public GoalChangeModel GetEditChangeViewModelById(string goalId) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(goalId)) { throw new ArgumentException(InvalidPropertyErrorMessage); } var goal = this.goalRepository.All().Where(x => x.Id == goalId).To <GoalModel>().First(); var goalViewModel = new GoalModel { Title = goal.Title, Frequency = this.enumParseService.GetEnumDescription(goal.Frequency.ToString(), typeof(Frequency)), DayTime = this.enumParseService.GetEnumDescription(goal.DayTime.ToString(), typeof(DayTime)), Duration = this.enumParseService.GetEnumDescription(goal.Duration.ToString(), typeof(Duration)), CalendarId = goal.CalendarId, ColorId = goal.ColorId, }; var goalChangeViewModel = new GoalChangeModel { GoalModel = goalViewModel, DayTimes = this.dayTimesDescriptions, Frequencies = this.frequenciesDescriptions, Durations = this.durationsDescriptions, Calendars = this.calendarService.GetAll(), Colors = this.colorService.GetAllColors(), }; return(goalChangeViewModel); }
public MainPage() { this.InitializeComponent(); goalModel = new GoalModel(); DataContext = goalModel; ScrollToLastRow(null, null); }
public override Debt CreateEntity(GoalModel model, Goal goal) { var entity = new Debt() { ReasonTypeId = model.ReasonId, UserId = User.Identity.GetUserId(), Goal = goal, }; entity.Goal.Name = model.Name; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Description)) { model.Description = String.Empty; } entity.Goal.Description = model.Description; if (model.Notifications != null && model.Notifications.Any()) { var notifications = model.Notifications.Select(i => new Notification { IsEmailEnabled = i.Email, IsSmsEnabled = i.Sms, ReleaseDate = Convert.ToDateTime(i.Hour), UserId = User.Identity.GetUserId() }); entity.Goal.Notifications = notifications; } return(entity); }
public async Task <bool> CreateFromAdminAsync(GoalModel goalModel) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(goalModel.Title) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(goalModel.CalendarId) || goalModel.ColorId <= 0) { throw new ArgumentException(InvalidPropertyErrorMessage); } var goal = new Goal { Title = goalModel.Title, StartDateTime = goalModel.StartDateTime, IsActive = true, CalendarId = goalModel.CalendarId, ColorId = goalModel.ColorId, }; goal.DayTime = this.enumParseService.Parse <DayTime>(goalModel.DayTime); goal.Duration = this.enumParseService.Parse <Duration>(goalModel.Duration); goal.Frequency = this.enumParseService.Parse <Frequency>(goalModel.Frequency); await this.goalRepository.AddAsync(goal); var result = await this.goalRepository.SaveChangesAsync(); await this.habitService.GenerateHabitsAsync(goal, goal.StartDateTime); return(result > 0); }
public async Task <ActionResult <GoalModel> > GetGoal([FromRoute] int goalId) { try { var result = await _repository.GetGoals(User.Claims.GetUserId(), goalId); var goal = result.FirstOrDefault(); if (goal == null) { return(NotFound()); } var response = new GoalModel { GoalId = goal.GoalId, Weight = goal.Weight, WeightGoal = goal.WeightGoal, Height = goal.Height, StartDate = goal.StartDate, IsCompleted = goal.IsCompleted, IsSuccess = goal.IsSuccess }; return(response); } catch (Exception) { return(StatusCode(500)); } }
public IActionResult Save(GoalModel goal) { var userID = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value; if (!ModelState.IsValid) { var viewModel = new GoalFormViewModel { Goal = goal, DefaultCurrencySymbol = _accountService.GetUserDefaultCurrencySymbol(userID) }; return(View("GoalForm", viewModel)); } if (goal.ID == 0) { _goalService.AddGoal(goal); } else { _goalService.UpdateGoal(goal); } return(RedirectToAction("MainPage", "Transaction")); }
