public void GivenGoogleReturnedAnError_AuthenticateClient_ThrowsAnException() { // Arrange. var googleProvider = new GoogleProvider(new ProviderParams { Key = "aa", Secret = "bb" }); const string existingState = "Oops! - Tasselhoff Burrfoot"; var queryStringParameters = new NameValueCollection { { "error", "I dont' always use bayonets. But when I do, I transport them on Aircraft Carriers." }, { "state", existingState } }; var googleAuthenticationServiceSettings = new GoogleAuthenticationServiceSettings { State = existingState, CallBackUri = new Uri("") }; // Act. var result = Assert.Throws <AuthenticationException>( () => googleProvider.AuthenticateClient(googleAuthenticationServiceSettings, queryStringParameters)); // Assert. Assert.NotNull(result); Assert.Equal( "Failed to retrieve an authorization code from Google. The error provided is: I dont' always use bayonets. But when I do, I transport them on Aircraft Carriers.", result.Message); }
public void GivenNoCodeAndNoErrorWasReturned_AuthenticateClient_ThrowsAnException() { // Arrange. var googleProvider = new GoogleProvider(new ProviderParams { Key = "aa", Secret = "bb" }); const string existingState = "Oops! - Tasselhoff Burrfoot"; var queryStringParameters = new NameValueCollection { { "aaa", "bbb" }, { "state", existingState } }; var googleAuthenticationServiceSettings = new GoogleAuthenticationServiceSettings { State = existingState, CallBackUri = new Uri("") }; // Act. var result = Assert.Throws <AuthenticationException>( () => googleProvider.AuthenticateClient(googleAuthenticationServiceSettings, queryStringParameters)); // Assert. Assert.NotNull(result); Assert.Equal("No code parameter provided in the response query string from Google.", result.Message); }
public void GivenExecutingUserInfoWorksButIsMissingSomeRequiredData_AuthenticateClient_ThrowsAnException() { // Arrange. var mockRestResponse = new Mock <IRestResponse <AccessTokenResult> >(); mockRestResponse.Setup(x => x.StatusCode).Returns(HttpStatusCode.OK); mockRestResponse.Setup(x => x.Data).Returns(new AccessTokenResult { AccessToken = "aaa", ExpiresIn = 100, IdToken = "What if that sexy girl in that pop up chat really does want to meet people in my area?", TokenType = "overly attached girlfriend" }); var mockRestResponseUserInfo = new Mock <IRestResponse <UserInfoResult> >(); mockRestResponseUserInfo.Setup(x => x.StatusCode).Returns(HttpStatusCode.OK); mockRestResponseUserInfo.Setup(x => x.Data).Returns(new UserInfoResult()); // Missing required info. var mockRestClient = MockRestClient; mockRestClient .Setup(x => x.Execute <AccessTokenResult>(It.IsAny <IRestRequest>())) .Returns(mockRestResponse.Object); mockRestClient. Setup(x => x.Execute <UserInfoResult>(It.IsAny <IRestRequest>())) .Returns(mockRestResponseUserInfo.Object); var googleProvider = new GoogleProvider(new ProviderParams { Key = "aa", Secret = "bb" }) { RestClientFactory = new RestClientFactory(mockRestClient.Object) }; const string existingState = "Oops! - Tasselhoff Burrfoot"; var queryStringParameters = new NameValueCollection { { "code", "aaa" }, { "state", existingState } }; var googleAuthenticationServiceSettings = new GoogleAuthenticationServiceSettings { State = existingState, CallBackUri = new Uri("") }; // Act. var result = Assert.Throws <AuthenticationException>( () => googleProvider.AuthenticateClient(googleAuthenticationServiceSettings, queryStringParameters)); // Assert. Assert.NotNull(result); Assert.Equal( "We were unable to retrieve the User Id from Google API, the user may have denied the authorization.", result.Message); }
