/// <summary> /// Requests the Google calendar authentication. /// </summary> /// <param name="checkAuth">if set to <c>true</c> [check authentication].</param> private async Task RequestGoogleCalendarAuthentication(bool checkAuth = false) { if (!Enabled || !rbGoogle.Checked) { return; } apiResponseLabel.ResetText(); apiResponseLabel.ResetForeColor(); if (checkAuth && !GoogleCalendarEvent.HasCredentialsStored()) { return; } throbber.State = ThrobberState.Rotating; throbber.Visible = true; SerializableAPIResult <SerializableAPICredentials> result = await GoogleCalendarEvent.RequestAuth(checkAuth); throbber.State = ThrobberState.Stopped; throbber.Visible = false; btnRequestAuth.Enabled = result.HasError; btnRevokeAuth.Enabled = tbGoogleCalendarName.Enabled = cbGoogleReminder.Enabled = !result.HasError; apiResponseLabel.ForeColor = result.HasError ? Color.Red : Color.Green; apiResponseLabel.Text = result.HasError ? result.Error.ErrorCode ?? result.Error.ErrorMessage : @"Authenticated"; }
public override CalendarEvent getThirdpartyCalendarEvent() { if (ThirdpartyCalendarEventInfo == null) { ThirdpartyCalendarEventInfo = new GoogleCalendarEvent(IDToCalendarEvent.Values, _User); } return(ThirdpartyCalendarEventInfo); }
public override void ReceiveDictationResult(string message) { reactingObject.ReactOnDictationStop(); dayField.StopCreatingEvent(); DateTime start = new DateTime(dayField.representedDay.Year, dayField.representedDay.Month, dayField.representedDay.Day, hourAllEventsBegin, 0, 0); DateTime end = new DateTime(dayField.representedDay.Year, dayField.representedDay.Month, dayField.representedDay.Day, hourAllEventsEnd, 0, 0); GoogleCalendarEvent createdEvent = new GoogleCalendarEvent(message, start, end); googleCalendarWriter.SendEventToCalendar(createdEvent); }
public UnityWebRequest InsertCalendarevent(GoogleCalendarEvent eventToInsert) { string stringEventToInsert = JsonUtility.ToJson(eventToInsert); UnityWebRequest post = new UnityWebRequest(credentials.calendar_endpoint + credentials.calendar_id + "/events?access_token=" + authentificator.gat.access_token + "&t=" + getUTCTime(), "POST"); byte[] bodyRaw = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(stringEventToInsert); post.uploadHandler = (UploadHandler) new UploadHandlerRaw(bodyRaw); post.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); post.downloadHandler = (DownloadHandler) new DownloadHandlerBuffer(); return(post); }
public async static Task <IEnumerable <CalendarEvent> > getAllCalEvents(IList <Event> AllSubCals, CalendarService CalendarServiceData, string UserID, EventID AuthenticationID, TimeLine CalculationTimeLine, bool retrieveLocationFromGoogle, Location defaultLocation = null) { List <Event> AllSubCalNoCancels = AllSubCals.Where(obj => obj.Status != "cancelled").ToList(); Dictionary <string, Event> RepeatingIDs = new Dictionary <string, Event>(); DateTimeOffset now = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow; ConcurrentBag <CalendarEvent> RetValue = new ConcurrentBag <CalendarEvent>(); if (CalculationTimeLine == null) { CalculationTimeLine = new TimeLine(now.AddDays(Utility.defaultBeginDay), now.AddDays(Utility.defaultEndDay)); } ConcurrentBag <TilerElements.Location> locations = new ConcurrentBag <TilerElements.Location>(); uint i = 0; for (; i < AllSubCalNoCancels.Count; i++) { Event GoogleEvent = AllSubCalNoCancels[(int)i]; if (GoogleEvent.Start.DateTime != null) { TimeLine EventRange = new TimeLine(GoogleEvent.Start.DateTime.Value.ToUniversalTime(), GoogleEvent.End.DateTime.Value.ToUniversalTime()); if (EventRange.InterferringTimeLine(CalculationTimeLine) != null || GoogleEvent.Recurrence != null) // took out manual check for repetition because of we set the property singleEvents in the function getGoogleEvents in class GoogleTilerEventControl.cs. If you need the manual look up run "git checkout 8db3dab166909255ce112" and jump back to this file you should see logic about this below. { GoogleIDs.Add(GoogleEvent.Id); CalendarEvent calEvent = GoogleCalendarEvent.convertFromGoogleToCalendarEvent(GoogleEvent.ToSubCal(AuthenticationID, i)); RetValue.Add(calEvent); locations.Add(calEvent.LocationObj); if (defaultLocation != null && (calEvent.LocationObj != null && (calEvent.LocationObj.isNull || calEvent.LocationObj.isDefault))) { calEvent.Location_DB = defaultLocation; foreach (var eachSubEvent in calEvent.AllSubEvents) { eachSubEvent.Location_DB = defaultLocation; } } } } } if (retrieveLocationFromGoogle) { batchValidateLocations(locations); } else { foreach (TilerElements.Location location in locations) { location.IsVerified = true; } } return(RetValue); }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["CustomerId"] != null) { int customerid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CustomerId"].ToString()); DataSet ds = existing_customerBLL.Instance.GetExistingCustomerDetail(customerid, "", Session["loginid"].ToString()); int Id = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString()); string name = txtCust_name.Text; string strno = txtCust_strt.Text; string jobloc = txtJob_loc.Text; DateTime estdate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtEst_date.Text); DateTime todaydate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtToday_date.Text); string ph1 = txtPri_ph.Text; string secph = txtSec_ph.Text; string mail = txtEmail.Text; string calltakenby = txtCall_takenby.Text; string service = txtService.Text; string leadtype; if (ddlleadtype.SelectedValue.ToString() == "Other") { leadtype = txtleadtype.Text; } else { leadtype = ddlleadtype.SelectedValue.ToString(); } int a = existing_customerBLL.Instance.UpdateCustomer(Id, name, strno, jobloc, estdate, todaydate, ph1, secph, mail, calltakenby, service, leadtype); if (a > 0) { string userName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AdminCalendarUser"].ToString(); string userPwd = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AdminCalendarPwd"].ToString(); if (Session["AdminUserId"] == null) { GoogleCalendarEvent.EditEvent(Request.QueryString["title"].ToString(), ("C" + Id.ToString() + "-" + name), name, service, estdate, estdate, Session["loginid"].ToString()); } GoogleCalendarEvent.EditEvent(Request.QueryString["title"].ToString(), ("C" + Id.ToString() + "-" + name), name, service, estdate, estdate, userName); } } }
IEnumerator InsertEvent() { UnityWebRequest InserEventRequest = calendarAPI.InsertCalendarevent(eventToBeInserted); InserEventRequest.timeout = 90000000; yield return(InserEventRequest.SendWebRequest()); if (InserEventRequest.isNetworkError || InserEventRequest.isHttpError) { if (InserEventRequest.responseCode == 401) { Debug.Log("Refreshed token"); calendarAPI.RefreshAccessToken(this); } } else { eventToBeInserted = null; } }
/// <summary> /// Handles the Click event of the btnRevokeAuth control. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> private async void btnRevokeAuth_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { apiResponseLabel.ResetText(); apiResponseLabel.ResetForeColor(); throbber.State = ThrobberState.Rotating; throbber.Visible = true; var result = await GoogleCalendarEvent.RevokeAuth(); throbber.State = ThrobberState.Stopped; throbber.Visible = false; bool error = result.HasError; btnRequestAuth.Enabled = !error; btnRevokeAuth.Enabled = tbGoogleCalendarName.Enabled = cbGoogleReminder.Enabled = error; if (error) { apiResponseLabel.ForeColor = Color.Red; apiResponseLabel.Text = result.Error.ErrorMessage; } }
protected void btnsave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Button btnsave = sender as Button; GridViewRow gr = (GridViewRow)btnsave.Parent.Parent; LinkButton lnkid = (LinkButton)gr.FindControl("lnkcustomerid"); DropDownList ddlstatus = (DropDownList)gr.FindControl("ddlmeetingstatus"); TextBox txtfollowup = (TextBox)gr.FindControl("txtfollowup"); HiddenField hdffollowupdate = (HiddenField)gr.FindControl("hdffollowupdate"); HiddenField hdfmeetingstatus = (HiddenField)gr.FindControl("hdfmeetingstatus"); string followupdate = string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtfollowup.Text) ? "1/1/1753" : Convert.ToDateTime(txtfollowup.Text, JGConstant.CULTURE).