コード例 #1
        public void AllH264ResolutionsTest()
            MediaConfigurationChangeLog changeLog = new MediaConfigurationChangeLog();

                () =>
                _videoForm.CheckActualResolution = true;
                _videoForm.VideoCodecName        = "H264";

                VideoEncoding encodingUnderTest = VideoEncoding.H264;
                GetResolutionsAvailable getResolutionsAvailable = (options) =>

                AllResolutionsTest(changeLog, encodingUnderTest,
                () =>
                    _videoForm.CheckActualResolution = false;
コード例 #2
        public void VideoEncoderConfigurationsJPEGResolutionTest()
            MediaConfigurationChangeLog changeLog = new MediaConfigurationChangeLog();

                () =>
                _videoForm.CheckActualResolution = true;
                _videoForm.VideoCodecName        = "JPEG";

                VideoEncoding encodingUnderTest = VideoEncoding.JPEG;
                GetResolutionsAvailable getResolutionsAvailable = (options) =>

                ResolutionTest(changeLog, encodingUnderTest,
                               (options) => { return(options.JPEG.ResolutionsAvailable); });
                () =>
                    _videoForm.CheckActualResolution = false;
コード例 #3
        protected void ResolutionTest(
            MediaConfigurationChangeLog changeLog,
            VideoEncoding encodingUnderTest,
            GetResolutionsAvailable getResolutionsAvailable)
            //3.	ONVIF Client invokes GetVideoEncoderConfigurationsRequest message to retrieve
            // video configuration list.
            //4.	Verify the GetVideoEncoderConfigurationsResponse message.

            VideoEncoderConfiguration[] encoderConfigurations = GetVideoEncoderConfigurations();
            bool NoProfilesForEncoding = true;

            List <VideoEncoderConfiguration> selectedConfigs = null;
            var WhereRes = encoderConfigurations.Where(C => C.Encoding == encodingUnderTest);

            if (WhereRes != null)
                selectedConfigs = WhereRes.ToList();
            if (selectedConfigs == null || selectedConfigs.Count == 0)
                LogTestEvent("There are no VideoEncoderConfiguration ready for selected encoder type - will try to reconfigure (if this may fail - please pre-configure before making tests)." + Environment.NewLine);
                selectedConfigs = encoderConfigurations.ToList();
            selectedConfigs = MediaTestUtils.SelectConfigurations(selectedConfigs);

            var configGroups = encoderConfigurations.Where(e => !selectedConfigs.Contains(e)).Select(e => new List <VideoEncoderConfiguration>()

            configGroups.Insert(0, selectedConfigs);

            //Try to perform steps for selected profiles.
            //In case of fail for all selected profiles try to perform steps for each another profile until first success.
            foreach (var configGroup in configGroups)
                foreach (VideoEncoderConfiguration encoderConfig in configGroup)
                    //5.	Find or create media profile with Video Source Configuration and Video Encoder
                    // Configuration with token VECToken1 and supporting of JPEG encoding, where VECToken1
                    // is first video encoder configuration token from GetVideoEncoderConfigurationsResponse
                    // message (see Annex A.8). If it is not possible skip steps 6-61 and go to the step 62.

                    Profile profile = GetProfileForSpecificConfigurationAndCodec(encoderConfig.token, encodingUnderTest, changeLog);

                    if (profile == null)
                    NoProfilesForEncoding = false;

                    //6.	ONVIF Client invokes GetVideoEncoderConfigurationOptionsRequest message
                    // (ProfileToken = “Profile1”, where “Profile1” is profile token from the step 5)
                    // to get video encoder configuration options.
                    //7.	Verify the GetVideoEncoderConfigurationOptionsResponse message from the DUT.

                    VideoEncoderConfigurationOptions options = GetVideoEncoderConfigurationOptions(null, profile.token);

                    Assert(CheckVideoSupport(options, encodingUnderTest),
                           string.Format("{0} encoding is not compatible with current configurations",
                           string.Format("Validate {0} options",

                    VideoResolution highest = null;
                    VideoResolution lowest  = null;
                    VideoResolution median  = null;

                    FindResolutions(getResolutionsAvailable(options), out highest, out lowest, out median);

                    //8.	ONVIF Client invokes SetVideoEncoderConfigurationRequest message
                    // (ConfigurationToken = VECToken1, Resolution = [Width1, Height1], Encoding = JPEG,
                    // where [Width1, Height1] is maximum resolution from the Options.JPEG.ResolutionsAvailable)
                    // to change video encoder configuration.

