private void btnGlycanDraw_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { GlycansDrawer draw = new GlycansDrawer("HexNAc-(Hex-)HexNAc", false); picGlycan.Image = draw.GetImage(); GlycansDrawer draw = new GlycansDrawer(); picGlycan.Image = draw.GlycanCartoon(Glycan.Type.DeHex); }
private void ListFragementStructure(GlycanStructure argStructure) { //dgDetail DataTable dtDetail = new DataTable(); DataColumn dcID = new DataColumn("ID", Type.GetType("System.Int32")); DataColumn dcMass = new DataColumn("Mass", Type.GetType("System.Single")); DataColumn dcScore = new DataColumn("Score", Type.GetType("System.Single")); DataColumn dcStructure = new DataColumn("Structure", typeof(Image)); dtDetail.Columns.Add(dcID); dtDetail.Columns.Add(dcMass); dtDetail.Columns.Add(dcScore); dtDetail.Columns.Add(dcStructure); //dgDetail.DataSource = dtDetail; //dgDetail.Columns[0].Width = 30; //dgDetail.Columns[1].Width = 70; //dgDetail.Columns[2].Width = 50; //dgDetail.Columns[3].Width = 315; dtDetail.DefaultView.Sort = "Mass"; int idx = 0; float TotalScore = 0.0f; GlycansDrawer GDRaw; foreach (GlycanTreeNode frm in argStructure.TheoreticalFragment) { DataRow row = dtDetail.NewRow(); row[0] = idx; float glycanmass = COL.GlycoLib.GlycanMass.GetGlycanMasswithCharge(frm.GlycanType, argStructure.Charge) + argStructure.Y1.Mass - GlycanMass.GetGlycanMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.HexNAc, argStructure.Charge); int closepeakidx = MassUtility.GetClosestMassIdx(scan.MSPeaks, glycanmass); row[1] = glycanmass; if (MassUtility.GetMassPPM(glycanmass, scan.MSPeaks[closepeakidx].MonoisotopicMZ) < _torelance) { row[2] = scan.MSPeaks[closepeakidx].MonoIntensity / scan.MaxIntensity; } else { row[2] = 0.0f; } GDRaw = new GlycansDrawer(frm.GetIUPACString(), false); row[3] = GDRaw.GetImage(); idx++; dtDetail.Rows.Add(row); TotalScore = TotalScore + Convert.ToSingle(row[2]); } DataRow dtrow = dtDetail.NewRow(); dtrow[0] = idx; dtrow[1] = GlycanMass.GetGlycanMasswithCharge(argStructure.Root.GlycanType, argStructure.Charge) + argStructure.Y1.Mass - GlycanMass.GetGlycanMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.HexNAc, argStructure.Charge); dtrow[2] = TotalScore; GDRaw = new GlycansDrawer(argStructure.IUPACString, false); dtrow[3] = GDRaw.GetImage(); dtDetail.Rows.Add(dtrow); }
private void GenerateReportBody(List <GlycanSequencing> argGSequencing, StreamWriter argSW) { argSW.WriteLine("<h1>Scan number:" + argGSequencing[0].ScanInfo.ScanNo.ToString() + "[Precursor m/z:" + argGSequencing[0].ScanInfo.ParentMZ.ToString("0.000") + "]</h1>"); argSW.WriteLine("<Table border=\"1\">"); foreach (GlycanSequencing GS in argGSequencing) { List <GlycanStructure> ExportStructure; if (_CompletedOnly) { ExportStructure = GS.FullSequencedStructures; } else { ExportStructure = GS.GetTopRankScoreStructre(_GetTopRank); } argSW.WriteLine("<tr>"); argSW.WriteLine("\t<td colspan=3>Peptide:" + GS.PeptideSeq + "</td></tr>"); argSW.WriteLine("<tr>\n\t<td>Score</td>\n\t<td>Glycan IUPAC</td>\n\t<td>IMG</td>\n</tr>"); foreach (GlycanStructure gs in ExportStructure) { string PicLocation = Path.GetDirectoryName(_exportFile) + "\\Pics\\" + gs.IUPACString.ToString() + ".png"; if (!File.Exists(PicLocation)) { GlycansDrawer Draw = new GlycansDrawer(gs.IUPACString, false); Image Pic = Draw.GetImage(); System.IO.MemoryStream mss = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); System.IO.FileStream fs = new System.IO.FileStream(PicLocation, System.IO.FileMode.Create, System.IO.FileAccess.ReadWrite); Pic.Save(mss, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); byte[] matriz = mss.ToArray(); fs.Write(matriz, 0, matriz.Length); mss.Close(); fs.Close(); Pic.Dispose(); Pic = null; Draw = null; } argSW.WriteLine("<tr>\n\t<td>" + gs.Score.ToString("0.00") + "</td>\n\t<td>" + gs.IUPACString + "</td>\n\t<td><img src=\".\\Pics\\" + gs.IUPACString.ToString() + ".png\"/></td>\n</tr>"); } } argSW.WriteLine("</table>\n<br><br>"); argSW.Flush(); }