public async Task <int> AddGoalAsync(GoalModel goalModel) { goalModel.CheckForNull(nameof(goalModel)); var goal = _mapper.Map <GoalModel, Goal>(goalModel); switch (goal.Type) { case (byte)GoalTypes.Debt: { CreateDebtTransaction(goal); break; } case (byte)GoalTypes.Loan: { CreateLoanTransaction(goal); break; } } _context.Goals.Add(goal); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(goal.ID); }
// GET: Goals/Create public ActionResult Create() { GoalModel model = new GoalModel(); model.RULES.ToList().Add(new GoalRuleModel()); return(View("Create", model)); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> /// <summary> /// Sprawdza czy dane są poprawne i tworzy pustą macierz kryteriów i dodaje do CB /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void AcceptBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (GoalTextBox.Text != "") { Goal = new GoalModel() { Name = GoalTextBox.Text } } ; else { MessageBox.Show("error"); } foreach (var v in CriterionLst) { CrMatrix.AddCriterion(v.Name); //mamy ilość } ItemX.ItemsSource = CriterionLst.Select(x => x.Name); ItemY.ItemsSource = CriterionLst.Select(x => x.Name); foreach (var v in AlternativeLst) { AlMatrix.AddAlternative(v.Name); //mamy ilość } ItemAX.ItemsSource = AlternativeLst.Select(x => x.Name); ItemAY.ItemsSource = AlternativeLst.Select(x => x.Name); }
public bool Update(GoalModel model) // update an existing record { GoalModel x = Read(model.uid); x = model; return(_db.SaveChanges() == 1); }
public async Task <ActionResult <GoalModel> > CompleteGoal(int goalId) { try { var result = await _repository.CompleteGoal(goalId, User.Claims.GetUserId(), DateTime.Now); if (result == null) { return(NotFound()); } var response = new GoalModel { GoalId = result.GoalId, Weight = result.Weight, WeightGoal = result.WeightGoal, Height = result.Height, StartDate = result.StartDate, IsCompleted = result.IsCompleted, IsSuccess = result.IsSuccess }; return(response); } catch (Exception) { return(StatusCode(500)); } }
public GoalDetailPage(GoalModel inputGoal, bool isCompetitionPage) { this.IsCompetitionPage = isCompetitionPage; this.goal = inputGoal; InitializeComponent(); UpdateDetailView(); UpdateLeaderBoard(); ChallengeHandler(); }
private static Goal ToGoal(GoalModel goalModel) { return(new Goal { Id = goalModel.Id, Title = goalModel.Title, Count = goalModel.Count }); }
private void RecurrentGoalHandler(string recurrentId) { List <GoalModel> ReccurrentGoalList = new List <GoalModel>(); if (selectedTeam == null) { ReccurrentGoalList = recurrentGoals.Where(g => g.RecurrentId == recurrentId).ToList(); } else { //Get all goal in recurrentGoals, that have the same challengeId var temp_goal = recurrentGoals.Where(t_g => t_g.RecurrentId == recurrentId).FirstOrDefault(); ReccurrentGoalList = recurrentGoals.Where(t_g => t_g.ChallengeId == temp_goal.ChallengeId).ToList(); } ReccurrentGoalList.Sort((x, y) => y.CreatedDate.CompareTo(x.CreatedDate)); if (selectedTeam == null) { PopulateRecurrentGoalChart(ReccurrentGoalList); } else { List <GoalModel> FinalAckRecGoals = new List <GoalModel>(); List <GoalModel> AckRecGoals = new List <GoalModel>(); List <DateTime> UniqueDates = new List <DateTime>(); foreach (var g in ReccurrentGoalList) { if (!UniqueDates.Contains(g.Deadline)) { UniqueDates.Add(g.Deadline); AckRecGoals.Add(g); } } foreach (var g in AckRecGoals) { int sum = 0; foreach (var goal in ReccurrentGoalList) { if (g.Deadline == goal.Deadline) { sum += int.Parse(goal.CurrentValue); } } // g.CurrentValue = sum.ToString(); GoalModel goalboal = new GoalModel() { CurrentValue = sum.ToString(), }; FinalAckRecGoals.Add(goalboal); } PopulateRecurrentGoalChart(FinalAckRecGoals); } }
