コード例 #1
        public unsafe void Execute()
            for (int chunk = 0; chunk < spawnChunks.Length; ++chunk)
                var entities   = spawnChunks[chunk].GetNativeArray(entityType);
                int ghostType  = serializers.FindSerializer(spawnChunks[chunk].Archetype);
                var ghostState = (GhostSystemStateComponent *)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(
                    UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <GhostSystemStateComponent>() * entities.Length,
                    UnsafeUtility.AlignOf <GhostSystemStateComponent>(), Allocator.TempJob);
                for (var ent = 0; ent < entities.Length; ++ent)
                    int newId;
                    if (!freeGhostIds.TryDequeue(out newId))
                        newId = allocatedGhostIds[0];
                        allocatedGhostIds[0] = newId + 1;

                    ghostState[ent] = new GhostSystemStateComponent {
                        ghostId = newId, ghostTypeIndex = ghostType, despawnTick = 0

                    // This runs after simulation. If an entity is created in the begin barrier and destroyed before this
                    // runs there can be errors. To get around those we add the ghost system state component before everything
                    // using the begin barrier, and set the value here
                    commandBuffer.SetComponent(entities[ent], ghostState[ent]);

                var pc = new PrioChunk
                    chunk      = spawnChunks[chunk],
                    ghostState = ghostState,
                    priority   = serializers.CalculateImportance(ghostType,
                                                                 spawnChunks[chunk]), // Age is always 1 for new chunks
                    startIndex = 0,
                    ghostType  = ghostType
コード例 #2
    protected override unsafe void OnUpdate()
        var preSpawnsAlreadyProcessed = EntityManager.CreateEntityQuery(ComponentType.ReadOnly <PreSpawnsInitialized>())

        if (preSpawnsAlreadyProcessed > 0)
            // Check if an uninitialized scene has appeared with no ghosts present inside, then just mark it as initialized and continue
            var prespawns = m_Prespawns.ToEntityArray(Allocator.TempJob);
            var newScenes = m_UninitializedScenes.ToEntityArray(Allocator.TempJob);
            for (int j = 0; j < newScenes.Length; ++j)
                for (int i = 0; i < prespawns.Length; ++i)
                    var scenes      = EntityManager.GetSharedComponentData <SceneSection>(prespawns[i]);
                    var sceneSystem = World.GetExistingSystem <SceneSystem>();
                    var sceneEntity = sceneSystem.GetSceneEntity(scenes.SceneGUID);
                    if (sceneEntity == newScenes[j])
                        UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("[" + World.Name +
                                                   "] Prespawned ghosts have already been initialized, this needs to happen for all subscenes at the same time.");
                EntityManager.AddComponent <PreSpawnsInitialized>(newScenes[j]);

        // Handle the chunk for an entity type, then handle each entity in the chunk (prespawned entities)
        var prespawnChunk   = m_Prespawns.CreateArchetypeChunkArray(Allocator.TempJob);
        var entityType      = GetEntityTypeHandle();
        var preSpawnedIds   = GetComponentDataFromEntity <PreSpawnedGhostId>();
        var subsceneMap     = new NativeMultiHashMap <ulong, Entity>(32, Allocator.Temp);
        var subscenePadding = new NativeHashMap <ulong, int>(32, Allocator.Temp);
        var ghostComponents = GetComponentDataFromEntity <GhostComponent>();

        // Put all known subscene hashes tracked by the prespawned ghosts into a map for sorting
        for (int i = 0; i < prespawnChunk.Length; ++i)
            var chunk    = prespawnChunk[i];
            var entities = chunk.GetNativeArray(entityType);
            for (int j = 0; j < entities.Length; ++j)
                var entity       = entities[j];
                var subsceneHash = EntityManager.GetSharedComponentData <SubSceneGhostComponentHash>(entity).Value;
                subsceneMap.Add(subsceneHash, entity);

        var subsceneArray = subsceneMap.GetUniqueKeyArray(Allocator.Temp);

        // Figure out scene id padding or how many IDs were used by the previous scenes in the sorted list, continue
        // where it left off so each ghost in a scene starts of at the ID+1 of last ghost in the previous scene
        var scenePadding = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < subsceneArray.Item2; ++i)
            subscenePadding.Add(subsceneArray.Item1[i], scenePadding);
            scenePadding += subsceneMap.CountValuesForKey(subsceneArray.Item1[i]);

        var PostUpdateCommands          = new EntityCommandBuffer(Allocator.Temp);
        var serverSystems               = World.GetExistingSystem <ServerSimulationSystemGroup>();
        var ghostTypes                  = GetComponentDataFromEntity <GhostTypeComponent>();
        var ghostPrefabBufferFromEntity = GetBufferFromEntity <GhostPrefabBuffer>(true);
        var prefabEntity                = GetSingletonEntity <GhostPrefabCollectionComponent>();
        var ghostReceiveSystem          = World.GetExistingSystem <GhostReceiveSystem>();
        var ghostSendSystem             = World.GetExistingSystem <GhostSendSystem>();
        var ghostCollectionSystem       = World.GetExistingSystem <GhostCollectionSystem>();
        DynamicBuffer <GhostPrefabBuffer> prefabList = ghostPrefabBufferFromEntity[prefabEntity];
        int highestPrespawnId = -1;
        var spawnedGhosts     = new NativeList <SpawnedGhostMapping>(1024, Allocator.Temp);

        for (int i = 0; i < prespawnChunk.Length; ++i)
            var chunk    = prespawnChunk[i];
            var entities = chunk.GetNativeArray(entityType);

            for (int j = 0; j < entities.Length; ++j)
                var entity = entities[j];

                var ghostTypeComponent = ghostTypes[entity];
                int ghostType;
                for (ghostType = 0; ghostType < prefabList.Length; ++ghostType)
                    if (ghostTypes[prefabList[ghostType].Value] == ghostTypeComponent)
                if (ghostType >= prefabList.Length)
                    UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("Failed to look up ghost type for entity");