private void ListIDPeak(GlycanStructure argStructure) { DataTable dtIDPeak = new DataTable(); DataColumn dcMass = new DataColumn("Glycopeptide m/z", Type.GetType("System.Single")); DataColumn dcScore = new DataColumn("Score", Type.GetType("System.Single")); DataColumn dcStructure = new DataColumn("Structure", typeof(Image)); dtIDPeak.Columns.Add(dcMass); dtIDPeak.Columns.Add(dcScore); dtIDPeak.Columns.Add(dcStructure); dgIDPeak.DataSource = dtIDPeak; dgIDPeak.Columns[0].Width = 70; dgIDPeak.Columns[1].Width = 50; dgIDPeak.Columns[2].Width = 315; dtIDPeak.DefaultView.Sort = "Glycopeptide m/z"; GlycansDrawer GDraw; foreach (GlycanTreeNode GT in argStructure.Root.FetchAllGlycanNode()) { DataRow row = dtIDPeak.NewRow(); row[0] = GT.IDMass; row[1] = GT.IDIntensity; string tmp = argStructure.GetSequqncedIUPACwNodeID(GT.NodeID); GDraw = new GlycansDrawer(tmp); row[2] = GDraw.GetImage(); dtIDPeak.Rows.Add(row); GT.GetIUPACString(); } dgIDPeak.Sort(dgIDPeak.Columns[0], ListSortDirection.Descending); for (int i = 0; i < dtIDPeak.Rows.Count; i++) { this.dgIDPeak.AutoResizeRow(i); } this.dgIDPeak.Columns[2].DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleLeft; }
private void btnConvert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (folderBrowserDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (!Directory.Exists(folderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(folderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath); } if (!Directory.Exists(folderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath + "\\Pics")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(folderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath + "\\Pics"); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"\">"); sb.AppendLine("<html xmlns=\"\">"); sb.AppendLine("<head>"); sb.AppendLine("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />"); sb.AppendLine("<title>GlycoSeq</title>\n</head>\n<body>"); GlycansDrawer Draw; StreamReader SR = new StreamReader(openFileDialog1.FileName); sb.AppendLine("<table border=\"1\">"); sb.AppendLine("<tr><td>ID</td><td>Orignal Glycan</td><td>Add Glycan</td><td>Result</td></tr>"); int idx = 1; do { string[] tmp = SR.ReadLine().Split(','); sb.AppendLine("<tr>"); sb.AppendLine("<td>"); sb.AppendLine(idx.ToString()); sb.AppendLine("</td>"); Draw = new GlycansDrawer(tmp[0], false); Image tmpImg = Draw.GetImage(); tmpImg.Save(folderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath + "\\Pics\\PreStructure_" + idx.ToString("000") + ".png"); tmpImg.Dispose(); tmpImg = null; sb.AppendLine("<td><img src=\".\\Pics\\PreStructure_" + idx.ToString("000") + ".png\"/><br>" + tmp[0] + "</td>"); Draw = new GlycansDrawer(tmp[1], false); tmpImg = Draw.GetImage(); tmpImg.Save(folderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath + "\\Pics\\AddStructure_" + idx.ToString("000") + ".png"); tmpImg.Dispose(); tmpImg = null; sb.AppendLine("<td><img src=\".\\Pics\\AddStructure_" + idx.ToString("000") + ".png\"/><br>" + tmp[1] + "</td>"); sb.AppendLine("<td>"); for (int i = 2; i < tmp.Length; i++) { Draw = new GlycansDrawer(tmp[i], false); tmpImg = Draw.GetImage(); tmpImg.Save(folderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath + "\\Pics\\AddedStructure_" + idx.ToString("000") + "-" + (i - 1).ToString("000") + ".png"); tmpImg.Dispose(); tmpImg = null; sb.AppendLine("<img src=\".