                    VideoEncoderConfiguration unchanged = Utils.CopyMaker.CreateCopy(encoderConfig);

                    encoderConfig.Encoding   = encodingUnderTest;
                    encoderConfig.Resolution = highest;

                    AdjustVideoEncoderConfiguration(encodingUnderTest, encoderConfig, options);
                    switch (encodingUnderTest)
                    case VideoEncoding.MPEG4:
                        AdjustMpeg4VideoEncoderConfiguration(encoderConfig, options, false);

                    case VideoEncoding.H264:
                        AdjustH264VideoEncoderConfiguration(encoderConfig, options, false);

                    SetVideoEncoderConfiguration(encoderConfig, false);

                    //9.	Verify the SetVideoEncoderConfigurationResponse message from the DUT.


                    //10.	ONVIF Client invokes GetVideoEncoderConfigurationRequest message
                    // (ConfigurationToken = VECToken1) to get video encoder configuration.
                    //11.	Verify the GetVideoEncoderConfigurationResponse message (ConfigurationToken =
                    // VECToken1, Resolution = [Width1, Height1], Encoding = JPEG) from the DUT. Check
                    // that new setting for Resolution and Encoding was applied.

                    VideoEncoderConfiguration actual = GetVideoEncoderConfiguration(unchanged.token);

                    string reason = string.Empty;
                    // check encoding and resolutions
                    bool ok = ConfigurationValid(actual, encodingUnderTest, highest, out reason);
                    Assert(ok, reason, "Check that the DUT accepted values passed");

                    //12.	ONVIF Client invokes GetStreamUriRequest message (Profile Token, RTP-Unicast,
                    // UDP transport) to retrieve media stream URI for the selected media profile.
                    //13.	DUT sends RTSP URI and parameters defining the lifetime of the URI like
                    // ValidUntilConnect, ValidUntilReboot and Timeout in the GetStreamUriResponse message.
                    StreamSetup streamSetup = new StreamSetup();
                    streamSetup.Transport          = new Transport();
                    streamSetup.Transport.Protocol = TransportProtocol.UDP;
                    streamSetup.Stream             = StreamType.RTPUnicast;

                    MediaUri streamUri = GetStreamUri(streamSetup, profile.token);

                    //14.	ONVIF Client verifies the RTSP media stream URI provided by the DUT.
                    //15.	ONVIF Client invokes RTSP DESCRIBE request.
                    //16.	DUT sends 200 OK message and SDP information.
                    //17.	 ONVIF Client invokes RTSP SETUP request with transport parameter as RTP/UDP.
                    //18.	DUT sends 200 OK message and the media stream information.
                    //19.	ONVIF Client invokes RTSP PLAY request.
                    //20.	DUT sends 200 OK message and starts media streaming.
                    //21.	DUT sends JPEG RTP media stream to ONVIF Client over UDP. Verify that stream
                    // has JPEG encoding and [Width1, Height1] resolution.
                    //22.	DUT sends RTCP sender report to ONVIF Client.
                    //23.	DUT validates the received RTP and RTCP packets, decodes and renders them.
                    //24.	ONVIF Client invokes RTSP TEARDOWN control request at the end of media
                    // streaming to terminate the RTSP session.
                    //25.	DUT sends 200 OK Response and terminates the RTSP Session.
                    //TestTool.Tests.Common.Media.VideoUtils.AdjustVideo(_videoForm, _username, _password, _messageTimeout,
                    //                                                   streamSetup.Transport.Protocol,
                    //                                                   streamSetup.Stream, streamUri, encoderConfig);
                    //ValidateStreamSequence(false, true);
                    DoSequence(encoderConfig, streamUri);

                    //26.	ONVIF Client invokes SetVideoEncoderConfigurationRequest message
                    // (ConfigurationToken = VECToken1, Resolution = [Width1, Height1], Encoding = JPEG,
                    // where [Width2, Height2] is minimum resolution from the Options.JPEG.ResolutionsAvailable) to change video encoder configuration.
                    //27.	Verify the SetVideoEncoderConfigurationResponse message from the DUT.
                    encoderConfig.Encoding   = encodingUnderTest;
                    encoderConfig.Resolution = lowest;