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); string type = lnkid.Text.Substring(0, 1); string id = lnkid.Text.Substring(1); int custid = Convert.ToInt32(id); string oldstatus = hdfmeetingstatus.Value; string newstatus = ddlstatus.SelectedValue; bool updateresult = false; string AdminId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AdminUserId"].ToString(); string Adminuser = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AdminCalendarUser"].ToString(); string AdminPwd = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AdminCalendarPwd"].ToString(); Customer c = new Customer(); c = new_customerBLL.Instance.fetchcustomer(custid); string productName = UserBLL.Instance.GetProductNameByProductId(c.Productofinterest); if (newstatus == "Set") { if (type == "C") { Response.Redirect("~/Sr_App/Customer_Profile.aspx?title=" + id); } else if (type == "P") { Response.Redirect("~/Prospectmaster.aspx?title=" + id); } } //commented for phase I, Applicable in phase II //else if ((oldstatus == "Prospect" || oldstatus == "Follow up" || oldstatus == "Rehash" || oldstatus == "cancelation-no rehash") && (newstatus == "PTW est" || newstatus == "est>$1000" || newstatus == "est<$1000" || newstatus == "EST-one legger" || newstatus == "sold>$1000" || newstatus == "sold<$1000" || newstatus == "Closed (not sold)" || newstatus == "Closed (sold)")) //{ // ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "AlertBox", "alert('Cannot change prospect to estimate or sold');", true); // return; //} else if (newstatus == "Prospect" || newstatus == "Follow up" || newstatus == "Rehash" || newstatus == "cancelation-no rehash") { if (AdminId != c.Addedby) { GoogleCalendarEvent.DeleteEvent(id, "", "", "", DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, c.Addedby); } GoogleCalendarEvent.DeleteEvent(id, "", "", "", DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, AdminId); GoogleCalendarEvent.DeleteEvent(id, "", "", "", DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, JGConstant.CustomerCalendar); } else if (newstatus == "PTW est" || newstatus == "est>$1000" || newstatus == "est<$1000" || newstatus == "EST-one legger" || newstatus == "Closed (not sold)" || newstatus == "sold>$1000" || newstatus == "sold<$1000") { string gtitle = c.EstTime + " -" + c.PrimaryContact + " -" + c.Addedby; string gcontent = "Name: " + c.customerNm + " , Product of Interest: " + productName + ", Phone: " + c.CellPh + ", Alt. phone: " + c.AltPh + ", Email: " + c.Email + ",Notes: " + c.Notes + ",Status: " + newstatus; string gaddress = c.CustomerAddress + "," + c.City; string datetime = null; if (c.EstDate != "1/1/1753") { datetime = Convert.ToDateTime(c.EstDate + " " + c.EstTime).ToString("MM/dd/yy hh:mm tt"); } GoogleCalendarEvent.DeleteEvent(custid.ToString(), gtitle, gcontent, gaddress, Convert.ToDateTime(datetime), Convert.ToDateTime(datetime).AddHours(1), AdminId); GoogleCalendarEvent.AddEvent(GoogleCalendarEvent.GetService("GoogleCalendar", Adminuser, AdminPwd), custid.ToString(), gtitle, gcontent, gaddress, Convert.ToDateTime(datetime), Convert.ToDateTime(datetime).AddHours(1), AdminId); if (AdminId != c.Addedby) { GoogleCalendarEvent.DeleteEvent(custid.ToString(), gtitle, gcontent, gaddress, Convert.ToDateTime(datetime), Convert.ToDateTime(datetime).AddHours(1), c.Addedby); GoogleCalendarEvent.AddEvent(GoogleCalendarEvent.GetService("GoogleCalendar", Adminuser, AdminPwd), custid.ToString(), gtitle, gcontent, gaddress, Convert.ToDateTime(datetime), Convert.ToDateTime(datetime).AddHours(1), c.Addedby); } GoogleCalendarEvent.DeleteEvent(custid.ToString(), gtitle, gcontent, gaddress, Convert.ToDateTime(datetime), Convert.ToDateTime(datetime).AddHours(1), JGConstant.CustomerCalendar); GoogleCalendarEvent.AddEvent(GoogleCalendarEvent.GetService("GoogleCalendar", Adminuser, AdminPwd), custid.ToString(), gtitle, gcontent, gaddress, Convert.ToDateTime(datetime), Convert.ToDateTime(datetime).AddHours(1), JGConstant.CustomerCalendar); } //commented for phase I, Applicable in phase II //else if (newstatus == "sold>$1000" || newstatus == "sold<$1000") //{ // Session["CustomerId"] = custid; // Session["CustomerName"] = c.customerNm; // Response.Redirect("~/Sr_App/ProductEstimate.aspx"); //} try { updateresult = AdminBLL.Instance.UpdateStatus(custid, newstatus, followupdate); int userId = Convert.ToInt16(Session[JG_Prospect.Common.SessionKey.Key.UserId.ToString()]); new_customerBLL.Instance.AddCustomerFollowUp(custid, Convert.ToDateTime(followupdate), newstatus, userId, false, 0, ""); } catch (Exception ex) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "AlertBox", "alert('" + ex.Message + "');", true); } //bindgrid(); }
