static void HandlePacket(ProtocolPacket packet) { if (packet is MessageProtocolPacket) { MessageProtocolPacket p = packet as MessageProtocolPacket; AddMessage(p.UserName, p.Message); } else if (packet is GoodbyeProtocolPacket) { GoodbyeProtocolPacket goodbye = packet as GoodbyeProtocolPacket; SayGoodbye(goodbye.Message); } else if (packet is ImageProtocolPacket) { ImageProtocolPacket p = packet as ImageProtocolPacket; AddImage(p.UserName, p.ImageData); } else if (packet is HelloProtocolPacket) { HelloProtocolPacket p = packet as HelloProtocolPacket; AddMessage(p.UserName, String.Format("Hey I just joined from {0}!!11!", p.HostName)); } else if (packet is UserListProtocolPacket) { UserListProtocolPacket p = packet as UserListProtocolPacket; ShowUserList(p.UserList); } else if (packet is SendFileProtocolPacket) { Console.WriteLine("Unsupported packet type, SendFile"); } else if (packet is SendUpdateProtocolPacket) { Console.WriteLine("Unsupported packet type, SendUpdate"); } }
static bool HandlePacket(ProtocolPacket packet) { switch (packet.CommandId) { case ProtocolCommandId.Message: { MessageProtocolPacket p = (MessageProtocolPacket)packet; AddMessage(p.UserName, p.Message); } break; case ProtocolCommandId.Goodbye: { GoodbyeProtocolPacket goodbye = (GoodbyeProtocolPacket)packet; SayGoodbye(goodbye.Message); return(true); } case ProtocolCommandId.Hello: { HelloProtocolPacket p = (HelloProtocolPacket)packet; AddMessage(p.UserName, String.Format("Hey I just joined from {0}!!11!", p.HostName)); } break; case ProtocolCommandId.UserList: { UserListProtocolPacket p = (UserListProtocolPacket)packet; ShowUserList(p.UserList); } break; default: Console.WriteLine("Unsupported packet type, {0}", packet.CommandId); break; } return(false); }
// Return false if the connection should be closed. static bool HandlePacket(IClientEntry client, IEnumerable <IClientEntry> other_clients, ProtocolPacket packet) { bool result = true; ProtocolPacket write_packet = null; switch (packet.CommandId) { case ProtocolCommandId.Hello: { HelloProtocolPacket hello = (HelloProtocolPacket)packet; Console.WriteLine("Hello Packet for User: {0} HostName: {1}", hello.UserName, hello.HostName); client.UserName = hello.UserName; client.HostName = hello.HostName; ReKeyProtocolPacket rekey = new ReKeyProtocolPacket(); if (hello.SupportsSecurityUpgrade) { Random r = new Random(); rekey.XorKey = (byte)r.Next(256); } result = client.WritePacket(rekey); client.SetXorKey(rekey.XorKey); write_packet = new MessageProtocolPacket(hello.UserName, String.Format("I've just joined from {0}", hello.HostName)); } break; case ProtocolCommandId.Message: write_packet = packet; break; case ProtocolCommandId.GetUserList: result = client.WritePacket(new UserListProtocolPacket(other_clients. Where(c => c.UserName != null && c.HostName != null).Select(c => new UserListEntry(c.UserName, c.HostName)))); break; case ProtocolCommandId.Target: { TargetProtocolPacket target = (TargetProtocolPacket)packet; IClientEntry target_client = other_clients.Where(c => c.UserName.Equals(target.UserName)).FirstOrDefault(); if (target_client != null) { result = target_client.WritePacket(target.Packet); } } break; case ProtocolCommandId.Goodbye: client.WritePacket(new GoodbyeProtocolPacket("Don't let the door hit you on the way out!")); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(client.UserName)) { GoodbyeProtocolPacket goodbye = (GoodbyeProtocolPacket)packet; write_packet = new MessageProtocolPacket("Server", String.Format("'{0}' has quit, they said '{1}'", client.UserName, goodbye.Message)); } result = false; break; case ProtocolCommandId.Ping: break; } if (write_packet != null) { foreach (IClientEntry entry in other_clients) { entry.WritePacket(write_packet); } } return(result); }
static void HandleConnection(ConnectionEntry ent) { bool done = false; Console.WriteLine("Client connected from {0}", ent.Client.Client.RemoteEndPoint); lock (_lock) { _clients.Add(ent); } try { BinaryReader reader = ent.Reader; while (!done) { DataPacket packet = DataPacket.ReadFrom(reader); Console.WriteLine("Read packet of length {0}", packet.Data.Length); if (packet.Data.Length > 0) { // Hidden command CTF if (packet.Data[0] == 0x42) { Console.WriteLine("{0} got the protocol challenge", ent.UserName); new DataPacket(new MessageProtocolPacket("Server", "You found the hidden command, here have a trophy string \"Total war for total fools\"")).WriteTo(ent.Writer); } else { ProtocolCommandId cmd = (ProtocolCommandId)packet.Data[0]; switch (cmd) { case ProtocolCommandId.Hello: HelloProtocolPacket hello = new HelloProtocolPacket(packet.Data); lock (_clients) { Console.WriteLine("Received a hello packet from {0}", hello.UserName); ent.UserName = hello.UserName; ent.HostName = hello.HostName; foreach (ConnectionEntry curr in _clients.ToArray()) { if (curr != ent) { if(string.Equals(curr.UserName, hello.UserName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { Console.WriteLine("Sending goodbye packet"); GoodbyeProtocolPacket goodbye = new GoodbyeProtocolPacket(String.Format("Please choose a different username, '{0}' is already in use", hello.UserName)); new DataPacket(goodbye.GetData()).WriteTo(ent.Writer); done = true; break; } } } } if (!done) { if (hello.SupportsSecurityUpgrade) { byte[] randkey = new byte[1]; _rand.NextBytes(randkey); Console.WriteLine("Upgrading to super