public static void GetAccessToken(Action <string> onSuccess) { var url = @""; var form = new WWWForm(); form.AddField("grant_type", @"urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer"); form.AddField("assertion", GoogleJsonWebToken.Create(email, Application.dataPath + "/" + keyFile, keyPassword)); PostRequest(url, form, null, null, onSuccess); }
IEnumerator GetAccessToken() { string jwt = GoogleJsonWebToken.GetJwt( email, certPath, GoogleJsonWebToken.SCOPE); WWW tokenRequest = GoogleJsonWebToken.GetAccessTokenRequest(jwt); yield return(tokenRequest); if (tokenRequest.error == null) { var deserializedResponse = JObject.Parse(tokenRequest.text); this.ACCESS_TOKEN = (string)deserializedResponse["access_token"]; Debug.Log("Access Token Obtained: " + this.ACCESS_TOKEN); } else { Debug.Log("ERROR: " + tokenRequest.text); } }
/// <summary> /// Acquires a new JWT token and updates the cache. /// </summary> /// <param name="credentialsFileName">The name of the .p12 file that contains the credentials.</param> /// <param name="serviceAccount">The name of the service account which is making the request.</param> public static IEnumerator GetToken(string credentialsFileName, string serviceAccount) { TextAsset p12File = Resources.Load <TextAsset>(credentialsFileName); var jwt = GoogleJsonWebToken.GetJwt(serviceAccount, p12File.bytes, GoogleJsonWebToken.SCOPE_DIALOGFLOWV2); UnityWebRequest tokenRequest = GoogleJsonWebToken.GetAccessTokenRequest(jwt); yield return(tokenRequest.SendWebRequest()); if (tokenRequest.isNetworkError || tokenRequest.isHttpError) { Debug.LogError("Error " + tokenRequest.responseCode + ": " + tokenRequest.error); yield break; } string serializedToken = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(; var jwtJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <GoogleJsonWebToken.JwtTokenResponse>(serializedToken); tokens[serviceAccount] = new JwtToken(jwtJson.access_token, Time.time + jwtJson.expires_in); }
public static void CreateJWTTest() { Debug.Log(GoogleJsonWebToken.Create(email, Application.dataPath + "/" + keyFile, keyPassword)); }