public void btn_nav_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (btn_specials.IsFocused) { Switcher.Switch(new Page_Specials()); switch_btn_bg(btn_specials, "specials"); //btn_specials.Background = new ImageBrush(new BitmapImage(new Uri("../../Resources/Images/btn_specials_down_bg.png", UriKind.Relative))); } else if (btn_drinks.IsFocused) { Switcher.Switch(new Page_Drinks()); switch_btn_bg(btn_drinks, "drinks"); } else if (btn_food.IsFocused) { Switcher.Switch(new Page_Food()); switch_btn_bg(btn_food, "food"); } else if (btn_help.IsFocused) { GrayedOutWindow gw = new GrayedOutWindow(); HelpScreen hs = new HelpScreen(); gw.Show(); hs.ShowDialog(); gw.Close(); } }
private void btn_payNow_click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { GrayedOutWindow gw = new GrayedOutWindow(); PaymentScreen ps = new PaymentScreen(); gw.Show(); ps.ShowDialog(); gw.Close(); }
private void btn_addTab_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { GrayedOutWindow gw = new GrayedOutWindow(); AddTab a = new AddTab(ms, this); gw.Show(); a.ShowDialog(); gw.Close(); }
private void btn_submitQueue_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { lbl_submitQueue.IsEnabled = false; MainScreen ms = Switcher.pageSwitcher; ms.focusedTab.PlaceOrder(); ms.focusedTab.ClearTray(); lbl_queueTotal.Content = "Total: $0.00"; GrayedOutWindow gw = new GrayedOutWindow(); gw.Show(); OrderPlacedScreen ops = new OrderPlacedScreen(1000); gw.Close(); showQueue(false); btn_payNow.IsEnabled = true; }
private void btn_changeTab_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Button clickedBtn = (Button)sender; btn = clickedBtn; lbl_submitQueue.IsEnabled = false; if (!focusedTab.OrderTrayEmpty()) { GrayedOutWindow gw = new GrayedOutWindow(); LeavingTabScreen warningScreen = new LeavingTabScreen(this); gw.Show(); warningScreen.ShowDialog(); gw.Close(); } if (wantToLeave || focusedTab.OrderTrayEmpty()) { foreach (UserTab ut in allTabs.GetTabs()) { if (ut.GetTabButton().IsFocused) { Storyboard sb = Resources["sbShowTab"] as Storyboard; sb.Begin(btn); focusedTab.ClearTray(); lbl_queueTotal.Content = "Total: $0.00"; lbl_tabTotal.Content = "Total: $" + ut.amountOwing.ToString("F"); lbl_tabName.Content = ut.ToString(); grid_summary.Background = ut.GetTabButton().Background; this.focusedTab = ut; } } } if (focusedTab.amountOwing > 0) { btn_payNow.IsEnabled = true; } else { btn_payNow.IsEnabled = false; } }
private void btn_viewItem_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { GrayedOutWindow gw = new GrayedOutWindow(); gw.Show(); ExamineItemScreen eis = new ExamineItemScreen(mi); //update name, price, description and image of template string name1 = Regex.Replace(, @"\n", ""); eis.lbl_itemName.Content = name1; eis.lbl_itemPrice.Content = this.price; eis.tb_description.Text = this.getDesription(); eis.image.Source = background.ImageSource; if (this.cbOptions != null) { for (int i = 1; i < this.cbOptions.Count; i++) { eis.dd_sides.Items.Add(cbOptions[i]); } eis.dd_sides.SelectedIndex = 0; // the first item in the list is the label name eis.lbl_sides.Content = cbOptions[0]; eis.lbl_sides.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; eis.dd_sides.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } if (this.isFood) { eis.lbl_notes.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; eis.txtbox_notes.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } //change overlay dimensions eis.Height = SystemParameters.PrimaryScreenHeight / 2; eis.Width = SystemParameters.PrimaryScreenWidth / 2; eis.ShowDialog(); gw.Close(); }
private void btn_addTab_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { lbl_submitQueue.IsEnabled = false; if (allTabs.GetTabs().Count < 8) { if (!focusedTab.OrderTrayEmpty()) { GrayedOutWindow gw = new GrayedOutWindow(); LeavingTabScreen warningScreen = new LeavingTabScreen(this); gw.Show(); warningScreen.ShowDialog(); gw.Close(); } if (wantToLeave || focusedTab.OrderTrayEmpty()) { GrayedOutWindow gw = new GrayedOutWindow(); focusedTab.ClearTray(); focusedTab.LoadTray(); AddTab at = new AddTab(this, null); gw.Show(); at.ShowDialog(); gw.Close(); } btn_payNow.IsEnabled = false; } else { GrayedOutWindow gw = new GrayedOutWindow(); Max8TabsWarning mxWarning = new Max8TabsWarning(); gw.Show(); mxWarning.ShowDialog(); gw.Close(); } }
private void btn_exit_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { bool allEmpty = true; foreach (UserTab ut in allTabs.GetTabs()) { if (ut.amountOwing != 0) { allEmpty = false; } } if (allEmpty) { GrayedOutWindow gw = new GrayedOutWindow(); ExitScreen es = new ExitScreen(this); es.textBlock.Text = "You are about to return to the main menu. This will close all your open tabs.\nAre you sure you want to continue?"; es.btn_yes.Content = "Yes"; es.btn_yes.Width = 160; es.btn_no.Content = "No"; es.btn_no.Width = 160; es.btn_no.Margin = new Thickness(210, 0, 0, 52); gw.Show(); es.ShowDialog(); gw.Close(); } else { GrayedOutWindow gw = new GrayedOutWindow(); ExitScreen es = new ExitScreen(this); gw.Show(); es.ShowDialog(); gw.Close(); } }