// POST: api/GoalsApi public void Post([FromBody] string value) { GoalModel goalModel = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <GoalModel>(value); if (goalModel != null) { string sqlInsertGaol = @" INSERT INTO [dbo].[GOALS] ([NAME] ,[DESCR] ,[USR_ID] ,[USR_GROUP_ID] ,[USR_TYPE_ID] ,[FORMULA_TARGET] ,[NOTIFICATION_TYPE] ,[NOTIFICATION_IMAGE]) VALUES ('" + goalModel.NAME + @"' ,'" + goalModel.DESCR + @"' ," + ((goalModel.USR_ID.HasValue) ? goalModel.USR_ID.Value.ToString() : "NULL") + @" ," + ((goalModel.USR_GROUP_ID.HasValue) ? goalModel.USR_GROUP_ID.Value.ToString() : "NULL") + @" ," + ((goalModel.USR_TYPE_ID.HasValue) ? goalModel.USR_TYPE_ID.Value.ToString() : "NULL") + @" ,'" + goalModel.FORMULA_TARGET.ToString() + @"' ," + goalModel.NOTIFICATION_TYPE.ToString() + @" ,'" + ((goalModel.USR_TYPE_ID.HasValue) ? goalModel.USR_TYPE_ID.Value.ToString() : "NULL") + @"')"; using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(DBSettings.ConnectionString)) { con.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlInsertGaol); cmd.Connection = con; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // foreach(GoalRuleModel rule in goalModel.RULES) // { // cmd.CommandText = @"INSERT INTO [dbo].[GOAL_RULES] // ([GOAL_ID] // ,[FORMULA] // ,[GOAL_LEVEL] // ,[ACHIEVEMENT_TITLE] // ,[ACHIEVEMENT_MESSAGE]) //VALUES // (<GOAL_ID, int,> // ,<FORMULA, varchar(max),> // ,<GOAL_LEVEL, tinyint,> // ,<ACHIEVEMENT_TITLE, varchar(1000),> // ,<ACHIEVEMENT_MESSAGE, varchar(max),>)"; // } } } }
private static GoalModel CreateNewGoalModel() { GoalModel newGoalModel = new GoalModel(); newGoalModel.Amount = Managers.Data.FileData.GoalModels.Count > 0 ? Managers.Data.FileData.GoalModels.Last().Amount : 1000.00m; newGoalModel.DateKey = string.Format($"{Managers.Data.Runtime.SelectedTime.Year}_{Managers.Data.Runtime.SelectedTime.Month}"); newGoalModel.Save(); Debug.Log($"New GoalModel with Key {newGoalModel.DateKey} was saved."); return(newGoalModel); }
public Goal Map(GoalModel goalModel) { if (goalModel == null) { return(new Goal()); } var goal = ToGoal(goalModel); return(goal); }
private static GoalModel ToGoalModel(Goal goal) { var goalModel = new GoalModel { Id = goal.Id, Title = goal.Title, Count = goal.Count }; return(goalModel); }
public void MapGoalModelToGoal_ShouldMapCorrectly( GoalModel goalModel, GoalMapper sut) { // Act var result = sut.Map(goalModel); // Asserts result.Should().BeOfType <Goal>(); result.Should().BeEquivalentTo(goalModel, opt => opt.Excluding(src => src.Id)); }
public int CreateProjectGoal(GoalModel goalModel) { // Mapp to backend model var goal = new ProjectGoal(); if (goalModel != null) { goal = ApplicationMapper.MapProjectGoal(goalModel); } // Create P.Goal return(projectRepository.CreateProjectGoal(goal)); }
public void UpdateProjectGoal(GoalModel goalModel) { // Mapp to backend model var goal = new ProjectGoal(); if (goalModel != null) { goal = ApplicationMapper.MapProjectGoal(goalModel); } // Create P.Goal projectRepository.UpdateProjectGoal(goal); }
public ActionResult Create(GoalModel goal) { try { apiController.Post(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(goal)); return(View(goal)); } catch (Exception e) { ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Server Error. Please contact administrator."); return(View()); } }
public static ProjectGoal MapProjectGoal(GoalModel goalModel) { var goal = new ProjectGoal { Id = goalModel.Id, ProjectId = goalModel.ProjectId, GoalDefinition = goalModel.GoalDefinition, MesaureMethod = goalModel.MesaureMethod, Achieved = goalModel.Achieved, Type = goalModel.Type }; return(goal); }
public static bool CreateNewGoal(GoalModel Goal) { if (Goal == null) { return(false); } using (var db = new GoalContext()) { db.Goals.Add(Goal); db.SaveChanges(); return(true); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Put( [FromBody] GoalModel goalModel) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } var goal = GoalMapper.Map(goalModel); var goalUpdated = await GoalService.UpdateAsync(goal); return(goalUpdated ? NoContent() : StatusCode((int)HttpStatusCode.NotModified)); }
public int Insert(GoalModel obj) { var sql = @" INSERT INTO goal ( name ) VALUES ( @Name ); SELECT last_insert_rowid(); " ; return(Insert <GoalModel>(sql, obj)); }
