コード例 #1
        public async Task <bool> FireAPISeachRequest()
            bool _b_Result = false;

                if (this._mEn_RequestState != GoogleSearchAPIRequestState.Ready)
                    throw new Exception("Request has already been fired with this instance");

                if (this._mStr_SearchTerms == null)
                    throw new Exception("Search terms can not be NULL");

                // Instantiating object of HttpClient
                HttpClient _obj_HttpClient = new HttpClient();

                // Setting base URL for HttpClient object to Google Custom Search API's url
                _obj_HttpClient.BaseAddress = new Uri(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["GoogleCustomSearchAPIUrl"]);
                //_obj_HttpClient.BaseAddress = new Uri(GoogleSearchAPIRequestUrl.APIRequestUrl());

                // Set time out length for request
                TimeSpan _obj_TmSpn = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 30, 0);
                _obj_HttpClient.Timeout = _obj_TmSpn;

                // Setting request mode is now in requesting
                this._mEn_RequestState = GoogleSearchAPIRequestState.Requesting;

                // Firing asynchronus request to Google
                HttpResponseMessage _obj_Response
                    = await _obj_HttpClient.GetAsync(
                          "?key=" + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["GoogleCustomSearchAPIKey"] +
                          "&q=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(_mStr_SearchTerms) +
                          "&cx=" + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["GoogleCustomSearchAPICX"] +
                          "&start=" + _mInt_StartIndex.ToString() +

                if (_obj_Response != null && _obj_Response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    // Response is fully consumed by program and in state ready to be returned to the user!

                    _mStr_Response = await _obj_Response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                    this._mEn_RequestState = GoogleSearchAPIRequestState.ResponseComplete;

                    _b_Result = true;
                    throw new Exception("Request to Google Custom Search API failed");
            catch (Exception e)
                this._mEn_RequestState = GoogleSearchAPIRequestState.Error;
                this._mStr_SearchError = e.Message;

            // return the overal result of the attempted request
コード例 #2
 public GoogleSearchAPIRequest(string str_SearchTerms, int int_StartIndex)
     this._mEn_RequestState = GoogleSearchAPIRequestState.Ready;
     this._mStr_SearchTerms = str_SearchTerms;
     this._mInt_StartIndex  = int_StartIndex;