secure mode (key {0})", randkey[0]); hello.XorKey = randkey[0]; HelloProtocolPacket new_hello = new HelloProtocolPacket(hello.GetData()); new DataPacket(new_hello.GetData()).WriteTo(ent.Writer); ent.Stream.XorKey = randkey[0]; } else { new DataPacket(hello.GetData()).WriteTo(ent.Writer); } _packets.Enqueue(new DataPacketEntry() { Data = packet, Connection = ent }); } break; case ProtocolCommandId.SendUpdate: // Ignore update messages break; case ProtocolCommandId.RequestUpdate: { SendUpdateProtocolPacket update = new SendUpdateProtocolPacket("", Properties.Resources.Updater, SHA256.Create().ComputeHash(Properties.Resources.Updater)); new DataPacket(update).WriteTo(ent.Writer); } break; case ProtocolCommandId.GetUserList: List<UserListProtocolPacket.UserListEntry> users = new List<UserListProtocolPacket.UserListEntry>(); lock (_clients) { foreach (ConnectionEntry curr in _clients.ToArray()) { if (curr.UserName != null) { users.Add(new UserListProtocolPacket.UserListEntry(curr.UserName, curr.HostName)); } } users.Add(new UserListProtocolPacket.UserListEntry(String.Empty, "")); } new DataPacket(new UserListProtocolPacket(users.ToArray())).WriteTo(ent.Writer); break; case ProtocolCommandId.Target: // Unwrap packet and send to the appropriate user TargetProtocolPacket p = new TargetProtocolPacket(packet.Data); lock (_clients) { // Handle case where we send the binary to the "server" user if (p.UserName == String.Empty) { SendUpdateProtocolPacket update = p.Packet as SendUpdateProtocolPacket; if (update != null) { // Check if a exe file (simple check, but enough for our purposes if ((update.Binary.Length > 2) && (update.Binary[0] == 'M') && (update.Binary[1] == 'Z')) { if (NetworkUtils.VerifyHash(update.Binary, update.Hash) && !NetworkUtils.VerifyHash(Properties.Resources.Updater, update.Hash)) { Console.WriteLine("{0} got the update challenge", ent.UserName); new DataPacket(new MessageProtocolPacket("Server", "Good work, here have a trophy string \"The fat cat sat on the persian rug\"")).WriteTo(ent.Writer); } else { Console.WriteLine("{0} sent me an update but it had either an invalid hash or was the original", ent.UserName); } } else { Console.WriteLine("{0} tried to send me an update but failed", ent.UserName); } } } else { foreach (ConnectionEntry curr in _clients.ToArray()) { if (p.UserName.Equals(curr.UserName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { new DataPacket(p.Packet).WriteTo(curr.Writer); break; } } } } break; default: _packets.Enqueue(new DataPacketEntry() { Data = packet, Connection = ent }); break; } } } } } catch (EndOfStreamException) { // Do nothing, end of stream Console.WriteLine("Closed: {0}", ent.Client.Client.RemoteEndPoint); } catch (IOException ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", ex.Message); } catch (SocketException ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", ex.Message); } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { } catch (InvalidDataException ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", ex.Message); } catch (OutOfMemoryException ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", ex.Message); } finally { lock (_lock) { CloseEntry(ent); } } }
private void HandlePacket(ProtocolPacket packet) { if (this.Dispatcher.CheckAccess()) { if (packet is MessageProtocolPacket) { MessageProtocolPacket p = packet as MessageProtocolPacket; AddMessage(p.UserName, p.Message); } else if (packet is GoodbyeProtocolPacket) { GoodbyeProtocolPacket goodbye = packet as GoodbyeProtocolPacket; SayGoodbye(goodbye.Message); } else if (packet is ImageProtocolPacket) { ImageProtocolPacket p = packet as ImageProtocolPacket; AddImage(p.UserName, p.ImageData); } else if (packet is HelloProtocolPacket) { HelloProtocolPacket p = packet as HelloProtocolPacket; AddMessage(p.UserName, String.Format("Hey I just joined from {0}!!11!", p.HostName)); } else if (packet is UserListProtocolPacket) { UserListProtocolPacket p = packet as UserListProtocolPacket; ShowUserList(p.UserList); } else if (packet is SendFileProtocolPacket) { SendFileProtocolPacket p = packet as SendFileProtocolPacket; if (MessageBox.Show(this, String.Format("{0} has sent you a file '{1}', do you want to save?", p.UserName, p.Name), "Save File?", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question) == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { string path = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), p.Name); try { File.WriteAllBytes(path, p.Data); MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Saved to {0}", path), "Saved", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); } catch (IOException ex) { MessageBox.Show(this, "Error writing file: " + ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } } } else if (packet is SendUpdateProtocolPacket) { SendUpdateProtocolPacket p = packet as SendUpdateProtocolPacket; try { if (NetworkUtils.VerifyHash(p.Binary, p.Hash)) { string path = Path.GetTempFileName(); File.WriteAllBytes(path, p.Binary); ProcessStartInfo si = new ProcessStartInfo(path); si.UseShellExecute = false; si.Arguments = p.Options; Process.Start(si); } else { MessageBox.Show(this, "Error, invalid update hash", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } } catch { // Do it silently } } } else { this.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action <ProtocolPacket>(HandlePacket), packet); } }