public int Insert(GoalModel obj) { // arrange var goalModel = new GoalModel() { Name = "Goal Name" }; // act var newId = new GoalRepository().Insert(goalModel); // assert Assert.IsTrue(newId > 0); return(newId); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Post( [FromBody] GoalModel goalModel) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } var goal = GoalMapper.Map(goalModel); var createdGoal = await GoalService.CreateAsync(goal); goalModel = GoalMapper.Map(createdGoal); return(goalModel != null ? Created(string.Empty, goalModel) as IActionResult : StatusCode((int)HttpStatusCode.NotModified)); }
public async Task Put_WhenInvalidModelState_ShouldReturnBadRequest( GoalModel goalModel, GoalController sut) { // Arranges sut.ModelState.AddModelError("Error key", "Error message"); // Act var result = await sut.Put(goalModel); // Asserts result.Should().BeOfType <BadRequestObjectResult>(); ((BadRequestObjectResult)result).Value.Should() .BeOfType <SerializableError>(); sut.GoalMapper.DidNotReceive().Map(Arg.Any <GoalModel>()); await sut.GoalService.DidNotReceive().UpdateAsync(Arg.Any <Goal>()); }
public void TestSimple() { var model = new GoalModel (); var ag1 = new Agent (); var ag2 = new Agent (); var ag3 = new Agent (); var ag4 = new Agent (); var rootG = new Goal() { Name = "G" }; model.Goals().Add (rootG); var G1 = new Goal() { Name = "G1" }; var G2 = new Goal() { Name = "G2" }; var G3 = new Goal() { Name = "G3" }; var G4 = new Goal() { Name = "G4" }; model.Goals().Add (G1); model.Goals().Add (G2); model.Goals().Add (G3); model.Goals().Add (G4); G1.AgentAssignments.Add (new AgentAssignment (ag1)); G2.AgentAssignments.Add (new AgentAssignment (ag2)); G3.AgentAssignments.Add (new AgentAssignment (ag3)); G4.AgentAssignments.Add (new AgentAssignment (ag4)); var alt1 = new AlternativeSystem () { Name = "Alt1" }; var alt2 = new AlternativeSystem () { Name = "Alt2" }; model.Systems.Add (alt1); model.Systems.Add (alt2); rootG.Refinements().Add (new GoalRefinement (G1, G2, G3) { SystemReference = alt1 }); rootG.Refinements().Add (new GoalRefinement (G3, G4) { SystemReference = alt2 }); var h = new AlternativeHelpers(); h.ComputeInAlternatives (model); Console.WriteLine ("G1: " + string.Join(", ", G1.InSystems.Select (x => x.Name))); Console.WriteLine ("G2: " + string.Join(", ", G2.InSystems.Select (x => x.Name))); Console.WriteLine ("G3: " + string.Join(", ", G3.InSystems.Select (x => x.Name))); Console.WriteLine ("G4: " + string.Join(", ", G4.InSystems.Select (x => x.Name))); G1.InSystems.ShallOnlyContain (new AlternativeSystem[] { alt1 }); G2.InSystems.ShallOnlyContain (new AlternativeSystem[] { alt1 }); G3.InSystems.ShallOnlyContain (new AlternativeSystem[] { alt1, alt2 }); G4.InSystems.ShallOnlyContain (new AlternativeSystem[] { alt2 }); }
public async Task <IActionResult> UpsertGoals([FromBody] UpsertGoalsRequest upsertGoals) { try { if (upsertGoals == null || upsertGoals.UpsertGoals[0].GoalName == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Bad Request"); } List <GoalModel> coreGoals = new List <GoalModel>(); foreach (var upsertGoal in upsertGoals.UpsertGoals) { if (upsertGoal.UserId <= 0) { throw new Exception("User not found"); } GoalModel coreGoal = new GoalModel() { Id = upsertGoal.Id, UserId = upsertGoal.UserId, Amount = upsertGoal.GoalAmount, TargetAmount = upsertGoal.TargetAmount, GoalName = upsertGoal.GoalName, GoalSummary = upsertGoal.GoalSummary, StartDate = upsertGoal.StartDate, EndDate = upsertGoal.EndDate }; coreGoals.Add(coreGoal); } await _goalServices.UpsertGoalsService(coreGoals); return(Ok()); } catch (ArgumentException ae) { return(StatusCode(400, ae.Message)); } catch (Exception e) { return(StatusCode(500, e.Message)); } }
public ProofObligationGenerator(GoalModel model, IEnumerable<Goal> goals, IEnumerable<Goal> obstructedGoals())