コード例 #1
        // 4. Override "GetNewTaskData"
        // Create a 'blank state' on the given goose. Called just before the Task begins running.
        public override GooseTaskData GetNewTaskData(GooseEntity goose)
            GrabbingOctocatTaskData taskData = new GrabbingOctocatTaskData();

            IntPtr activeWindow = GetForegroundWindow();
            Rect   lpRect       = new Rect();
            bool   success      = GetWindowRect(activeWindow, out lpRect);

            if (!success)
                taskData.activeWindowTopRightCorner = new Vector2((int)500, (int)500);
                if (Double.IsNaN(lpRect.Right) || lpRect.Right < 1)
                    lpRect.X     = 0;
                    lpRect.Width = (SystemParameters.WorkArea.Width - 75);
                    Console.WriteLine("NaN right detected, attempting to update rect");
                taskData.activeWindowTopRightCorner = new Vector2((int)lpRect.Right, (int)lpRect.Top);
            string output = "Top: " + lpRect.Top + " Right: " + lpRect.Right;


            // TODO: Remove me
            // taskData.activeWindowTopRightCorner = new Vector2((float)500, (float)500);

コード例 #2
        // 4. Override "RunTask"
        // Run a frame of this Task on the given goose.
        public override void RunTask(GooseEntity goose)
            // This function is only called when we're the currently running task.
            // The goose's taskData will be of this task's type.
            GrabbingOctocatTaskData data = (GrabbingOctocatTaskData)goose.currentTaskData;

            goose.targetPos = data.activeWindowTopRightCorner;

            /* ----------- Grabbing -------------- */
            Cursor cursor = new Cursor(Cursor.Current.Handle);

            Cursor.Position = new System.Drawing.Point((int)goose.position.x, (int)goose.position.y);

            if (Vector2.Distance(goose.targetPos, goose.position) < 50)
                API.Goose.setCurrentTaskByID(goose, "HappyOctocat");

            //TODO, detect if near top right, if near top right, sleep for a bit :/
            /*goose.currentTaskData.activeWindow = GetActiveWindow();*/