コード例 #1
        public void Then_Uri_Is_As_Expected_For_A_Single_Point_With_Standard_Encoding_And_No_Slash_In_Base_Uri()
            var origin = new Location
                Latitude  = 52.400997M,
                Longitude = -1.295653M

            var destinations = new List <Location>
                new Location
                    Latitude  = 51.742141M,
                    Longitude = -1.508122M

            var apiClient = new GoogleDistanceMatrixApiClient(new HttpClient(),
                                                              new ApiConfiguration
                //Note: no slash at end
                GoogleMapsApiBaseUrl = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api",
                GoogleMapsApiKey     = "YOUR_API_KEY"

            var result = apiClient.BuildUri(origin, destinations, "driving", false);


            //vs polyline:
コード例 #2
        public void Then_Uri_Is_As_Expected_For_A_Single_Point_With_Standard_Encoding_And_Slash_In_Base_Uri()
            var origin = new Location
                Latitude  = 52.400997M,
                Longitude = -1.295653M

            var destinations = new List <Location>
                new Location
                    Latitude  = 51.742141M,
                    Longitude = -1.508122M

            var apiClient = new GoogleDistanceMatrixApiClient(new HttpClient(),
                                                              new ApiConfiguration
                //Note: slash at end
                GoogleMapsApiBaseUrl = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/",
                GoogleMapsApiKey     = "YOUR_API_KEY"

            var result = apiClient.BuildUri(origin, destinations, "driving", false);

コード例 #3
        public void Then_Encoded_Polyline_Is_As_Expected_For_Multiple_Points()
            var points = new List <Location>
                new Location {
                    Latitude = 38.5M, Longitude = -120.2M
                new Location {
                    Latitude = 40.7M, Longitude = -120.95M
                new Location {
                    Latitude = 43.252M, Longitude = -126.453M

            var apiClient = new GoogleDistanceMatrixApiClient(new HttpClient(),
                                                              new ApiConfiguration
                GoogleMapsApiBaseUrl = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/"

            var result = apiClient.EncodePolyline(points);

コード例 #4
        public static async Task GetGoogleResult(string path)
            var venues = await GetVenuesFromCsv(path);

            Console.WriteLine($"Have {venues.Count} venues");
            //foreach (var venue in venues)
            //    Console.WriteLine($"Venue: {venue.Postcode}, {venue.Latitude}, {venue.Longitude}");

            var client = new GoogleDistanceMatrixApiClient(new HttpClient(), Configuration);

            var startPoint = new Location
                Postcode  = "CV1 2WT",
                Latitude  = 52.400997M,
                Longitude = -1.508122M

            var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            var searchResults = await client.Search(startPoint, venues);


            var reachableResults = searchResults.Where(r => r.TravelTime <= 60 * 60).ToList();

            Console.WriteLine($"Retrieved {searchResults.Count} search results from {venues.Count} venues ({reachableResults.Count} reachable) in {stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds:#,###}ms");

            //Console.WriteLine("Results that could not be determined:");
            //foreach (var searchResult in searchResults.Where(x => x.Distance < 0 || x.TravelTime < 0))
            //    Console.WriteLine($"{searchResult.Address} at {searchResult.Distance}{searchResult.DistanceUnits}, travel time {searchResult.TravelTimeString}");

            //foreach (var searchResult in searchResults.OrderByDescending(x => x.TravelTime))
            //    var distanceInKm = searchResult.Distance / 1000;
            //    var distanceInMiles = searchResult.Distance / 1609.34;
            //    Console.WriteLine($"{searchResult.Address} at {distanceInMiles:#.0}mi ({distanceInKm:#.0}km), travel time {searchResult.TravelTimeString}");
コード例 #5
        public void Then_Encoded_Polyline_Is_As_Expected_For_A_Single_Point()
            var points = new List <Location>
                new Location {
                    Latitude = 52.400997M, Longitude = -1.508122M

            var apiClient = new GoogleDistanceMatrixApiClient(new HttpClient(),
                                                              new ApiConfiguration
                GoogleMapsApiBaseUrl = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/"

            var result = apiClient.EncodePolyline(points);

コード例 #6
        private static async Task GetDistancesForOpportunitySpreadsheet(string path, string travelMode)
            var journeys = await GetOpportunityJourneysFromCsv(path);