\\Pics\\AddedStructure_" + idx.ToString("000") + "-" + (i - 1).ToString("000") + ".png\"/>"); } sb.AppendLine("</td>"); sb.AppendLine("</tr>"); idx++; } while (!SR.EndOfStream); sb.AppendLine("</table><br>-----------------------------------------------------------<br>"); sb.AppendLine("</body>\n</html>"); StreamWriter Sw = new StreamWriter(folderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath + "\\Result.htm"); Sw.Write(sb.ToString()); Sw.Flush(); Sw.Close(); MessageBox.Show("Done"); } } }
private void btnLoad_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { openFileDialog1.Filter = "Raw files (*.RAW,*.mzXML)|*.RAW;*.mzXML"; openFileDialog1.RestoreDirectory = true; if (txtScanNo.Text == "" || txtPeptideSeq.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please fill the information"); return; } if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { _torelance = Convert.ToSingle(txtPeaKTol.Text); _precursorTorelance = Convert.ToSingle(txtPrecusorTol.Text); dtTrees.Rows.Clear(); int ScanNo = 0; if (Int32.TryParse(txtScanNo.Text, out ScanNo) == false) { MessageBox.Show("Input Scan Number Error"); return; } if (Path.GetExtension(openFileDialog1.FileName).ToLower() == ".raw") { ThermoRawReader RawReader = new COL.MassLib.ThermoRawReader(openFileDialog1.FileName); /*GlypID.Peaks.clsPeakProcessorParameters clsParameters = new GlypID.Peaks.clsPeakProcessorParameters(); * clsParameters.SignalToNoiseThreshold = 0.0f; * clsParameters.PeakBackgroundRatio = 0.01f;*/ //RawReader.SetPeakProcessorParameter(2, 2); scan = RawReader.ReadScan(ScanNo); } else { //scan = new mzXMLReader(openFileDialog1.FileName).ReadScan(ScanNo); } int NoNeuAc = 0; int NoNeuGc = 0; if (rdoNeuAc.Checked) { NoNeuAc = Convert.ToInt32(txtSia.Text); } else { NoNeuGc = Convert.ToInt32(txtSia.Text); } List <int> SequenceParameters = new List <int>(); SequenceParameters.Add(Convert.ToInt32(txtTopPeaks_i.Text)); SequenceParameters.Add(Convert.ToInt32(txtTopDiagPeaks_j.Text)); SequenceParameters.Add(Convert.ToInt32(txtTopCorePeaks_k.Text)); SequenceParameters.Add(Convert.ToInt32(txtTopBrancingPeaks_l.Text)); SequenceParameters.Add(Convert.ToInt32(txtMaxGlycansToCompleteStruct_m.Text)); GS = new GlycanSequencing_MultipleScoring(scan, scan.ParentCharge, Convert.ToInt32(txtHex.Text), Convert.ToInt32(txtHexNAc.Text), Convert.ToInt32(txtdeHex.Text), NoNeuAc, NoNeuGc, @"D:\tmp", true, 0.8f, 10, SequenceParameters, Peptides.ReadFastaFile(txtPeptideSeq.Text)); GS.NumbersOfPeaksForSequencing = 140; GS.UseAVGMass = true; //GS.DebugMode(@"E:\temp\SeqTmp\"); GS.CreatePrecursotMZ = true; GS.RewardForCompleteStructure = 3; GS.StartSequencing(); GS.GetTopRankScoreStructre(1); //lstPeak.Items.Add("Top " + GS.FilteredPeaks.Count.ToString() + " peaks"); //lstPeak.Items.Add("m/z / normailzed intensity "); //foreach (MSPoint p in GS.FilteredPeaks) //{ // lstPeak.Items.Add(p.Mass.ToString("0.0000") +"/" + p.Intensity.ToString("0.0000")); //} bool isFullSeq = false; ReportStructure = GS.SequencedStructures; if (ReportStructure.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("No Structure Found"); return; } if (GS.FullSequencedStructures.Count != 0) { ReportStructure = GS.FullSequencedStructures; isFullSeq = true; } AminoAcidMass AA = new AminoAcidMass(); for (int i = 0; i < ReportStructure.Count; i++) { GlycanStructure gt = ReportStructure[i]; DataRow row = dtTrees.NewRow(); //row.Add(new Object[] (gt.Mass.ToString("0.0000"), gt.Score.ToString("0.0000"),gt.GetIUPACString())); row["ID"] = i.ToString(); row["Glycan Mass"] = gt.GlycanAVGMonoMass.ToString("0.0000"); row["Y1"] = gt.Y1.Mass.ToString("0.0000");; row["Core Score"] = Convert.ToSingle((gt.CoreScore).ToString("0.00")); row["Branch Score"] = Convert.ToSingle((gt.BranchScore).ToString("0.00")); row["Append Glycan Score"] = Convert.ToSingle((gt.InCompleteScore).ToString("0.00")); if (gt.IsCompleteByPrecursorDifference) { row["PPM"] = Convert.ToSingle( MassUtility.GetMassPPM( gt.GlycanMonoMass + AA.GetMonoMW(gt.PeptideSequence, true) + GetGlycanMassByGlycanString(gt.RestGlycanString), GS.PrecusorMonoMass) .ToString("0.00")); } else { row["PPM"] = Convert.ToSingle( MassUtility.GetMassPPM( gt.GlycanMonoMass + AA.GetMonoMW(gt.PeptideSequence, true), GS.PrecusorMonoMass).ToString("0.00")); } row["Peptide"] = gt.PeptideSequence; row["Append Glycan"] = gt.RestGlycanString; row["IUPAC"] = gt.IUPACString; GlycansDrawer GDRaw = new GlycansDrawer(gt.IUPACString, false); Image tmpImg = GDRaw.GetImage(); row["Structure"] = tmpImg; dtTrees.Rows.Add(row); } ////GS.SequencStructures[0].TheoreticalFragment dtTrees.DefaultView.Sort = "Glycan Mass DESC"; for (int i = 0; i < dgView.Rows.Count; i++) { this.dgView.AutoResizeRow(i); if (Convert.ToSingle(dgView.Rows[i].Cells["PPM"].Value) <= Convert.ToSingle(txtPrecusorTol.Text)) { dgView.Rows[i].DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.Red; } } } }
public void DrawsequencingGraph(GlycanStructure argStructure) { zedSequence.GraphPane.GraphObjList.Clear(); zedSequence.GraphPane.Legend.IsVisible = false; List <String> tmp = argStructure.Root.GetSequencingMapList(); if (tmp.Count == 0) { return; } float Xmin = Convert.ToSingle(tmp[0].Split('-')[0]); float Xmax = Convert.ToSingle(tmp[tmp.Count - 1].Split('-')[2]); if (Xmax == 0.0f) { Xmax = scan.MSPeaks[scan.MSPeaks.Count - 1].MonoMass; } double YMax = 0.0; ZedGraph.PointPairList pplPeak = new ZedGraph.PointPairList(); for (int i = 0; i < GS.FilteredPeaks.Count; i++) { if (GS.FilteredPeaks[i].Mass >= Xmin + 10.0f && GS.FilteredPeaks[i].Mass <= Xmax + 10.0f) { if (GS.FilteredPeaks[i].Intensity > YMax) { YMax = GS.FilteredPeaks[i].Intensity; } } } for (int i = 0; i < GS.FilteredPeaks.Count; i++) { if (GS.FilteredPeaks[i].Mass >= Xmin + 10.0f && GS.FilteredPeaks[i].Mass <= Xmax + 10.0f) { pplPeak.Add(GS.FilteredPeaks[i].Mass, GS.FilteredPeaks[i].Intensity / YMax * 100.0f); } } ZedGraph.GraphPane Pane = zedSequence.GraphPane; Pane.XAxis.MajorTic.IsInside = false; Pane.XAxis.MinorTic.IsInside = false; Pane.CurveList.Clear(); Pane.AddStick("Peaks", pplPeak, Color.Red); //Pane.XAxis.Scale.Min = Xmin - 10; //Pane.XAxis.Scale.Max = Xmax + 10; Pane.Title.Text = "No. " + txtScanNo.Text + "; Y1 m/z:" + argStructure.Y1.Mass.ToString("0.000");//+ " Structure:" + Convert.ToString(dgView.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value); Pane.AxisChange(); double YLevel = YMax; double outX, outY, outY2, diff; Pane.ReverseTransform(new Point(100, 100), out outX, out outY); Pane.ReverseTransform(new Point(100, 110), out outX, out outY2); diff = outY - outY2; GlycanTreeNode GT = argStructure.Root;//GS.GlycanTrees[e.RowIndex]; //Peak Interval //List<string> SeqList = new List<string>(); //for (int i = 0; i < GT.GetSequencingMapList().Count; i++) //{ // //Split the string // string[] strArray = GT.GetSequencingMapList()[i].Split('-'); // ZedGraph.TextObj TxtObg = new ZedGraph.TextObj(); // TxtObg.Text = strArray[1]; // double Start = Convert.ToDouble(strArray[0]); // double End = Convert.ToDouble(strArray[2]); // System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle LineStyle = DashStyle.Solid; // if (Start == 0) // { // if (strArray[1] == "HexNAc") // { // Start = End - GlycanMass.GetGlycanMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.HexNAc, GT.Charge); // } // else if (strArray[1] == "DeHex") // { // Start = End - GlycanMass.GetGlycanMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.DeHex, GT.Charge); // } // else if (strArray[1] == "Hex") // { // Start = End - GlycanMass.GetGlycanMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.Hex, GT.Charge); // } // else if (strArray[1] == "NeuAc") // { // Start = End - GlycanMass.GetGlycanMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.NeuAc, GT.Charge); // } // else // { // Start = End - GlycanMass.GetGlycanMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.NeuGc, GT.Charge); // } // TxtObg.Text = TxtObg.Text + "?"; // LineStyle = DashStyle.Dash; // } // else // { // if (strArray[1] == "HexNAc") // { // Start = End - GlycanMass.GetGlycanMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.HexNAc, GT.Charge); // } // else if (strArray[1] == "DeHex") // { // Start = End - GlycanMass.GetGlycanMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.DeHex, GT.Charge); // } // else if (strArray[1] == "Hex") // { // Start = End - GlycanMass.GetGlycanMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.Hex, GT.Charge); // } // else if (strArray[1] == "NeuAc") // { // Start = End - GlycanMass.GetGlycanMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.NeuAc, GT.Charge); // } // else // { // Start = End - GlycanMass.GetGlycanMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.NeuGc, GT.Charge); // } // } // if (End == 0) // { // if (strArray[1] == "HexNAc") // { // End = Start + GlycanMass.GetGlycanMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.HexNAc, GT.Charge); // } // else if (strArray[1] == "DeHex") // { // End = Start + GlycanMass.GetGlycanMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.DeHex, GT.Charge); // } // else if (strArray[1] == "Hex") // { // End = Start + GlycanMass.GetGlycanMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.Hex, GT.Charge); // } // else if (strArray[1] == "NeuAc") // { // End = Start + GlycanMass.GetGlycanMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.NeuAc, GT.Charge); // } // else // { // End = Start + GlycanMass.GetGlycanMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.NeuGc, GT.Charge); // } // TxtObg.Text = TxtObg.Text + "?"; // LineStyle = DashStyle.Dash; // } // //Determine the Y level // int Ylevel = 0; // if (SeqList.Count == 0) // { // SeqList.Add(Start.ToString() + "," + End.ToString() + ",0"); // } // else // { // for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) // { // double PreStart = Convert.ToDouble(SeqList[j].Split(',')[0]); // double PreEnd = Convert.ToDouble(SeqList[j].Split(',')[1]); // int Prelevel = Convert.ToInt32(SeqList[j].Split(',')[2]); // if ((PreStart <= Start && Start <= PreEnd)) // { // if (Math.Abs(PreEnd - Start) <= 10.0) // { // Ylevel = Prelevel; // break; // } // else // { // Ylevel = Prelevel + 1; // break; // } // } // } // SeqList.Add(Start.ToString() + "," + End.ToString() + "," + Ylevel.ToString()); // } // TxtObg.FontSpec.Size = TxtObg.FontSpec.Size * 0.8f; // YLevel = YMax + diff * Ylevel; // ZedGraph.LineObj Lne = new ZedGraph.LineObj(Start, YLevel + diff, Start, YLevel - diff); //Left V Line // Pane.GraphObjList.Add(Lne); // Lne = new ZedGraph.LineObj(End, YLevel + diff, End, YLevel - diff); //Right V Line // Pane.GraphObjList.Add(Lne); // Lne = new ZedGraph.LineObj(Start, YLevel, End, YLevel); //Add Line // Lne.Line.Style = LineStyle; // Pane.GraphObjList.Add(Lne); // //ZedGraph.ArrowObj arr= new ZedGraph.ArrowObj(Start, YLevel, End, YLevel); // //arr.IsArrowHead = true; // //arr.Line.Style = LineStyle; // //Pane.GraphObjList.Add(arr); // TxtObg.Location = new ZedGraph.Location(((Start + End) / 2), (double)YLevel, ZedGraph.CoordType.AxisXYScale); // TxtObg.FontSpec.Border.IsVisible = false; // TxtObg.Location.AlignH = ZedGraph.AlignH.Center; // TxtObg.Location.AlignV = ZedGraph.AlignV.Center; // Pane.GraphObjList.Insert(0, TxtObg); //} /////Annotation GlycansDrawer GDraw; double previousX2 = 0; List <GlycanTreeNode> Fragements = argStructure.Root.FetchAllGlycanNode(); Fragements.Sort(delegate(GlycanTreeNode T1, GlycanTreeNode T2) { return(Comparer <float> .Default.Compare(T1.IDMass, T2.IDMass)); }); foreach (GlycanTreeNode FGS in Fragements) { string Exp = argStructure.GetIUPACfromParentToNodeID(FGS.NodeID); //Queue<string> tmpQue = new Queue<string>(); //for (int i = 0; i < Exp.Length; i++) //{ // int NodeID = 0; // if (Exp[i].StartsWith("(") || Exp[i].StartsWith(")")) // { // NodeID = Convert.ToInt32(Exp[i].Split(',')[0].Substring(1)); // } // else // { // NodeID = Convert.ToInt32(Exp[i].Split(',')[0]); // } // if (NodeID > FGS.NodeID) // { // if (Exp[i].StartsWith("(") || Exp[i].StartsWith(")")) // { // tmpQue.Enqueue(Exp[i].Substring(0, 1)); // // } // } // else // { // tmpQue.Enqueue(Exp[i]); // } //} //string IUPAC = ""; //do //{ // string tmp =tmpQue.Dequeue(); // if(tmp == "(" && tmpQue.Peek() == ")" ) // { // } //}while(tmpQue.Count!=0) string tmpIUPAC = argStructure.GetSequqncedIUPACwNodeID(FGS.NodeID); GDraw = new GlycansDrawer(tmpIUPAC); float glycopeptideMZ = FGS.IDMass; if (double.IsNaN(glycopeptideMZ)) { continue; } Image imgStructure = RotateImage(GDraw.GetImage(), 270); double PositionX = glycopeptideMZ; if (previousX2 >= PositionX) { PositionX = previousX2 + 20; } ZedGraph.ImageObj glycan = new ZedGraph.ImageObj(imgStructure, PositionX, 130, imgStructure.Width * 0.3f, imgStructure.Height * 0.3f); glycan.IsScaled = true; glycan.Location.AlignV = ZedGraph.AlignV.Bottom; Pane.GraphObjList.Add(glycan); ZedGraph.TextObj txtGlycanMz = new ZedGraph.TextObj(glycopeptideMZ.ToString("0.000"), 100, 140); txtGlycanMz.Location.X = Pane.GraphObjList[Pane.GraphObjList.Count - 1].Location.X1 + (Pane.GraphObjList[Pane.GraphObjList.Count - 1].Location.X2 - Pane.GraphObjList[Pane.GraphObjList.Count - 1].Location.X1) / 2; txtGlycanMz.FontSpec.Size = txtGlycanMz.FontSpec.Size * 0.5f; txtGlycanMz.FontSpec.Border.IsVisible = false; Pane.GraphObjList.Add(txtGlycanMz); if (Pane.GraphObjList[Pane.GraphObjList.Count - 1].Location.X2 > Pane.GraphObjList[Pane.GraphObjList.Count - 2].Location.X2) { previousX2 = Pane.GraphObjList[Pane.GraphObjList.Count - 1].Location.X2; } else { previousX2 = Pane.GraphObjList[Pane.GraphObjList.Count - 2].Location.X2; } } Pane.AxisChange(); Pane.YAxis.Scale.Max = 145; Pane.XAxis.Scale.Min = Convert.ToInt32(argStructure.Y1.Mass - 100); Pane.XAxis.Scale.Max = pplPeak[pplPeak.Count - 1].X + 100; //////////// //Glycan Structure on the Right Top Header //////////// GDraw = new GlycansDrawer(argStructure.IUPACString, false); Image imgStruc = GDraw.GetImage(); ZedGraph.ImageObj fullStructure = new ZedGraph.ImageObj(imgStruc, 0.01f, 0.01f, imgStruc.Width, imgStruc.Height); fullStructure.IsScaled = false; Pane.GraphObjList.Add(fullStructure); Pane.GraphObjList[Pane.GraphObjList.Count - 1].Location.CoordinateFrame = ZedGraph.CoordType.PaneFraction; zedSequence.AxisChange(); zedSequence.Refresh(); }