                    AdjustVideoEncoderConfiguration(encodingUnderTest, encoderConfig, options);

                    SetVideoEncoderConfiguration(encoderConfig, false);

                    //28.	ONVIF Client invokes GetVideoEncoderConfigurationRequest message
                    // (ConfigurationToken = VECToken1) to get video encoder configuration.
                    //29.	Verify the GetVideoEncoderConfigurationResponse message (ConfigurationToken =
                    // VECToken1, Resolution = [Width2, Height2], Encoding = JPEG, where [Width2, Height2]) from the DUT. Check that new setting for Resolution and Encoding was applied.
                    actual = GetVideoEncoderConfiguration(unchanged.token);
                    ok     = ConfigurationValid(actual, encodingUnderTest, lowest, out reason);
                    Assert(ok, reason, "Check that the DUT accepted values passed");

                    //30.	ONVIF Client invokes GetStreamUriRequest message (Profile Token, RTP-Unicast,
                    // UDP transport) to retrieve media stream URI for the selected media profile.
                    //31.	DUT sends RTSP URI and parameters defining the lifetime of the URI like ValidUntilConnect, ValidUntilReboot and Timeout in the GetStreamUriResponse message.

                    streamUri = GetStreamUri(streamSetup, profile.token);

                    //32.	ONVIF Client verifies the RTSP media stream URI provided by the DUT.
                    //33.	ONVIF Client invokes RTSP DESCRIBE request.
                    //34.	DUT sends 200 OK message and SDP information.
                    //35.	 ONVIF Client invokes RTSP SETUP request with transport parameter as RTP/UDP.
                    //36.	DUT sends 200 OK message and the media stream information.
                    //37.	ONVIF Client invokes RTSP PLAY request.
                    //38.	DUT sends 200 OK message and starts media streaming.
                    //39.	DUT sends JPEG RTP media stream to ONVIF Client over UDP. Verify that stream has JPEG encoding and [Width2, Height2] resolution.
                    //40.	DUT sends RTCP sender report to ONVIF Client.
                    //41.	DUT validates the received RTP and RTCP packets, decodes and renders them.
                    //42.	ONVIF Client invokes RTSP TEARDOWN control request at the end of media streaming to terminate the RTSP session.
                    //43.	DUT sends 200 OK Response and terminates the RTSP Session.
                    //TestTool.Tests.Common.Media.VideoUtils.AdjustVideo(_videoForm, _username, _password, _messageTimeout,
                    //                                                   streamSetup.Transport.Protocol,
                    //                                                   streamSetup.Stream, streamUri, encoderConfig);
                    //ValidateStreamSequence(false, true);
                    DoSequence(encoderConfig, streamUri);

                    //44.	ONVIF Client invokes SetVideoEncoderConfigurationRequest message (ConfigurationToken = VECToken1, Resolution = [Width1, Height1], Encoding = JPEG, where [Width3, Height3] is middle resolution from the Options.JPEG.ResolutionsAvailable) to change video encoder configuration.
                    //45.	Verify the SetVideoEncoderConfigurationResponse message from the DUT.
                    encoderConfig.Encoding   = encodingUnderTest;
                    encoderConfig.Resolution = median;

                    AdjustVideoEncoderConfiguration(encodingUnderTest, encoderConfig, options);

                    SetVideoEncoderConfiguration(encoderConfig, false);

                    //46.	ONVIF Client invokes GetVideoEncoderConfigurationRequest message (ConfigurationToken = VECToken1) to get video encoder configuration.
                    //47.	Verify the GetVideoEncoderConfigurationResponse message (ConfigurationToken = VECToken1, Resolution = [Width3, Height3], Encoding = JPEG) from the DUT. Check that new setting for Resolution and Encoding was applied.

                    actual = GetVideoEncoderConfiguration(unchanged.token);
                    ok     = ConfigurationValid(actual, encodingUnderTest, median, out reason);
                    Assert(ok, reason, "Check that the DUT accepted values passed");