            //Hack the postcodes out
            foreach (var journey in journeys)
                var workplaces = journey.Workplace.Split();
                var n          = workplaces.Length;
                journey.Workplace     = ExtractPostcode(journey.Workplace);
                journey.ProviderVenue = ExtractPostcode(journey.ProviderVenue);

            //var regex = new Regex(
            //    @"([^ ]+\s+[^ ]+$)");
            //var postcode = regex.Match(journey.Workplace).Groups[0].Captures[0];
            //var destination = regex.Match(journey.ProviderVenue).Groups[0].Captures[0];

            var client = new GoogleDistanceMatrixApiClient(new HttpClient(), Configuration);

            var resultsList  = new List <Journey>();
            var destinations = new List <Journey>();
            //var travelMode = GoogleTravelMode.Driving;
            //var travelMode = GoogleTravelMode.Transit;

            //Uncomment to filter
            //journeys = journeys
            //    .Where(j => j.Workplace == "WA14 1PH" &&
            //                (j.ProviderVenue == "SK11 8LF" ||
            //                 j.ProviderVenue == "SK17 6RY"))
            //    .ToList();

            var currentWorkplace = journeys.FirstOrDefault()?.Workplace;
            var last             = journeys.Last();

            foreach (var journey in journeys)
                if (journey.Workplace == currentWorkplace)

                if (journey.Workplace != currentWorkplace || journey == last)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Workplace {currentWorkplace}");

                    var searchResults = await client.SearchJourney(currentWorkplace, destinations, travelMode);

                    foreach (var item in searchResults)
                        Console.WriteLine($"    driving time to {item.Address} {item.TravelTimeString}");
                        resultsList.Add(new Journey
                            Workplace     = currentWorkplace,
                            ProviderVenue = item.Address,
                            TravelTime    = item.TravelTimeString

                    currentWorkplace = journey.Workplace;

            Console.WriteLine($"Processed {journeys.Count} journeys, have {resultsList.Count} results");
            var outputPath = $".\\Data\\journey_results_{travelMode}.csv";

            using (var writer = File.CreateText($".\\Data\\journey_results_{travelMode}.csv"))
                await writer.WriteLineAsync("Workplace,Provider Venue,Travel Time");

                await writer.WriteLineAsync("");

                foreach (var result in resultsList)
                    await writer.WriteLineAsync($"{result.Workplace.Replace(",", "")},{result.ProviderVenue.Replace(",", "")},{result.TravelTime}");

                Console.WriteLine($"Saved results to {outputPath}");
コード例 #7
        public void Then_Uri_Is_As_Expected_For_Multiple_Points_With_Polyline_Encoding()
            var origin = new Location
                Latitude  = 40.6655101M,
                Longitude = -73.89188969999998M

            var destinations = new List <Location>
                new Location {
                    Latitude = 40.6905615M, Longitude = -73.9976592M
                new Location {
                    Latitude = 40.6905615M, Longitude = -73.9976592M
                new Location {
                    Latitude = 40.6905615M, Longitude = -73.9976592M
                new Location {
                    Latitude = 40.6905615M, Longitude = -73.9976592M
                new Location {
                    Latitude = 40.6905615M, Longitude = -73.9976592M
                new Location {
                    Latitude = 40.6905615M, Longitude = -73.9976592M
                new Location {
                    Latitude = 40.659569M, Longitude = -73.933783M
                new Location {
                    Latitude = 40.729029M, Longitude = -73.851524M
                new Location {
                    Latitude = 40.6860072M, Longitude = -73.6334271M
                new Location {
                    Latitude = 40.598566M, Longitude = -73.7527626M
                new Location {
                    Latitude = 40.659569M, Longitude = -73.933783M
                new Location {
                    Latitude = 40.729029M, Longitude = -73.851524M
                new Location {
                    Latitude = 40.6860072M, Longitude = -73.6334271M
                new Location {
                    Latitude = 40.598566M, Longitude = -73.7527626M

            var apiClient = new GoogleDistanceMatrixApiClient(new HttpClient(),
                                                              new ApiConfiguration
                GoogleMapsApiBaseUrl = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/",
                GoogleMapsApiKey     = "YOUR_API_KEY"

            var result = apiClient.BuildUri(origin, destinations, "driving", true);

            //vs polyline: