コード例 #1
        public float calcPawnSightRange(IntVec3 position, bool forTargeting, bool shouldMove)
            if (pawn == null)
                Log.Error("calcPawnSightRange performed on non pawn thing");

            float sightRange = 0f;


            bool sleeping = !isMechanoid && pawn.CurJob != null && pawn.jobs.curDriver.asleep;

            if (!shouldMove && !sleeping && (pawnPather == null || !pawnPather.Moving))
                Verb attackVerb = null;
                if (pawn.CurJob != null)
                    JobDef jobDef = pawn.CurJob.def;
                    if (jobDef == JobDefOf.ManTurret)
                        Building_Turret mannedTurret = pawn.CurJob.targetA.Thing as Building_Turret;
                        if (mannedTurret != null)
                            attackVerb = mannedTurret.AttackVerb;
                    else if (jobDef == JobDefOf.AttackStatic || jobDef == JobDefOf.AttackMelee || jobDef == JobDefOf.WaitCombat || jobDef == JobDefOf.Hunt)
                        if (pawn.equipment != null)
                            ThingWithComps primary = pawn.equipment.Primary;
                            if (primary != null && primary.def.IsRangedWeapon)
                                attackVerb = primary.GetComp <CompEquippable>().PrimaryVerb;

                if (attackVerb != null && attackVerb.verbProps.range > baseViewRange && attackVerb.verbProps.requireLineOfSight && attackVerb.ownerEquipment.def.IsRangedWeapon)
                    float attackVerbRange = attackVerb.verbProps.range;
                    if (baseViewRange < attackVerbRange)
                        int ticksStanding = Find.TickManager.TicksGame - lastMovementTick;

                        float statValue     = pawn.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.AimingDelayFactor, true);
                        int   ticksToSearch = (attackVerb.verbProps.warmupTime * statValue).SecondsToTicks() * Mathf.RoundToInt((attackVerbRange - baseViewRange) / 2);

                        if (ticksStanding >= ticksToSearch)
                            sightRange = attackVerbRange * capacities.GetLevel(PawnCapacityDefOf.Sight);
                            int incValue = Mathf.RoundToInt((attackVerbRange - baseViewRange) * ((float)ticksStanding / ticksToSearch));

                            sightRange = (baseViewRange + incValue) * capacities.GetLevel(PawnCapacityDefOf.Sight);

            if (sightRange == 0f)
                sightRange = baseViewRange * capacities.GetLevel(PawnCapacityDefOf.Sight);

            if (!forTargeting && sleeping)
                // Sleeping: sight reduced to 20% (if not for targeting).
                sightRange *= 0.2f;
            // TODO: Apply moving penality?

            /*else if (!calcOnlyBase && pawnPather.Moving) {
             *      // When moving, sight reduced to 90%s.
             *      sightRange *= 0.9f;
             * }

            // Check if standing on an affect view object.
            List <CompAffectVision> compsAffectVision = mapCompSeenFog.compAffectVisionGrid[(position.z * mapSizeX) + position.x];
            int compsCount = compsAffectVision.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < compsCount; i++)
                sightRange *= compsAffectVision[i].Props.fovMultiplier;

            // Additional dark and weather debuff.
            if (!isMechanoid)
                float currGlow = glowGrid.GameGlowAt(position);
                if (currGlow != 1f)
                    float darkModifier = 0.6f;
                    // Each bionic eye reduce the dark debuff by 20.
                    int hediffsCount = hediffs.Count;
                    for (int i = 0; i < hediffsCount; i++)
                        if (hediffs[i].def == HediffDefOf.BionicEye)
                            darkModifier += 0.2f;

                    // Apply only if to debuff.
                    if (darkModifier < 1f)
                        // Adjusted to glow (100% full light - 60% dark).
                        sightRange *= Mathf.Lerp(darkModifier, 1f, currGlow);

                if (!roofGrid.Roofed(position.x, position.z))
                    float weatherFactor = weatherManager.CurWeatherAccuracyMultiplier;
                    if (weatherFactor != 1f)
                        // Weather factor is applied by half.
                        sightRange *= Mathf.Lerp(0.5f, 1f, weatherFactor);

            // Mininum sight.
            if (sightRange < 1f)

コード例 #2
 private bool lightEnough(IntVec3 position)
     return(glowGrid.GameGlowAt(position) >= RealFoWModSettings.minimumLightLevel);