コード例 #1
 public void Initialise(BuildingGenerator bg)
     gridGenerator     = bg.gridGenerator;
     edgelength        = gridGenerator.cellSize;
     generationAllowed = true;   //Temporary
     cellCollider      = gridGenerator.getCellCollider();
     mainCam           = Camera.main;
     camTransform      = mainCam.gameObject.transform;
     groundCursor      = GlobalInformation.groundCursor.transform;
     viewDistance      = GlobalInformation.viewDistance;
     buildingGenerator = bg;
     localSeed         = GlobalInformation.hash((int)transform.position.x ^ GlobalInformation.hash(GlobalInformation.worldSeed ^ (int)transform.position.z));
     initialised       = true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: GridGenerator.cs プロジェクト: s4safeld/RealCityGen
    void Start()
        Random.InitState(GlobalInformation.hash(GlobalInformation.worldSeed ^ gameObject.name.GetHashCode()));
        PerlinOffset = Random.Range(0, 100);

        cubeRotation       = transform.rotation;
        transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;

        cellCollider = new GameObject();
        generators   = GetComponentsInChildren <BuildingGenerator>();
        ArrayList obstacles = new ArrayList();

        foreach (Collider col in FindObjectsOfType <Collider>())
            if (!col.CompareTag("ignore"))
                Debug.Log(col.name + " is added to obstacles by " + name);
        //compute cellSize by computing maximum building dimensions
        if (automaticCellsize)
            float biggestSize = 0;
            foreach (BuildingGenerator generator in generators)
                foreach (buildingStep step in generator.steps)
                    if (step.isPolygon)
                        if (biggestSize < step.maxRadius * 2)
                            Debug.Log("step.maxRadius * 2 = " + step.maxRadius * 2);
                            biggestSize = step.maxRadius * 2;
                        if (biggestSize < Mathf.Sqrt(step.maxWidth * step.maxWidth + step.maxLength * step.maxLength) * 2)
                            Debug.Log(String.Format("Mathf.Sqrt({0}*{0}+{1}*{1}) = {2})*2", step.maxWidth, step.maxLength, Mathf.Sqrt(step.maxWidth * step.maxWidth + step.maxLength * step.maxLength) * 2));
                            biggestSize = Mathf.Sqrt(step.maxWidth * step.maxWidth + step.maxLength * step.maxLength) * 2;
            cellSize = Mathf.CeilToInt(biggestSize) + roadWidth / 4;

        areaLength = GlobalInformation.get2DBounds(gameObject).x;
        areaWidth  = GlobalInformation.get2DBounds(gameObject).y;
        //Generate cellgrid
        GameObject cellGridParent = new GameObject();

        cellGridParent.name             = "CellGrid" + name;
        cellGridParent.transform.parent = transform;
        cellGrid = generateCellGrid(cellGridParent.transform);
        //Generate streetGrid
        GameObject streetGridParent = new GameObject();

        streetGridParent.name             = "StreetGrid" + name;
        streetGridParent.transform.parent = transform;
        streetGrid = generateStreetGrid(streetGridParent.transform);
        //Delete Grid where Obstacles are found
        foreach (Collider col in obstacles)
            RaycastHit hit;
            Ray        ray;
            foreach (Transform obj in streetGridParent.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>())
                //Check if obj is within obstacle
                    Vector3 offset = col.bounds.center - obj.position;
                    ray = new Ray(obj.position, offset.normalized);
                    if (!col.Raycast(ray, out hit, offset.magnitude * 1.1f))
                        Debug.Log(obj.name + "will be destroyed");
                } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogWarning(e); }
            foreach (Transform obj in cellGridParent.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>())
                //Check if obj is within obstacle
                    Vector3 offset = col.bounds.center - obj.position;
                    ray = new Ray(obj.position, offset.normalized);
                    if (!col.Raycast(ray, out hit, offset.magnitude * 1.1f))
                        Debug.Log(obj.name + "will be destroyed");
                } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogWarning(e); }

        foreach (Collider col in GetComponentsInChildren <Collider>())
            col.gameObject.tag = "ignore";

        gameObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().enabled = false;
        transform.rotation = cubeRotation;
コード例 #3
ファイル: GridGenerator.cs プロジェクト: s4safeld/RealCityGen
    Node[,] generateStreetGrid(Transform parent)
        //Lay out grid of nodes
        Node[,] grid = new Node[(int)areaLength / cellSize, (int)areaWidth / cellSize];
        for (int i = 0; i < grid.GetLength(0); i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < grid.GetLength(1); j++)
                grid[i, j] = new Node(new Vector3(
                                          cellGrid[i, j].transform.position.x + cellSize / 2,
                                          cellGrid[i, j].transform.position.z + cellSize / 2