public void GivenExecutingUserInfoThrowsAnException_AuthenticateClient_ThrowsAnException() { // Arrange. var mockRestResponse = new Mock <IRestResponse <AccessTokenResult> >(); mockRestResponse.Setup(x => x.StatusCode).Returns(HttpStatusCode.OK); mockRestResponse.Setup(x => x.Data).Returns(new AccessTokenResult { AccessToken = "aaa", ExpiresIn = 100, IdToken = "What if that sexy girl in that pop up chat really does want to meet people in my area?", TokenType = "overly attached girlfriend" }); var mockRestResponseUserInfo = new Mock <IRestResponse <UserInfoResult> >(); mockRestResponseUserInfo.Setup(x => x.StatusCode).Returns(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized); mockRestResponseUserInfo.Setup(x => x.StatusDescription).Returns("Unauthorized"); var mockRestClient = MockRestClient; mockRestClient .Setup(x => x.Execute <AccessTokenResult>(It.IsAny <IRestRequest>())) .Returns(mockRestResponse.Object); mockRestClient. Setup(x => x.Execute <UserInfoResult>(It.IsAny <IRestRequest>())) .Returns(mockRestResponseUserInfo.Object); var googleProvider = new GoogleProvider(new ProviderParams { Key = "aa", Secret = "bb" }) { RestClientFactory = new RestClientFactory(mockRestClient.Object) }; const string existingState = "Oops! - Tasselhoff Burrfoot"; var queryStringParameters = new NameValueCollection { { "code", "aaa" }, { "state", existingState } }; var googleAuthenticationServiceSettings = new GoogleAuthenticationServiceSettings { State = existingState, CallBackUri = new Uri("") }; // Act. var result = Assert.Throws <AuthenticationException>( () => googleProvider.AuthenticateClient(googleAuthenticationServiceSettings, queryStringParameters)); // Assert. Assert.NotNull(result); Assert.Equal( "Failed to obtain some UserInfo data from the Google Api OR the the response was not an HTTP Status 200 OK. Response Status: Unauthorized. Response Description: Unauthorized. Error Message: --no error exception--.", result.Message); }
public void GivenANullCallbackUriWhileTryingToRetrieveAnAccessToken_AuthenticateClient_ThrowsAnException() { // Arrange. var mockRestResponse = new Mock <IRestResponse <AccessTokenResult> >(); mockRestResponse.Setup(x => x.StatusCode).Returns(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); mockRestResponse.Setup(x => x.StatusDescription).Returns("Bad Request"); mockRestResponse.Setup(x => x.Content).Returns("{\n \"error\" : \"invalid_request\"\n}"); var mockRestClient = MockRestClient; mockRestClient .Setup(x => x.Execute <AccessTokenResult>(It.IsAny <IRestRequest>())) .Returns(mockRestResponse.Object); var googleProvider = new GoogleProvider(new ProviderParams { Key = "aa", Secret = "bb" }) { RestClientFactory = new RestClientFactory(mockRestClient.Object) }; const string existingState = "Oops! - Tasselhoff Burrfoot"; var queryStringParameters = new NameValueCollection { { "code", "aaa" }, { "state", existingState } }; var googleAuthenticationServiceSettings = new GoogleAuthenticationServiceSettings { State = existingState, CallBackUri = new Uri("") }; // Act. var result = Assert.Throws <AuthenticationException>( () => googleProvider.AuthenticateClient(googleAuthenticationServiceSettings, queryStringParameters)); // Assert. Assert.NotNull(result); Assert.Equal( "Failed to obtain an Access Token from Google OR the the response was not an HTTP Status 200 OK. Response Status: BadRequest. Response Description: Bad Request. Error Content: {\n \"error\" : \"invalid_request\"\n}. Error Message: --no error exception--.", result.Message); }
public void GivenAnRequestTokenWithMissingParameters_AuthenticateClient_ThrowsAnException() { // Arrange. var mockRestResponse = new Mock <IRestResponse <AccessTokenResult> >(); mockRestResponse.Setup(x => x.StatusCode).Returns(HttpStatusCode.OK); mockRestResponse.Setup(x => x.Data).Returns(new AccessTokenResult()); var mockRestClient = MockRestClient; mockRestClient .Setup(x => x.Execute <AccessTokenResult>(It.IsAny <IRestRequest>())) .Returns(mockRestResponse.Object); var googleProvider = new GoogleProvider(new ProviderParams { Key = "aa", Secret = "bb" }) { RestClientFactory = new RestClientFactory(mockRestClient.Object) }; const string existingState = "Oops! - Tasselhoff Burrfoot"; var queryStringParameters = new NameValueCollection { { "code", "aaa" }, { "state", existingState } }; var googleAuthenticationServiceSettings = new GoogleAuthenticationServiceSettings { State = existingState, CallBackUri = new Uri("") }; // Act. var result = Assert.Throws <AuthenticationException>( () => googleProvider.AuthenticateClient(googleAuthenticationServiceSettings, queryStringParameters)); // Assert. Assert.NotNull(result); Assert.Equal( "Retrieved a Google Access Token but it doesn't contain one or more of either: access_token, expires_in or token_type.", result.Message); }
