/// <summary> /// Run the tutorial. /// </summary> public void Run() { var _NumberOfVertices = 100000; var _NumberOfConcurrentTasks = 8; // Create a new simple property graph var _graph = GraphFactory.CreateGenericPropertyGraph(1); var _Task = new Task[_NumberOfConcurrentTasks]; var Stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); Stopwatch.Restart(); for (var i = 0; i < _NumberOfConcurrentTasks; i++) { _Task[i] = Task.Factory.StartNew((iCopy) => { for (var j = 0; j < _NumberOfVertices / _NumberOfConcurrentTasks; j++) { _graph.AddVertex(v => v.SetProperty("Task", iCopy).SetProperty("Number", j)); } }, i, new CancellationToken()) .ContinueWith(task => Console.WriteLine("Task: {0} Completed.", task.GetHashCode())); } Task.WaitAll(_Task); Stopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("All tasks completed."); Console.WriteLine("Added " + _NumberOfVertices + " in " + Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds + "s using " + _NumberOfConcurrentTasks + " tasks (" + Math.Round(_NumberOfVertices / Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds) + " vertices/s)."); Console.WriteLine("Number of total vertices within the graph: " + _graph.NumberOfVertices()); Console.WriteLine("TaskIds / NumberOfVertices: "); _graph.Vertices(). P("Task"). DuplicateFilter(). ForEach(TaskId => { if (TaskId != null) { Console.WriteLine("Task '" + TaskId + "' added " + //_graph.NumberOfVertices(v => v.Contains("Task", TaskId)) + " vertices." ); } } ); Console.WriteLine(""); while (true) { Thread.Sleep(10); } }
/// <summary> /// Run the tutorial. /// </summary> public void Run() { var Graph1 = GraphFactory.CreateGenericPropertyGraph(1); var Graph2 = GraphFactory.CreateGenericPropertyGraph(2); var Graph3 = GraphFactory.CreateGenericPropertyGraph(3); var Graph4 = GraphFactory.CreateGenericPropertyGraph(4); var Graph5 = GraphFactory.CreateGenericPropertyGraph(5); var PartitionGraph1 = GraphFactory.CreatePartitionGraph(23UL, "Stack of graphs 1-5", Graph1, Graph2, Graph3, Graph4, Graph5); var PartitionGraph2 = Graph1.CreatePartitionGraph(42UL, "Stack of graphs 1-3", Graph2, Graph3); Graph2.OnVertexAddition.OnNotification += (graph, vertex) => Console.WriteLine("Vertex #" + vertex.Id + " had been added to graph #" + graph.Id); PartitionGraph1.OnVertexAddition.OnNotification += (graph, vertex) => Console.WriteLine("Vertex #" + vertex.Id + " had been added to the partition graph"); PartitionGraph1.OnVertexAddition.OnVoting += (graph, vertex, vote) => { if (vertex.Id == 7) { Console.WriteLine("The vertex id '7' is not allowed!"); vote.Deny(); } }; Graph1.AddVertex(1, "vertex", v => v.SetProperty("GraphId", 1)); Graph2.AddVertex(2, "vertex", v => v.SetProperty("GraphId", 2)); Graph3.AddVertex(3, "vertex", v => v.SetProperty("GraphId", 3)); Graph4.AddVertex(4, "vertex", v => v.SetProperty("GraphId", 4)); Graph5.AddVertex(5, "vertex", v => v.SetProperty("GraphId", 5)); PartitionGraph1.AddVertex(6, "vertex", v => v.SetProperty("GraphId", 6)); PartitionGraph1.AddVertex(7, "vertex", v => v.SetProperty("GraphId", 7)); Console.WriteLine(PartitionGraph1.NumberOfVertices()); Console.WriteLine(PartitionGraph1.NumberOfVertices(v => v.Id != 3)); var v1a = PartitionGraph1.VertexById(1); // valid var v2a = PartitionGraph1.VertexById(2); // valid var v3a = PartitionGraph1.VertexById(3); // valid var v4a = PartitionGraph1.VertexById(4); // valid var v5a = PartitionGraph1.VertexById(5); // valid var v6a = PartitionGraph1.VertexById(6); // valid var v7x = Graph1.VertexById(7); // null var v7a = PartitionGraph1.VertexById(7); // null var v1b = PartitionGraph2.VertexById(1); // valid var v2b = PartitionGraph2.VertexById(2); // valid var v3b = PartitionGraph2.VertexById(3); // valid var v4b = PartitionGraph2.VertexById(4); // null var v5b = PartitionGraph2.VertexById(5); // null var v6b = PartitionGraph2.VertexById(6); // valid var v7b = PartitionGraph2.VertexById(7); // null }
