrazType.AnimalType aAnimal, int iBreed)
            TAnimalParamSet breedSet;
            int iCount;
            int iFound;
            int Idx;

            iCount = iLeafCount(true);                                             // Current locale only
            iFound = -1;
            Idx = 0;
            breedSet = null;
            while ((Idx < iCount) && (iFound < iBreed))
                breedSet = (TAnimalParamSet)getLeaf(Idx, true);
                if (breedSet.Animal == aAnimal)

            if (iFound == iBreed)
                return breedSet.sName;
                return "";
コード例 #19
ファイル: stock_vars.cs プロジェクト: hol353/ApsimX
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Model"></param>
        /// <param name="Animal"></param>
        /// <param name="aValue"></param>
        public static void MakeCattleValue(TStockList Model, GrazType.AnimalType Animal, ref TCattleInit[] aValue)
            TAnimalGroup aGroup;
            int iCount;
            int Idx, Jdx;

            iCount = 0;
            for (Idx = 1; Idx <= Model.Count(); Idx++)
                if (Model.At(Idx).Genotype.Animal == Animal)
            Array.Resize(ref aValue, iCount);

            Jdx = 0;
            for (Idx = 1; Idx <= Model.Count(); Idx++)
                if (Model.At(Idx).Genotype.Animal == Animal)
                    aGroup = Model.At(Idx);

                    aValue[Jdx] = new TCattleInit();

                    aValue[Jdx].genotype = aGroup.Genotype.sName;
                    aValue[Jdx].number = aGroup.NoAnimals;
                    aValue[Jdx].sex = Model.SexString(Idx, false);
                    aValue[Jdx].age = aGroup.AgeDays;
                    aValue[Jdx].weight = aGroup.LiveWeight;
                    aValue[Jdx].max_prev_wt = aGroup.MaxPrevWeight;
                    aValue[Jdx].pregnant = aGroup.Pregnancy;
                    aValue[Jdx].lactating = aGroup.Lactation;

                    /*if (Animal == GrazType.AnimalType.Sheep)
                        aValue[Jdx].fleece_wt = aGroup.FleeceCutWeight;
                        aValue[Jdx].fibre_diam = aGroup.FibreDiam;
                        aValue[Jdx].no_young = Math.Max(aGroup.NoFoetuses, aGroup.NoOffspring);
                    if (Animal == GrazType.AnimalType.Cattle)
                        aValue[Jdx].no_foetuses = aGroup.NoFoetuses;
                        aValue[Jdx].no_suckling = aGroup.NoOffspring;

                    if (aGroup.Lactation > 0)
                        aValue[Jdx].birth_cs = aGroup.BirthCondition;

                    if ((aGroup.Pregnancy > 0) || (aGroup.Young != null))
                        if (aGroup.MatedTo != null)
                            aValue[Jdx].mated_to = aGroup.MatedTo.sName;
                            aValue[Jdx].mated_to = "";
                        aValue[Jdx].mated_to = "";

                    if (aGroup.Young != null)
                        /*if (Animal == GrazType.AnimalType.Sheep)
                            aValue[Jdx].lamb_wt = aGroup.Young.LiveWeight;
                            aValue[Jdx].lamb_fleece_wt = aGroup.Young.FleeceCutWeight;
                        if (Animal == GrazType.AnimalType.Cattle)
                            aValue[Jdx].calf_wt = aGroup.Young.LiveWeight;

                        aValue[Jdx].paddock = Model.getInPadd(Idx);
                        aValue[Jdx].tag = Model.getTag(Idx);
                        aValue[Jdx].priority = Model.getPriority(Idx);
            } // next animal