コード例 #1
  * <summary>This method removes a subject at a particular index position, inside the Student object.</summary>
  * <param name="i">The index where the subject is to be removed from.</param>
  * <example>
  * <code>Student sd = new Student("2608", "Bradley", "Wiley", 13, "Bronze");
  * sd.AddSubjectToStudent(new Subject("FRE3", "French", "B", "A"));
  * sd.AddSubjectToStudent(new Subject("CHM3", "Chemistry", "A*", "A"));
  * sd.AddSubjectToStudent(new Subject("ENG3", "English", "C", "B"));
  * sd.RemoveSubject(2);</code>
  * The subject at index position 2 (English) will be removed.</example>
 public void RemoveSubject(int i)
     if (0 <= i && i < GetSubjects.Count)
コード例 #2
         * <summary>This method overrides the default 'ToString()' representation of the Student class.</summary>
         * <example>
         * <code>Student sd = new Student("7142", "Ralph", "Dibney", 11, "Silver");
         * sd.ToString();</code></example>
         * <returns>The string representation of the Student object.</returns>
        public override string ToString()
            string subjects = "";

            GetSubjects.ForEach(_ => { subjects += _.ToString() + "\n"; });

            return("\nID: #" + GetStudentID + "\nForename: " + GetForename + "\nSurname: " + GetSurname + "\nYear: " + GetYear + "\nClass: " + GetClassName
                   + "\nSubjects:" + HelperMethods.DynamicSeparator("Subjects:", "+") + "\n" + subjects.Trim() + "\n");
コード例 #3
         * <summary>This method removes any duplicate subjects inside the Student object.</summary>
         * <example>
         * <code>Student sd = new Student("5001", "Tom", "Curry", 10, "Purple");
         * sd.AddSubjectToStudent(new Subject("GEO3", "Geography", "A", "B"));
         * sd.AddSubjectToStudent(new Subject("HIS3", "History", "B", "A*"));
         * sd.AddSubjectToStudent(new Subject("GEO3", "Geography", "A", "B"));
         * sd.RemoveDuplicateSubjects();</code>
         * The second occurence of 'Geography' will be removed as it already exists once.
         * </example>
        public void RemoveDuplicateSubjects()
            for (int i = 0; i < GetSubjects.Count; i++)
                for (int j = i + 1; j < GetSubjects.Count; j++)
                    if (GetSubject(i).GetSubjectID == GetSubject(j).GetSubjectID)

            GetSubjects.Sort(); // Sorts the subjects inside GetSubjects into a natural order.
コード例 #4
        public async Task <object> Get(GetSubjects request)
            Expression <Func <Subject, bool> > filter = null;

            if (!request.Name.IsNullOrEmpty())
                filter = x => x.Name.Contains(request.Name);

            var subjectEntities = await _subjectService.GetAll(filter : filter);

            var dtos = subjectEntities.ToList().ConvertAll(x => x.ConvertTo <SubjectDto>());

                Success = true,
                StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK,
                Results = dtos,
                ItemCount = dtos.Count
コード例 #5
        // Methods.

         * <summary>This method stores a valid Subject object into the Student object.</summary>
         * <param name="s">Subject object to be added to the student.</param>
         * <example>
         * <code>Student sd = new Student("0021", "Jane", "Harper", 12, "Navy");
         * sd.AddSubjectToStudent(new Subject("PSY4", "Psychology", "C", "A"));</code>
         * A new subject has been added to 'sd'.</example>
        public void AddSubjectToStudent(Subject s)
            if (s != null)
                if (GetSubjects.Count + 1 > ImportMethods.CheckNoSubjectsForYear(GetYear))
                    // Throws an exception if there will be an invalid number of subjects for a student (dependent on the year).
                    throw new ArgumentException("Invalid number of subjects for Year: " + GetYear + " student!");
                    // Throws an exception if the subject already exists within the Student object.
                    GetSubjects.ForEach(subject => { if (subject.GetSubjectID == s.GetSubjectID)
                                                         throw new ArgumentException("Subject already exists!");

コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a List of all Subjects
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="List{Subject}"/> of all returned Subjects.</returns>
        public async Task <List <Subject> > GetSubjects()
            //Get the JSON
            GetSubjects subjects = new GetSubjects();

            //Send and receive JSON from WebUntis
            string requestJson  = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(subjects);
            string responseJson = await SendJsonAndWait(requestJson, _url, SessionId);

            //Parse JSON to Class
            SubjectsResult result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SubjectsResult>(responseJson);

            string errorMsg = wus.LastError.Message;

            if (!SuppressErrors && errorMsg != null)
                Logger.Append(Logger.LogLevel.Error, errorMsg);
                throw new WebUntisException(errorMsg);

            //Return all the Subjects
            return(new List <Subject>(result.result));
コード例 #7
         * <summary>This method retrieves the total number of subjects that the Student exceeds, meets or falls belows their expected grades.</summary>
         * <param name="type"></param>
         * <example>
         * <code>Student sd = new Student("3650", "Oliver", "Ricardo", 9, "Copper");
         * sd.AddSubjectToStudent(new Subject("MAT3", "Mathematics", "A*", "B"));
         * sd.AddSubjectToStudent(new Subject("BIO3", "Biology", "B", "B"));
         * sd.AddSubjectToStudent(new Subject("CHM3", "Chemistry", "A", "B"));
         * sd.AddSubjectToStudent(new Subject("PHY3", "Physics", "C", "B"));
         * sd.AddSubjectToStudent(new Subject("ENG3", "English", "B", "A"));</code>
         * </example>
         * <example>
         * <code>sd.GetTargetCount("above");</code>
         * This will return '2'.</example>
         * <example>
         * <code>sd.GetTargetCount("equal");</code>
         * This will return '1'.</example>
         * <example>
         * <code>sd.GetTargetCount("below");</code>
         * This will return '2'.</example>
         * <returns>The total number of subjects that satisfy the 'type' string parameter are returned.</returns>
        public int GetTargetCount(string type)
            int count = 0;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(type))
                if (type == "above")
                    count = GetSubjects.Where(_ => !_.GetExpectedGrade.Contains("*") &&
                                              (_.GetActualGrade.Contains("*") || _.GetActualGrade.CompareTo(_.GetExpectedGrade) == -1)).Count();
                else if (type == "equal")
                    count = GetSubjects.Where(_ => _.GetActualGrade.CompareTo(_.GetExpectedGrade) == 0).Count();
                else if (type == "below")
                    count = GetSubjects.Where(_ => !_.GetActualGrade.Contains("*") &&
                                              (_.GetExpectedGrade.Contains("*") || _.GetActualGrade.CompareTo(_.GetExpectedGrade) == 1)).Count();