                    //48.	ONVIF Client invokes GetStreamUriRequest message (Profile Token, RTP-Unicast, UDP transport) to retrieve media stream URI for the selected media profile.
                    //49.	DUT sends RTSP URI and parameters defining the lifetime of the URI like ValidUntilConnect, ValidUntilReboot and Timeout in the GetStreamUriResponse message.
                    streamUri = GetStreamUri(streamSetup, profile.token);

                    //50.	ONVIF Client verifies the RTSP media stream URI provided by the DUT.
                    //51.	ONVIF Client invokes RTSP DESCRIBE request.
                    //52.	DUT sends 200 OK message and SDP information.
                    //53.	 ONVIF Client invokes RTSP SETUP request with transport parameter as RTP/UDP.
                    //54.	DUT sends 200 OK message and the media stream information.
                    //55.	ONVIF Client invokes RTSP PLAY request.
                    //56.	DUT sends 200 OK message and starts media streaming.
                    //57.	DUT sends JPEG RTP media stream to ONVIF Client over UDP. Verify that stream has JPEG encoding and [Width3, Height3] resolution.
                    //58.	DUT sends RTCP sender report to ONVIF Client.
                    //59.	DUT validates the received RTP and RTCP packets, decodes and renders them.
                    //60.	ONVIF Client invokes RTSP TEARDOWN control request at the end of media streaming to terminate the RTSP session.
                    //61.	DUT sends 200 OK Response and terminates the RTSP Session.
                    //TestTool.Tests.Common.Media.VideoUtils.AdjustVideo(_videoForm, _username, _password, _messageTimeout,
                    //                                                   streamSetup.Transport.Protocol,
                    //                                                   streamSetup.Stream, streamUri, encoderConfig);
                    //ValidateStreamSequence(false, true);
                    DoSequence(encoderConfig, streamUri);

                    //62.	Repeat steps 5-62 for the rest Video Encoder configurations supported by the DUT with using different multicast ports and the same multicast addresses for Video Encoder Configurations.

                if (!NoProfilesForEncoding)

            if (NoProfilesForEncoding)
                RunStep(() =>
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("No profiles for {0}", GetVideoCodecName(encodingUnderTest)));
                }, string.Format("Check if at least one profile were found ({0} not supported?)", GetVideoCodecName(encodingUnderTest)));
コード例 #4
        protected void AllResolutionsTest(MediaConfigurationChangeLog changeLog,
                                          VideoEncoding encodingUnderTest,
                                          GetResolutionsAvailable getResolutionsAvailable)
            //3.	ONVIF Client invokes GetVideoEncoderConfigurationsRequest message to retrieve
            // video configuration list.
            //4.	Verify the GetVideoEncoderConfigurationsResponse message.

            VideoEncoderConfiguration[] encoderConfigurations = GetVideoEncoderConfigurations();
            bool NoProfilesForEncoding = true;

            foreach (VideoEncoderConfiguration encoderConfig in encoderConfigurations)
                //5.	Find or create media profile with Video Source Configuration and
                // Video Encoder Configuration with token VECToken1 and supporting of JPEG encoding,
                // where VECToken1 is first video encoder configuration token from
                // GetVideoEncoderConfigurationsResponse message (see Annex A.14). If it is not possible
                // skip steps 6-26 and go to the step 27.
                Profile profile = GetProfileForSpecificConfigurationAndCodec(
                    encoderConfig.token, encodingUnderTest, changeLog);

                if (profile == null)
                if (NoProfilesForEncoding)
                    NoProfilesForEncoding = false;

                //6.	ONVIF Client invokes GetVideoEncoderConfigurationOptionsRequest message
                // (ProfileToken = “Profile1”, where “Profile1” is profile token from the step 5)
                // to get video encoder configuration options.
                //7.	Verify the GetVideoEncoderConfigurationOptionsResponse message from the DUT.
                VideoEncoderConfigurationOptions options = GetVideoEncoderConfigurationOptions(
                    null, profile.token);

                Assert(CheckVideoSupport(options, encodingUnderTest),
                       string.Format("{0} encoding is not compatible with current configuration",
                       string.Format("Validate {0} options", GetVideoCodecName(encodingUnderTest)));

                VideoResolution[] ResolutionsAvailable = getResolutionsAvailable(options);