/// <summary> /// Run the tutorial. /// </summary> public void Run() { // graph1 -> *SerializerArrow -> UDPMulticastSenderArrow ==[IP MULTICAST]=> UDPMulticastReceiverArrow -> -> graph2 // Create two independend graphs var graph1 = GraphFactory.CreateGenericPropertyGraph(1); var graph2 = GraphFactory.CreateGenericPropertyGraph(2); // Create an arrow sending all messages to UDP multicast var UDPMulticastSenderArrow = new UDPMulticastSenderArrow <String>("", IPPort.Parse(9001)); var GraphSerializer = graph1.NewGraphMLSerializer(IncludePropertyTypes: true); var VertexSerializerArrow = GraphSerializer.NewVertexSerializerArrow(UDPMulticastSenderArrow); var EdgeSerializerArrow = GraphSerializer.NewEdgeSerializerArrow(UDPMulticastSenderArrow); var GraphSerializerArrow = GraphSerializer.NewGraphSerializerArrow(UDPMulticastSenderArrow); // Connect the graph1 vertex/edge added events to the serializers //graph1.OnVertexAdded += VertexSerializerArrow.ReceiveMessage; //graph1.OnEdgeAdded += EdgeSerializerArrow.ReceiveMessage; // Create an arrow receiving messages from UDP multicast var UDPMulticastReceiverArrow = new UDPMulticastReceiverArrow <String>("", IPPort.Parse(9001)); UDPMulticastReceiverArrow.OnMessageAvailable += (Sender, Message) => Console.WriteLine(Sender.Address + ":" + Sender.Port + " => " + Message); // Populate the graph var v1 = graph1.AddVertex(v => v.SetProperty("graph", 1)); var v2 = graph1.AddVertex(v => v.SetProperty("graph", 1)); var v3 = graph1.AddVertex(v => v.SetProperty("graph", "1")); var v4 = graph1.AddVertex(v => v.SetProperty("graph", "2")); var e1 = graph1.AddEdge(v1, "links", v2, e => e.SetProperty("weight", 0.34)); var e2 = graph1.AddEdge(v2, "links", v3); GraphSerializerArrow.ReceiveMessage(graph1); while (true) { Thread.Sleep(100); } }
/// <summary> /// Run the tutorial. /// </summary> public void Run() { // Create a new simple property graph var graph = GraphFactory.CreateGenericPropertyGraph(1); var v0 = graph.AddVertex("person", v => v.SetProperty("name", "Alice")); var v1 = graph.AddVertex("person", v => v.SetProperty("name", "Bob")); var v2 = graph.AddVertex("person", v => v.SetProperty("name", "Carol")); var s1 = graph.ToString(); var s2 = v0.ToString(); var e0 = graph.AddEdge(v0, v1); var e1 = graph.AddEdge(v1, v2); var e2 = graph.AddEdge(v2, v0); using (var transaction = graph.BeginTransaction()) { //ToDo: Add delegates denying all modifications of the underlying graph! var txgraph = transaction.TXObject; var v0_ = txgraph.VertexById(0); var v1_ = txgraph.VertexById(1); var nv_ = txgraph.NumberOfVertices(); var v3 = txgraph.AddVertex("person", v => v.SetProperty("name", "Dave")); var v4 = txgraph.AddVertex("person", v => v.SetProperty("name", "Eve")); var v5 = txgraph.AddVertex("thing", v => v.SetProperty("type", "car")); var e3 = txgraph.AddEdge(v0, v3); var e4 = txgraph.AddEdge(v1, v4); transaction.Commit(); //ToDo: Add delegates denying all modifications of the tx graph! } // If the transaction was not committed -> Rollback() while (true) { Thread.Sleep(100); } }
/// <summary> /// Main routine! /// </summary> /// <param name="myArgs">The command line arguments.</param> public SocialGraphDemo(String[] myArgs) { //var _Graph = new SimplePropertyGraph(); //var _Vertex1 = _Graph.AddVertex(5, v => v.SetProperty("key1", "value1"). // SetProperty("key2", 42)); //var _Vertex2 = _Graph.AddVertex(23); //var b = _Vertex1.CompareTo(_Vertex2); //var x = _Vertex1.AsDynamic().key1; //_Vertex.GetProperty( //var aa = new List<Double>() { 1, 3 }; //var bb = aa.Sum(_ => _ * _); //var _g = TinkerGraphFactory.CreateTinkerGraph(); //var _graph = DemoGraphFactory.CreateDemoGraph(); //var _index1 = _graph.CreateVerticesIndex("IdxNames", // "DictionaryIndex", // e => e["name"].ToString().ToLower() + // e["age"].ToString(), // e => Indexing.HasKeys(e, "name", "age")); //var _index2 = _graph.CreateVerticesIndex<Int32>("IdxAges", // "DictionaryIndex", // e => (Int32) e["age"], // e => Indexing.HasKeys(e, "age")); //var _Idx = _graph.VerticesIndices().First(); //_Idx.Insert(_graph.Vertices()); //_index2.Insert(_graph.Vertices()); ////var x = _Idx.As(); //var y = _Idx.Equals("alice18").ToList(); //var z = _Idx.Equals(18).ToList(); ////_Idx.GetType().ContainsGenericParameters //var m = _index2.Equals(18).First(); //var n = _index2.LargerThan(20).ToList(); //foreach (var nn in n) // if (((Int32) nn.GetProperty("age")) <= 20) // throw new Exception("Mist!"); //var n2 = _index1.LargerThan(20).ToList(); // Create SocialGraph, if not existant! if (!File.Exists(_FileName)) { GenerateSocialGraph(); } // Create an in-memory graph using reflection //IPropertyGraph _SocialGraph = null; //var _AD = new AutoDiscovery<IPropertyGraph>(true); //if (!_AD.TryActivate("InMemoryPropertyGraph", out _SocialGraph)) //{ // Console.WriteLine("Could not find the 'InMemoryGraph' implementation!"); // Environment.Exit(1); //} var _SocialGraph = GraphFactory.CreateGenericPropertyGraph(1); // Import vertices and edges ImportVertices(_SocialGraph); ImportEdges(_SocialGraph); var all1 = _SocialGraph.NumberOfVertices(); var all2 = _SocialGraph.Vertices(v => v.Id > 10).Count(); Console.ReadLine(); }
/// <summary> /// Run the tutorial. /// </summary> public void Run() { var Stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); var PRNG = new Random(); // Create a new simple property graph var _Graph = GraphFactory.CreateGenericPropertyGraph(1); var NumberOfUsers = 20000UL; var NumberOfIterations = 30; var MinNumberOfEdges = 15; var MaxNumberOfEdges = 25; var CountedNumberOfEdges = 0UL; var d = new Dictionary <UInt64, UInt64>(); for (var i = 0UL; i < NumberOfUsers; i++) { d.Add(i, i); } Stopwatch.Restart(); foreach (var INT in d) { CountedNumberOfEdges += INT.Value; } Stopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds + "ms"); Stopwatch.Restart(); var b = new UInt64[NumberOfUsers]; foreach (var INT in b) { CountedNumberOfEdges += INT; } Stopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds + "ms"); IReadOnlyGenericPropertyVertex <UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object, UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object, UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object, UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object> ActualVertex = null; var Vertices = new IReadOnlyGenericPropertyVertex <UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object, UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object, UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object, UInt64, Int64, String, String, Object> [NumberOfUsers + 1]; var Measurements = new Double[NumberOfIterations]; Stopwatch.Start(); Vertices[0] = _Graph.AddVertex(1 - 1, "default"); for (var VertexId = 2UL - 1; VertexId < NumberOfUsers; VertexId++) { ActualVertex = _Graph.AddVertex(VertexId, "default", v => v.SetProperty("Name", "User" + VertexId) .SetProperty("Age", PRNG.Next(0, 150))); Vertices[VertexId - 1] = ActualVertex; _Graph.AddEdge(ActualVertex, Vertices[PRNG.Next(0, (Int32)VertexId - 1)]); var NumberOfAdditionalEdges = (UInt64)PRNG.Next(MinNumberOfEdges, MaxNumberOfEdges); do { _Graph.AddEdge(ActualVertex, Vertices[PRNG.Next(0, (Int32)VertexId - 1)]); } while (ActualVertex.OutDegree() < NumberOfAdditionalEdges); if (VertexId % 10000UL == 0) { Console.WriteLine(VertexId); } } Stopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Creation Time: " + Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds + "ms"); Console.WriteLine(); //var _ROGraph = new SimpleReadOnlyPropertyGraph(2, _Graph, // SyncedVertexIds: true, // SyncedEdgeIds: true // ); for (var Iteration = 0; Iteration < NumberOfIterations; Iteration++) { CountedNumberOfEdges = 0; Stopwatch.Restart(); foreach (var _Vertex in _Graph.Vertices()) { CountedNumberOfEdges += (UInt64)_Vertex.OutDegree(); } Stopwatch.Stop(); Measurements[Iteration] = Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds; Console.WriteLine(CountedNumberOfEdges + " edges in " + Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds + "ms"); } //var AverageAndStdDev = Measurements.AverageAndStdDev(); //Console.WriteLine("Mean: " + AverageAndStdDev.Item1 + ", stddev: " + AverageAndStdDev.Item2); //Console.ReadLine(); }