        Random.InitState(GlobalInformation.hash(GlobalInformation.worldSeed ^ gameObject.name.GetHashCode()));

        //Instantiate street Grid in random fashion---------
        for (int i = 0; i < (int)areaLength / cellSize; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < (int)areaWidth / cellSize; j++)
                //Instantiate street to the west
                if (Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f) > streetDensity)
                    GameObject streetWest = Instantiate(street, new Vector3(grid[i, j].position.x, 0.1f, grid[i, j].position.z - cellSize / 2), street.transform.rotation);
                    streetWest.AddComponent <Street>();
                    streetWest.name             = "Street_x=" + grid[i, j].position.x + ", z=" + (grid[i, j].position.z - cellSize / 2);
                    streetWest.transform.parent = parent;
                    grid[i, j].roadEast         = true;
                    try { grid[i, j - 1].roadWest = true; } catch (Exception) { }
                //Instantiate street to the south
                if (Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f) > streetDensity)
                    GameObject streetSouth = Instantiate(street, new Vector3(grid[i, j].position.x - cellSize / 2, 0.1f, grid[i, j].position.z), street.transform.rotation);
                    streetSouth.AddComponent <Street>();
                    streetSouth.name             = "Street_x=" + (grid[i, j].position.x - cellSize / 2) + ", z=" + grid[i, j].position.z;
                    streetSouth.transform.parent = parent;
                    streetSouth.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 90, 0));
                    grid[i, j].roadSouth = true;
                    try { grid[i - 1, j].roadNorth = true; } catch (Exception) { }

        //Connect the streets--------------------------------
        GameObject con = new GameObject();

        foreach (Node n in grid)
            if (n.roadNorth && n.roadSouth && n.roadEast && n.roadWest)     //crossroad
                con = crossRoad(n);
            if (!n.roadNorth && n.roadSouth && n.roadEast && n.roadWest)    //T-junction w/o North
                con = tJunction(n);
            if (n.roadNorth && n.roadSouth && !n.roadEast && n.roadWest)    //T-junction w/o East
                con = tJunction(n);
            if (n.roadNorth && !n.roadSouth && n.roadEast && n.roadWest)    //T-junction w/o South
                con = tJunction(n);
            if (n.roadNorth && n.roadSouth && n.roadEast && !n.roadWest)    //T-junction w/o West
                con = tJunction(n);
            if (!n.roadNorth && !n.roadSouth && n.roadEast && n.roadWest)   //Connect 2 horizontal streets
                con = connectHorizontal(n);
            if (n.roadNorth && n.roadSouth && !n.roadEast && !n.roadWest)   //Connect 2 vertical streets
                con = connectVertical(n);
            if (n.roadNorth && !n.roadSouth && n.roadEast && !n.roadWest)   //Corner N/E
                con = corner(n);
            if (!n.roadNorth && n.roadSouth && n.roadEast && !n.roadWest)   //Corner E/S
                con = corner(n);
            if (!n.roadNorth && n.roadSouth && !n.roadEast && n.roadWest)   //Corner S/W
                con = corner(n);
            if (n.roadNorth && !n.roadSouth && !n.roadEast && n.roadWest)    //Corner W/N
                con = corner(n);
            if (n.roadNorth && !n.roadSouth && !n.roadEast && !n.roadWest)  //end N
                con = end(n);
            if (!n.roadNorth && !n.roadSouth && n.roadEast && !n.roadWest)  //end E
                con = end(n);
            if (!n.roadNorth && n.roadSouth && !n.roadEast && !n.roadWest)  //end S
                con = end(n);
            if (!n.roadNorth && !n.roadSouth && !n.roadEast && n.roadWest)  //end W
                con = end(n);

            //If node has got a gameobject
            try { con.GetComponent <Street>().setNode(n); n.inheritor = con; } catch (Exception) { }

            //add connection to street parent
            con.transform.parent = parent;

        //Set height of all streets------------------------------
        float spawnHeight = 0;

        foreach (Node n in grid)
            int  i     = 0;
            bool found = false;
            //Get height of terrain at every node
            while (!found)
                RaycastHit hit;
                if (Physics.Raycast(new Vector3(n.position.x, i, n.position.z), transform.TransformDirection(-Vector3.up), out hit))
                    if (hit.collider.gameObject == GlobalInformation.terrain)
                        if (hit.point.y > spawnHeight)
                            spawnHeight = hit.point.y + 0.1f;
                        found = true;
                if (i > 100)
                    Debug.LogError("Something is wrong, is there terrain?");
                    found = true;
        foreach (Transform child in parent.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>())
            if (child.GetComponent <Street>())
                child.position = new Vector3(child.position.x, spawnHeight + 0.1f, child.position.z);