protected void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { btn_UploadFiles_Click(sender, e); objuser.username = txtusername.Text; objuser.loginid = txtloginid.Text; objuser.email = txtemail.Text.Trim(); objuser.address = txtaddress.Text; objuser.password = txtpassword.Text; objuser.usertype = ddlusertype.SelectedValue; //objuser.designation = ddldesignation.SelectedValue; objuser.designation = null; objuser.status = ddlstatus.SelectedValue; objuser.phone = txtphone.Text; objuser.fristname = txtfristname.Text; objuser.lastname = txtlastname.Text; objuser.zip = txtZip.Text; objuser.state = txtState.Text; objuser.city = txtCity.Text; objuser.businessname = txtbusinessname.Text; objuser.ssn = txtssn.Text; objuser.ssn1 = txtssn0.Text; objuser.ssn2 = txtssn1.Text; objuser.signature = txtSignature.Text; objuser.dob = DOBdatepicker.Text; objuser.citizenship = ddlcitizen.SelectedValue; objuser.tin = txtTIN.Text; objuser.ein1 = txtEIN.Text; objuser.ein2 = txtEIN2.Text; objuser.maritalstatus = ddlMaritalstatus.SelectedValue; objuser.a = txtA.Text; objuser.b = txtB.Text; objuser.c = txtC.Text; objuser.d = txtD.Text; objuser.e = txtE.Text; objuser.f = txtF.Text; objuser.g = txtG.Text; objuser.h = txtH.Text; objuser.i = txt5.Text; objuser.j = txt6.Text; objuser.k = txt7.Text; //lblName.Text = ViewState["FristName"].ToString() + ViewState["LastName"].ToString(); if (lstboxUploadedImages.Items.Count != 0) { foreach (System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItem img in lstboxUploadedImages.Items) { fn = fn + "," + img.Text; } objuser.picture = fn.TrimStart(','); } else if (lstboxUploadedImages.Items.Count > 0) { foreach (System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItem img in lstboxUploadedImages.Items) { fn = fn + "," + img.Text; } objuser.picture = fn.TrimStart(','); } else { objuser.picture = ""; } objuser.attachements = GetUpdateAttachments(); int id = Convert.ToInt32(Session["ID"]); bool result = UserBLL.Instance.UpdatingUser(objuser, id); GoogleCalendarEvent.CreateCalendar(txtemail.Text, txtaddress.Text); lblmsg.Visible = true; lblmsg.CssClass = "success"; lblmsg.Text = "User Details Updated successfully"; ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "AlertBox", "alert('User Update successfully');", true); clearcontrols(); Server.Transfer("EditUser.aspx"); }
protected void btncreate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { btn_UploadFiles_Click(sender, e); if (ddlstatus.SelectedIndex <= 0) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "AlertBox", "alert('Please Select Status');", true); return; } else { objuser.status = ddlstatus.SelectedValue; } if (ddlusertype.SelectedIndex <= 0) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "AlertBox", "alert('Please Select User Type');", true); return; } else { objuser.usertype = ddlusertype.SelectedValue; } objuser.username = txtusername.Text; objuser.loginid = txtloginid.Text.Trim(); objuser.email = txtemail.Text.Trim(); objuser.password = txtpassword.Text; objuser.designation = null; objuser.phone = txtphone.Text; objuser.address = txtaddress.Text; ViewState["address"] = txtaddress.Text; objuser.fristname = txtfristname.Text; objuser.lastname = txtlastname.Text; objuser.zip = txtZip.Text; objuser.state = txtState.Text; objuser.city = txtCity.Text; objuser.businessname = txtbusinessname.Text; objuser.ssn = txtssn.Text; objuser.ssn1 = txtssn0.Text; objuser.ssn2 = txtssn1.Text; string ssn = txtssn.Text + "-" + txtssn0.Text + "-" + txtssn1.Text; ViewState[ssn] = ssn; objuser.signature = txtSignature.Text; objuser.dob = DOBdatepicker.Text; objuser.citizenship = ddlcitizen.SelectedValue; objuser.tin = txtTIN.Text; objuser.ein1 = txtEIN.Text; objuser.ein2 = txtEIN2.Text; objuser.maritalstatus = ddlMaritalstatus.SelectedValue; objuser.a = txtA.Text; objuser.b = txtB.Text; objuser.c = txtC.Text; objuser.d = txtD.Text; objuser.e = txtE.Text; objuser.f = txtF.Text; objuser.g = txtG.Text; objuser.h = txtH.Text; objuser.i = txt5.Text; objuser.j = txt6.Text; objuser.k = txt7.Text; // lblName.Text = ViewState["FristName"].ToString() + ViewState["LastName"].ToString(); if (flpUplaodPicture.FileName != string.Empty) { foreach (System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItem img in lstboxUploadedImages.Items) { fn = fn + "," + img.Text; } Server.MapPath("~/UserImages" + "\\" + flpUplaodPicture.FileName); objuser.picture = fn.TrimStart(','); } else if (lstboxUploadedImages.Items.Count > 0) { foreach (System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItem img in lstboxUploadedImages.Items) { fn = fn + "," + img.Text; } objuser.picture = fn.TrimStart(','); } else { objuser.picture = string.Empty; } string strFileName = string.Empty; if (ViewState["FileName"] != null) { strFileName = ViewState["FileName"].ToString(); strFileName = strFileName.TrimStart(','); objuser.attachements = strFileName; } else { objuser.attachements = strFileName; } bool result = UserBLL.Instance.AddUser(objuser); if (result) { lblmsg.CssClass = "success"; lblmsg.Text = "User has been created successfully"; lblmsg.Visible = true; clearcontrols(); GoogleCalendarEvent.CreateCalendar(txtemail.Text, txtaddress.Text); shareCalender(txtemail.Text); //ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "AlertBox", "alert('User has been created successfully');", true); clearcontrols(); } else { lblmsg.Visible = true; lblmsg.CssClass = "error"; lblmsg.Text = "User with this email id already exist"; } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLog.Instance.writeToLog(ex, "CreateUser", ""); //LogManager.Instance.WriteToFlatFile(ex.Message, "Custom",1);// Request.ServerVariables["remote_addr"].ToString()); } }
// protected void btnsave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) protected void AutoSave(object sender, EventArgs e, string control) { try { //Button btnsave = sender as Button; //GridViewRow gr = (GridViewRow)btnsave.Parent.Parent; GridViewRow gr = null; if (control == JGConstant.DROPDOWNLIST) { DropDownList ddlmeetingstatus = sender as DropDownList; gr = (GridViewRow)ddlmeetingstatus.Parent.Parent; } else if (control == JGConstant.TEXTBOX) { TextBox txtfollow = sender as TextBox; gr = (GridViewRow)txtfollow.Parent.Parent; } LinkButton lnkid = (LinkButton)gr.FindControl("lnkestimateid"); DropDownList ddlstatus = (DropDownList)gr.FindControl("ddlmeetingstatus"); TextBox txtfollowup = (TextBox)gr.FindControl("txtfollowup"); HiddenField hdffollowupdate = (HiddenField)gr.FindControl("hdffollowupdate"); string AdminId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AdminUserId"].ToString(); DateTime followupdate = (txtfollowup.Text != "") ? Convert.ToDateTime(txtfollowup.Text, JGConstant.CULTURE) : DateTime.MinValue; string followDate = string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtfollowup.Text) ? "1/1/1753" : Convert.ToDateTime(txtfollowup.Text, JGConstant.CULTURE).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); string newstatus = ddlstatus.SelectedItem.Text; if (newstatus == "Set") { followDate = "1/1/1753"; AdminBLL.Instance.UpdateStatus(Convert.ToInt32(lnkid.Text), newstatus, followDate); //Server.Transfer("~/Prospectmaster.aspx?title=" + lnkid.Text); Session[SessionKey.Key.PreviousPage.ToString()] = JGConstant.PAGE_STATIC_REPORT; Response.Redirect("~/Prospectmaster.aspx?title=" + lnkid.Text); } else if (newstatus == "Follow up") { txtfollowup.Visible = true; //if (hdffollowupdate.Value != "") //{ // followupdate = Convert.ToDateTime(hdffollowupdate.Value, JGConstant.CULTURE); // txtfollowup.Text = hdffollowupdate.Value; //} //else //{ // txtfollowup.Text = ""; // followupdate = DateTime.MinValue; //} if (txtfollowup.Text == "") { followupdate = Convert.ToDateTime(hdffollowupdate.Value, JGConstant.CULTURE); txtfollowup.Text = hdffollowupdate.Value; followDate = string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtfollowup.Text) ? "1/1/1753" : Convert.ToDateTime(txtfollowup.Text, JGConstant.CULTURE).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); } UserBLL.Instance.updateProspectstatus(Convert.ToInt32(lnkid.Text), newstatus, followupdate); GoogleCalendarEvent.DeleteEvent(lnkid.Text, "", "", "", DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, AdminId); GoogleCalendarEvent.DeleteEvent(lnkid.Text, "", "", "", DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, JGConstant.CustomerCalendar); if (LoginSession != AdminId) { GoogleCalendarEvent.DeleteEvent(lnkid.Text, "", "", "", DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, LoginSession); } } else if (newstatus == "Prospect" || newstatus == "Rehash" || newstatus == "cancelation-no rehash") { GoogleCalendarEvent.DeleteEvent(lnkid.Text, "", "", "", DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, AdminId); GoogleCalendarEvent.DeleteEvent(lnkid.Text, "", "", "", DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, JGConstant.CustomerCalendar); if (LoginSession != AdminId) { GoogleCalendarEvent.DeleteEvent(lnkid.Text, "", "", "", DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, LoginSession); } } else { txtfollowup.Visible = false; } AdminBLL.Instance.UpdateStatus(Convert.ToInt32(lnkid.Text), newstatus, followDate); int userId = Convert.ToInt16(Session[JG_Prospect.Common.SessionKey.Key.UserId.ToString()].ToString()); new_customerBLL.Instance.AddCustomerFollowUp(Convert.ToInt32(lnkid.Text), Convert.ToDateTime(followupdate), newstatus, userId, false, 0); // ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "AlertBox", "alert('Saved Successfully');", true); bindgrid("onload"); } catch (Exception ex) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "AlertBox", "alert('There is some error in Saving');", true); } }
public void SendEventToCalendar(GoogleCalendarEvent eventToInsert) { eventToBeInserted = eventToInsert; Utility.Instance.StartCoroutine(InsertEvent()); }
protected void Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int result = 0; foreach (GridViewRow dr in grddata.Rows) { foreach (TableCell c in dr.Cells) { if (c.Text == " ") { c.Text = ""; } } string[] date_time = (dr.Cells[1].Text).Split('-'); string CustomerNm = dr.Cells[2].Text + " " + dr.Cells[3].Text; string CellPh = dr.Cells[4].Text; string AltPh = dr.Cells[5].Text; string HomePh = dr.Cells[6].Text; string Email = dr.Cells[7].Text; string Address = dr.Cells[8].Text; string[] CityStateZip = dr.Cells[9].Text.Split(','); string followupstatus = dr.Cells[10].Text; string followupdate = dr.Cells[11].Text; string Productofinterest = dr.Cells[12].Text; string Besttimeofcontact = dr.Cells[13].Text; string meetingstatus = dr.Cells[14].Text; string CallTakenBy = dr.Cells[15].Text; string Notes = dr.Cells[16].Text; string primarycontact = dr.Cells[17].Text; string ContactPreference = dr.Cells[18].Text; string BillingAddress = dr.Cells[19].Text; string JobLocation = dr.Cells[20].Text; string LeadType = dr.Cells[21].Text; string AssignedTo = dr.Cells[22].Text; string Reasonofclose = dr.Cells[23].Text; Customer objcust = new Customer(); objcust.missingcontacts = 0; if (CellPh == "0" || CellPh == "") { objcust.missingcontacts++; } if (AltPh == "0" || AltPh == "") { objcust.missingcontacts++; } if (HomePh == "0" || HomePh == "") { objcust.missingcontacts++; } if (objcust.missingcontacts > 2) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "AlertBox", "alert('Please Fill atleast one contact(Cell Phone, Home Phone or Alt. Phone');", true); return; } int primarycont = new_customerBLL.Instance.Searchprimarycontact(HomePh, CellPh, AltPh, 0); if (primarycont == 1) { objcust.Isrepeated = false; } else { objcust.Isrepeated = true; } objcust.EstDate = (date_time != null) ? date_time[0].ToString() : "1/1/1753"; objcust.EstTime = (date_time != null) ? date_time[1].ToString() : ""; objcust.customerNm = CustomerNm; objcust.CellPh = CellPh; objcust.AltPh = AltPh; objcust.HousePh = HomePh; objcust.Email = Email; objcust.CustomerAddress = Address; objcust.City = CityStateZip[0].ToString(); objcust.state = CityStateZip[1].ToString(); objcust.Zipcode = CityStateZip[2].ToString(); objcust.followupdate = followupdate != "" ? followupdate : "1/1/1753"; int productId = UserBLL.Instance.GetProductIDByProductName(Productofinterest); objcust.Productofinterest = productId; objcust.BestTimetocontact = Besttimeofcontact; objcust.status = meetingstatus; objcust.CallTakenby = CallTakenBy; objcust.Notes = Notes; objcust.PrimaryContact = primarycontact; objcust.ContactPreference = ContactPreference; if (BillingAddress == "same") { objcust.BillingAddress = objcust.CustomerAddress + "," + objcust.City + "," + objcust.state + "," + objcust.Zipcode; } objcust.JobLocation = JobLocation; objcust.Leadtype = CallTakenBy; objcust.Addedby = CallTakenBy; objcust.CallTakenby = CallTakenBy; objcust.Map1 = objcust.customerNm + "-" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 5) + ".Jpeg"; objcust.Map2 = objcust.customerNm + "-" + "Direction" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 5) + ".Jpeg"; string DestinationPath = Server.MapPath("~/CustomerDocs/Maps/"); new_customerBLL.Instance.SaveMapImage(objcust.Map1, objcust.CustomerAddress, objcust.City, objcust.state, objcust.Zipcode, DestinationPath); new_customerBLL.Instance.SaveMapImageDirection(objcust.Map2, objcust.CustomerAddress, objcust.City, objcust.state, objcust.Zipcode, DestinationPath); result = new_customerBLL.Instance.AddCustomer(objcust); if (primarycontact == "Cell Phone") { } string date = Convert.ToDateTime(objcust.EstDate).ToShortDateString(); string datetime; if (date != "1/1/1753") { datetime = Convert.ToDateTime(date + " " + objcust.EstTime).ToString("MM/dd/yy hh:mm tt"); } else { datetime = Convert.ToDateTime(objcust.followupdate).ToString("MM/dd/yy hh:mm tt"); } if (result > 0) { string AdminId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AdminUserId"].ToString(); string Adminuser = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AdminCalendarUser"].ToString(); string AdminPwd = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AdminCalendarPwd"].ToString(); if (meetingstatus == "Set") { string gtitle = objcust.EstTime + " -" + primarycontact + " -" + objcust.CallTakenby; string gcontent = "Name: " + objcust.customerNm + " ,Product of Interest: " + Productofinterest + ", Phone: " + objcust.CellPh + ", Alt. phone: " + objcust.AltPh + ", Email: " + objcust.Email + ",Notes: " + objcust.Notes + ",Status: " + objcust.status; string gaddress = objcust.CustomerAddress + " " + objcust.City + "," + objcust.state + "," + objcust.Zipcode; if (CallTakenBy != AdminId) { GoogleCalendarEvent.AddEvent(GoogleCalendarEvent.GetService("GoogleCalendar", Adminuser, AdminPwd), result.ToString(), gtitle, gcontent, gaddress, Convert.ToDateTime(datetime), Convert.ToDateTime(datetime).AddHours(1), CallTakenBy); } GoogleCalendarEvent.AddEvent(GoogleCalendarEvent.GetService("GoogleCalendar", Adminuser, AdminPwd), result.ToString(), gtitle, gcontent, gaddress, Convert.ToDateTime(datetime), Convert.ToDateTime(datetime).AddHours(1), AdminId); gtitle = objcust.EstTime + " -" + primarycontact + " -" + Session["loginid"].ToString(); gcontent = "Name: " + objcust.customerNm + " , Cell Phone: " + objcust.CellPh + ", Alt. phone: " + objcust.AltPh + ", Email: " + objcust.Email + ",Service: " + objcust.Notes + ",Status: " + objcust.status; gaddress = Address + " " + objcust.City + "," + objcust.state + " -" + objcust.Zipcode; GoogleCalendarEvent.AddEvent(GoogleCalendarEvent.GetService("GoogleCalendar", Adminuser, AdminPwd), result.ToString(), gtitle, gcontent, gaddress, Convert.ToDateTime(datetime), Convert.ToDateTime(datetime).AddHours(1), JGConstant.CustomerCalendar); } AdminBLL.Instance.UpdateStatus(result, meetingstatus, objcust.followupdate); int userId = Convert.ToInt16(Session[JG_Prospect.Common.SessionKey.Key.UserId.ToString()].ToString()); new_customerBLL.Instance.AddCustomerFollowUp(result, Convert.ToDateTime(objcust.followupdate), meetingstatus, userId, false, 0, ""); lblmsg.Visible = true; lblmsg.CssClass = "success"; lblmsg.Text = "Data has been saved successfully"; //ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "AlertBox", "alert('Data has been saved successfully');", true); } else { lblmsg.Visible = true; lblmsg.CssClass = "error"; lblmsg.Text = "There is some error in adding the Prospect"; } } }
// protected void btnsave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) protected void AutoSave(object sender, EventArgs e, string control) { // Button btnsave = sender as Button; GridViewRow gr = null; if (control == JGConstant.DROPDOWNLIST) { DropDownList ddlmeetingstatus = sender as DropDownList; gr = (GridViewRow)ddlmeetingstatus.Parent.Parent; } else if (control == JGConstant.TEXTBOX) { TextBox txtfollow = sender as TextBox; gr = (GridViewRow)txtfollow.Parent.Parent; } //GridViewRow gr = (GridViewRow)btnsave.Parent.Parent; LinkButton lnkid = (LinkButton)gr.FindControl("lnkcustomerid"); TextBox txtfollowup = (TextBox)gr.FindControl("txtfollowup"); HiddenField hdffollowupdate = (HiddenField)gr.FindControl("hdffollowupdate"); DropDownList ddlstatus = (DropDownList)gr.FindControl("ddlmeetingstatus"); DateTime followupdate = (txtfollowup.Text != "") ? Convert.ToDateTime(txtfollowup.Text, JGConstant.CULTURE) : DateTime.Now.AddDays(7); string followDate = string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtfollowup.Text) ? DateTime.Now.AddDays(7).