/// <summary> /// Run the tutorial. /// </summary> public void Run() { var _Stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); var _Random = new Random(); var _NumberOfVertices = 10000; var _NumberOfEdges = 600000; var _NumberOfConcurrentTasks = 10; // Create a new simple property graph var _graph = GraphFactory.CreateGenericPropertyGraph(1); _Stopwatch.Start(); // Add vertices _NumberOfVertices.Loop(() => _graph.AddVertex()); Console.WriteLine(_Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds + "s : " + _NumberOfVertices + " vertices added."); // Add Edges _NumberOfEdges.Loop(() => _graph.AddEdge(_graph.VertexById((UInt64)_Random.Next(_NumberOfVertices) + 1), "knows", _graph.VertexById((UInt64)_Random.Next(_NumberOfVertices) + 1))); Console.WriteLine(_Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds + "s : " + _NumberOfEdges + " vertices added."); //var Workload = _graph.Vertices(). // ToPartitions((UInt64) Math.Round((Double) _NumberOfVertices / (Double) _NumberOfConcurrentTasks)); Double TimeStamp1, TimeStamp2; TimeStamp1 = _Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds; var TraversalGraph = _graph.ToAdjacencyMatrixGraph <int>(); TimeStamp2 = _Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds; Console.WriteLine(Math.Round(TimeStamp2 - TimeStamp1, 6) + " secs to create the TraversalGraph."); #region Vertices.Out() //Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "Traversing all Vertices.Out()"); TimeStamp1 = _Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds; _graph.Vertices().Out().ForEach(x => { }); TimeStamp2 = _Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds; //Parallel.ForEach(_graph.Vertices(), x => x.Out().ForEach(y => { })); ////_graph.Vertices().AsParallel().Out().ForEach(x => { }); //var TimeStamp3 = _Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds; Console.WriteLine(Math.Round(TimeStamp2 - TimeStamp1, 6) + " secs (single threaded)"); Console.WriteLine(Math.Round(_NumberOfEdges / (TimeStamp2 - TimeStamp1)) + " traversals per second (single threaded)"); //Console.WriteLine(Math.Round(_NumberOfEdges / (TimeStamp3 - TimeStamp2)) + " traversals per second (multi threaded)"); TimeStamp1 = _Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds; _graph.Vertices().Out().ForEach(x => { }); TimeStamp2 = _Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds; Console.WriteLine(Math.Round(TimeStamp2 - TimeStamp1, 6) + " secs (single threaded)"); Console.WriteLine(Math.Round(_NumberOfEdges / (TimeStamp2 - TimeStamp1)) + " traversals per second (single threaded)"); #endregion #region Vertices.Out().Out() //Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "Traversing all Vertices.Out().Out()"); //var TimeStamp4 = _Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds; //_graph.Vertices().Out().Out().ForEach(x => { }); //var TimeStamp5 = _Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds; //Parallel.ForEach(_graph.Vertices(), x => x.Out().Out().ForEach(y => { })); ////_graph.Vertices().ForEach(x => x.OutDegree()); ////var a = from v //// in _graph.Vertices()//.AsParallel() //// select v.OutDegree(); //var TimeStamp6 = _Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds; //Console.WriteLine(Math.Round((_NumberOfEdges^2) / (TimeStamp5 - TimeStamp4)) + " traversals per second (single threaded)"); //Console.WriteLine(Math.Round((_NumberOfEdges^2) / (TimeStamp6 - TimeStamp5)) + " traversals per second (multi threaded)"); #endregion while (true) { Thread.Sleep(100); } }