                VideoEncoderConfiguration unchanged = Utils.CopyMaker.CreateCopy(encoderConfig);
                bool addToChangeLog = true;

                foreach (VideoResolution resolution in ResolutionsAvailable)
                    //8.	ONVIF Client invokes SetVideoEncoderConfigurationRequest message
                    // (ConfigurationToken = VECToken1, Resolution = [Width1, Height1], Encoding = JPEG,
                    // where [Width1, Height1] is the first resolution
                    // from the Options.JPEG.ResolutionsAvailable) to change video encoder configuration.
                    //9.	Verify the SetVideoEncoderConfigurationResponse message from the DUT.

                    encoderConfig.Encoding   = encodingUnderTest;
                    encoderConfig.Resolution = resolution;

                    AdjustVideoEncoderConfiguration(encodingUnderTest, encoderConfig, options);
                    switch (encodingUnderTest)
                    case VideoEncoding.MPEG4:
                        AdjustMpeg4VideoEncoderConfiguration(encoderConfig, options, false);

                    case VideoEncoding.H264:
                        AdjustH264VideoEncoderConfiguration(encoderConfig, options, false);

                    SetVideoEncoderConfiguration(encoderConfig, false);

                    if (addToChangeLog)
                        addToChangeLog = false;

                    //10.	ONVIF Client invokes GetVideoEncoderConfigurationRequest message
                    // (ConfigurationToken = VECToken1) to get video encoder configuration.
                    //11.	Verify the GetVideoEncoderConfigurationResponse message
                    //(ConfigurationToken = VECToken1, Resolution = [Width1, Height1], Encoding = JPEG)
                    // from the DUT. Check that new setting for Resolution and Encoding was applied.

                    VideoEncoderConfiguration actual = GetVideoEncoderConfiguration(unchanged.token);

                    string reason = string.Empty;
                    // check encoding and resolutions
                    bool ok = ConfigurationValid(actual, encodingUnderTest, resolution, out reason);
                    Assert(ok, reason, "Check that the DUT accepted values passed");

                    //12.	ONVIF Client invokes GetStreamUriRequest message (Profile Token, RTP-Unicast,
                    // UDP transport) to retrieve media stream URI for the selected media profile.
                    //13.	DUT sends RTSP URI and parameters defining the lifetime of the URI like
                    // ValidUntilConnect, ValidUntilReboot and Timeout in the GetStreamUriResponse message.

                    StreamSetup streamSetup = new StreamSetup();
                    streamSetup.Transport          = new Transport();
                    streamSetup.Transport.Protocol = TransportProtocol.UDP;
                    streamSetup.Stream             = StreamType.RTPUnicast;

                    MediaUri streamUri = GetStreamUri(streamSetup, profile.token);

                    //14.	ONVIF Client verifies the RTSP media stream URI provided by the DUT.
                    //15.	ONVIF Client invokes RTSP DESCRIBE request.
                    //16.	DUT sends 200 OK message and SDP information.
                    //17.	 ONVIF Client invokes RTSP SETUP request with transport parameter as RTP/UDP.
                    //18.	DUT sends 200 OK message and the media stream information.
                    //19.	ONVIF Client invokes RTSP PLAY request.
                    //20.	DUT sends 200 OK message and starts media streaming.
                    //21.	DUT sends JPEG RTP media stream to ONVIF Client over UDP. Verify that stream has JPEG encoding and [Width1, Height1] resolution.
                    //22.	DUT sends RTCP sender report to ONVIF Client.
                    //23.	DUT validates the received RTP and RTCP packets, decodes and renders them.
                    //24.	ONVIF Client invokes RTSP TEARDOWN control request at the end of media streaming to terminate the RTSP session.
                    //25.	DUT sends 200 OK Response and terminates the RTSP Session.
                    //TestTool.Tests.Common.Media.VideoUtils.AdjustVideo(_videoForm, _username,
                    //    _password, _messageTimeout, streamSetup.Transport.Protocol, streamSetup.Stream,
                    //    streamUri, encoderConfig);
                    //ValidateStreamSequence(false, true);
                    DoSequence(encoderConfig, streamUri);

            if (NoProfilesForEncoding)
                RunStep(() =>
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("No profiles for {0}", GetVideoCodecName(encodingUnderTest)));
                }, string.Format("Check if at least one profile were found ({0} not supported?)", GetVideoCodecName(encodingUnderTest)));