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") : Convert.ToDateTime(txtfollowup.Text, JGConstant.CULTURE).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); int custid = Convert.ToInt32(lnkid.Text); string newstatus = ddlstatus.SelectedItem.Text; string AdminId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AdminUserId"].ToString(); string Adminuser = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AdminCalendarUser"].ToString(); string AdminPwd = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AdminCalendarPwd"].ToString(); Customer c = new Customer(); c = new_customerBLL.Instance.fetchcustomer(custid); string productName = UserBLL.Instance.GetProductNameByProductId(c.Productofinterest); if (ddlstatus.SelectedValue == "Set") { Response.Redirect("~/Sr_App/Customer_Profile.aspx?title=" + lnkid.Text); } else if (newstatus == "Rehash" || newstatus == "cancelation-no rehash") { GoogleCalendarEvent.DeleteEvent(custid.ToString(), "", "", "", DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, AdminId); if (AdminId != c.Addedby) { GoogleCalendarEvent.DeleteEvent(custid.ToString(), "", "", "", DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, c.Addedby); } GoogleCalendarEvent.DeleteEvent(custid.ToString(), "", "", "", DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, JGConstant.CustomerCalendar); } if (newstatus == "est>$1000" || newstatus == "est<$1000") { string gtitle = c.EstTime + " -" + c.PrimaryContact + " -" + c.Addedby; string gcontent = "Name: " + c.customerNm + " , Product of Interest: " + productName + ", Phone: " + c.CellPh + ", Alt. phone: " + c.AltPh + ", Email: " + c.Email + ",Notes: " + c.Notes + ",Status: " + newstatus; string gaddress = c.CustomerAddress + "," + c.City; string datetime = null; if (c.EstDate != "1/1/1753") { if (c.EstDate != "") { if (c.EstDate != null) { datetime = Convert.ToDateTime(c.EstDate + " " + c.EstTime).ToString("MM/dd/yy hh:mm tt"); } } } GoogleCalendarEvent.DeleteEvent(custid.ToString(), gtitle, gcontent, gaddress, Convert.ToDateTime(datetime, JGConstant.CULTURE), Convert.ToDateTime(datetime, JGConstant.CULTURE).AddHours(1), AdminId); GoogleCalendarEvent.AddEvent(GoogleCalendarEvent.GetService("GoogleCalendar", Adminuser, AdminPwd), custid.ToString(), gtitle, gcontent, gaddress, Convert.ToDateTime(datetime, JGConstant.CULTURE), Convert.ToDateTime(datetime, JGConstant.CULTURE).AddHours(1), AdminId); if (AdminId != c.Addedby) { GoogleCalendarEvent.DeleteEvent(custid.ToString(), gtitle, gcontent, gaddress, Convert.ToDateTime(datetime, JGConstant.CULTURE), Convert.ToDateTime(datetime, JGConstant.CULTURE).AddHours(1), c.Addedby); GoogleCalendarEvent.AddEvent(GoogleCalendarEvent.GetService("GoogleCalendar", Adminuser, AdminPwd), custid.ToString(), gtitle, gcontent, gaddress, Convert.ToDateTime(datetime, JGConstant.CULTURE), Convert.ToDateTime(datetime, JGConstant.CULTURE).AddHours(1), c.Addedby); } GoogleCalendarEvent.DeleteEvent(custid.ToString(), gtitle, gcontent, gaddress, Convert.ToDateTime(datetime, JGConstant.CULTURE), Convert.ToDateTime(datetime, JGConstant.CULTURE).AddHours(1), JGConstant.CustomerCalendar); GoogleCalendarEvent.AddEvent(GoogleCalendarEvent.GetService("GoogleCalendar", Adminuser, AdminPwd), custid.ToString(), gtitle, gcontent, gaddress, Convert.ToDateTime(datetime, JGConstant.CULTURE), Convert.ToDateTime(datetime, JGConstant.CULTURE).AddHours(1), JGConstant.CustomerCalendar); } else if (newstatus == "sold>$1000" || newstatus == "sold<$1000") { Session["CustomerId"] = custid; Session["CustomerName"] = c.customerNm; Response.Redirect("~/Sr_App/ProductEstimate.aspx"); } else if (newstatus == "Closed (not sold)") { // save reason of closed } //foreach (ListItem item in ddlstatus.Items) //{ // ListItem i = ddlstatus.Items.FindByValue(item.Value); // if (i.Text == "est>$1000" || i.Text == "est<$1000" || i.Text == "sold>$1000" || i.Text == "sold<$1000") // { // i.Attributes.Add("style", "color:gray;"); // i.Attributes.Add("disabled", "true"); // i.Value = "-1"; // } //} int userId = Convert.ToInt16(Session[JG_Prospect.Common.SessionKey.Key.UserId.ToString()].ToString()); AdminBLL.Instance.UpdateStatus(custid, ddlstatus.SelectedItem.Text, followDate); new_customerBLL.Instance.AddCustomerFollowUp(custid, Convert.ToDateTime(followupdate), ddlstatus.SelectedItem.Text, userId, false, 0); bindgrid("onload"); }