private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { GnuPlot gp = new GnuPlot(); gp.HoldOn(); gp.Unset("key"); gp.Plot(NoisySine(1000, 1)); gp.Plot(NoisySine(1000, 1.5)); gp.Plot(NoisySine(1000, 2)); }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { GnuPlot gp = new GnuPlot(); gp.HoldOn(); gp.Set("title 'Phase-Locked Signals'"); gp.Set("samples 2000"); gp.Unset("key"); gp.Plot("sin(x)"); gp.Plot("cos(x)"); }
// Plot J cost function private static void PlotJ(Matrix <double> X, Matrix <double> y, Matrix <double> theta) { // Grid over which we will calculate J double[] theta0_vals = MathNet.Numerics.Generate.LinearSpaced(100, -10, 10); double[] theta1_vals = MathNet.Numerics.Generate.LinearSpaced(100, -1, 4); // initialize J_vals to a matrix of 0's int size = theta0_vals.Length * theta1_vals.Length; double[] sx = new double[size]; double[] sy = new double[size]; double[] sz = new double[size]; // Fill out J_vals int idx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < theta0_vals.Length; i++) { for (int k = 0; k < theta1_vals.Length; k++) { Matrix <double> t = Matrix <double> .Build.Dense(2, 1); t[0, 0] = theta0_vals[i]; t[1, 0] = theta1_vals[k]; sx[idx] = theta0_vals[i]; sy[idx] = theta1_vals[k]; sz[idx] = ComputeCost(X, y, t); idx++; } } GnuPlot.HoldOn(); GnuPlot.Set("terminal wxt 1"); GnuPlot.Set("title \"Cost function J\""); GnuPlot.Set("key bottom right"); GnuPlot.Set("xlabel \"{/Symbol q}_0\""); GnuPlot.Set("ylabel \"{/Symbol q}_1\""); // surface plot GnuPlot.SPlot(sx, sy, sz, "palette title \"J({/Symbol q}_0,{/Symbol q}_1)\""); // Contour plot GnuPlot.Set("terminal wxt 2"); GnuPlot.Set("cntrparam levels auto 10", "logscale z", "xr[-10:10]", "yr[-1:4]"); GnuPlot.Unset("key", "label"); GnuPlot.Contour(sx, sy, sz); GnuPlot.Plot(new double[] { theta[0, 0] }, new double[] { theta[1, 0] }, "pt 2 ps 1 lc rgb \"red\""); }
private static void DisplayData(Vector <double>[] X) { int w = 20; int h = 20; int row = 0; int col = 0; int offsetRow = 0; int offsetCol = 0; int dim = (int)Math.Sqrt(X.Length); double[,] d = new double[h * dim, w *dim]; for (int i = 0; i < X.Length; i++) { for (int k = 0; k < (w * h); k++) { d[row + offsetRow, col + offsetCol] = X[i][k]; offsetCol++; if (offsetCol % w == 0) { offsetRow++; offsetCol = 0; } } col += w; if (col >= (w * dim)) { row += h; col = 0; } offsetRow = 0; offsetCol = 0; } //d = RotateRight(d); //GnuPlot.Unset("key"); GnuPlot.Unset("colorbox"); //GnuPlot.Unset("tics"); GnuPlot.Set("grid"); GnuPlot.Set("palette grey"); //GnuPlot.Set("xrange [0:200]"); //GnuPlot.Set("yrange [0:200]"); GnuPlot.Set("pm3d map"); GnuPlot.SPlot(d, "with image"); }
void PlotNutritionAndJumpmen() { GnuPlot.Set("xlabel 'Time [Seconds]'"); GnuPlot.Set("ylabel 'Total nutrition'"); GnuPlot.Set("y2label 'Amount of jumpmen'"); GnuPlot.Set("ytics nomirror"); GnuPlot.Set("y2tics"); GnuPlot.Set("tics out"); GnuPlot.Unset("yrange"); GnuPlot.Unset("y2range"); //GnuPlot.Set("autoscale y"); //GnuPlot.Set("autoscale y2"); GnuPlot.Set("key left top Left box 3"); GnuPlot.HoldOn(); GnuPlot.Plot(tracker.nutritionTmpPath, "using 1:2 title 'Nutrition' w l axes x1y1"); GnuPlot.Plot(tracker.jumpmanCountTmpPath, "using 1:2 title 'Jumpmen' w lp axes x1y2"); GnuPlot.HoldOff(); }
public void MakeContour(double[] xBound, double[] yBound) { int id = x.Count() - 1; double[] x1plot = new double[id + 1]; double[] x2plot = new double[id + 1]; for (int i = 0; i <= id; i++) { x1plot[i] = x[i][0]; x2plot[i] = x[i][1]; } string xr = "xr[" + xBound[0] + ":" + xBound[1] + "]"; string yr = "yr[" + yBound[0] + ":" + yBound[1] + "]"; GnuPlot.Unset("key"); //hide the key or legend GnuPlot.HoldOn(); GnuPlot.Set(xr, yr, "cntrparam levels 20", "isosamples 50", xr, yr, "decimalsign locale"); //notice cntrparam levels (# height levels) GnuPlot.Plot(x1plot, x2plot, "with linespoints linestyle 1"); GnuPlot.Contour(filename, "lc rgb 'blue'"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string path = "C:\\Users\\King\\Desktop\\EnvisBackUps\\2018-04.cea"; MyDataReader reader = new MyDataReader(); reader.LoadCea(path); ; List <UniArchiveBase> result = new List <UniArchiveBase>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { result.Add(reader.LoadNext()); } // values restricted to one day 1.4.2018 var hours = reader.values.Where(i => i.Key.Day == 1 && i.Key.Month == 4).Select(i => double.Parse(i.Key.Hour.ToString())).ToArray(); // 8644 values for each 10 seconds var values = reader.values.Where(i => i.Key.Day == 1 && i.Key.Month == 4).Select(i => double.Parse(i.Value)).ToArray(); // 8644 values for each 10 seconds var values2 = result.Select(i => double.Parse(i.GetMemberValue("I_avg_3I").ToString())).Take(8644).ToArray(); var values3 = result.Select(i => double.Parse(i.GetMemberValue("U_avg_U3").ToString())).Take(8644).ToArray(); GnuPlot.Set("encoding utf8"); string tempfolder = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath(); tempfolder = "C:\\\\Users\\\\King\\\\Documents\\\\BP\\\\"; //data GnuPlot.SaveData(hours, values, tempfolder + ""); GnuPlot.SaveData(hours, values2, tempfolder + ""); GnuPlot.SaveData(hours, values3, tempfolder + ""); string output = "output \"" + tempfolder + "P_avg_3P_C_fromGnuPlot.pdf\""; //set output to pdf GnuPlot.Set("terminal pdf size 10in,8in"); //GnuPlot.Set("terminal pdf enhanced size 16cm,8cm font \", 10\""); GnuPlot.Set(output); //set common properties of plot string multiplot = "multiplot layout 3, 1 title \"1.4.2018\" font \", 14\""; GnuPlot.Set(multiplot); GnuPlot.Set("tmargin 3"); GnuPlot.Set("bmargin 3"); GnuPlot.Set("rmargin 10"); GnuPlot.Set("lmargin 10"); //first line GnuPlot.Set("xrange [0:24]"); GnuPlot.Set("xtics 1"); GnuPlot.Set("ytics 600"); GnuPlot.Set("grid"); GnuPlot.Set("title \"1.4.2018 řada P-avg-3P-C\""); GnuPlot.Set("ylabel \"P(W)\""); GnuPlot.Set("xlabel \"dayhours (h)\""); GnuPlot.Unset("key"); GnuPlot.Plot(tempfolder + "", "with linespoints pt " + (int)PointStyles.Dot + " lt 6 lw 4"); //second line GnuPlot.Set("xrange [0:24]"); GnuPlot.Set("xtics 1"); GnuPlot.Set("ytics 1"); GnuPlot.Set("grid"); GnuPlot.Set("title \"1.4.2018 řada I-avg-3I\""); GnuPlot.Set("ylabel \"I(A)\""); GnuPlot.Set("xlabel \"dayhours (h)\""); GnuPlot.Unset("key"); GnuPlot.Plot(tempfolder + "", "with linespoints pt " + (int)PointStyles.Dot + " lt 4 lw 4"); //third line GnuPlot.Set("xrange [0:24]"); GnuPlot.Set("yrange [220:250]"); GnuPlot.Set("xtics 1"); GnuPlot.Set("ytics 5"); GnuPlot.Set("grid"); GnuPlot.Set("title \"1.4.2018 řada U-avg-U3\""); GnuPlot.Set("ylabel \"U(V)\""); GnuPlot.Set("xlabel \"dayhours (h)\""); GnuPlot.Unset("key"); GnuPlot.Plot(tempfolder + "", "with linespoints pt " + (int)PointStyles.Dot + " lt 2 lw 4"); //trying To REMOVe if not works GnuPlot.Unset("multiplot"); GnuPlot.Unset("output"); //GnuPlot.Replot(); //GnuPlot.Write("pause 10"); //GnuPlot.Write("reread"); //GnuPlot.Set("terminal png size 800,600"); //GnuPlot.Set("output \"P_avg_3P_C_fromGnuPlot.png\""); //GnuPlot.Replot(); //GnuPlot.Plot(tempfolder + "", "with linespoints pt " + (int)PointStyles.Dot + " lt 6 lw 4"); Console.ReadLine(); }