public void GivenAnErrorOccuredWhileTryingToRetrieveAnAccessToken_AuthenticateClient_ThrowsAnException() { // Arrange. const string errorMessage = "If God says he was not created by a creator, does that mean: god is an aetheist?"; var mockRestClient = MockRestClient; mockRestClient.Setup(x => x.Execute <AccessTokenResult>(It.IsAny <IRestRequest>())) .Throws(new InvalidOperationException(errorMessage)); var googleProvider = new GoogleProvider(new ProviderParams { Key = "aa", Secret = "bb" }) { RestClientFactory = new RestClientFactory(mockRestClient.Object) }; const string existingState = "Oops! - Tasselhoff Burrfoot"; var queryStringParameters = new NameValueCollection { { "code", "aaa" }, { "state", existingState } }; var googleAuthenticationServiceSettings = new GoogleAuthenticationServiceSettings { State = existingState, CallBackUri = new Uri("") }; // Act. var result = Assert.Throws <AuthenticationException>( () => googleProvider.AuthenticateClient(googleAuthenticationServiceSettings, queryStringParameters)); // Assert. Assert.NotNull(result); Assert.Equal("Failed to retrieve an Access Token from Google.", result.Message); Assert.NotNull(result.InnerException); Assert.Equal(errorMessage, result.InnerException.RecursiveErrorMessages()); }
public void GivenExecutingRetrieveSomeUserInfo_AuthenticateClient_ReturnsAnAuthenticatedClient() { // Arrange. const string accessToken = "aaa"; const int expiresIn = 100; var mockRestResponse = new Mock <IRestResponse <AccessTokenResult> >(); mockRestResponse.Setup(x => x.StatusCode).Returns(HttpStatusCode.OK); mockRestResponse.Setup(x => x.Data).Returns(new AccessTokenResult { AccessToken = accessToken, ExpiresIn = expiresIn, IdToken = "What if that sexy girl in that pop up chat really does want to meet people in my area?", TokenType = "overly attached girlfriend" }); var userInfoResult = new UserInfoResult { Email = "aaa", FamilyName = "bbb", Gender = "male", GivenName = "ccc", Id = "ddd", Link = "", Locale = "en-au", Name = "eee", Picture = "", VerifiedEmail = true }; var mockRestResponseUserInfo = new Mock <IRestResponse <UserInfoResult> >(); mockRestResponseUserInfo.Setup(x => x.StatusCode).Returns(HttpStatusCode.OK); mockRestResponseUserInfo.Setup(x => x.Data).Returns(userInfoResult); var mockRestClient = MockRestClient; mockRestClient .Setup(x => x.Execute <AccessTokenResult>(It.IsAny <IRestRequest>())) .Returns(mockRestResponse.Object); mockRestClient. Setup(x => x.Execute <UserInfoResult>(It.IsAny <IRestRequest>())) .Returns(mockRestResponseUserInfo.Object); var googleProvider = new GoogleProvider(new ProviderParams { Key = "aa", Secret = "bb" }) { RestClientFactory = new RestClientFactory(mockRestClient.Object) }; const string existingState = "Oops! - Tasselhoff Burrfoot"; var queryStringParameters = new NameValueCollection { { "code", accessToken }, { "state", existingState } }; var googleAuthenticationServiceSettings = new GoogleAuthenticationServiceSettings { State = existingState, CallBackUri = new Uri("") }; // Act. var result = googleProvider.AuthenticateClient(googleAuthenticationServiceSettings, queryStringParameters); // Assert. Assert.NotNull(result); Assert.Equal("google", result.ProviderName); Assert.NotNull(result.AccessToken); Assert.Equal(accessToken, result.AccessToken.PublicToken); Assert.True(DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(expiresIn) >= result.AccessToken.ExpiresOn); Assert.NotNull(result.UserInformation); Assert.Equal(GenderType.Male, result.UserInformation.Gender); Assert.Equal(userInfoResult.Id, result.UserInformation.Id); Assert.Equal(userInfoResult.Locale, result.UserInformation.Locale); Assert.Equal(userInfoResult.Name, result.UserInformation.Name); Assert.Equal(userInfoResult.Picture, result.UserInformation.Picture); Assert.Equal(userInfoResult.GivenName, result.UserInformation.UserName); }