                // Check if this entity has already been handled
                if (ghostComponents[entity].ghostId != 0)
                    UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning(entity + " already has ghostId=" + ghostComponents[entity].ghostId + " prespawn=" + preSpawnedIds[entity].Value);

                // Modfy the entity to its proper version
                if (EntityManager.HasComponent <GhostPrefabMetaDataComponent>(prefabList[ghostType].Value))
                    ref var ghostMetaData = ref EntityManager.GetComponentData <GhostPrefabMetaDataComponent>(prefabList[ghostType].Value).Value.Value;
                    if (serverSystems != null)
                        for (int rm = 0; rm < ghostMetaData.RemoveOnServer.Length; ++rm)
                            var rmCompType = ComponentType.ReadWrite(TypeManager.GetTypeIndexFromStableTypeHash(ghostMetaData.RemoveOnServer[rm]));
                            PostUpdateCommands.RemoveComponent(entity, rmCompType);
                        for (int rm = 0; rm < ghostMetaData.RemoveOnClient.Length; ++rm)
                            var rmCompType = ComponentType.ReadWrite(TypeManager.GetTypeIndexFromStableTypeHash(ghostMetaData.RemoveOnClient[rm]));
                            PostUpdateCommands.RemoveComponent(entity, rmCompType);
                        // FIXME: should disable instead of removing once we have a way of doing that without structural changes
                        if (ghostMetaData.DefaultMode == GhostPrefabMetaData.GhostMode.Predicted)
                            for (int rm = 0; rm < ghostMetaData.DisableOnPredictedClient.Length; ++rm)
                                var rmCompType = ComponentType.ReadWrite(TypeManager.GetTypeIndexFromStableTypeHash(ghostMetaData.DisableOnPredictedClient[rm]));
                                PostUpdateCommands.RemoveComponent(entity, rmCompType);
                        else if (ghostMetaData.DefaultMode == GhostPrefabMetaData.GhostMode.Interpolated)
                            for (int rm = 0; rm < ghostMetaData.DisableOnInterpolatedClient.Length; ++rm)
                                var rmCompType = ComponentType.ReadWrite(TypeManager.GetTypeIndexFromStableTypeHash(ghostMetaData.DisableOnInterpolatedClient[rm]));
                                PostUpdateCommands.RemoveComponent(entity, rmCompType);

                var subsceneHash = EntityManager.GetSharedComponentData <SubSceneGhostComponentHash>(entity).Value;
                var newId        = preSpawnedIds[entity].Value + subscenePadding[subsceneHash];
                if (newId > highestPrespawnId)
                    highestPrespawnId = newId;

                // If on a server we need to allocate the ghost ID for the pre-spawned entity so runtime spawns
                // will happen from the right start index
                if (serverSystems != null)
                    spawnedGhosts.Add(new SpawnedGhostMapping {
                        ghost = new SpawnedGhost {
                            ghostId = newId, spawnTick = 0
                        }, entity = entity
                    var ghostSystemStateComponent = new GhostSystemStateComponent
                        ghostId = newId, despawnTick = 0, spawnTick = 0
                    PostUpdateCommands.AddComponent(entity, ghostSystemStateComponent);
                else if (ghostReceiveSystem != null)
                    var snapshotSize = ghostCollectionSystem.m_GhostTypeCollection[ghostType].SnapshotSize;
                    spawnedGhosts.Add(new SpawnedGhostMapping {
                        ghost = new SpawnedGhost {
                            ghostId = newId, spawnTick = 0
                        }, entity = entity
                    var newBuffer = PostUpdateCommands.SetBuffer <SnapshotDataBuffer>(entity);
                    newBuffer.ResizeUninitialized(snapshotSize * GhostSystemConstants.SnapshotHistorySize);
                    UnsafeUtility.MemClear(newBuffer.GetUnsafePtr(), snapshotSize * GhostSystemConstants.SnapshotHistorySize);
                    PostUpdateCommands.SetComponent(entity, new SnapshotData {
                        SnapshotSize = snapshotSize, LatestIndex = 0

                // Pre-spawned uses spawnTick = 0, if there is a reference to a ghost and it has spawnTick 0 the ref is always resolved
                // This works because there despawns are high priority and we never create pre-spawned ghosts after connection
                var ghostComponent = new GhostComponent {
                    ghostId = newId, ghostType = ghostType, spawnTick = 0
                PostUpdateCommands.SetComponent(entity, ghostComponent);

                // Mark scene as processed, as whole scene will have been loaded when this entity appeared
                var sceneSection = EntityManager.GetSharedComponentData <SceneSection>(entity);
                var sceneSystem  = World.GetExistingSystem <SceneSystem>();
                var sceneEntity  = sceneSystem.GetSceneEntity(sceneSection.SceneGUID);
                PostUpdateCommands.AddComponent <PreSpawnsInitialized>(sceneEntity);