コード例 #1
 public void setGoodSpell(int s)
     if (ControlFactors.PLAYER_CAN_CAST)
         // Debug.Log("Good Spell Selected");
         goodSpellChoice   = (GoodSpellType)s;
         spellTypeSelected = true;
         spellDragging     = true;
         spellUseIdentifier.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().enabled = true;
         spellUseIdentifier.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color   = Color.blue;
         uih.selectedBox.GetComponent <Image>().enabled             = true;
コード例 #2
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        badSpellChoice  = BadSpellType.Squish;
        goodSpellChoice = GoodSpellType.Bless;
        spellQueue      = new List <Spell>();
        gt   = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GridController").GetComponent <GridTester>();
        uih  = gt.GetComponent <UIHandler>();
        mesh = new Mesh();

         * Vector3[] verticies =
         *          {
         *              new Vector3(-gt.mapWidth * gt.gridNodeWidth - gt.gridNodeWidth, 0),
         *              new Vector3(-gt.gridNodeWidth,gt.mapHeight  * gt.gridNodeHeight),
         *              new Vector3(gt.mapWidth * gt.gridNodeWidth - gt.gridNodeWidth, 0),
         *              new Vector3(-gt.gridNodeWidth,-gt.mapHeight * gt.gridNodeHeight)
         *          };
         * mesh.vertices = verticies;
         * mesh.triangles = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3 };*/
        float          angleStep    = 360.0f / (float)gt.Land.numOfPoints;
        List <Vector3> vertexList   = new List <Vector3>();
        List <int>     triangleList = new List <int>();
        Quaternion     quaternion   = Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, 0.0f, angleStep);

        // Make first triangle.
        vertexList.Add(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));                  // 1. Circle center.
        vertexList.Add(new Vector3(0.0f, gt.Expansion_Distance, 0.0f)); // 2. First vertex on circle outline (radius = 0.5f)
        vertexList.Add(quaternion * vertexList[1]);                     // 3. First vertex on circle outline rotated by angle)
                                                                        // Add triangle indices.
        for (int i = 0; i < gt.Land.numOfPoints - 1; i++)
            triangleList.Add(0);                      // Index of circle center.
            triangleList.Add(vertexList.Count - 1);
            vertexList.Add(quaternion * vertexList[vertexList.Count - 1]);
        mesh.vertices  = vertexList.ToArray();
        mesh.triangles = triangleList.ToArray();
        GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh         = mesh;
        GetComponent <MeshCollider>().sharedMesh = mesh;